The Peerless Master

Chapter 119: Chen Feng arrives


"Chen Feng, don't come over!" Xiao Lin shouted nervously on the other end of the phone, her voice filled with fear and worry.

Chen Feng's brows had already been deeply furrowed, and a strong murderous aura rose into the sky, as if to tear the night sky apart.

"Ha ha ha, Chen Feng, right? Your woman is in my hands now. If you don't come within half an hour, don't blame us for being ruthless!" An extremely arrogant voice came from the other end of the phone.

"By the way, you're really fucking beautiful, I've already gotten hard just by looking at you from afar." The man continued, "Get to the warehouse of Chengxing Electric Appliance Factory in the eastern suburbs within half an hour. If you don't come, hehe, I'll be the first to taste it."

After saying this, the man laughed wildly, his smile full of lust and debauchery.

"Beep, beep, beep—" There was a busy tone from the other end of the phone, obviously the other party hung up.

"The Chengxing Electric Appliance Factory in the eastern suburbs?" Chen Feng muttered to himself, but his lips were already full of coldness.

"Who are you? Why did you bring me here for no reason?" Xiao Lin shouted loudly, his eyes full of fear.

Today, she and a few sisters were shopping on the pedestrian street after dinner. Who knew that a group of people rushed out from nowhere and dragged her into a van without saying a word.

She was just a weak woman. Although she had practiced the skills in the "Tian Jue Formation Diagram", it was still too early for her. She was no match for these strong men. No matter how she struggled, she could not escape the control of these men.

Fortunately, these men only tied her up and did not touch her, otherwise Xiao Lin would have been ready to commit suicide.

After kidnapping Xiao Lin, the other party took her to the warehouse of Chengxing Electric Appliance Factory, and then no one paid any attention to her except for sending two people to guard her.

However, Xiao Lin always faintly heard many footsteps coming from all around the warehouse, and eventually disappeared in various places around.

After an unknown amount of time, a group of men finally appeared. The man in the lead was very unrestrained, with a full beard and clothes that were neither new nor old, which made him look unsightly.

"This must be Miss Xiao, right? Hahaha, nice to meet you." The bearded man showed his yellow teeth and chuckled, "I forgot to tell you, my name is Wang Wenjun."

Wang Wenjun's voice is very distinctive, like a drake with its neck strangled, very harsh.

"What on earth do you want to do? Have I offended you in any way that you have to bring me here?" Xiao Lin asked Wang Wenjun nervously.

"Why?" Wang Wenjun looked at Xiao Lin with sarcasm: "Haha, you didn't provoke me, but you provoked our young master."

"Young Master?" Xiao Lin opened his mouth and a figure suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Is it Yao Fang?" Xiao Lin opened his mouth in surprise, and a hint of worry suddenly arose in his heart.

"Are you from the Prince's Party?" Xiao Lin looked at Wang Wenjun with a wary heart. Although she knew that she and Chen Feng would face the revenge of the Prince's Party sooner or later, Xiao Lin did not expect that the revenge would come so quickly. In just one day, she was abducted here.

"Hahaha, the little girl is really a smart person." Wang Wenjun's face suddenly flashed with a ferocious look: "You and your friends are so bold that you dare to hurt the young master and make him unable to be a man for the rest of his life."

"The young master has said that you two cannot leave alive today." Wang Wenjun smiled cruelly.

As he spoke, he had already taken out a cell phone from Xiao Lin's purse. He began to look through the phone book and finally stopped at a name - Chen Feng.

"Cooperate with me later. If you call Chen Feng here obediently, I might be soft-hearted and let you die quickly." Wang Wenjun said coldly.

"You're dreaming!" Xiao Lin didn't know where she got the courage from, she glared at Wang Wenjun with an uncompromising look.

"By the way, you are really pretty, girl. Although I like men, it's nice to change my taste occasionally." Wang Wenjun licked his lips, put his big hand on Xiao Lin's little face, and said threateningly.

"Don't touch me, you bastard!" Xiao Lin's face was full of coldness. Since it had come to this point, she might as well just give it a try. The worst that could happen was death.

"Ha ha ha, don't be anxious, don't be anxious!" Wang Wenjun had a lewd smile in his eyes, but he used Xiao Lin's mobile phone to call Chen Feng.

At this moment, Xiao Lin's heart was in a mess. The heart that had been prepared for death suddenly became confused.

"Hello, Xiao Lin..." Xiao Lin suddenly felt nervous when she heard Chen Feng's voice coming from the phone.

"Chen Feng, don't come over here..." Xiao Lin had just shouted this when Wang Wenjun covered her mouth and she could no longer make a sound.

Chen Feng was lurking in a dark place not far away, staring closely at a factory hidden in the endless night ahead.

In the pitch-black factory, only a row of low houses were still brightly lit.

I looked at the time on the phone in my hand. It was still 8:40. 25 minutes had passed since I received the call.

"Time is running out." Chen Feng murmured softly, and his body quickly disappeared from the spot. The next moment, he was more than ten meters away.

"Haha, it seems that your lover is scared and won't come." Wang Wenjun showed his yellow teeth and pointed at a big clock on the wall and laughed.

Xiao Lin looked at the clock on the wall. It showed 9:43, and there were only 2 minutes left for half an hour.

A complex feeling suddenly arose in her heart, relief yet disappointment.

The relief was that Chen Feng was finally safe today. The disappointment was that Chen Feng was afraid of death and did not come to save him.

Two completely contradictory thoughts intertwined with each other, making Xiao Lin dizzy.

"In that case, I will keep my promise. Hahaha, I've only played with men all these years and have forgotten the taste of women." As he spoke, Wang Wenjun's big hand gently stroked Xiao Lin's long hair and slid down to Xiao Lin's shoulders.

"Don't touch me!" Xiao Lin was filled with despair. He was determined to use a secret technique.

In "Tian Jue Zhentu", there are various magic techniques, one of which is to detonate the body and soul and die together with the enemy.

Although Xiao Lin's cultivation was still shallow and he couldn't achieve the effect of self-destruction, it was more than enough for him to commit suicide with this technique.


At this moment, the iron door of the warehouse was violently pushed open, making a heavy roar.

A tall figure slowly walked in from the darkness outside the door.

"Chen Feng—" Xiao Lin shouted happily, with tears welling up in her eyes.