The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 65: Office romance is the most taboo!


After dinner, Lin Su Duanpen went to the river to wash his clothes.

I sweat a lot in summer, and I have to change my clothes for an average of three days.

She misses modern life so much. Everything is readily available, so she can take a shower at home and watch TV with air-conditioning.

Dai Liang's wife and daughter-in-law also brought the pot over, and the two walked to the river with a companion.

Many women by the river were doing laundry, and the two of them picked a place that was slightly downstream and in a poor location.

Seeing Dai Liang's wife, Liu Jingzi's family hurriedly asked.

"Dai Liang's family, when will you go to the eldest daughter-in-law of Ding Zhu's family and call me, I will also go over."

The wife of Dai Liang nodded when she heard the words, and said sharply.

"Morning tomorrow. It's better to go early than late, and the old Ding will murmur when it's time to save."

Liu Jianzi's family nodded hurriedly. Everyone knows that Ding Zhu is greedy for petty gains and has a broken mouth.

If he gives gifts to other people's homes, those people who have something to do in their homes will be late, and they will pay attention to old age for a long time.

Not far away, Zheng Hai’s family heard the conversation between the two of them, thought about it for a moment, and said in agreement.

"Call me when the time comes, and I will follow you."

"Okay, then have breakfast tomorrow, let's go." Liu Jingzi's said after reading Lin Su, and asked without thinking, "Chuanzi's, are you going?"

She just asked casually, without thinking about it at all. This kind of behavior also regarded Lin Su as his own, otherwise he would not talk too much.

In the village, it is common for daughters-in-law to give birth to babies. No one will stay in a village.

Unless the two families had torn their faces and stayed out of touch with each other before, that would be inevitable.


Dai Liang's wife turned her head to look at Lin Su, thinking about how to help round out the game, but she didn't expect Lin Su to be very natural, and said to Liu Guanzi's family with a smile.

"Thank you, sister-in-law, I'll see it later."

Ding Zhu's eldest daughter-in-law gave birth to a kid the night before. That was the eldest grandson of Ding Zhu's family, and Ding Zhu happily ran around to tell.

However, he was self-aware and didn't tell Lin Su and the others.

Since I didn't mention it, why bother to go!

Lin Su said that because he didn't want to refute Liu Guanzi's wife's face with so many people.

She and Dai Liang's wife came late, and when they finished the first wash, several people upstream had already taken their things and left.

Seeing that there were no more people, Dai Liang's wife asked her in a low voice.

"Are you really going?"

"I'm not going!" Lin Su shook his head and said firmly.

Just kidding, she didn't put a lot of money, why did she give the old scorn something.

What's more, they still take less advantage of Ling Muchuan

When the wife of Dai Liang heard the words, she nodded with a chuckle and said.

"Just don't go. If Minger is Zhang Luo from Liu Guanzi's family, I will prevaricate you."

"Okay, then thank you sister-in-law."

"Thank you. It's such a trivial matter, it's not worth thanking." Dai Liang's wife said, knocking on her clothes, and looking at her again, "It's hot recently, so don't do the thing you halogenated."

Lin Su smiled bitterly, put the washed clothes aside, and said with a sigh of relief.

"I'm also bothering about this recently. Tomorrow's plan is to go to town with Chuanzi. If it works, continue, if it doesn't work, wait until the autumn harvest."

"Well, that's true. There are many people in the town, so it's really okay to go to town. It's a set tomorrow, our bullock cart goes there, you can go with the car." Dai Liang's wife actively invited.

Lin Su shook his head hurriedly, poured out the water in the basin, and said.

"You guys are pulling villagers to the town to make some hard money. We won’t sit

What's more, not to mention too many things, taking up space. "

"Oh, it's okay, why are you polite with your sister-in-law?"

"That doesn't work either, one yard goes to one yard." Lin Su insisted.

The two have been together for so long, and Dai Liang's wife knows Lin Su very well.

As long as she insists, she doesn't mean to say more.

Changed the basin of clean water and continued to wash clothes, looking at Lin Su, who was about to finish work, said enviously.

"It's good to have no sister-in-law and in-laws. The clothes of two people are washed after they are washed."

Lin Su understood about Dai Liang's house, looked at her with a chuckle, shrugged, and said.

"It will be fine in a few years. There will always be a time to live alone when the tree is separated."

Dai Liang's wife knew she was comforting herself, shook her head with a wry smile, and said.

"These half-sized clothes are like mud monkeys, and the thieves are struggling to wash them. Bang... bang... bang..."

While talking, he smashed it with a wooden stick, not knowing whether it was washing clothes or venting his anger there.

The three daughter-in-laws took turns washing clothes.

In addition to my own young couple, I also have to wash my parents-in-law, sister-in-law, and uncle.

The in-laws are old and are fine for filial piety.

My brother-in-law is half the eldest, and it won’t be clean if they wash it, and it’s okay to help my sister-in-law.

It's this sister-in-law...

No way, who makes in-laws love.

Today, Dai Liang’s wife hopes that her uncles can get married as soon as possible so that they can share a few more burdens.

Lin Su packed everything, watched Dai Liang's wife pat her shoulder twice and left.

In the past, she had thought about helping with washing, but Dai Liang's wife, who was also very well-measured, would never agree.

After a few times, Lin Su didn't force it, everyone had a life for everyone.

Appropriate grasp is the kingly way.

Futian makes people uncomfortable.

It is hot during the day and stuffy at night, even if it rains, it is not cool.

Washing clothes by the river just now was cool and comfortable, but after walking for so long, I was sweaty again.

You should have a bathing place at home, preferably a shed in the yard, so that you can wipe your body easily.

As I was thinking about it, I saw Ling Muchuan from a long distance away, apparently coming to pick her up.

Regardless of the distance between the two, he still cares about her.

Thinking of this, the corner of Lin Su's mouth raised, and just about to meet him, he did not expect that Cheng Yaojin halfway through.

Ding Zhu's daughter Yingzi actually stopped him.

She didn't know what the two said, anyway, she saw it, Yingzi looked enthusiastic, while Ling Muchuan looked calm.

"Brother Chuanzi, my little nephew looks good. He is chubby and rare. My mother said, our family is blessed, and all the children born are big fat boys."

Yingzi didn't speak loudly, but Lin Su who walked in heard it sharply.

Their family is blessed with big fat boys

Needless to say what this means, everyone can know one or two.

Lin Su was unhappy, and frowned slightly at Ling Muchuan, just to see how he reacted.

People are often so contradictory, especially women who are in a period of emotional ignorance.

She was not brave, and she didn't want others to worry about Ling Muchuan, and she didn't want Ling Muchuan to respond to Yingzi.

Soon, Ling Muchuan saw Lin Su, didn't say a word, just bypassed her and came to Lin Su.

Naturally, he took the big basin and walked home.

Lin Su followed, passing by Yingzi without even looking at her.


"Sister Lin, my little nephew was born. We live in a village, so come and have a look at any time, so happy!" Yingzi's voice is not small, far away.

Several people can hear it.

Nowadays, most people in the village have accepted the Ling Muchuan couple. Yingzi chose to speak at this time. Lin Su knows exactly what his purpose is.

Stopped and looked up and down Yingzi.

She was obviously dressed as a village girl, but it happened that there were knives inside and out.

It is said that rural people are as sincere as radishes, and the village girl in front of her is obviously radish chaff, all eyes are on!

Lin Su walked up to him and lowered his voice, not knowing what he was talking about.

When others saw it, they only felt that they were talking intimately. Ling Muchuan looked at frowning, and after waiting for others to follow him, he continued to walk home.

As for Yingzi, standing there dumbly, there was no response for a long time.

Just now, the woman said she wanted to...

When he got home, Ling Muchuan began to dry his clothes, while Lin Su sat in the yard, pondering what had just happened.

A few strolling chickens passed by, but Lin Su was relieved.

We should add a few more chickens next year. The animal husbandry industry has to keep up, save eggs and take them to town. In summer, we can exchange eggs for each copper plate.

In fact, the most profitable doorway this year has not caught up, that is, raising fish in the rice fields.

The best time to stock the fry is one month after transplanting the seedlings, which is the best time. But at that time, she was busy selling braised pork and forgot about it.

If you put the fry and grow them in the autumn and sell them in restaurants, you will definitely be able to make a lot of money.

A gust of wind in front of him made Lin Su instinctively blink his eyes twice, looked at Ling Muchuan in front of him, and asked incomprehensibly.

"What are you doing?"

Ling Muchuan didn't sell Guanzi, looking at Lin Sudao.

"What did you tell her just now?"

Lin Su was startled when he heard this, he was not the kind of person who would care about these little things.

Now ask...


Women are always like this, like crazy thinking, but also smart.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable, and looked at him with a pursed lips, and asked.

"Do you care?"

"..." Ling Muchuan didn't say a word, but nodded.

Of course he cared. I cared about this girl because of Yingzi, and then I was so angry.

But Lin Su didn't understand what he meant, only that he was afraid that she would bully Yingzi.

The unhappy frown, the uncomfortable feeling in his heart expanded, and then he stalked his neck to look at him and asked.

"Do you care about what I said to her? Or do you care about what I said to her?"

Ling Muchuan was speechless, is there any difference between these two sentences

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Lin Su thought he was the latter, and took a deep breath and said lightly.

"Relax, I didn't say anything to her, let alone do anything. I just told her that I was not interested in her little nephew."

After finishing speaking, Lin Su got up and walked into the house without a moment without his head.

Really uncomfortable, really uncomfortable.

Especially after she realized that he cared about that Yingzi.

Is this the so-called "jealous"

Lin Su stood by the window of the outbuilding, looking at the beans and eggplants in the backyard with a sad face.

What the hell should she do

It's definitely impossible to go back, I haven't heard of anyone who can go back. What's more, she didn't believe in any crossing at all, it was the reality that taught her a lesson.

Women marry, have children, and teach each other, seemingly what they want all their lives.

But what can she ask for this embarrassing identity? How to ask

Where did it come from, I don't know.

I don't know how old it is.

Family status is unknown.

What should she do and what can she do

More importantly, there is a business relationship between the two of them. Once that kind of relationship is established, it will definitely be affected.

Office romance is the most taboo!

(End of this chapter)