The Peasant Lady Came to Farm

Chapter 88: Oh, it's planted!


"You, don't scare me, you are not the kind of person who takes advantage of others."

With Lin Su's trusting attitude, Ling Muchuan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

If she doesn’t trust her so much and cheats her into drinking, is it okay...

Oh, it's planted!

Lin Su handed the fish to Ling Muchuan, and said lightly.

"You think of a way to make this fish into three segments. This way... this way... this way... just fine."

"What are you doing so hard? Just cook it straight." Ling Muchuan asked indifferently.

The cauldron is so big that it can't be stewed.

Lin Su curled his lips, looked at the righteous man, sighed heavily, and said.

"Silly boy, you. It's so big, have we eaten one meal? Stew it in three times, and it will last a long time."

Fish head, fish belly, fish tail.

Ling Muchuan watched her gestures and said with a slight frown.

"Can't you just chop with a kitchen knife?"

Oh my god, this is simply not normal communication.

Lin Su crumbled and rubbed his eyebrows, and said.

"Brother, are you making trouble?"

After finishing speaking, he tapped the fish's body several times with his index finger knuckles.

"Boom... boom..."

A crisp voice came, and Ling Muchuan nodded in understanding.

It is so frozen that you can't cut it with a knife.

Carrying the fish and going out with the axe, the three pieces of fish will be chopped in a while.

Lin Su looked at him, blinked his eyes, and said.

"Do you want to eat chicken or fish for a while?"

Ling Muchuan pondered for a moment, and just saw the mushrooms dried in autumn hanging by the beams of the room, and said.

"Eat chicken."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the hanging basket of the room beam.

"Oh, I forgot if you don't tell me." Lin Su nodded hurriedly.

Put the fish in a basin and put it in a large tank in the yard.

This tank was bought at Liu Guanzi's house this year, and I bought two of them in total.

It is specially placed in the yard, filled with meat, steamed buns, bean buns and so on.

It is a natural large freezer in winter, and it is used to collect rainwater and irrigate the ground in summer.

I put the fish in and looked at the big tank that had been empty for a long time and finally got something, I couldn't help but feel very happy.

I won’t keep the two boxes of snacks, put them out, and chew two if you’re hungry.

As for the jar daughter Hong, neither Lin Su nor Ling Muchuan drank it.

In the coming year, we will build a house in the spring, and when the house is built, I invite the villagers to take it out when they come home for a meal. It will definitely save face.

Everything was packed, Ling Muchuan went out.

It is said that after falling snow, pheasants are particularly easy to catch, and they don't have to go deep into the mountains.

Originally, Lin Su didn't want him to go to the mountains, because it was a bit dangerous.

Just thinking of what Ling Muchuan had said when she left, Xiao Nizi blushed again.

In the same room with you, I just want you!

A slightly vulgar sentence, but it reveals his helplessness, and his pity for her.

The corners of Lin Su's mouth raised, as he cleaned up the chicken, he smiled in his eyes.

Standing on a stool, take out some of the dried hazel mushrooms and soak them in warm water.

Chop the chicken into pieces with a knife, then add water to the pot, and blanch the chicken in blood.

The chicken is blanched and removed, washed, and then the soaked hazel mushrooms are cleaned.

Lin Su looked at the green onions that had sprouted, feeling happy.

When he first asked Ling Muchuan to go back and get the soil, he was especially suspicious.

It's like saying that nothing is possible to live, Barabara...

Little do you know that the vitality of green onions is particularly strong. Even if it’s frozen outside, and put it back in the soil for a few days, it still emits emerald green buds.

I learned this from the master chefs in the back kitchen. I didn’t expect to come to Yueguo and actually use it

On it.

Pull out a green onion, peel it, cut it, and slice the ginger.

In the process of cutting ginger, Lin Su held his breath.

It's no blessing to suffer the taste of ginger slices. I can't stand it.

Brush the large pot, boil it dry, and pour the oil. After the oil is hot, add sliced ginger, green onion, cinnamon, star anise, and fry the fragrant leaves to create a fragrance.

When the stir-frying is almost complete, pour the blanched chicken and continue to stir-fry quickly.

Cauldron cooking is different from gas and induction cooker. That can be adjusted, but this can't be adjusted.

If you are not careful, you will get stuck, but you can't take it lightly.

Stir fry until the chicken is slightly yellow. When the oil is bright, add soy sauce and stir fry to continue to color.

Pour in boiling water, cover the pot, and wait until the hazel mushrooms are opened.

This is the simplest chicken stew with mushrooms.

Wild and natural hazel mushrooms, little stupid chickens that do not eat feed and stroll around every day.

Well, I'm drooling when I think about it!

The pan opens the hazel mushrooms and starts to season. Then cover the pot, and the longer the simmering time, the thicker and more delicious the soup.

The pot tasted, Lin Su greedily smelled it, it smelled really good!

"Sister, what are you up to?"

Lin Su was stunned by the voice of Dai Liang's wife in the yard.

Why is this cold weather coming

He got up and opened the door, and said with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, come in, how cold it is."

"Oh, it's not cold or cold." Dai Liang's wife said as she entered the house, and handed her the big bowl in her hand.

Lin Su looked at the steaming and yellowing thing in the bowl, and his eyes lit up.

"Ah, sticky bean bag."

She likes to eat this thing, but her stomach is upset if she eats too much.

But in the winter, I would specifically ask my friends to send express delivery from the northeast, and post a little to relieve my greed.

"It's not snowing anymore. Our house starts to pack bean buns, freeze them, and keep them to eat slowly. The first pot will be delivered to you as soon as it is steamed."

With that said, Dai Liang's wife deliberately moved forward and said in a low voice.

"My mother-in-law asked me to give you some first."

Lin Su nodded at hearing, packed the beans into his own bowl, and said.

"Since Chuanzi is not here, I don't have to worry about speaking."

"That's not good either." Dai Liang's wife responded with a smile.

When I was talking, I smelled the smell of the pot, it should be stewed chicken, but it was really fragrant.

But she didn't say anything, she was so unreserved, she praised the smell of what people made.

What's the difference with to be.

Chuanzi was not at home and wanted to go hunting in the mountains.

It's great to be able to hunt. There is no shortage of meat at home, and you can eat it anytime.

Waiting for Lin Su to clean the bowl for her, Dai Liang's wife continued.

"When do you pack it? Call me when you pack it, and I'll come over and help you. This pack of beanbags is made by everyone helping each other."

"Then sister-in-law, is there a shortage of people on your side?" Lin Su raised an eyebrow and asked.

Dai Liang's wife shook her head hurriedly and said.

"There is no shortage, no shortage. The daughters-in-law of several families are there. Everyone staggers, today your family bag, tomorrow her family bag. Don't worry, there are enough people, not enough, I call you."

"Sure, don't be polite to me, then sister-in-law."

"No, I'll leave first." After Dai Liang's wife said, she opened the door and went out.

Lin Su was about to go out and was pushed by Dai Liang's wife and said.

"Don't come out, you are afraid of the cold. You don't need to send it a few steps away."

With that said, he pushed Lin Su into the house and closed the door deliberately.

When Lin Su saw this, in addition to feeling relieved, he smiled contentedly.

Don’t have many friends, just be considerate and understand you.

Fortunately, this wife of Dai Liang is not that old and stubborn. Otherwise, she has passed through to the present, and she probably knows nothing.


Take out the sugar jar, pick up a bean bag dipped in sugar, and take a bite.

It's delicious, so powerful, and sweet.

The sticky bean buns produced by Zheng Nongjia, although the bean paste skins are not filtered, they are also delicious.

After eating one, Lin Su also began to think about making sticky bean buns.

Sticky face is readily available at home, and Xiaodou also has it at home. Make some bean paste fillings, make some bean buns...

Ouch, this farmhouse is really good in winter. You can do everything and you can live in it.

Before the chicken in the pot was cooked well, Ling Muchuan came back.

The spoils are good. Two pheasants and three wild rabbits are all fat.

Lin Su dipped the sticky bean buns from Dai Liang's wife and fed them to Ling Muchuan.

The latter frowned slightly and bit his scalp.

Lin Su was puzzled and looked at him and asked inexplicably.

"What's wrong? Don't like eating?"

"It's too sweet." Ling Muchuan is not too sweet to eat.

Lin Su nodded clearly, biting him out and eating the rest naturally.

Ling Muchuan was very comfortable with her behavior.

I always feel that they are close together regardless of you and me.

If it wasn't for the cold body, I really wanted to kiss her while hugging her.

Lin Su dangled one of the pheasant and rabbit, thought about it, and said.

"You send it to their house? We can't eat so much anyway."

"Others." Ling Muchuan shook his head. While taking off his coat, he leaned forward, "I just sent you a sticky bean bag, and you gave it backhand. It makes people feel uncomfortable. It seems like you want something."


It seems to make sense.

Lin Su pursed his lips, looking at him dumbly.

"When will you give it?"

"Ming'er. You have packed up today, and will be sent to their home tomorrow, isn't it right?"

After hearing this, Lin Su nodded hurriedly, gestured a thumb at him, and said.

"Who said that you don't know the world, pull it over, I have to ask him carefully."

Ling Muchuan changed into the clothes she was wearing at home, slid on her slippers, came to her, reached out to clasp her chin and lifted it up, looking at her earnestly.

"It doesn't matter who says anything, as long as you know it."

Lin Su narrowed his eyes with a smile, wrapped his hands around his waist, and said.

"Of course I have to know, let's pack sticky bean buns when we finish the delivery the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, I listen to you."

Lin Su leaned in his arms contentedly. Although the north wind was blowing outside, the room was unusually warm.

Although she did not travel to large families, there were no maids to wait on her, and no rich family like princes and emperors to pamper her.

But with such a Ling Muchuan, relying on the two of them to work together, there must be everything in the future.

Thinking of this, Lin Su suddenly tightened his arms and hugged him tightly.

Ling Muchuan noticed her small movements, looked down at her, and asked in a low voice.

"what's happenin?"

Oh, terrible!

Lin Su couldn't stand his magnetic voice the most. He buried his small face tightly in his arms, rubbed it back and forth, and said.

"Nothing, just feel like being with you, good."

She doesn't know how to express what she means in her heart, anyway, let's understand the word "good" for herself.

Ling Muchuan raised the corner of his mouth, retreated to sit on the kang, placed the person on his lap, and hugged him quietly.

Lin Su did not forget the chicken stewed in the pot while enjoying the silence. He looked up at him, smiled and squinted, and said.

"I'm going to serve you some chicken soup? It should be very thick."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)