The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 2: Unexpected life experience


In Yin Chang's impression, Yao Manhuai was not just a manager who accompanied Yin Dong to conquer the country.

In the early years, Yin Dong was busy with work and lost contact as soon as he joined the crew. No matter what happened to Yin Chang, he could only find Yao Manhuai to solve it.

Once, the family’s Asian nanny Fiona suddenly had a high fever and fell into a coma. Yin Chang, who was only seven years old, was at a loss. He asked Yao Manhuai for help. smooth until Fiona is discharged from the hospital.

Another time, Yin Chang accidentally tripped over a classmate while playing football at school, causing the opponent's ankle to be broken. The foreign boy threatened to make him unable to eat. The teacher couldn't get in touch with Yin Dong, so he contacted Yao Manhuai. Yao Manhuai flew abroad and settled everything for Yin Chang. He also took Yin Chang to invite the other family to have dinner, and asked the two children to shake hands on the spot. Yin Dong left the film crew three months later. Come out and find out about it.

Of course, such emergencies are rare, and Yin Chang is self-reliant, and rarely troubles his father.

However, the few experiences gave Yin Chang, who lacked maternal love since childhood, an illusion: Yao Manhuai is the only "relative" he can trust besides his father.

This point has not changed even after Yin Dong changed his agent.

For example, this time, when Yin Dong died, the person who called him immediately was still Yao Manhuai.

Yao Manhuai said on the phone: "Xiao Chang, I hope you can go back to China as soon as possible to deal with some matters related to your father."

So, he's back.

"Many people at the airport have seen me." Yin Chang told Yao Manhuai what happened just now.

"Your father is a well-known movie star. If he has such a big incident, you will inevitably be implicated." Yao Manhuai hinted at Yin Chang that he was inseparable from this circle. Instead of being overprotective, let him get used to it earlier.

Moreover, Yao Manhuai felt that Yin Chang's performance tonight was very good. Facing the sudden barrage of guns and short guns, ordinary people would have been scared to death, but Yin Chang did not lose control of his emotions, and maintained an excellent demeanor.

The two didn't talk much about the past, Yao Manhuai went straight to the point: "I contacted your father's agent and lawyer, let's meet with them first, and find out about your father's work and assets before his death."

The three parties made an appointment to meet in Yin Dong's studio, and Yao Manhuai drove Yin Chang there in person.

Yin Dong's studio is in a four-storey business villa in the western suburbs of the city. After the news of the plane crash was broadcast, the outside of the villa has been filled with new flowers by people who came to condolences. Yin Chang felt a burst of sadness when he saw it .

Yin Dong's current manager is a man in his thirties, slightly fat, named Yang Jiajia.

When Yao Manhuai left Yin Dong to develop his career, he left behind his most capable apprentice. Yang Jiajia has followed Yin Dong for five years, and has already cultivated into a trump card manager who can act alone. But in front of Yao Manhuai, he still respectfully called her "Sister Yao".

It was nearly midnight in China, and the office area was dark, except for the conference room with lights on.

Yang Jiajia said with a haggard face, "Xiao Lin and the others stayed up all night, and now they are going upstairs to sleep."

Yin Dong's plane crashed the day before yesterday, and the whole company was in chaos. There were scattered documents on the desk and on the ground, as if it had been robbed. Only a few computer screens in the work area that were not turned off still displayed the news of Yin Dong's death.

The three of them entered the conference room, and the long-awaited lawyer Wang stood up to greet them. Yao Manhuai introduced to the two of them: "This is Yin Chang, Yin Dong's only son. He just came back from abroad. This is Yin Dong's property lawyer, Wang Yan. "

Lawyer Wang handed Yin Chang his business card and introduced himself: "It's the first time we met. I have been managing corporate and private assets for your father for more than ten years. I will do my best for your father's affairs. Answer it."

Then, Wang Yan and Yang Jiajia introduced Yin Dong's public assets and company status respectively.

Yin Dong owns six companies in China, with a total valuation of more than 500 million, mainly involved in the field of film and television culture. Yao Manhuai's "New Star Entertainment" also has his shares. But Yin Dong participated in the management of only two, one is a studio established in Yin Dong's own name, and the other is a cultural company that recruits foreign cooperation projects.

The studio was established solely by Yin Dong. When Yin Dong was alive, many projects were directly decided by him. Once he died, someone had to take over the management to ensure that most projects could continue to advance.

There are also some commercial endorsements and film and television drama performance projects. Now the news of Yin Dong's death is still hanging on the Internet, and each family only sent a letter of condolence due to sympathy. When the heat passes, someone will have to take care of him one by one.

This is why Yao Manhuai arranged for Yin Chang to come back as soon as possible. After all, Yin Chang is currently the only person who can take over Yin Dong's position. Whether it is to hand over the affairs to professionals or go into battle in person, it is up to Yin Chang to decide.

Afterwards, Lawyer Wang introduced Yin Dong's private assets to Yin Chang alone, while Yao Manhuai and Yang Jiajia avoided him temporarily.

According to Lawyer Wang, Yin Dong still has more than 200 million real estate, 100 million current assets and 200 million charitable funds. The charity fund has nothing to do with Yin Chang. Yin Dong signed an agreement before his death, and transferred the management rights to related organizations free of charge after his death.

In addition, Yin Dong also purchased a sum of 30 million insurance for Yin Chang alone, but this money is the special protection he provided for Yin Chang after considering his own accident. But this accident has nothing to do with life or death. He thought of what would happen if his reputation was damaged or his investment failed and he went bankrupt. It's just that the 30 million cannot be withdrawn at one time, and will only be deposited into Yin Chang's personal account in the form of a certain amount every year after he becomes an adult, which can almost ensure that he will have no worries about food and clothing throughout his life.

Lawyer Wang finished reporting a set of data and did not give Yin Chang time to digest, so he asked him: "About your own life experience, do you understand?"

Yin Chang asked confusedly, "My background?"

Lawyer Wang: "Mr. Yin has kept a copy of his household registration file with me. He has no legal spouse, and his father-son relationship with you did not start from the year you were born, but one year after you were born."

Yin Chang frowned: "What do you mean?"

Lawyer Wang explained: "It is stated in the file that the reason you were registered by Mr. Yin was 'adoption'."

Yin Chang was shocked: adoption

"Impossible." Yin Chang instinctively refused to believe this fact, how could he be adopted by Yin Dong!

Lawyer Wang reassured him: "Don't be nervous, I'm just stating the facts based on the information. It is true that many adopters choose to hide the truth for the sake of the adoptee's physical and mental health. However, as a well-known person, Yin Dong With you, in order to protect your own reputation, you may also establish a father-son relationship with you in the name of adoption. This does not mean that your father and son must not be related by blood. If you have relevant information about your mother in private, you have the right to treat my words as nonsense. I meant no offense."

Lawyer Wang's words did not bring much comfort to Yin Chang.

Indeed, he didn't know who his mother was. When he was a child, Yin Chang asked Yin Dong relentlessly. Yin Dong told him that his mother died of illness shortly after giving birth to him. Mother, afraid of thinking about things, destroyed all related objects and photos.

Every time this matter is mentioned, Yin Dong is very sad, so Yin Chang has been convinced for many years.

But now that Lawyer Wang mentioned this, Yin Chang began to doubt this statement uncontrollably...

At this time, Lawyer Wang didn't know what to think of, and he hesitated: "I would like to ask again, did your father mention 'Shao Junling' to you a while ago?"

Yin Chang was stunned: "Who is Shao Junling?"

Seeing Yin Chang's blank expression, Lawyer Wang shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's not a big deal."

Although Yin Chang was a little puzzled, his mind was still full of conjectures about his life experience, and he didn't have much interest in this strange name.

And Lawyer Wang closed the file in his hand after asking this irrelevant question, and comforted Yin Chang: "You don't have to worry too much, no matter whether you and Mr. Yin are related by blood, your father-son relationship is recognized by the law. As far as I know, Mr. Yin did not leave any form of will before his death, and theoretically, you are still his sole legal heir."

Lawyer Wang had made a total asset estimate for him beforehand, and he told Yin Chang that Yin Chang could inherit about 700 million in assets after deducting part of the investment loss, compensation caused by business interruption, and equity transfer tax.

In fact, Yin Chang, who had a lot of money since he was a child, didn't have much reaction to this figure. Compared with how much money he could inherit, Lawyer Wang revealed that the issue of "adoption" made him more concerned.

It was close to two o'clock in the morning when the meeting ended. Yin Chang hardly closed his eyes since he learned of his father's accident.

Yao Manhuai entrusted Yang Jiajia to settle down Yin Chang, let him have a good night's rest, made an appointment to meet again the next day, and left first.

Yin Dong has a high-end apartment five kilometers away from the studio for his daily life in Haicheng. Yang Jiajia has a spare key. He asked Yin Chang if he would like to spend the night there, and Yin Chang said yes.

Yang Jiajia drove Yin Chang to the Huaihe apartment. Seeing Yin Chang's strange eyes looking at the surrounding environment, he couldn't help but ask, "Have you never been here?"

Yin Chang confessed: "This is my first time."

To be honest, before tonight, Yin Chang didn't even know how many houses Yin Dong owned.

Although he and Yin Dong are father and son, their lives are independent of each other. Yin Dong created a safe and affluent living environment for him abroad, and he also considers his father's work nature in China. How many houses Yin Dong wants to buy and where to buy them are Yin Dong's freedom.

Yin Chang's indifference also made Yang Jiajia feel a little bit emotional: this is the residence where Yin Dong spends the most time in and out. As his biological son, Yin Chang has never been here... Behind the halo of "the son of the actor", how much loneliness this child has endured That's why I developed this independent attitude.