The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 20: Choose a school


Yin Chang couldn't understand this question, and he didn't want to bother thinking about it.

He only stays here for four days, and there are countless things to do. The house in Pasadena needs to be transferred, the insurance needs to be applied for, and he has to withdraw from school, pack most of his clothes and personal items, and arrange Fiona's Returning to China...

The next day was another day full of twists and turns, and I took the time to check the private messages very late, only to find that Lu Lingjuan had left him another string of messages.

"The new phone has arrived, thank you boss!"

"Yin Chang, are you busy?"

"Call me a video call when you have time..."

"Your brother started waiting for your call hours ago. [crying]"

Yin Chang glanced at the time, today is indeed two hours later than yesterday's time.

He was a little bit resistant to communicating with Shao Junling, but thinking of the kid waiting with his ipad in his arms, he couldn't help but click on the Facetime connection.

This time it was almost instant, and Shao Junling's face appeared in front of him in an instant. Compared with yesterday's dark eyes, his eyes are brighter today. Although there is still no expression on his face, he feels a little happier than yesterday.

Yin Chang adjusted his voice, like a parent checking a child's homework, and asked solemnly: "Have you eaten today?"

Shao Junling: "Yes."

Yin Chang: "What did you eat?"

Shao Junling: "Food."

Yin Chang: "..." We can't talk anymore.

Fortunately, Lu Lingjuan came over when he heard the commotion, and actively added an explanation: "Today, I ordered rice balls, roast goose rice and eel rice for three meals, and he finished them all."

Yin Chang nodded: "Not bad."

Lu Lingjuan was greatly encouraged, and was about to praise Shao Junling in front of Yin Chang in order to win the child's favor, but Shao Junling suddenly tilted his head and gave her a sideways glance, and then blocked her sight with his back to prevent her from seeing ipad.

Lu Lingjuan: "...???"

Afterwards, Yin Chang talked to him a few more times alone, but Shao Junling's way of interacting with three sticks couldn't make a dull fart, so no one could chat with him for too long.

After telling the other party to go to bed on time at night, Yin Chang hung up the video.

Looking at the phone, she saw Lu Lingjuan leaving a message for herself again. She might have been annoyed by Shao Junling's discriminatory treatment. She was excitedly defending herself: "I'm praising him! What does he mean? Boss, you have to believe it." Me, I really did not treat him badly! [crying] [crying]"

Yin Chang replied helplessly: "I know, thank you for your hard work..."

That kid can make a school bully like Lu Lingjuan so angry that he loses his mind, that kid is quite powerful.

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of a figure at the door of the room, and when Yin Chang looked up, he saw Fiona standing there at some point, holding a cup of hot milk in her hand.

She said kindly, "were you calling that kid just now?"

Yin Chang put down his phone and said "um", took the milk that Fiona handed him, and couldn't help confiding to her while drinking: "Actually, I'm very tired today, and I don't want to call him at all, because it's very difficult to communicate with him." Difficult...but there is no way, the agent that Samantha arranged for me is taking care of him now, I have to call to make him obedient."

Fiona laughed, "It looks like he's very attached to you, isn't that good?"

Yin Chang: "I don't feel good at all. His personality is very weird. I made a video with my friend a few days ago. He didn't say hello when he showed up. I almost offended my friend. Also, before I left, I clearly told him to Obedient, he also scratched the person who took care of him, even starved himself, and didn't sleep for two days and two nights, I don't know what he was thinking at all... "

It may be that he has held back for too long, and now facing an elder he trusts the most, Yin Chang unscrupulously vents the negative emotions accumulated in his heart.

Fiona listened and asked, "If you don't like him, why did you bring him back from the orphanage?"

Yin Chang blurted out depressedly: "Because he is father's child."

Fiona: "Is there no other reason?"

Yin Chang was stunned, remembering the impulse in his heart when he saw the child shouting "No" outside the wall of the orphanage, but felt that the empathy at that moment was too illusory, he shook his head and said: " there is none left."

He brought that child home only out of responsibility, out of sympathy.

Fiona said: "I heard a saying before that if a person stays in the mud for a long time, he will not feel too sad. But once someone gives him hope and disappoints him, it will be more cruel than directly hurting him .”

Yin Chang frowned: "I didn't treat him badly."

For the past half month, he tried his best to get along and interact with Shao Junling, took him to the gym, bought him all kinds of delicious food, and even made him small cakes himself... He felt that he was patient enough.

Fiona looked at him tenderly and said: "Xiao Chang, I am not blaming you, I know you are a kind child. But you told me yesterday that the child was only ten years old, and he had grown up in an orphanage before. It’s a lot of suffering. He didn’t have parents to take care of him when he was a child, and it’s normal to not do well in some areas. Since you brought him back, you have to take good care of him and teach him. From now on, you two will have a companion, and your father will watch from heaven It will also be very gratifying.”

Have a companion? Yin Chang smiled wryly, he just felt that he was in a big trouble now.

"Okay, Fiona, I understand what you said, but professional things should be done by professionals, and I'm not an expert in education," Yin Chang handed the milk glass to Fiona, "I discussed it with Samantha, As soon as I go back, I will arrange for him to go to school, which must be a school that is thousands of times better than the orphanage."

Fiona wanted to say something, but seeing Yin Chang's tired face, she didn't say any more.

The next day, Yin Chang got up early in the morning, packed a few clothes that he could take home with him, and went to the storage room to rummage through: "Fiona! Come here!"

Fiona heard the sound: "What are you looking for?"

"Where did my old toys go?" Yin Chang remembered that he had a lot of high-end toys such as electric trains and spaceship models. Interested, and I don't know if Fiona has kept it for him.

Fiona froze for two seconds, then smiled and took Yin Chang to the room dedicated to toys and models.

Looking at the four huge boxes stacked against the wall, Yin Chang was a little shocked: "So many?"

Fiona: "Yeah, your dad buys you a lot every time he comes back."

It may be because it has been stored for a long time, and dust has fallen on the top of the carton. Fiona took a vacuum cleaner to vacuum it, and did not ask Yin Chang why he was looking for these, knowing it well: "I store it by age group, two of which are Those before the age of seven should not be used, right?"

"Hmm..." Yin Chang walked over, opened the other two boxes and took a look inside, only to see a complete set of "Mechanical Series" Collector's Edition Lego, without even removing the plastic packaging.

He remembered that this was a gift that Yin Dong bought for him for Christmas one year, but he had too many toys, and he was not very keen on building such complicated Lego models, so he kept leaving them there.

In addition to Lego, there is also a whole set of Jurassic world dinosaur models, 3D puzzle books...

Yin Chang turned around for a while and couldn't help but think of Yin Dong, sighed softly, and closed the box.

Scanning around again, Yin Chang saw the whole series of Transformers that he treasured in the glass cabinet next to him. After struggling for a moment, he said, "These models and those two boxes should be sent back together."

Fiona was surprised: "Send them all back?"

Yin Chang: "Yes."

He has already passed that age, instead of putting these things in an empty room facing the air, it is better to take them back to Shao Junling, maybe there is still value in being played with.

Since Yin Chang didn't have time to pack his clothes and toys one by one, he directly ordered an international courier that could provide door-to-door packing service, but the process took a little longer, and it was estimated that it would take a month to send it back to China.

In the next few days, Yin Chang was also very busy during the day, and called Shao Junling at night as a routine.

A week passed in a blink of an eye. On the day of returning to China, Yin Chang thought of Lu Lingjuan's suffering and exhaustion these past few days. He bought her a set of Lamer skin care products as a gift at the duty-free shop at the airport, and brought a bottle for Yao Manhuai who came to pick him up. Hermès perfume.

This time, there was no enthusiasm for Yin Dong's death, and Yin Chang's back and forth information was quite secretive, so they didn't go through the special passage, and the two met directly at the airport.

"Is everything settled?" Yao Manhuai turned the steering wheel to take Yin Chang back to the Huaihe apartment.

"Almost," Yin Chang handed the perfume to Yao Manhuai, "This is for you."

"Thank you!" Yao Manhuai turned his head and saw that Yin Chang was just wearing a hoodie casually when he came back today. Thanks to his excellent temperament and a natural hanger, no matter what he wears, he gives people a sense of high fashion.

"I know that several luxury brands provide door-to-door customization services. You will start work soon, and you should buy some new ones." Yao Manhuai said while screening commercial endorsements that fit Yin Chang's image in his mind.

In fact, during this period of time, there are many partners who have taken a fancy to Yin Chang, and many people are already waiting in line for his appointment. But Yin Chang is the son of an actor, and with such a high starting point, he can't accept a relatively low brand endorsement as soon as he debuts.

On the contrary, there is a watch called VI that will change its spokesperson recently. It is an affordable luxury brand that has just emerged and is very popular among the younger generation of white-collar workers. It's just that Yao Manhuai heard from inside sources that the marketing side of this brand is more inclined to choose Wang Chen.

Wang Chen is about the same age as Yin Chang. He just came back from Korea at the beginning of this year, and he is also a rising traffic star.

Just thinking about it, Yin Chang who was beside him suddenly asked, "Aunt Yao, have you chosen Shao Junling's school yet?"

"Ah," Yao Manhuai withdrew his thoughts, and said, "I have chosen, I have chosen two schools, Deyin International and Wanyuan Private, both of which have top-notch education in Haicheng, especially the elementary school in Deyin. Almost half of the celebrity heirs in Haicheng are taken. However, they don’t accept all children, and they have to pass the strict pre-school examination before entering school. With Shao Junling’s ability, I don’t think he can pass this test.”

Yin Chang's heart sank: "Then what should I do?"

Yao Manhuai glanced at Yin Chang and said, "Deyin opens up 2% of investment admission quotas to the outside world every year. You can get in as long as you pay, but the fee is not cheap. They recruit 200 new people a year, and 2% means only four. There are quite a few people competing for these four places alone, and the high bidders get it. I inquired about it, and it is said that at least 10 million people are required to get in."

Yin Chang was not very surprised to hear that, he himself went to a very good school abroad, and most of the classmates around him were either rich or expensive, and Evan's parents were rich in credit. Many nouveau riche want to enter this industry. What they spend money on for their children is not education, but top contacts.

"What about Wanyuan?" Yin Chang wanted to hear about the other school.

"Wan Yuan said that they set up a welfare class specifically for special children. Some of them admitted free of charge disabled children who have attracted attention from the society, and some of them recruited special children from wealthy families. This 'special' actually refers to mental retardation, but Wan Yuan Yuan’s welfare class can provide each child with one-to-one special education to ensure their physical and mental growth... ”

"Wait, wait," Yin Chang interrupted her, explaining sullenly, "Shao Junling is not a handicapped child, he is not handicapped, intellectually..." Yin Chang was not sure about this, but he still said, "It shouldn't be too much. Big problem, he's just not good at articulating and communicating."

No matter how good the education is, if you are surrounded by mentally handicapped and disabled people, how can you grow up physically and mentally

Yao Manhuai said: "No matter what, we have to take him to take an intelligence test. Isn't this what we agreed a long time ago? If there is a problem, I think targeted education will be more helpful to him."

"...Okay." Yin Chang looked at the retrograde scenery outside the car window, supported his head loosely with one hand, and frowned slightly. He thought, once Shao Junling's intelligence is found to be ok, he will be sent to Deyin, let alone 10 million, as long as it can be solved with money, 20 million is not a problem.

The author has something to say: [Interlude]

In the evening, Yin Chang frantically complained about his younger brother in front of the nanny, and found the toys for his younger brother early the next morning.

Nanny: It's really honest! →_→

(Don't look at Yin Chang who insists that he doesn't like it now, but it will be "really fragrant" in the future XD)

PS. Did you think of anything when you saw Deyin International^^