The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 10: future plans


Halfway through the party, Lu Lingjuan noticed that Yin Chang was a little tired, so he found an excuse to dismiss the next striker, and sent him to the ear room to rest.

After entering the room, Yin Chang went straight to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked down at the lights of Wanjia in Haicheng, and sighed softly.

He didn't understand why those people whose eyes were flushed and sad all over the place during the memorial ceremony, why they were able to exchange cups and chatter with each other in the blink of an eye.

He didn't know whether it was because they all had enough acting skills, or the world was just so cold.

His hand was lightly touched, and Lu Lingjuan appeared beside him with a cup of hot coffee: "Are you a little tired? If you are tired, I will arrange a car to take you back first."

"No need." Yin Chang took it and took a sip slowly. Today is his father's memorial service, anyone can leave first, but he can't.

Lu Lingjuan accompanied him by the side, and when he noticed that Yin Chang was in better spirits, he said, "I just secretly took a picture of you."

"What photo?" Yin Chang turned his head to look at her.

Lu Lingjuan handed him the phone to look at, and it showed Yin Chang's back just standing in front of the French window.

The lights in the ear room were not turned on, and the vast night was filtered into indigo blue in the night view mode of the mobile phone, making Yin Chang's figure sharp. The black suit stuck to his waistline, showing his height and long legs even more. The way he looked down at the exterior scene looked like a high-ranking young emperor, but in such a dark tone, there seemed to be an indescribable sense of loneliness.

As soon as Lu Lingjuan walked in, she was attracted by this picture. Standing behind Yin Chang, she couldn't help taking this picture with her mobile phone.

"I think it's pretty cool, but if you don't like it, I'll delete it." Lu Lingjuan said.

"If you like it, keep it." Yin Chang said absently, returned the phone to her, and turned to face out of the window again.

After the memorial service, Yao Manhuai personally sent Yin Chang back to Huaihe apartment.

Seeing his blank expression, Yao Manhuai also felt that it was time to ask the child about his future plans: "Have you ever thought about what to do after your father's matter is settled?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet..." Although Yao Manhuai and Yang Jiajia are in charge of the company's affairs, with so many industries in Yin Dong, it is impossible for Yin Chang to be a completely indifferent shopkeeper forever.

During the few days after he came back from the accident, he was also thinking about whether he should ask Yao Manhuai about some things in the entertainment industry, and whether he should learn a little about management... He still didn't know where to start.

Yao Manhuai asked him: "If nothing happened to Yin Dong, have you thought about what you will do in the future?"

Yin Chang had thought about this.

Yin Dong sent Yin Chang to the kind of private school with multi-faceted development. He learned a lot and had a wide range of hobbies.

Before high school, in addition to basic subjects, Yin Chang also learned four foreign languages, as well as polo, fencing, Muay Thai and other niche sports. Once Yin Dong is free, he will also take him to experience extreme sports such as diving and skydiving around the world. Exercise his willpower and mentality.

In addition, Yin Chang himself also cultivates daily life skills in his spare time. For example, during the two dating sessions, he learned how to mix wine for the first time, and the second time the girl he dated liked to eat desserts. He personally learned how to make ice cream for her and dessert. Later, the two broke up, and he was bored and went to take the exam for a pastry chef qualification certificate.

With a wealthy family background, Yin Chang does not need to run around for a living, but only thinks about what he really wants to do.

This summer, Yin Chang graduated from high school. Instead of applying to a comprehensive prestigious school, he chose a regional college with a free style of study. This college has set up many humanities and arts subjects such as philosophy, music, and fine arts, which may not be useful for finding a normal job in the eyes of outsiders, but Yin Chang finds them very interesting.

Originally starting school in half a month, Yin Chang had already decided to choose a major of architectural art and photography for half a semester, and then he would be able to take his camera to Italy and Spain to take pictures of architecture during the winter vacation.

Then something happened to Yoon Dong.

All Yin Chang's plans and fantasies about the future were interrupted at that moment.

"I think... what I wanted to do is not important anymore, I should do something for my father next, what do you think, Aunt Yao?"

"I think you're right," Yao Manhuai spoke out his plan, "I have a suggestion, do you want to listen?"

"What suggestion?" Yin Chang asked humbly.

Yao Manhuai's tone was a little bewildering: "How about being a star like your father?"

"... huh?" This suggestion was a bit unexpected for Yin Chang.

Yao Manhuai explained to Yin Chang while driving: "Your father has accumulated a lot of resources in the showbiz these years. Some material things, such as assets and money, may be easily inherited. But there are many intangible things, such as Networks, popularity, etc., if you don’t follow the same path as him, it will be difficult to continue. I am the one who has accompanied him all the way, and I know how difficult it is for him to achieve his current position in the circle, so I don’t want to Seeing these things dissipate."

"But he... has worked too hard in the entertainment industry." Yin Chang frowned.

Yao Manhuai glanced at Yin Chang's expression and guessed his thoughts: "Xiao Chang, I know that Yin Dong spent very little time with you since childhood. You may have complained to him and misunderstood his work. But he sacrificed In order to spend time with you, he is doing more meaningful things. For more than ten years, he has worked hard in filming, left behind many classic film and television images, and became the best actor as he wished."

Yin Chang understands that this is the path Yin Dong chose, presumably this is also what Yin Dong likes to do.

Yao Manhuai changed the subject: "But to become a public figure that attracts much attention, one has to assume corresponding social responsibilities. He has also been using his own strength to help those in need, to help make the world a better place, as small as homosexuality Rights protection, ranging from nature protection, disaster relief and fundraising, he has participated in a lot, including this time he had an accident, and it was on the way to a public welfare filming... "

Indeed, Yin Dong went to Kenya this time to shoot a public service video on wildlife protection.

As a famous star, Yin Dong originally set up a studio in China to shoot this kind of film, and then there is nothing wrong with post-processing, but he has always been dedicated to his work and keen on public welfare, so he agreed to go to the local filming...

But to tell the truth, Yin Chang would rather Yin Dong be more selfish, so that nothing would happen.

"I don't expect you to be as successful as your father, but Xiao Chang, the resources he created for you are enough to allow you to reach a height that others can't match... And, when you walk on this road, you will understand this better. Industry, so that you can take over your father's business."

Yin Chang hesitated: "But I don't know anything, how can I be a star?"

He can't do any of the singing and dancing performances that entertainers must have—hip-hop and ballroom dancing were learned for a while in middle school, but singing is only at the level of KTV, let alone acting. He can't even talk to Fiona (nanny ) To tell a lie, it takes a long time to type the manuscript.

Yao Manhuai explained: "A star is a career that creates dreams for fans. He is not an individual, but a group. Behind the shining of a star, there are countless people who are giving in obscurity. Just like your father, behind his success There is me, there is Yang Jiajia, and the staff who come and go in the entire Yin Dong studio... "

The current era is different from Yin Dong's era. Yao Manhuai wants Yin Chang to become a traffic star first, and then cultivate his professionalism a little bit, produce works, and build a reputation, which is the opposite.

Moreover, Yin Chang is different from those stars who deliberately shape their characters in order to become famous. He himself is a particularly attractive person. As long as he shows himself, he can gain huge popularity.

Of course, it was too early to analyze these things with him.

Yao Manhuai said: "I don't need you to know everything now, as long as you have the will, I have the ability to make you a star."

Listening to Yao Manhuai's swearing tone, Yin Chang's heart was also wavering.

Yao Manhuai continued: "To be honest, when you go to Kenya this time, most of the news exposed on the way is manipulated and participated by Nova Entertainment."

She told Yin Chang about her prior arrangements, and Yin Chang was very surprised.

"I did this largely because of your father, because the news can maintain the heat of the incident and create momentum for his memorial service. He was famous all over the world during his lifetime, and I hope more people can remember him after his death. Live him, mourn him... Of course, I am not saying this to kidnap you. If you feel a little disgusted with these things, you can tell me bluntly. I will remove those news little by little. As long as you don’t appear in the media, it won’t take long , the audience will slowly forget about you. You can go back abroad to continue studying your books and live a life as you like. However, if you don’t feel disgusted, and you can even accept such a state, then I promise you, being a star is also possible. It won't be too difficult. Don't worry, I will be by your side, give you advice, solve problems, and accompany you on your journey."

For such a big decision, Yao Manhuai couldn't ask Yin Chang to give an answer immediately.

Seeing that she was about to arrive at the Huaihe apartment, she said, "Don't worry, you can go back and think about it in these two days."