The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 115: don't hide


Yang Na: "After you were born, my wife gave me a sum of money and asked me to hug you to find Master Shen. Master Shen was frightened when he saw you, and Mr. Yin was also shocked. He didn't know that Shen Yang was carrying him behind his back. I have a child with my wife. They quarreled in front of me. Mr. Yin left in anger, and Young Master Shen also let me go in pain. I don't know what to do, so I will carry you to another place first. After a while, they probably reconciled again, and they came to me together, saying that since He Yufu didn't want this child, they should take care of her. So, I took you to live with them. In fact, I didn't I understand them, and I feel wronged for my wife. My salary has been paid by my wife for a long time. You asked about the villa on Ning Jing Road in Hong Kong City. It was also bought by my wife to accommodate you and Master Shen. I don’t understand, why? Young master Shen still wants to be with men... After getting along with them, I realized that the two of them really love each other... "

Yin Chang couldn't figure it out, how could Shen Yang be able to flirt with others in the process of getting along with his father, how could it be regarded as true love? If this is true love, then love is too cheap.

He only saw Yin Dong's deep affection for his lover, but he didn't see Shen Yang's sincerity towards Yin Dong.

If he were Yin Dong, and his lover was so promiscuous, he wouldn't be with him until he died.

Yang Na said: "Master Shen has never liked his wife. He and his wife may only be together for money. He was used to living a good life when he was a child, and he couldn't bear to be poor. In his concept, his body is also part of his own capital. The money can make him and Mr. Yin live a better life, so he is willing to change it. Before you were born, Mr. Yin had quarreled with him many times, but it was not until he had you that he completely changed the past. bug."

Yin Chang closed his eyes, and said as calmly as possible: "But my birth was not welcomed by them."

"Xiao Chang, don't think like this," Yang Na held Yin Chang's hand firmly, and comforted her, "Except for the fact that it was difficult to accept your existence at first, your two fathers love you very much, especially Mr. Yin."

"... Dad?" Yin Chang thought that Yin Dong would avoid him.

Yang Na: "Although you are not his own, Mr. Yin likes children more than Young Master Shen. Besides, you were so cute when you were young. Who would not like you? In my opinion, your biological father is a little afraid of you."

Yin Chang: "Afraid of me?"

Yang Na: "I guess it might be because he is afraid that if he likes you too much, it will make your father unhappy. After all, it is his and someone else's child, so he is always restrained, and only dares to look at it quietly when your father is not around." You, touch you."

Yin Chang said coldly: "That's because he has a guilty conscience..."

Yang Na wailed and sighed: "Forgive him, he has already sacrificed his life to atone for his sin."

Yin Chang was startled: "What do you mean?"

Yang Na: "The first year I took you to live with them, Mr. Yin was very strict with Young Master Shen, and they often had cold wars. Moreover, Young Master Shen always felt sorry for your father, and also felt that your appearance was a mistake..."

Yin Chang remembered the small medicine bottle he found in that villa, and opened his mouth: "Is he suffering from depression?"

Yang Na: "How do you know? Yes, he suffered from depression. We started to lack understanding of this disease. We didn't find out that he was already severely depressed until he had suicidal tendencies. In fact, Mr. Yin had already forgiven him at that time, but He has never let himself go... Once when Yin Dong was out shopping, I took you to the hospital for vaccinations. He locked the door, swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills at home, and left. Mr. Yin regretted his life all his life. He was too harsh on Young Master Shen. Young Master Shen’s biological mother was a Portuguese dancer, and he was also an illegitimate child. In such a growing environment, his views were destined to be different from those of Mr. Yin. He tried hard to change for his lover, but finally changed his views, but he couldn’t forgive him. What I have done before will lead me to commit suicide..."

Yin Chang's face turned pale, and he was sitting there, but he seemed to be on the verge of falling.

Yang Na: "After Young Master Shen passed away, your father locked himself at home for a whole month. Later, because you had a high fever, I couldn't do it alone. We rushed you to the hospital when you passed out the next day. .As soon as you arrived at the hospital, the doctor scolded your father, saying that if you go later, the child may die. He cried a lot while holding you in his arms. After he came back from the hospital, he asked me if I could leave you with you. he."

Yin Chang: "Dad asked on his own initiative?"

Yang Na nodded: "He originally thought that if Shen Yang died, I would take the child away. I asked him why he wanted to keep you, and you were not his child. He said, but you are his lover's child, which is equivalent to being the child of his lover. His son. I asked him again, you are still so young, what will you do if you fall in love with other women or have a new family in the future? He said that he will never love anyone else in his life, nor will he would marry anyone."

Hearing this, Yin Chang's eyes were blurred with tears.

Never get married for the rest of your life, never love anyone else... Yin Dong really did it.

Yang Na continued: "I was moved by Mr. Yin, so I decided to stay. My wife can't recognize you. If Mr. Yin doesn't want you, you will not only have no mother, but also no father. Before I followed Mr. Yin, I was with my wife I have been taking care of her for six years, and I know her temperament. It is not that I speak ill of her. She is far less good than your father. Although I was entrusted by her to take care of you, I have been employed by Mr. Yin for nearly 20 years and have taken care of you. For twenty-six years, I have already regarded you as my relatives. To you and me now, He Yufu is just a stranger. After Mr. Shen passed away, I went to my wife, who already had Xinhuan, her attitude towards me is not lukewarm. To be honest, her money is also given by men, and it is not a long-term solution, so I would rather let you follow Mr. Yin. Mr. Yin only asked his wife to do one thing later. The thing is to find a relationship to adopt you as his son. The name he gave you is to take the two sides of Shen Yang's name and follow his surname. Later, he became a star and made money, so I asked me to give you the name given by my former wife. Return all the money and buy the villa on Tranquility Road, so that we have completely severed contact with my wife."

Yin Chang choked up and said, "But he adopted me, but he didn't stay with me all the time. Does he still mind that I was born by Shen Yang and He Yufu?"

Yang Na caressed Yin Chang's cheek with trembling hands, wiped his tears for him, and stroked his face: "Xiao Chang, you really don't know how much you look like your biological father, Shen Yang's dead right It is a heart problem for your father, he will think of his lover when he sees you... Do you still remember that you were tall when you were fourteen years old, and when he came back from filming for half a year, he was dumbfounded when he saw you. That night, He smoked outside all night, and his eyes were red when he entered the door. He kept telling me, 'It's so similar'... Sometimes when you do things, he will watch you quietly and obsessively. He will see you when he sees you. I feel sad because he misses your dead biological father."

Yin Chang was speechless, no wonder Yin Dong didn't let him learn piano, no wonder sometimes he felt that Yin Dong resisted being in close contact with him...

He always suspected that Yin Dong didn't love him that much, but he never thought that he was the one who touched Yin Dong's love the most.

Yang Na: "Xiao Chang, don't blame me for keeping these secrets from you. I originally wanted to take these secrets to the grave, because I promised Mr. Yin that I would never tell you. He said, you are sensitive, and knowing these things is useless , I just feel sad. But I broke my promise, because Yang Na is old and sick, and I may not be able to take care of you in the future. gone."

Yin Chang's eyelashes were wet with tears, and he whispered: "I don't blame you, thank you for telling me."

Yang Na: "Xiao Chang, Yang Na has never been in a relationship or married, so she may not know much about love and love. But Yang Na has been watching, watching Mr. Yin and Master Shen, and also watching you And Junling..."

Yin Chang froze and looked at Yang Na stupidly.

Yang Na didn't point out anything, but looked at Yin Chang with those eyes that seemed to see through everything, and said with compassion and kindness: "If you miss him, don't hide, hide, let alone wrong have to believe, The person who can get your affection will definitely be the happiest person in the world."