The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 36: Ling Muchuan IKEA Room


Cover the pot. Lin Su entered the room and stuffed the remaining copper plates into the small box.

It took two hundred copper plates on a trip to the town, which was okay, not too much.

This box contains all the things at home, except for the original owner's set of jewelry, all the family properties are here.

She didn't know where exactly Ling Muchuan hid the jewelry, anyway, she didn't want to use it in a hurry, and didn't plan to ask.

Putting the box away, covering the box, Lin Su sorted out his clothes and came out of the inner room.

He came to the yard with a kettle, and a few chickens were strolling in the yard, and occasionally they made a "chucking..." cry.

The chicken food and water are full, so I filled it up before coming to Ling Muchuan to leave.

I have to say, that guy is IKEA.

Smiled and hung up the courtyard door and walked quickly towards the paddy field. When he came to the ground, looking at Ling Muchuan's back at work, he poured the cold water in the pot he was carrying, and said.

"Dachuan, come over and drink some warm water."

When Ling Muchuan heard the sound, he turned his head and saw her coming back. He quickly put down the pickaxe in his hand and walked over and asked.

"Why did you come back before? Are you tired? Have you eaten?"

Lin Su smiled and poured him a bowl of water, looked at Dai Liang who had been watching them over there, and said.

"Brother Liangzi, sister-in-law is back."

"Ah, that's OK. Are all the eggs sold? How much do you charge for each?" Dai Liang asked.

Just as Lin Su was about to answer, there was a wall of flesh in front of him, and he looked up at him incomprehensibly, blinked and blushed.

This guy is always like this. He doesn't speak and often does some ambiguous actions.

Take a step back, then leaned down to the left, and said.

"The eggs are all sold, and the price is high today, one for five copper plates."

"Five? So many?" Not only Dai Liang exclaimed, but his brothers and Dad were surprised.

Lin Su nodded hurriedly, and continued to talk with Ling Muchuan's arm.

"That's five. It seems that I heard that the big families in Yongming Town and Luming Town were stolen, and then the Zhao family was afraid, and they ordered the following people not to deduct money from the eggs."

"Oh, it's the grand thief and them here. Ouch, the grand thief has finally come to our Jiaohe County." Dad said hurriedly.

Put your hands together, and inexplicably goodbye.

Lin Su looked funny, but didn't laugh out loud. He looked up at Ling Muchuan and said.

"I bought the soles and uppers. Later, Dai Liang's family will go to our home to teach me. I will make you shoes, and your feet are not good."

When Ling Muchuan, who was originally black-faced, heard this, it suddenly turned to sunny. Reached out and helped her tuck the broken hair on her temples, said.

"Don't worry about making shoes, remember to eat your meal first when you go back."

Want to know, this girl didn't eat. The kettle is new, and the water in the kettle is freshly boiled. She must have come when the water boiled.

Lin Su smiled and nodded when he saw him so careful.

"I bought bones and went back to drink bone soup and eat noodles at night."

"Good." Ling Muchuan had no objection.

If it was before, he would rather eat meat than bones. But since the last time she finished stewing the big bones, he thought the bones were better than the five bones. Although it was hard to chew, it was delicious.

Lin Su didn't talk about the pigs going into the water, and it's not too late to wait until he gets home. That's a big deal, so it needs to be more serious.

Leave the remaining half pot of boiling water for him, pick up another pot, and say.

"I'm going back first. Take a moment to do it, don't get tired."

"Don't worry, go." Ling Muchuan said, and reached out to pat her shoulder.

Lin Su always feels a little deliberate, but can't figure it out

Why did he do this

I didn't bother to think about it, waved at him, and went home with the kettle.

As soon as she entered the house, Dai Liang's wife came over with a basket in her arms. Seeing her so fast, Lin Su smiled and said.

"My sister-in-law comes in and sits in the house. I boil the water, let's drink while doing it."

"Yeah." Dai Liang's wife was not polite, and followed into the house.

This is the first time she has entered Ling Muchuan's home. The small party room looked pretty ordinary from the outside, but it was very tidy up inside.

Quilt frame, box, table, kang...

There are everything, no better than their tea. The only downside is that the room is a bit smaller.

It's enough for two people. What's more important is that the house is very clean, a small window is opened, and the smell of the house is good.

Lin Su put on the Kang table, brought two more bowls of warm water, said.

"Sister-in-law, take off your shoes and sit on the kang. This is warm water. Use a small stove to boil it hot. Turn it on for a while and then pour it."

"No need, come over after drinking at home, not thirsty." After Dai Liang's wife said, she took off her shoes and went to the Kang.

Sitting on the kang, I found out that this kang is different from the one at home, it is a bit soft.

Seeing her surprise, Lin Su opened the mat as if offering treasures and said.

"In the past, Dachuan used to cover the quilt, so I just put it underneath. Otherwise, the sleeping kang is too hard and it's bones."

"Oh, this is great. Our house also has a quilt, so I will put it on when I go back. You don't know, it hurts to sit on the kang for a long time."

When Dai Liang's wife finished speaking, they both smiled tacitly.

There are only two of them in the room, both of them are women.

Dai Liang's wife put the basket she had brought on the table. There are two in total, and the bottom one is taken out and pushed to Lin Su, and said.

"This is for you. I don't think you can have it in your house. Ryoko made it out of rattan. You keep it for work."

"Oh, thank you sister-in-law." Lin Su said as he picked it up, and watched the corners of Xiao Qi's mouth rise.

It was made by hand, she had seen it when she was a child, and there seemed to be one in the house. Later, when I grow up, I can’t see it anymore, and then there are crafts, which are quite expensive!

Dai Liang's wife looked at Lin Su, only thinking that she was deliberately giving face. She smiled and shook her head and said.

"It's not a good thing, just install it in bits and pieces, which is convenient."

Lin Su listened, hugged it in his arms exaggeratedly, and said seriously.

"Good things, what I need is good things."

"Puff--" Dai Liang's wife was amused by her behavior.

Unexpectedly, she would be so funny. After smiling, she handed her the new shoes and said.

"Give this to Chuanzi, don't refuse. You just did it, and your hands are definitely not strong enough. You won't be able to wear it for a few days, and you will lose everything. I will make you the few pairs you bought. You use this to practice your hands. "

With that said, he took out the thousand layers made by himself and handed it to Lin Su.

Lin Xiaoer took it over and watched it. It was exactly the same as the period drama on TV. The sole is mounted with white cloth to form a gebei, which is stacked in layers to form layer by layer.

A rag is a thick piece of rags or old cloth with lining paper glued together layer by layer, and it is mostly used to make cloth shoes, paper boxes, book covers and other things.

"This is made with a garnet, so it will be easier for you to do it. This one is ready, it is light and non-slip, it is warm in winter, and it is not stinky in summer. It is not as strong as this one."

Lin Su hurriedly nodded as he listened to Dai Liang’s wife’s words.


"Thank you Sister-in-law, I got so many good things from Sister-in-law. It's the 笸箩 and the thousand layers of the bottom."

When Dai Liang's daughter-in-law heard this, she waved her hand and said, not daring to take credit.

"Hurry up and eat the meat from Chuanzi. If you thank me, I'm really embarrassed."

"Okay, okay, don't mention the past, let my sister-in-law teach me." Lin Su said with a smile.

Dai Liang's wife nodded, took the screwdriver, tied the twine, and then motioned Lin Su to follow along. Seeing that she was ready, she said while doing it.

"Just like this, pass the twine through and tie a knot like this... Yes, use a little bit of strength. Your strength is too small, and you won't be able to wear it for a few days before you open it. Yes, use strength..."

Dai Liang's wife taught her with all her heart, and Lin Su devoted herself to learning. Except for "strength" and "strength" in my ears, I didn't remember anything.

In fact, it is not difficult to make shoes, but not to be difficult.

Lin Su already knew what to do, but it was slow. Dai Liang's daughter-in-law often does it, and after a while, she has made a shoe.

"Emma, sister-in-law, you are so happy." Lin Su admired from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing her like this, Dai Liang's wife shook her head with a smile and said.

"It's fun? The soles are ready-made, and so are the uppers. It's about threading."

When Lin Su heard this, he suddenly felt very illusory. The shoemaking thing seems to belong to her, it doesn't seem to be an issue.

Well, she still has to learn.

Dai Liang's wife put down the water bowl and continued.

"You just learned, you can do it sooner when you are familiar with it. I made your pair. I will make them for you today, and you will also wear them. After you practice these pairs, I will teach you how to make them. , I wear this kind of shoes when I go down the ground, and I usually wear a melaleuca to raise my feet."

"Well, I must learn from my sister-in-law." Lin Su said with a smile, and continued to thread and tie the thread.

Dai Liang's wife is really quick, and a pair of shoes will be ready within an hour. Lin Su tried it on her feet, and it was really comfortable. There is no thread to grind the feet, nor any bumps.

Thumbs up at her and said.

"Sister-in-law, you are really good, these shoes are comfortable to wear."

"So, don't spend money on shoes, I will teach you what you want to learn. Cotton trousers, clothes, **... I can do it all."

"Yeah." Lin Su nodded again, seeing the heat in the outbuilding, quickly put down the things in his hands and went out bumpy.

First open the door and let it heat up, then lift the lid. The yellow and white soup in the pot of "grumbling... gurgling..." made Ren's mouth watering.

After eating breakfast, she hasn't eaten it yet. She is really hungry now. Take two bowls out of the bowl rack, scoop a bowl into the room, and said.

"Sister-in-law take a break and drink some soup I stewed."

After speaking, he turned and went out, and returned with a bowl.

Dai Liang's wife frowned slightly looking at Tang. Northerners are not very enthusiastic about soup, so looking at the oily soup in the bowl, although a bit greedy, they don't want to drink it.

Seeing that she hadn't moved, Lin Su smiled and continued.

"Try it, I think it's not bad."

Speaking, took a sip. Slightly light, but it's just right to drink with empty mouth. It's very fragrant, not too thick, and it has to be simmered for a while.

When the wife of Dai Liang saw that she had drank it, she couldn't take Joe on her own, so she took a sip, smashed it, smashed it.

The eyes lit up, he blew again, and took a big sip.

Such a move is enough to prove that the soup is delicious. Lin Su smiled and shrugged, and said.

"How is it? It tastes good, right?"

(End of this chapter)