The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 86: It's snowing


The next morning, Lin Suyouyou woke up.

I found that I actually took the initiative to sleep in his arms instead of being held by his octopus before.

His face flushed involuntarily.

Slowly withdrew his arm, but just moved it, and he grabbed it with one hand.

Lin Su blushed in embarrassment, lowered his head and leaned on his chest.


This "early" is a bit embarrassing.

Because she had never experienced this, basically she got up first, and then he got up again.

It was the first time when two people woke up on a kang at the same time.

Ling Muchuan turned over, put the person in his arms, and said non-compliant.

"Lie down with me for a while and don't worry about cooking."

It's okay to eat later without going out to the stall.

Lin Su pushed him amusedly, and couldn't help but speak without letting go.

"Don't make trouble, Zhao Yinghao is here to talk about the buyer's affairs. With his temperament, it is estimated that he will be able to do it right now."

Ling Muchuan was upset, but he didn't really grab her to prevent her from getting up.

Turned over again and lay on the kang, stretched a lazy waist, and said.

"so annoying!"

This "annoying" was obviously learned from Lin Su.

She often said this, and she always said it to Ling Muchuan.

However, the meaning of "annoying" between the two is obviously different.

Lin Su said it was acting like a baby.

Ling Muchuan said, it was really annoying.

The two got up and dressed, Lin Su went to the ground as usual, and Ling Muchuan folded the quilt in the house.

You can feel a bit cold when you come out of the back room.

Lin Su didn't even dare to go out, so he made convenience in the outbuilding, and then set fire to it. The small stove is also lit, and the teapot is used to boil water and wash.

Ling Muchuan came out of the house, carrying a bucket and pushing the door out.

Lin Su was stupid as soon as the door opened.

It was white outside, and it was... it was snowing.

Not afraid of the cold, stand excitedly at the door, watching the snow in the yard.

This is Liaodong's first snow this year.

Lin Su was about to take a walk in the yard for a while, when Ling Muchuan directly yelled at him.

"Come out in slippers, don't take your body?"


I was so excited that I forgot about it.

Seeing Ling Muchuan's footsteps, Lin Su hurried back to change his shoes. Deliberately took out the finished sandals and put them on the feet.

The snow is quite thick and has no ankles.

The shoes made of cowhide are really good, waterproof, have a lot of grass inside, and don't freeze your feet.

Lin Su kept walking in the yard, leaving her footprints, then looked at Ling Muchuan and said with a smile.

"The snow is so thick."

"Is this still thick? I didn't have a knee the year before last." Ling Muchuan finished speaking, holding a big broom, and began to sweep the snow.

Lin Su also went into the house and took out the broom to help.

Neither of them was a grind, so the snow in the yard soon swept into a pile.

Lin Su originally planned to make a snowman, but he thought that if it was melted, it would make everything dirty in the yard.

Ling Muchuan brought two soil baskets from the backyard, put a basket in himself, and then carried them out.

Lin Su filled another soil basket with a spade and waited for him to come back to carry it.

I saw this thing when I was young, but I rarely saw it when I grew up drinking.

Even if there are in the night market, they are all very delicate and compact ornaments, which are not practical at all.

The two worked together and quickly cleared the snow in the yard.

At this time, many people in the village started to get up to sweep the snow.

Some people sweep their homes, while others come out to shout. Lin Su didn’t understand at first, but later found out that it turned out to be for everyone to come out and sweep the village.

The way inside.

I thought there was no one to take care of it, but it turned out that there was one person from each household, one person divided into sections, and they went straight to the village.

Lin Su was not needed for this job, so Xiao Nizi went back to the house and poured water to wash.

After playing in the snow for so long, my body became a little cold.

Drink a cup of hot water after washing, and then start cooking.

I took a radish, washed it, and threaded it with a flapper, and then took out the oil shuttles left over from yesterday's oil refining to make a carrot soup soup.

The staple food is steamed buns mixed with white noodles and bean noodles.

Thinking about it snowing today, it seems that you can make more in the future, and then take it out and freeze it, so that you don't have to make every meal.

Just thinking about it, Ling Muchuan came back.

Lin Su poured water for him, Ling Muchuan went into the house and took off his coat and cotton shoes. The door of the house opened again.

This time it was Dai Liang who came over, looking at Ling Muchuan angrily, and said.

"Why don't you scold him? That old man is shameless, why are you letting him?"

"..." Lin Su was a little stunned, looking at Dai Liang unclearly, not knowing why he was so angry.

Ling Muchuan originally wanted to wash, but seeing Dai Liang coming over and doing him kindly, he stopped his movements and said.

"Forget it, his daughter is going to get married, twenty-six days."

"Then you can't sweep them all! In a village, every household has people, so why should he take it that way?"

Dai Liang was so angry that he paced back and forth twice in the room, and said again.

"In previous years, if you swept them, you would just sweep them. This year, you have torn your face, so why are you still helping."

After a few conversations between the two, Lin Su understood what was going on.

Looking at Ling Muchuan, he was also unhappy.

She agreed with what Dai Liang said, so why did she help Lao Ding's house

Ling Muchuan Yu Guang caught Lin Su's unhappy expression, took a deep breath, shrugged, and said.

"It's only this year, and I won't take care of it in the future. Thank you Ryoko, you just said a few words for me."

"What do our brothers say'thank you'?" Dai Liang said unwillingly.

Seeing Lin Su's unhappy appearance, he also understood the reason why he shouldn't stay here for a long time, so he just made an excuse and left first.

When he left, Ling Muchuan looked at the woman's upset, and came over with a flat face, wanting to comfort him.

Whoever thought he was about to speak, he was scolded by the other party.

"Eating a hundred beans is not too fishy. If he marries a girl, he will not sweep the snow. Who stipulated that? Why are you so capable? You are so good. Why don't you go to their house and sweep the snow in their yard? "

For Lin Su's scolding, Ling Muchuan looked like a good baby and accepted it humbly.

Lin Su wasn't an unforgiving person. He covered the pot and walked in front of him, biting his lower lip, and said.

"I don't want you to have any intersection with their family. You know, that Yingzi has ideas for you, how can you pay it back... Um—"

Before she finished speaking, Ling Muchuan held her face and kissed it directly.

After all, this girl is jealous and loves him.

Realizing this, Ling Muchuan was quite proud.

After turning on her lips for a while, he let go of her, pecked twice, and said.

"I know, in the future, stay away from them, no one's face will be seen, huh?"

Lin Su blushed, but he was very happy with his attitude.

He took a deep breath and approached his arms, and said softly.

"It would be great to have that time to come back and rest for a while, why do you work for him."

"Yes, yes, I will listen to my daughter-in-law from now on, eh?"

"Hate, who are you

Daughter-in-law, annoying! "

Lin Sujiao finished her anger, and hurried into the house.

Staying for a while, he will have to kiss him again.

Just after Lin Su finished his breakfast, footsteps came from the yard.

The two of them are at home now, and you don't need to think about who is here.

The kang table was not removed, Lin Su got up and poured the hot water from the kettle into the teapot.

There is a set of tea sets at home, but basically they are not used.

Lin Su didn't know how to taste tea, so Ling Muchuan didn't like to drink it. So they use teapots, and the cups are basically buckled, at most they are used to hold water.

The door of the house opened, Zhao Yinghao took the young man, and the young man came over with a lot of things in his hand.

Lin Su looked at it, it was chicken and fish, and two boxes of dim sum.

Slightly frowned, looked at Zhao Yinghao puzzledly, and asked.

"Why, are you here again to thank you for your life-saving grace?"

Facing Lin Su's teasing, Zhao Yinghao shrugged disapprovingly and said.

"Where is it? I am grateful to your seller for giving me a gift."


Lin Su was speechless.

This thank-you gift is a bit inexplicable. I take the money to buy it, so I don’t need any thank-you gift.

Zhao Yinghao automatically ignored Lin Su's expression, entered the room and looked at Ling Muchuan who was sitting on the kang, and bowed his fists.

With this prescription, he can be the head of the Zhao family. How can a village woman understand

"Brother Ling, it's been a long time." Zhao Yinghao greeted politely.

"I just saw it yesterday." Ling Muchuan replied sharply.

Zhao Yinghao has become accustomed to the indifference of their couple, waved his hands indifferently, said.

"There is a saying: One day is like three autumns. This is my feeling for Brother Ling and Mrs. Zun."

Ling Muchuan frowned unhappy, took a sip from the teacup, and said.

"Stop talking nonsense, talk business."

"Yes, yes, business matters." After Zhao Yinghao finished speaking, Xiao Si took out the paper and pen and put it on the table.

It can be seen that Zhao Yinghao came prepared and determined to win.

Lin Su walked to the edge of the kang and sat on the edge of the kang next to Ling Muchuan.

As soon as he sat down, he grabbed his hand and held it in his big palm.

Lin Su's face was hot, but he didn't struggle, so he let him hold it.

Zhao Yinghao looked at them like this, chuckled, and said.

"Brother Ling and his wife have a very good relationship. I don't know what price Brother Ling intends to sell this recipe for?"

"Three hundred taels, no two prices." Ling Muchuan said coldly.

When Lin Su heard "three hundred taels", he suddenly became calm.

Keep muttering in the palm of his hand, beckoning him not to be too expensive.

Three hundred taels of a stewed recipe? One hundred taels for a recipe for five-spice melon seeds

According to that, she knows a lot.

What garlic peanuts, what canned fruits, what hot pot seasonings...

Can they be sold for money

If she can, she will open a fart restaurant, and she will be the seller.

Sure enough, as Lin Su thought, Zhao Yinghao frowned, not as refreshing as before.

Xiao Nizi squinted and stared at Ling Muchuan. The meaning seems to be said again: look, let you ask the price, people will not buy it.

Ling Muchuan didn't care. The old god was watching him, silent and inaction.

Xiao Si stood aside, all speechless at the price.

Too expensive, three hundred taels of silver!

The key is just a recipe. They sell six copper plates per catty in the town. How much do they have to sell to pay back

Zhao Yinghao sighed heavily, looked at Ling Muchuan with a chuckle, and said.

"Brother Ling really knows our family well!"

(End of this chapter)