The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 113: Siya


Yin Chang's Weibo post received countless likes, and there was a row of drooling expressions and compliments, but there was no comment from Shao Junling.

Yang Na didn't eat much, and Yin Chang was so angry that he lost his appetite. He ate less than one-third of the food on the table, and the rest was fed into the trash can.

It wasn't until the day before returning to the crew that Yin Chang saw Shao Junling's like, and replied "I'm hungry" in that state.

Just seeing these two words, Yin Chang's heart softened so much that he wished he could send the delicacies he made to Shao Junling. It was only then that he realized that Shao Junling was pulling his mind all the time, and the things that pulled him were extremely trivial things.

For example, in the photo in the bar, it is normal for young people to gather together and hook their shoulders together; the photo of Shao Junling and Qin Xifeng together may also be a simple "meet an old friend in a foreign land"; Shao Junling didn't like him in time, maybe he was too busy, etc. Just saw it today...

Yin Chang sighed lightly, and completely gave up on his childish behavior against Shao Junling.

One night at the end of February, Yin Chang received a call from the family doctor on the set, and Yang Na's health check report came out.

It happened to be raining that day, and the rain in winter and spring was bitterly cold. Yin Chang stood in front of the hotel wearing a large down jacket. After listening to the doctor's report on his condition, he calmly said, "Then arrange hospitalization."

After hanging up the phone, he just stared at the water curtain under the entrance canopy for a long time without moving.

"Brother Yin Chang, why are you standing here alone?" A young actor hurried back from outside the door, and couldn't help but stop to say hello when he saw Yin Chang.

Yin Chang smiled at him, saw that he was holding a cigarette in his hand, and asked politely, "Can I borrow a cigarette?"

"Oh, what did you say, I'll give you a cigarette." The man generously took out a cigarette and handed it to him, and lit it for him. Seeing that Yin Chang seemed to have something on his mind, he waved his hand and left first.

Yin Chang took a puff of his cigarette, and the scene of Yin Dong smoking one cigarette after another outside alone in his early years appeared in his mind.

Looking at the dark sky through the rain curtain, he asked silently in his heart: Dad, how did you survive the loss of your beloved one

... He was just separated from Shao Junling, and he was almost unbearably lonely.

On another day, Yin Chang sent Lu Lingjuan to Hong Kong City first to help him find out the whereabouts of a person.

The man's name is Aaron, and he is the owner of the bar where Yin Dong worked - this is the information Luo Chuan revealed to him. It is said that this man knows Yin Dong's early life and emotional situation in Hong Kong City better than anyone else. . It's just that 20 or 30 years have passed, that bar is no longer there, and Luo Chuan doesn't know if Aaron is still in the port city. He also provided the information of several other people. Those people were wage earners or customers who often went to drink in that bar, and they knew Yin Dong somewhat.

After several years, looking for these people is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Lu Lingjuan has been there for more than half a month, but the clues he brought back are quite limited.

The boss named Aaron immigrated to New Zealand 20 years ago. He is now in his seventies, and Lu Lingjuan couldn't get in touch. However, she found a bartender named Kaser, who used to work in the bar. After the bar closed, Kaser came out with a few guys to start his own business.

Kaser is a few years older than Yin Dong. Now that he is over fifty, he will no longer be a bartender, but the boss behind several bars in Hong Kong City.

It took Lu Lingjuan a lot of effort to ask him to meet, but when Kaser talked about Yin Dong's past, there was a trace of disgust and indignation in his tone, which confirmed Luo Chuan's original saying that "no one likes to see you".

Kaser said that the boyfriend Yin Dong dated was an upper-class young master whose name seemed to be Siya. He was engaged in art, could draw and play the piano, and he was also handsome and extraordinarily handsome. nice.

But don't look at Siya as a young master, she is actually dirtier than anyone else. Kaser said that he was with Yoon Dong just for fun, besides Yoon Dong, that man was messing around with many people behind his back - this "fucking" was what Yoon Dong said to Kaser himself, because Yoon Dong and Siya had quarreled a lot Once, after each quarrel, Yin Dong always pretended not to have any contact with Siya. Once Kaser asked casually, Yin Dong complained with a black face that his boyfriend was in two boats.

But it's also what makes Kaser hate iron and steel—no matter how fiercely they fight, they always make up in the end.

Once there was an argument because of something, and Yin Dong was so angry that he didn't go home for several days. After the bar closed in the early morning, he got himself very drunk in the store. Kaser came to work the next day, saw Yin Dong's dead face, and asked him if he had quarreled with Siya again.

Yin Dong said that it was already divided, and that it was completely divided this time.

- "If I stay with him again, I will die in this life." He said at the time.

But that night, Siya came to find him. When he saw Yin Dong, he kept begging, "Forgive me." Yin Dong told him to leave, but he refused to leave. The employees and customers in the store were watching the excitement, Yin Dong reluctantly dragged Siya to the back street, Kaser took a look after him, and saw Siya knelt down to Yin Dong, crying and begging him not to leave her.

Kaser stood there in a daze, and saw them embrace each other later, kissing and crying.

To this day, Kaser can't understand the tormenting and unclear feelings between the two...

After Yin Dong came back, Kaser asked him: "Get back together again? You said that you will die if you get together again."

Yin Dong lowered his eyes, said weakly and resigned to his fate: "I have been planted by him in this life, and I will die if I die."

That night Siya stayed in the bar waiting for Yin Dong to get off work. He huddled in the corner at a loss, staring at Yin Dong intently. He didn't look like a young master, but like a bereaved dog who had made a mistake and was afraid of being abandoned by his owner.

"A Dong is a nice guy with a soft heart. He was stalked by Siya. They say that beauty is a disaster, and a man who looks like that is also a disaster," Kaser said.

Later, Siya fell ill, and Yin Dong quit his job to take care of him, and gradually lost contact with everyone. People who know these things look down on Yin Dong, thinking that he is very worthless living like a man.

"You see, once that troubled person died, Adong was lucky, so this may be his doom. Adong survived this doom and became a big star sought after by everyone." Kaser said.

When Lu Lingjuan mentioned Yin Chang, Yin Dong's son, Kaser said in mockery or sympathy, "Son? If you've met Siya, you'll know whose son that man is... What a sin, no wonder he deserves to die."

Lu Lingjuan didn't repeat these words for fear of irritating Yin Chang.

"That's all I've found so far. I also sent an email to Aaron before, but the email address was from a long time ago. I don't know if he will reply..." Lu Lingjuan said.

Yin Chang's brain was in a dull pain, and he covered his face with his hands and said in a low voice: "It's okay, don't investigate, just let it be."

Some words, Lu Lingjuan didn't say, Yin Chang could guess it by himself - he can draw, he can play the piano, these details are all matched with the clues in the villa.

Apparently, Siya was the person who had lived in that house, and the only person my father had ever loved in his life.

Moreover, when Kaser talked about Siya's appearance, he also mentioned: that person is of mixed race.

Thinking of his unusual eye color and appearance, and contacting Kaser's description of Siya, if Siya really did something wrong behind Yoon Dong's back, he might be the product of Siya's betrayal of love.

It's just that Yin Chang didn't expect that his biological father would be such an unbearable existence in the eyes of outsiders...

With what kind of mood did Yin Dong keep him by his side and raise him up

In the warm spring of April, Yin Chang finally finished his eight-month filming and returned to Haicheng. Yao Manhuai gave him a three-month leave to adjust his state.

Yang Na underwent chemotherapy in the hospital. Yin Chang planned to take her home after returning to Haicheng, but Yang Na was unwilling, saying that she was a sick person and would pass on her illness to Yin Chang when she went back to live.

Yin Chang didn't force her, and hired a nurse for her in the hospital to visit her every now and then.

During the health checkup in March, Yang Na was found to have lymphatic malignant tumors and precursors of Alzheimer's disease. Lymphoma cancer is detected early, and there is a possibility of being cured by chemotherapy, but Alzheimer's can only be slowed down by health care drugs, and there is no special treatment plan. In other words, even if Yang Na can survive, she will gradually forget all the people and things and become a dementia patient.

During the few months of rest, Yin Chang had nothing to do, cooking at home every day.

He downloaded a lot of cooking videos, from traditional Chinese dumplings and hand-rolled noodles to Western-style thick soup and pizza, learning what is new. Because one person can't eat much, Yin Chang often asks Lu Lingjuan to come over and pack the things he made to distribute to the employees of New Star Entertainment.

Yin Chang is a person who cares about details. When he was learning baking, he especially liked the process of color matching and mounting flowers. Now cooking is no exception. The types of ingredients, color matching, and the choice of plates are all important to him is art.

Every time I take a picture and send it to Moments, the presentation is getting better and better every day, and the photos are getting more attractive every day.

After two consecutive months of bombing, Yin Chang's friends couldn't hold back anymore.

"Dude, I'm on a diet, you're trying to starve me to death every day!"

"If you have the ability to post on Weibo, what kind of a hero are you to only post on Moments to harm us!"

"The most painful thing in the world is to look at the food on the screen but not taste it..."

"Yin Chang, we happen to have a food variety show here, do you want to think about it?"

Even Mi Xiu sent a private message asking him: "Little brother, are you planning to change careers to be a food anchor?"

Seeing the word "change career", Yin Chang was actually a little moved.

He felt that he really liked cooking, which was different from acting. Acting is because the scripts are different and the roles are different every time, which makes Yin Chang feel not boring, but his love of cooking is simply enjoying the process of cooking itself.

It doesn't matter even if you make dark dishes, because every time you play with various ingredients, it's like doing a very interesting experiment.

He used to think that only foodies liked to cook, but when it was his turn, he felt that it didn't matter if no one ate it. Whether others recognized it or not didn't hinder his enthusiasm for cooking.

Yin Chang replied to Mi Xiu: "I don't want to be a food anchor."

Mi Xiu: "... Then why do you cook and post on Moments all day long?"

Yin Chang: "Want to eat? Come to my house tonight, and I'll make it for you."

Mi Xiu: "..."



Lu Lingjuan: I thought I was a manager, but I didn't expect to be a delivery man

And my boss is a good celebrity and cooks at home every day

Doubt life.jpg