The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 42: Taboo, can't touch it!


"What are you doing?" Lin Su was speechless, but still twisted to struggle.

It was too ambiguous, she couldn't stand it, let alone still on the street.

Seeing her dishonesty, Ling Muchuan hit her waist with a big hand, successfully stopping her movement.

"You—" Lin Suli stared at him, furious. "Why are you hitting me, what's wrong with you."

Ling Muchuan stared at her, saying coldly and calmly.

"Next time you go out, no matter what the matter is, you must tell me the details. Also, don't get in other people's cars. What if it's a bad guy?"


Lin Su blushed, still feeling on his waist.

Where can't be hit, but hit that place.

He gave him a sad look and said.

"You can figure it out, you two are allies, don't be so ambiguous. Let me... let me..."

"What do you want?" Ling Muchuan leaned forward suddenly, narrowing the distance between the two again.

Lin Su instinctively backed away, realizing that he could move freely, and hurriedly backed up three steps to get a distance.

Seeing his eyes full of jokes, knowing that he was teasing her, silently patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Annoying! Can't you sell it?"

"What do you mean?" Ling Muchuan took another two steps forward.

Lin Su, who had shook the alarm bell, dared to stay, and said as he stepped back.

"Hurry up, hurry up, you have to set up a stove when you are sold out. Otherwise, you don't have a place to put the rice seedlings."

After speaking, he turned around and left, not daring to look at him more.

No way, she noticed that the atmosphere of the two was wrong.

Just now, Lin Su clearly discovered that this guy didn't just ask her simply, it seemed a little...

During the entrepreneurial stage, never fall in love, especially between partners.

This is a taboo, you can't touch it!

Ling Muchuan looked at the woman who slid faster than the rabbit and sighed helplessly. If she said one more word just now, now it is estimated to be...

What a pity, why is it a little bit worse

As everyone knows, feelings are like this, and they almost can't be together.

Although ambiguous, but very sultry...

When the cart came to Wangjiatun, there were people everywhere in the fields.

Spring ploughing and busy farming, every household can be regarded as a collective dispatch. Now it's the stage of sowing seeds, so you can see small carrots in the ground.

It's really beautiful. As soon as I entered Wangjiatun, I saw Wang's sister-in-law resting and drinking water at the ridge.

Unexpectedly, the land of their home would be on the edge of the village.

Lin Su walked up to him and said hello with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, are you resting?"

The Wang's sister-in-law turned her head, seeing that it was Lin Su who was stunned, and then hurriedly got up and asked a little surprised.

"What's wrong with you? Yo, came here with your man. Do you want to buy food? Now there is nothing!"

Lin Su hurriedly shook his head when he heard this, then came to open the lid with a smile, cut a section of pig intestines of about two kilograms, and said.

"Sister-in-law, I'm here to give you this. I just made it and it's still hot. I go home at night and stir-fry with dried chili peppers. It's similar to meat."

"What's the matter?" Wang's sister-in-law said, leaning forward and taking a look.

"My child, what are you doing?" A rough voice came, and Lin Su couldn't help but look up.

The man in front of him has a dark complexion, a face with Chinese characters, and an eyebrow. He looked so average, he looked like a rough farmer, obviously not at the same level as Ling Muchuan.

Lin Su has a sweet mouth, guessing the body of the man in front of him

After the copy, said.

"Brother, I bought your winter vegetables in the winter. In the last episode yesterday, my sister-in-law took me for a while, and I just made something to eat. I will bring you some to try."

As he said, he cut a small piece of pig liver with a kitchen knife and handed it to him.

"Big brother, try it, I made it myself."

The man didn't dare to pick it up, and turned to look at his wife. Upon seeing this, Wang's sister-in-law said with a smile.

"The head of the house, this is the young couple I told you about from out of town. How do you think they are, they are nice and handsome."

"Hey..." The man smiled and nodded, as a response to his wife's question.

Wang's sister-in-law looked at Lin Su and said a little embarrassed.

"Look at you, what are you polite? Just take you a distance. We have an ox cart, which is convenient. You don't need this thing. You can keep it and sell it soon, ah!"

Looking at this posture, she knew that she was out to sell things, how could she be brazen.

Lin Su smiled and shook his head when he heard this, and forced the liver into her hand and said.

"Sister-in-law, you taste it, it's delicious, really! My Chuanzi likes it too, otherwise I can't sell it."

Seeing that the Wang’s sister-in-law couldn’t refuse, she broke the liver into two pieces, leaving the small one for herself and the large one to the boss.

The two of them were in a tacit understanding, and they took a bite and chewed at the same time. The man swallowed and nodded, and said approvingly.

"It's delicious, it tastes good, but it's a little bit weaker."

Lin Su was happy when he heard the words, and stuffed his large intestine directly, and said.

"Brother, you can go back and stir-fry this one. You can also warm it up and dip it in garlic sauce. I have no other meaning in sending it to you, so I just thought about it and troubled my sister-in-law. It just happens that this thing is not expensive, so don't dislike it."

The man didn't dare to pick it up, and backed away a few steps. Upon seeing this, Lin Su directly stuffed it to Wang's sister-in-law.

"Oh, what do you dislike, this pig is also meat. I just didn't expect... Sister, you cooked so delicious." After the Wang family's sister-in-law said, she smiled sullenly.

Put the remaining piece of pork liver into your mouth, and then said after swallowing it.

"How do you sell this stuff? My sister-in-law has to give you money, not to take advantage of you."

"Oh, my sister-in-law, I just came here to give you something. If you want to eat, you can buy it when I come next time. This time, I can't say anything." Lin Su naturally couldn't ask for the money.

Once you’ve said that, if you give it away, you’ll give it away, so how can you change the law and ask people for money.

When the Wang family heard that they didn't need money, they hurriedly said "no" and "no".

At first glance, it is a sincere person, not taking advantage of others.

But no matter what they said, Lin Su just refused to accept it. Seeing that this girl really didn't plan to ask for money, Wang's sister-in-law nodded gratefully and said.

"Well, that sister-in-law would like to thank you this time, which made you bother. Okay, I won't allow it next time."

Lin Su hurriedly shook his head and said modestly.

"Look at what my sister-in-law said, let's not do anything in the future, don't make a difference."

I have to say that Lin Su is very good at talking, and a few words made the Wang family and his wife very happy.

Wang's sister-in-law handed the pig intestines to the owner, wiped her hands with the front of her clothes, and took Lin Su and said.

"Sister, what price do you plan to sell for this item? Tell your sister-in-law, and sister-in-law will help you build one."

"Come up?" Lin Su was a little dazed, not understanding the meaning of these words.

Upon seeing this, Ling Muchuan calmly explained.

"Just to help you contact business."

"Ah! Hey... Thank you sister-in-law." Lin Su was eager for her to help.

Did not dare to hesitate,

Continue to speak busy.

"Sister-in-law, I'm going to sell three copper plates for a jin. You can also use things to exchange them. It doesn't matter what kind of food, eggs, or anything else. But the eggs are not exchanged at the market price. I also have the capital. "

Lin Su put the words first. Outside, I am collecting three eggs and one copper plate, and one egg is exchanged for a catty of pig intestine.

After all, there are still labor costs, and money!

Even if she gave her the egg, she had to go to town to change it, and there was an appearance fee for Route 11.

When Wang's sister-in-law heard this, she nodded slowly. Then he looked at the people in the next door and yelled.

"Daqing, this little lady sells delicious goods. If you want some, you can use grain in exchange."

The Wang's sister-in-law's voice was immediately heard by the surrounding farmers. Several put down their farm tools and walked over to join in the fun.

The one named Daqing also put down his farm tools and walked over quickly.

One of the people in the crowd laughed and said.

"If you want to say that Wang's three-year family will look at people. Our village knows that Daqing loves meat, so just ask him."

"Why, I ask you, you buy it." Wang Sansan said displeasedly.

My daughter-in-law must be protected by herself.

The man snorted and said nothing.

Wang Daqing walked over, looked at the things in the big basin, blinked his eyes twice, and said.

"Why sell it? Isn't it delicious?"

"It's delicious. If it's not delicious, I can call you." Wang's sister-in-law said, pointing to the things in Wang's three years and said again, "I bought it from my house, do you have something too?"

"You bought it?" Wang Daqing repeated in disbelief.

Who doesn't know the situation of their home, how could they buy this thing.

Is it really that delicious

Lin Su saw Daqing's hesitation, so he used a kitchen knife to cut a thin slice of pig liver and handed it to him.

"Brother, try it. This is my own stewed. It's not salty. Go home and dip it in garlic sauce and fry it with dried chili peppers.

Wang Daqing shook his head a little embarrassedly when she saw her hand it to herself.

"That won't work, how can you eat it for nothing? No, no!"

The farmers are real, and Lin Su feels at ease when he sees it. With such a character, she shouldn't lose money when she walks through the streets.

Passed it forward again and said.

"Big brother, try it, you don't need money to try it. You can buy it if you like it, even if you don't like it."

"Yeah, Daqing, you can try it. We ate it just now, otherwise we can't buy it." Wang's sister-in-law continued to help.

Lin Su held it up with a smile, Wang Daqing was embarrassed, scratched the back of his head with one hand, and took the liver with the other, and said.

"That's fine, thank you."

He took a bite, chewed, nodded, and said with a thumbs up.

"Yes, it's delicious, but it's a bit lighter."

"Well, it's not that salty, it's good to dip in garlic sauce at home." Lin Su explained softly.

In fact, it was not deliberately not made salty, but the brine was not pure enough. When the brine is boiled to a certain portion, it will look decent.

Wang Daqing said boldly after eating.

"Give me two catties. Why did you sell it?"

"This thing is not expensive for the little lady, three copper plates per catty, you can also use eggs and grain in exchange." Wang's sister-in-law still helped to speak.

The big guys definitely don't need to spend money, they all want to buy it.

Wang Daqing looked at Lin Su and said with a silly smile.

"How to change eggs, how to change food?"

(End of this chapter)