The Peerless Master

Chapter 25: Miracle prescription


"Mr. Chen, the medicine is ready." Dean Li ran over in a hurry. Behind him, several young and strong men followed closely, carrying a large bucket of dark brown Chinese medicine.

As a large hospital, the Chinese Medicine Hospital naturally had efficient medicine-boiling machines. The first batch of medicine was available in just half an hour.

"Distribute the medicine immediately, one cup to each person." Chen Feng heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the medicine had been prepared. With the medicine he prescribed, the corpse poison would not be so scary anymore.

As he spoke, Chen Feng scooped a cup of medicine, handed it to Chen Hui, and motioned her to feed it to the child.

The medicine took effect quickly after entering his stomach. The black energy on the young man's face receded like a tide, and he suddenly became more energetic.

"Haha, it really works!" Chen Hui's tears flowed like pearls from a broken string, and she couldn't stop it: "Mr. Chen, thank you for saving my life."

Chen Feng smiled calmly, waved his hand, and suddenly a handful of golden needles appeared in his hand. He returned the golden needles to Vice President Wang and instructed: "Remember, these golden needles must be boiled in boiling water for five hours before they can be used again, otherwise, they will harm others."

Vice Dean Wang nodded hastily, carefully put it away, and then bowed: "Wang Xingshan, please accept me as your disciple."

Chen Feng dodged in a flash. He looked at Vice Dean Wang and said, "We don't have a master-disciple relationship. Let's not talk about this again!"

Vice Dean Wang's face turned pale, but he was relieved immediately. He stood up and bowed to Chen Feng: "I am greedy. I am already satisfied to see your amazing acupuncture skills today. How dare I ask to be your apprentice?"

Chen Feng nodded. Vice Dean Wang's carefree attitude was rare. However, the road to cultivation was bumpy. Vice Dean Wang had been worn down by trivial matters and could not cultivate. Why not spend the rest of your life in peace? Why not be happy

At this time, a steady stream of footsteps sounded. A team of soldiers armed with real guns and live ammunition were marching in neat steps, blocking all the entrances and exits of the hospital. In addition, several pairs of soldiers rushed in, holding their guns, and searched room by room.

"Report, Team One found no problems."

"Report, Team Two found no problems."

"Report, Team Three found no problems."

The series of "no problems" made the officer look puzzled. Their mission was to kill those mad terrorists on the spot in this hospital, but other places were fighting to the death, but it seemed like nothing happened to them.

"Isolate all patients. No one is allowed to go out without orders from above. If anyone goes crazy, shoot him on the spot." This was an order from above, and he carried it out without reservation.

"Yes!" the soldier agreed and passed on the officer's words.

"Director Li, do you know what the situation is like in other hospitals?" Chen Feng asked.

"Well, other hospitals are now isolated by the military just like ours, and people inside are not allowed to come out. Also, when I called to ask just now, I heard gunshots from the line from time to time." Dean Li said truthfully.

"Well, let's make the contents of the prescription I gave you public to all hospitals." Chen Feng said solemnly, "We need to hurry up."

Upon hearing this, Dean Li hurriedly started making phone calls and disclosed the prescription to hospitals of all sizes. He believed that with Chen Feng's prescription, this outbreak of corpse poison could be suppressed quickly.

Chen Feng walked into the emergency room.

The patients in the hall were chatting excitedly at this moment. They were in critical condition just now, but now they were cured by a cup of Chinese medicine. Everyone would be very happy.

"Everyone, I want to ask you a question." Chen Feng raised his hand, trying his best to let his voice reach everyone's ears: "Where have you been before you became ill? Or what have you eaten?"

Corpse poison cannot be spread through the air and can only be transmitted through direct contact or ingestion.

Although these people didn't know that it was Chen Feng who saved them, they were in a good mood at the moment, so they naturally answered with one answer if there were two.

"I have been working these days. Apart from the company and home, I have not been anywhere else." A man in his thirties recalled and said.

"I went to Qingquan Mountain with my friends yesterday afternoon and haven't been out since then."

"Hey, I went to Qingquan Mountain too."

Suddenly, everyone said that they had been to Qingquan Mountain.

"Now that you mention it, I remember it." The man in his thirties said at the beginning: "Last night, a friend of mine came to my house and brought me a bottle of water. He said it was spring water from the cool cave in Qingquan Mountain and could relieve summer heat. I thought it was magical, so I drank it."

"Yes, yes, I also drank the spring water in that spring cave."

"I drank it, too."

Suddenly, everyone spoke up, saying that they had drunk the spring water there directly or indirectly.

"Could it be that our illnesses are caused by drinking the spring water there?" people began to speculate.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he secretly said, "The evil zombie should be in Qingquan Mountain. After finding out the location of Qingquan Mountain, Chen Feng quietly went out.

"Sir, this place has been blocked now and no one can go out." When Chen Feng walked to the gate, he was stopped by several soldiers.

Looking at the soldiers with real guns and live ammunition not far away, Chen Feng did not rush forward.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

Chen Feng looked at the caller ID, smiled and picked up the phone.

"Chen Feng, you big pervert, are you okay in the hospital?" Before Chen Feng could say anything, a female voice started yelling.

There was a hint of smile in Chen Feng's words: "Lily, if I have something to do, will I still answer your call?"

The man seemed to think for a moment and said, "Chen Feng, you should have been given the magical Chinese medicine. I don't know who is so capable, but after taking the medicine, all the patients in the hospital where I am stationed have recovered. The situation is under control now, and I believe the blockade will be lifted soon."

After a pause, Li Li said, "Chen Feng, please don't be in any danger." Her words showed deep worry.

Chen Feng felt warm in his heart, but a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Hey, I haven't bullied you enough, how could anything happen?"

"Pah—" Li Li hung up the phone, stuffed the phone into her bag, and said viciously: "This big pervert, at this time, he still has the mind to act like a hooligan."

Chen Feng listened to the busy tone on the phone with a look of satisfaction on his face. He didn't know when it started, but bickering with this little witch had become a pleasure.

Looking at the soldiers guarding the door, a strange light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. Walking to an empty corner, Chen Feng moved his fingers in his left hand, and suddenly, a light flashed on his left hand. The next moment, Chen Feng slapped his forehead with his left hand.


Chen Feng's figure suddenly became transparent, and then no trace of him could be seen anymore.

"Invisibility Talisman" is a talisman commonly used by cultivators to hide their body.

With the effect of the "Invisibility Talisman", Chen Feng walked out of the main gate in a swagger, and passed by the soldiers without seeing them move at all.