The Peerless Master

Chapter 26: Two hundred-year-old zombies


There was no one on the mountain road of Qingquan Mountain at this moment. Not only did Chen Feng find out the location of the corpse poison outbreak, but the police and the army also learned about the situation on Qingquan Mountain from the recovered patients. At that moment, they immediately blocked Qingquan Mountain and dispersed the tourists on the mountain.

On the mountain path, two people were running. One of them was wearing a black windbreaker, and the other was carrying a wooden sword and a small cloth bag on his waist. They were running up the mountain very quickly. If anyone saw them, they would be shocked because their figures were as fast as lightning. They were like a big bird with wings spread out, and each step could take them up more than ten or twenty stone steps.

Finally, they stopped in front of a cave.

"Li Feng, be careful, I feel an evil aura." The woman cautiously reminded the man who was about to enter the cave.

Li Feng stopped and smiled at the woman: "Ruonan, I understand. Now, those who are infected with corpse poison have been cured because of the sudden appearance of the prescription. As long as this zombie is eliminated, the source of the corpse poison can be cut off."

Zhang Ruonan nodded and said, "Be careful in everything." As she spoke, she touched the small cloth bag at her waist and took out a palm-sized compass.

"Buzz, buzz—"

The needle in the center of the compass vibrated gently, pointing into the cave.

"It's inside!" Zhang Ruonan said in a low voice, and slowly moved his body inside.

Once you enter the cave, you can immediately see a pool of clear spring water gurgling out of the cave, with a hint of coolness emanating from the spring water.

"If it really is Wang Haoquan, if I didn't know, I would have taken a sip as well." Li Feng said softly.

"If you want to die, just drink it." Zhang Ruonan said speechlessly. She took a red bead in her hand and dipped it into the spring water.


Suddenly, streams of black air appeared in the spring water and were absorbed by the blood jade bead. The black air lingered inside the blood jade bead, and soon, the bead turned dark red.

"What a powerful corpse poison!" Li Feng swallowed his saliva: "It seems that this zombie is very powerful and difficult to deal with."

Zhang Ruonan frowned slightly, but his expression was firm: "As a disciple of the Maoshan Sect, how can I stand idly by when I see these ghosts causing trouble?" As he said that, Zhang Ruonan took the lead to explore into the cave.

"This little girl." Li Feng looked at Zhang Ruonan's slim and graceful back, couldn't help but smile, and then quickly followed her.

As we went deeper into the cave, the surroundings had already become pitch black.

The two men groped their way forward with powerful flashlights.

"We have been walking for nearly half an hour, why haven't we reached the end yet?" Li Feng said uncertainly.

"It's almost there, the zombie is not far from us." Zhang Ruonan said solemnly as he looked at the shaking compass.

"Why is this damn place so weird?" Li Feng said hesitantly. Suddenly, a cold wind blew and Li Feng shivered violently.


The compass in Zhang Ruonan's hand was pointing at something and suddenly began to tremble violently.

"It's just in front!" Zhang Ruonan shouted softly and ran quickly into the cave.

The beam of the strong flashlight instantly illuminated the front. I saw a green coffin lying quietly under the cave wall. Next to the coffin, several broken bodies were lying on the ground in all directions. The stench was overwhelming. On the cave wall above the coffin, a huge hole was particularly obvious. It was dark and I didn't know where it led to.

Zhang Ruonan and Li Feng approached cautiously.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Li Feng frowned slightly: "Look at these corpses, each one is broken into pieces, obviously they were torn to death by extremely violent things. Who are they, and what is the connection between their death and these zombies?"

"They are a group of tomb robbers!" Zhang Ruonan suddenly pointed at the big hole on the cave wall and said, "This is a tomb robbery pit. This coffin should have been carried out from the tomb by this group of people."

Zhang Ruonan was a little confused: "This kind of thing is rare. Usually people who do this kind of thing will only take away the property inside and rarely move the coffin. But why did this group of people steal the coffin as well?"

"You'll know after you take a look." Li Feng suddenly grabbed a corner of the coffin lid and pulled it hard. It was too late for Zhang Ruonan to stop him.


The coffin lid was immediately opened by the pulling force.

"Hey - this coffin has been opened." Li Feng exclaimed softly and stretched his head to look inside the coffin. Generally speaking, coffins are nailed shut, so it is naturally not that easy to open.

"Be careful!" Zhang Ruonan said softly.

"Huh? There is no zombie in the coffin!" Li Feng suddenly exclaimed. Zhang Ruonan became alert when he heard it.


A violent roar suddenly sounded behind him.

The two men suddenly shone their powerful flashlights behind them. A dark grey figure flashed past the light, and vaguely one could see its dry skin and cold face.

"Be careful! This is a hundred-year-old zombie!" Zhang Ruonan suddenly shouted, "It's afraid of light, shine the flashlight on it!"

As he spoke, Zhang Ruonan's flashlight suddenly swung at an angle, and the incandescent light fell right on the zombie's body. Under the light, bursts of green smoke actually rose from its skin.


The zombie roared, and its body flashed again, and it escaped from the flashlight beam.

However, before it could be happy, another flashlight shone over. Suddenly, the zombie kept thrashing on the ground, looking very painful.

"Haha, a hundred-year-old zombie is nothing more than this." Li Feng looked at the struggling zombie and suddenly felt contempt in his heart.

"Li Feng, be careful!" Zhang Ruonan screamed from behind. At the same time, Li Feng felt a sudden gust of wind from behind.

Another vague figure jumped out from the bottomless tunnel, and its extremely sharp nails, illuminated by the residual light of the flashlight, stabbed towards Li Feng's chest.

"Oh my god, there's another hundred-year-old female zombie." In the critical moment, Li Feng didn't panic at all. He just shouted and moved several meters sideways to avoid the sharp grab. However, the zombie that came later would not let him escape so easily. It turned its body, its eyes emitted a sinister green light, and suddenly opened its mouth to bite Li Feng's neck. At the same time, the zombie that appeared earlier, after escaping from the light of Li Feng's flashlight, also screamed, jumped more than ten meters, and pounced on Li Feng.

"Damn it!" Li Feng cursed loudly, and only had time to wave the high-powered flashlight in his hand to block it in front of him.

The female zombie's big mouth just bit the flashlight, and with a "click" sound, the flashlight suddenly broke into pieces, and the light in the cave suddenly dimmed. Just like this, Li Feng once again opened up a distance, but his figure looked a little embarrassed.

"Go to hell!" he shouted angrily, then spread out his windbreaker and two white lights shot towards the two zombies that pounced on him again.

"call out-"

The white light cut through the air, bringing up a slight sound of wind, and was as powerful as a sharp sword, piercing straight into the hearts of the two zombies!

With two "ding, ding" sounds, the white light hit the chests of the two zombies accurately, but only a few sparks splashed, and then they were stuck into the ground weakly. They were actually two one-inch long flying knives.

"Oh my god, I can't break the defense!" Li Feng widened his eyes and said in disbelief.

"Be careful, the skin of zombies over a hundred years old is harder than steel, and it is difficult to hurt them with ordinary weapons!" Zhang Ruonan's voice was a little anxious.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Li Feng jumped up immediately after hearing this: "How can we fight this?"

Even so, the flying knives in his hands kept flying without interruption, but they seemed to be tickling the zombies.

At this moment, the flashlight in Zhang Ruonan's hand flickered a few times and then went out. The entire cave suddenly returned to darkness, without any light at all.

"Ruonan, where's the light? I can't see anything without it." Li Feng's voice sounded a little anxious in the darkness. Without the light of the flashlight, he couldn't deal with the attack of the two zombies in the dark.

On the other hand, the two zombies, freed from the restraint of the damn light, were like fish in water, and their bodies became even faster.

Silently, two zombies approached Li Feng and attacked him suddenly.

When Li Feng heard the sound of the wind, he wanted to retreat immediately, but who knew that in the direction of his retreat, another strong airflow suddenly hit him.

Unexpectedly, these two zombies actually knew how to attack together. After losing the restraint of the light, they forced Li Feng into a corner with just one move.

"Damn, am I going to die here today?" Li Feng screamed in surprise, and then his body was knocked flying heavily, hitting the wall of the cave. His head tilted, and he died without a sound.


The two zombies roared triumphantly and tried to move forward again to tear the man into pieces.


A sword light suddenly flashed, and Zhang Ruonan's figure instantly blocked Li Feng's way.