The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 77: A sense of accomplishment is overwhelming


After an afternoon's processing, more than a dozen sets of pigs were all cleaned up, and only waited for the brine to come out tomorrow morning.

Ling Muchuan took off his shoes and put it on the kang, picked up the warm water that Lin Su had dried for him, drank it, and said.

"Put on more tomorrow. I feel cold when I go to town like this today."

Lin Su nodded when he heard the words, and gave him the sandals he had just finished, and said.

"Try it and see what happens."

"Oh, it's done so soon?" Ling Muchuan said as he brought it over and tried it on his feet.

Both feet were worn, and then walked around the house, nodded, and said.

"Not bad, very comfortable. It's soft, like stepping on cotton."

Lin Su smiled and narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and he felt a sense of accomplishment.

Ling Muchuan sat on the kang, took off his shoes, looked at Nizi on the side, and said.

"It's nice to have you. You don't have to worry about anything. It's still warm in winter. Where are your shoes? Show me. Don't just make them for me. You don't have them yourself."

Looks like this is a couple.

Thinking of each other, "supervising" each other.

Lin Su took his shoes over, looked at him and said.

"Don't worry, I won't lose myself. I deliberately let the cobbler make it a little bigger, and the ground is filled with grass. So that the soles of my feet won't be cold, and I won't hurt my body."

Ling Muchuan really saw how terrible her stomach hurts when she came to be a child.

My own woman, so uncomfortable, she wouldn't feel comfortable even with a handle.

He dragged the person to her, touched her belly with the big palm, and said softly.

"Just tell me when it hurts, my palm is warm, I'll hold it for you."

"Okay." Lin Su nodded in response.

Every time she came to a small day, she always hugged Tang Po, but she didn't know whether it was the psychological effect or what, Tang Po actually did not have the palm of his hand.

When this month came, she woke her up with pain in the middle of the night.

Ling Muchuan did not go to change her soup woman, but held it with her palm.

Miraculously, he fell asleep, and he slept very securely.

After spending so long together, Lin Su is used to getting close to each other. Although he will still be shy, he is much better than before.

Sitting sideways on Ling Muchuan's lap, his little head gently leaned on his shoulder, and said.

"Is it cold in winter here?"

"It's very cold!" Ling Muchuan finished speaking, wrapped her big hand around her waist, and said, "Su, there is something I want to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

"If Zhao Yinghao still plans to buy the stewed recipe this time, we will sell it to him."

"Why?" Lin Su straightened up excitedly with an expression of disbelief.

Ling Muchuan looked at her, touched her cheek with a big hand, and said.

"It's too cold in winter. Especially in the three or nine days, it's not an exaggeration to say that you can get it through after a while. The pig was pushed from the village to the town, and it was frozen before it was waited."

"I also decided to sell it to him after several considerations. You are not in good health. You can't be strong. You can make money anytime, but your body must be cured. There are people and money."

Lin Su couldn't help sighing lightly when he heard the words "There are talents and money".

Speaking of it, he was worried about her body, afraid of going out in winter and getting cold.

Can't know what is good or bad. Lin Su nodded and said.

"Then how much do you plan to sell?"

"Eight taels of silver definitely won't work, at least one hundred and fifty taels." Ling Muchuan said confidently. "In this way, when spring starts and plows, you will be in the village

Stroll and sell. "

Well, this is not impossible.

Lin Su clasped his big palm tightly, thought for a moment, and said.

"I'll listen to you about this. If you sell it then, tell Zhao Yinghao, we can go down the street and sell things."

"It's so good. Boo—"

Ling Muchuan was in a good mood and kissed her on the cheek.

Lin Su was funny, feeling the wet sensation on his face, but he was not willing to wipe it.

There was no word for a night, and the next morning, Lin Su woke up when he was ugly and started to sell the stewed pigs.

It's really just like what Ling Muchuan said, it's really cold right now.

She wears a lot of clothes, and she also wears her own modified thin cotton trousers underneath, and she feels cold all the time when she fires a fire in the yard.

Going back to the room, I saw the sunflower plates piled up in the corner, and then took them out and knocked them out.

When Ling Muchuan was farming, he planted melon seeds around the fields. I haven't dealt with it until now. I just took advantage of the fact that I was okay now. I knocked out the melon seeds and dried them in the yard during the day.

Farmers will plant some melon seeds in front of and behind the house so that they don’t have to buy them during the Chinese New Year.

In winter, people from rural areas can enjoy eating melon seeds at home, which is quite comfortable.

After knocking on almost ten sunflower plates, the big stove in the yard started.

Lin Su got up and took the cleaned pigs to unload the goods, and put these things in the pot bit by bit.

The sky is white, the sky is really short.

Lin Su stretched his waist in the yard, opened the chicken rack, and released the chickens inside.

I bought two two-year-old hens last autumn. Dai Liang's wife said, in the spring to incubate the chickens, she came to teach her.

Speaking of it, it's been almost a year since I came here, making clothes, shoes, quilts... everything is good.

Looking at my slightly thick hands, although I apply balsam every day, I still can't take care of them.

During the period of Ai Ai, he was wrapped around his waist from behind. Lin Su leaned on him, raised his hand and said.

"Look, it's thick."

Ling Muchuan shook her hand, put it on her lips, and said.

"In town, I will buy you handguards."

"Just don't. It's funny! *** work is normal. Besides, it's already balsamic, it's fine."

Lin Su finished speaking, turned around in his arms, looked up at him, and said again.

"As long as you don't leave and keep starting a business with me, we will have a good life in the future."

When Ling Muchuan heard this, he squeezed her nose and said.

"What am I going to do? Wherever you have you, I will be there. If you really want to open a restaurant, we will wait until the spring of the next year to finish building the house."

Lin Su curled his lips, knowing what he was worried about. Poke his chest with a finger and said non-compliant.

"My mind is full of irrational things, annoying!"

Ling Muchuan didn't deny it. He hugged her back to the house and started a busy day.

After breakfast, the two changed their clothes, pushed four big pots of pigs to unload the goods, and strolled to the town.

They go to town every time the market these days, even if they do not occupy a good position, they will not be as embarrassed as the first time.

Everyone is accustomed to not seeing it in the front, and walking inside, you can touch it as long as you come.

Lin Sulu's pigs are delicious and delicious, and more importantly, they are not expensive.

So people who live in the town, or those who go to the market, will come over to buy something and take it back to give them a taste.

As soon as the stall was set up, several came over. It’s not too much to buy, like three catties or two catties


Sending away these buyers, a large pot of pigs will be sold for most of the time.

Lin Su looked at the business, turned to look at Ling Muchuan, and said in a low voice.

"I'm really reluctant to sell my son, it's a loss."

Seeing her like this, Ling Muchuan shook his head firmly and said.

"For the sake of your body, you must not go out of the stall in winter."

But they both understand that if they don't spend the winter, one can imagine how much money they lose.

Lin Su took a deep breath and looked at the things in the cart regretfully, feeling incomprehensible.

If she is physically strong, she can open a restaurant in less than two years, but now...


"Little lady, give me five catties of pig intestines and another piece of pig liver."

The prices of pig intestines, pig liver, pig heart, and pig belly are different. This is also the second time that Lin Sulai ordered it in town.

Lin Su weighed according to the woman's request. Ling Muchuan rolled the kraft paper and waited for her to put the weighed goods into the house, wrap it up, tie the rope, and hand it to the woman.

The woman took out the copper plates, looked at the contents in the basin, and looked at Lin Su again, and said.

"Little lady, can you help me do something?"


Lin Su frowned slightly, looked at the woman and chuckled.

"Sister-in-law, what do you mean?"

"My second son got married on the twenty-sixth of this month. I want to buy some pigs and sell them. You can help me do it. I can save a little by paying a little salary."

Lin Su nodded clearly after hearing the woman's words.

In fact, people produce things, she helps to clean up and process them, and they pay manual fees.

Lin Su looked at the contents in the basin, thought for a moment, and said.

"It's not easy to deal with pig offal. If my sister-in-law really wants to do it, how about three copper plates per catty?"

"Three copper plates?" The woman hesitated a little.

She still has money to buy pigs, but she still pays for processing, so it doesn't seem to save much inside and out.

The woman was a little embarrassed, looked at Lin Su with a blushing face, and said.

"Little lady, my family lives in Hanjiatun. They are all old farmers and have no abilities. This is also Qiuxia selling grain to give his son Zhang Luo. Look at the price... Can you give me a bit?"

After the Han woman finished speaking, several other sellers came. Lin Su thought for a while, pointed to the back of his booth, and said.

"Sister-in-law, wait for me here. I will talk to you after I entertain these people."

When the Han woman heard this, she nodded her head hurriedly and said.

"Okay, okay, you are busy first, you are busy."

Lin Su waited for her to go back and continued to sell goods. This group of buyers bought a lot, basically five catties as a base, and some even even ten catties.

After one pot was sold out, another pot was brought in. After the guests were sent away, Lin Su came to the back and looked at the woman and said.

"Sister-in-law, I didn't ask you too much. It's not easy for us to be cold and cold."

"I know, I know. But... Alas! The lady's family asks for too many dowry gifts, it's really... the kid in my family just fell in love with it, and I can't help it."

When the woman said this, she sighed heavily and said with a little red eyes.

"Little lady, you see that the processing costs three copper plates per catty. I have to buy pig water and another sum of money. I am really... Alas! To tell you this is a bit crying, but I am really..."

"Okay, okay, sister-in-law, I understand your difficulty. How about this? Three copper plates per catty, I will take out the pigs, and I will give you 100 catties of pigs for delivery, how about?"


(End of this chapter)