The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 40: It's not worth your life!


"Okay, then I'll go back and try, I'll leave this water for you."

Lin Su said as he cleaned up, then looked at the remaining seedlings and said again.

"Don't be tired. Go home and sleep for a while."

"Well, don't worry, I'm not tired." Ling Muchuan said and waved her hand, motioning her to go back quickly.

Lin Su packed up and got up and left, and ran into Ding Zhu on the way home.

Ding Zhu snorted severely when he saw her, and said with a shudder.

"I don't know the man who loves me so much that I will let my family come out to work at night, it's a disaster!"

Lin Su stared at him when he heard the words, his face was unhappy.

Upon seeing this, Ding Guangyu hurriedly pulled his father away, nodded apologetically at Lin Su, and stopped making his father scream.

Lin Su looked at Ding Zhu's back and spoke quietly.

"Your acid is also white acid. Chuanzi is my man, and that place belongs to my house. It has nothing to do with you. You deserve to be greedy."

"What are you lady-in-law talking about, you... uh-"

Ding Zhu still wanted to speak, but Ding Guangyu covered his mouth.

Lin Su looked at Ding Guangyu's movements, sneered, and continued.

"You are not as sensible as your second son. You have lived for half your life, not ashamed."

After speaking, he spit on the ground and walked toward home without looking back.

As for Ding Zhu, who was mad, she didn't even bother. I love it, anyway, it's not paying for my life!

After returning home, Lin Su simply ate breakfast and began to work.

Blanch the pig intestines first, and put some caustic soda in it to taste.

This ratio must be mastered, otherwise too much caustic soda will affect the taste.

Put the pot under cold water, cover the pot, put the remaining pork heart, liver, and pork kidney in a basin, and pour clean water out of the large basin.

This time is not idle, put the pepper, star anise, cinnamon, cloves, grass fruit and other things into the gauze and sew them, and then soak them in cold water, which will work for a while.

The blanched pig intestines were taken out, washed again, and washed three times. Finally, the smell of caustic soda was washed away.

Then she blanched the pig's heart and liver. She didn't make the pig's kidneys, and planned to stir-fry Ling Muchuan with kidneys at night.

After the preparatory work is done, the next step is to cut the ingredients and brine.

This process takes a long time, and the thicker the better.

Since there is no old brine, I can only use the bone broth boiled yesterday instead. The stew started yesterday afternoon, but it works well.

Put the sewn gauze bag in, then pour in rice wine, soy sauce...

After putting everything in place, cover the pot. Don't worry about discharging the pigs. The cooking is too bad in the morning, which will affect the taste.

Add fire under the stove, and then Lin Su took the small basket and sat in the yard and began to do work. Yesterday’s shoes weren’t ready yet, she had to hurry up.

Watching the fire while making shoes without delay.

The villagers in the past were surprised to see Lin Su's leisurely life.

After all, they have a lot of land, is it a bit too tired to rely on Chuanzi to do it alone

But when everyone saw the acre of paddy field that was almost finished, they were not just surprised.

Didn’t start when I watched it yesterday, just one night, almost plugged in

At noon that day, every family talked about the rice fields of Ling Muchuan's family, so how come the seedlings were planted so quickly.

The pancakes that Lao Dai’s family ate at noon this day, Dai Liang rolled up the pickle bumps, and after a big bite, he chewed and said.

"That Chuanzi worked too fast. If you look at that acre, you are about to finish planting seedlings.

Li Zhengjia did it earlier than him, but did not do it as fast as him. "

The mouth was full, but without delay, everyone heard clearly.

When Dai Daming heard his son's words, he drank and said.

"You didn't listen to her daughter-in-law chatting with him? They didn't sleep last night and came to work."

"That can't be done so fast," Dai Liang said non-compliant.

Dai Liang's wife put another cake for her husband and said.

"Why can't it be so fast? You didn't see Chuanzi doing work for Ding Zhu's family in the past? It's a lot of cold for two and a half people."

"What the younger brother and sister are talking about. That Chuanzi is indeed a farmer, every day than we go earlier and work faster." The boss Dai Cheng agreed.

Dai Daming watched his third son look sour, hit him with chopsticks, and said.

"You, don't chat with others, work honestly, and you can be fast. Whenever Chuanzi comes over, you have to chat with others, and you don't want to see if Chuanzi is willing ."

When Dai Liang heard this, he suddenly refused to follow it. He slapped his tongue and opened his eyes in protest.

"Father, what did you say? I was just saying hello. Besides, Jinhua went to town to sell eggs, I asked what happened."

"You just ask, but you have to have a degree. Haven't you seen Chuanzi's reluctance?" The second child Dai Quan also accused.

"I..." Dai Liang felt wronged, so he said a few words. "He doesn't want to do anything? I haven't done anything!"

When the wife of Dai Liang saw that the head was taken away, she reluctantly put down the water bowl and said.

"No wonder Ryoko, I told him to let him chat more with Chuanzi and the others."

The Dai family had known for a long time that the third daughter-in-law had something wrong with Chuanzi. Now that she said it herself, Dai Cheng's family naturally asked.

"Brother sister, tell your sister-in-law, why are you so close to Chuanzi's house? They are from a foreign country."

"Yes, yeah, you still go to town with her, what do you think?" Dai Quan's family also asked.

The mother-in-law did not speak, but looked at her, waiting for her to answer. The two sisters curled their lips, ate the cake in their hands, and took one without a trace.

They don’t work on the ground, so they don’t eat all the good things.

Seeing everyone looking at her, Dai Liang's wife shrugged indifferently and said.

"Nothing to think about, the couple did not kill or set fire, nor did they feel sorry for anyone, so there is no need to isolate."

With that, she put pickles for her husband again, and stopped talking.

Dai Quan’s family still wanted to speak, the mother-in-law coughed slightly, everyone stopped and ate...

Ling Muchuan carried his hoe home, and smelled the fragrance far away. Pushed the door into the courtyard, put the hoe aside, and yawned.

The chickens in the chicken racks were not released, and the hens laid their eggs in the chicken racks.

When Ling Muchuan saw it, he was afraid that they would trample on the egg, so he quickly opened the chicken rack and took the egg out.

When he entered the house, Lin Su just fished out the braised pig's heart and a small section of pig intestines.

Pig intestines are the part of pig intestines near the stomach, with thick meat and good taste. It is the most delicious part of pig intestines.

Just a small section, it is the most expensive part of pig intestines. Two sets of pigs were put into the water, and it was enough for both of them. There is also a pig's heart.

Put it on the cutting board and cut it into small pieces, just when Ling Muchuan got close. Lin Su pinched a piece to his mouth and said.

"Taste it."

Ling Muchuan

After hesitating, he opened his mouth and took it.

After chewing, he nodded, looked at her, and said.

"It's a little bland, it tastes good, and it's better than the roast chicken sold in town."

Lin Su raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, looked at him enthusiastically, and said.

"How about three copper plates per catty?"

"If it were me, I would buy it." Ling Muchuan gave the answer objectively.

Lin Su happily snapped his fingers, and then continued to cut pig intestines and pig hearts.

A total of two were loaded, and both were full plates. Lin Su pointed to one of them and said.

"I'll go to Dai Liang's house to give some to his wife. They taught me how to make shoes and gave you a pair of shoes. Thank you."

"I'll go, you are at home." Ling Muchuan said, picked up the plate and left.

Lin Su hurriedly chased it out, turned towards his back, and said.

"Hey, thank you to others, and talk a little more before coming back. By the way, remember to tell them to eat with garlic sauce."

Ling Muchuan waved his hand indifferently, and left without looking back.

Lin Su shrugged upon seeing this and went back to the house to continue working. Put the remaining pig intestines and liver with controlled moisture into the brine, and then start to clean up the dishes.

As expected, Ling Muchuan returned with a cup of tea.

Lin Su looked at him funny and asked.

"What did you say?"

Ling Muchuan glanced at her, and put the plate on the stove indifferently, said.

"If you can say anything, just say thank you for teaching you how to make shoes. Let them prepare their own garlic sauce and try it."

Look, you know!

Lin Su curled his lips, brought the prepared garlic sauce into the house, put it on the table, and said.

"Let's eat, you will sleep for a while after eating, let's go after Shen Shi."

"Okay." After Ling Muchuan responded and went on the kang, he looked at the woman in front of him with emotion in his heart.

I thought that what happened last night would make her take a step forward, but now he thinks too much.

I picked a piece of pig's heart and learned how to dip it into her mouth with garlic sauce. It really tasted better than before.

Nodded hurriedly, gave her a thumbs up, and said.

"Not bad, it tastes really good."

"This is in the Northeast. There is a famous dish called Garlic Wufu."

"Five fortunes?" Ling Muchuan didn't understand. But I really like what Lin Su said about her original life.

Lin Su smiled and nodded, then put a pig's heart in him and said.

"Five blessings are: heart-protecting meat, pig intestines, pig heart, pig liver, pig kidney. After it is cooked, it is best to dip in garlic sauce like ours."

Ling Muchuan listened to the "Five Fortunes" she said, and every time she said something, the corner of her mouth twitched.

After eating so many meals in Tianxiangju, I have never heard of this dish-Garlic Wufu.

"I have saved those two pork kidneys, and I will make you sauerkraut at night. I always love them too, they taste good." Lin Su finished speaking, and continued to squeeze rice.

If it was before, Ling Muchuan would never believe that he would have a day of eating pigs.

But at this moment, he not only ate it, but also felt it tasted particularly good.

As for the slippery flower she said, now he is already looking forward to it.

After lunch, Lin Su cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks. Ling Muchuan was too sleepy, so he took out the pillow and quilt and fell asleep.

Lin Su cleaned up in the outbuilding, it was not hot inside. Open both the outer door and the inner door to dissipate heat, otherwise the sleeping person can't stand it.

Just after packing, the courtyard door opened, Lin Su saw that it was Dai Liang's wife, and smiled and said.

"Sister-in-law, here comes."

(End of this chapter)