The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 38: final exam


Yin Chang in the show has already finished singing, and what is currently playing is the third part of "Confession Competition".

This is an interactive session. The host will select the fans of the five guests based on the information filled in by the audience, and then shuffle the order so that the five idols will confess their love to the girl in front of them.

If the idol is facing his own fans, not only can he pass the test smoothly, but he can also satisfy the fantasies of the fans, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

But if the idol is facing other people's fans, it will experience some challenges.

The host also kindly reminded the lucky fans that if they stay "loyal" to their idols, they can get hugs, autographs and other benefits after the game. However, if they change their minds during the game, they accept The confession of other idols is likely to get nothing.

Therefore, as long as you are a die-hard fan, it is unlikely that you will deliberately release water to take care of the star's face.

And another highlight of this session is that the host happened to win a male fan that day.

Since the five idols are all boys, 99% of the audience at the scene are women. When that male fan stood up from the auditorium, the audience started booing. No matter whose fan he is, he will randomly No matter which idol is ranked, it makes people quite excited and curious.

Unfortunately, the "same-sex fan" was precisely Wang Chen.

The program team gave a close-up of Wang Chen's expression, enlarged his head in the later stage, and showed his bewildered expression to the fullest, and specially added a line of emotional monologue slowly emerging on top of his head: "Why me again?"

The barrage is full of "hahahaha", looking forward to what kind of performance Wang Chen will have.

Some people speculate whether it is Wang Chen's own fan, so the scene will be more exciting.

At this moment, the five fans had already stood in front of the five idols in random order. During the live recording, they didn't know who their fans were, but when the show was broadcast, they had already put a label on everyone's back—Jia Si Qi was facing Yin Chang's fans, Bai Xiaozhi was facing Jia Siqi's fans, Yin Chang was facing Wang Chen's fans, and Yu Ruize was lucky to be among his own fans.

Obviously, the unlucky Wang Chen was not favored by fate, the boy he was facing was a fan of Bai Xiaozhi!

This changed the difficulty of his challenge directly from "hard" mode to "hard+++".

After the on-site recording, several people later found out that this boy was not a fan of anyone. He wrote Bai Xiaozhi's name when he filled out the entrance survey, but he came here for his girlfriend's autograph card—because Bai Xiaozhi He and Jia Siqi were not very popular, so the program team gathered the two diehards by presenting star autograph cards.

It can also be imagined later that even though Wang Chen tried his best, he still couldn't take this boy down. The straight steel man watched him smile the whole time, and finally rejected him mercilessly.

After Wang Chen failed in the challenge, he also made an extremely exaggerated animation of "the frozen man shattered and collapsed" in the later stage, which made the audience laugh wildly.

If he didn't pass the mission, Wang Chen could have hoped that the fans would be more loyal, so that other idols in the queue could not pass the test, so he might have some psychological comfort.

But who would have thought that his female fan is a standard Yangou. When she stood in front of Yin Chang, Yin Chang didn't say anything, just stared at her so nicely, within ten seconds, the girl surrendered.

In the later period, the psychological changes within ten seconds were specially added for this girl.

Second 1: I am a fan of Wang Chen, I must hold back for his sake!

Second 4: But Yin Chang is so handsome, what should I do, be a little careful...

Second 7: Don't look at me anymore, I can't take it anymore!

During the period, Yin Chang's deep eyes were also added with the special effect of "electric eyes", porphyrin porphyrin.

As soon as ten seconds came, a burst of romantic background music sounded, the girl shyly covered her face in the slow-moving camera, turned away, with a changing pink filter, the picture turned gray and frozen, and only heard "哐" With a bang, the other party was heavily stamped with the word "betrayal".

After betraying Wang Chen, the female fan said to Yin Chang Jiao Jiao: "You, why didn't you say anything just now?"

Yin Chang was also a little embarrassed: "Well... I just... I was still thinking... I'm sorry." He opened his hands with a smile, and gave the girl a hug—here it was played in slow motion again, with the same romantic song , It's almost like a confession scene of an idol drama.

The girl was a full head shorter than Yin Chang, and when she was snuggling against Yin Chang's chest, she was so ashamed that she didn't know where to put her hands.

This height difference, this boyfriend's strength... In an instant, the audience fell, and the barrage was filled with groundhog-like screams of "Ahhh".

There is also booing in the WeChat group.

Jia Siqi: "I'm about to fall in love with Brother Yin Chang, how can he be so handsome!"

Yu Ruize: "I'm an old man, and my heart is pounding..."

Bai Xiaozhi: "This later stage is really awesome. Yin Chang's pair, I didn't feel anything during the recording, but it was so romantic when it was broadcast that I got goosebumps all over my body."

Later, Yin Chang learned that the girl was a fan of Wang Chen, so he went to comfort Wang Chen.

The way boys comfort each other is very simple. Most of them are patted on the shoulder and exchanged glances. Besides, this is a game, and the unexpected ending of the audience can also increase the variety effect of the show.

On the day of the recording, when Yin Chang went to comfort Wang Chen, Wang Chen smiled slightly and acted quite generously. But watching the show now, I saw that the devil put a green hat on his head in the later stage, and added two lines of tears to him, and added a mood subtitle: "Why is it always me who gets hurt...".

When the gust of wind moved in front of him to punish him for failing the challenge mission, the "green hat" was still shaken by the blowing, but he insisted on not being blown off.

At this time, the barrage was densely filled with voices sympathizing with Wang Chen.

"Hahahaha it's you again, who made you cute!"

"Hug our family Chenchen Xiaokou Nian!"

"Wang Chen, don't cry, I'm your diehard fan hahahaha"

The last part of the program is also a quiz game called "Guess Who He Is".

The host will describe the characteristics of a certain person, and ask five people present to guess. Guests can raise their hands to answer at any time after the host begins to reveal the key words. Points will be deducted for correct guesses, and points will be deducted for wrong guesses. After the game is over, the player with the lowest score will be punished. .

The host described a total of ten people, all of whom were celebrities in the entertainment industry. Five of them were guests who were present today, and the other five were guests who were going to be invited in the next issue. Almost all of them were sub-questions.

For example, when the host said the key words "Call me" and "curly hair", everyone could easily guess that it was Jia Siqi, because Jia Siqi and Bai Xiaozhi sang this song just now, and the two Among them, only Jia Siqi has curly hair.

But it was such a simple and easy entertainment session, Wang Chen was at the bottom again and continued to be blown by the strong wind.

The audience thought he was being fooled, and felt sorry for him while laughing, but in fact, it was because he didn't attend the tea party that day, and he didn't know as much about the five people present as the other four people, so he didn't respond as quickly to some questions as the others.

So far, this issue of "Idols Face to Face" is over.

Long after the program was broadcast, several people in the group were still discussing with endless interest.

Yu Ruize: "To be honest, looking back now, I feel that Wang Chen is really pitiful."

Bai Xiaozhi: "Go and check Wang Chen's Weibo, it's full of 'haha fans' who comfort him."

Jia Siqi: "Hahahaha what the hell is a 'haha fan'?"

Bai Xiaozhi: "It's his fans who both want to laugh and sympathize with him."

Yin Chang couldn't bear it when he remembered that Shao Junling poured honey into Wang Chen's shoes that night.

Fortunately, the pair of leather shoes he bought abroad for Wang Chen arrived the next day, and he hurriedly asked Lu Lingjuan to find a way to send them over.

At that time, Wang Chen was losing his temper to his manager: "What did you say to make me 'lovable'? I was so angry that I couldn't sleep all night!"

The agent coaxed him like a child: "Look at the data, the data proves everything - the TV station reported to me last night that the real-time ratings of your program exceeded the previous ones. During the broadcast, five Among the guests, your fans have increased the most!"

Wang Chen: "But they gave me a green hat!"

Agent: "It's all for the effect of the show. You are very popular. As long as you sell badly, you can increase the loyalty of your fans."

Wang Chen: "Fart! If my fans are loyal, they will betray on the show? It's all about that damned Yin Chang... How much has his fan base increased?"

Of course, the manager didn’t dare to say that Yin Chang’s rise was much higher than him, so he secretly bought a lot of fans for Wang Chen to fake the illusion that he had the most rise: “Listen to me, he is also a popular idol, don’t keep thinking about following him.” If he is against you, you have to learn to use him. For example, although he cheated on you... oh no, although he made one of your fans rebel, but last night you had a lot of new fans from Yin Chang on your Weibo. "

Wang Chen: "..."

Manager: "Oh yes, I almost forgot, Yin Chang's manager even asked me to send you a pair of shoes."

Wang Chen took the box and opened it: "Why did he give me shoes?"

Manager: "Maybe it's an apology for you. After all, he is green... He stole a fan from you. The day after you finished recording the show, he asked the manager to ask me about your shoe size."

This statement made Wang Chen feel a lot more comfortable. He took out the pair of beautiful tendon leather shoes, put them on happily and took two steps, but within two minutes, he took them off angrily.

Agent: "What's the matter again?"

Wang Chen: "These shoes don't have inner heightening, I look short in them!"

Broker: "..."

But after this incident, Wang Chen finally added Yin Chang's WeChat in a "condescending" manner.

He didn't mention the shoes, so he took it for granted that it was Yin Chang's apology to him. However, after watching the show last night, he was really puzzled by the fact that he was at the bottom of the last link, so he couldn't help questioning Yin Chang on WeChat: "You Do you know all three of them?"

Yin Chang: "Huh?"

Wang Chen: "The last question and answer, you all responded very quickly."

For example, in one question, the host only said "practice calligraphy", and Yin Chang rushed to answer "Yu Ruize", and got one point for the correct answer.

Later, through the chat between the host and Yu Ruize, Wang Chen learned that Yu Ruize recently practiced brush calligraphy in the dormitory in order to film a new costume drama.

Perhaps Yu Ruize once posted related news on Weibo, and it was normal for Wang Chen not to notice, but Yin Chang was too perceptive to immediately guess it was him based on just one keyword.

Regarding Wang Chen's question, Yin Chang didn't hide it: "Well, we met in advance."

Wang Chen: "What does it mean that we met in advance?" Is it possible that these people really secretly passed the song behind their backs? ?

Yin Chang: "On the afternoon of the 26th of last month, I invited them to drink tea and called you, but you didn't come."

Wang Chen: "..."

Yin Chang: "Next time, I want to participate in this kind of event, otherwise I will suffer from being on the show."

Wang Chen: "..." Can he strangle this person to death!

For New Star Entertainment, the broadcast of the program also brought Bai Xiaozhi and Jia Siqi a boost in popularity to varying degrees, and they also received several new announcements.

But Yuan Qian made a new development direction for them based on their performance in the show and fans' impression.

Yuan Qian: "You two should speculate on CP, the fans are very impressed with this, and we will divide up after becoming popular."

Jia Siqi: "Yeah!"

Bai Xiaozhi: "...yeah your sister!"


Deyin International Primary School.

On the second day after "Idols Face to Face" was broadcast, Xue Ziwen brought his mobile phone into the classroom without telling the teacher, and quietly watched the program he had cached in advance with Shao Junling.

The two had been classmates for nearly half a year, and Xue Ziwen was gradually attracted by this taciturn but cool-mannered boy. He had already put aside past grievances and became good friends.

Xue Zi never forgets to ask Shao Junling if there is anything delicious and fun to eat now.

"Haha! Did you hear that, your brother told you to 'study hard'!" Xue Ziwen now knew that Yin Chang was Shao Junling's brother, so he would not speak ill of him again.

Shao Junling stared at his brother on the screen, blushed, and clenched his fist subconsciously.

Seeing Wang Chen being punished, Xue Ziwen said mercilessly: " little uncle was punished! It's too bad his head was almost blown off!"

When facing trusted friends, children's evaluations have always been straightforward and unabashed.

When it was time for Wang Chen to perform "The King", Xue Ziwen's eyes glowed again and he was full of praise: "My little uncle is so handsome! So handsome!"

The two got together after class, bowed their heads, and each wore an earphone. Soon their sneaky behavior was discovered by the children in the class and told the teacher.

At that time, they were seeing Yin Chang singing on the stage, and after hearing a sentence, they felt black on the top of their heads.

"Xue Ziwen, Shao Junling..." Teacher Lin appeared in front of them with a smile but a murderous face, "You can't bring mobile phones into the classroom, remember?"

Teacher Lin confiscated Xue Ziwen's mobile phone, and left a sentence with a smile: "You two stay in the classroom after school and copy the school rules. Xue Ziwen is not allowed to go home until you finish copying. Shao Junling's remedial class will be postponed."

Xue Zi asked: "..."

Shao Junling: "..."

In the evening, the two children stayed in the classroom, copying the school rules and chatting.

Xue Zi asked curiously, "Why do you and your brother have different surnames? Do you share your mother's surname?"

Shao Junling: "No... because, he and my brother are different fathers."

Xue Zi asked, "Huh? But my mother said that day, you are your brother's father's son."

This sentence was a bit awkward for Xue Ziwen to ask himself, but Shao Junling understood, he buried his head in writing, and answered clearly, "No."

Xue Zi asked, "Then who is your father?"

Shao Junling stopped talking.

Xue Ziwen also knew that if his little friend had something he didn't want to say, he would never speak up, so he didn't bother about it anymore.

After a while, he asked again: "One day I heard from my mother that your brother seems to want to give you half of the money his father left him."

Shao Junling was silent for two seconds, and said, "I don't want it."

Xue Zi asked, "Why not?"

Shao Junling said expressionlessly: "No, just, no."

Xue Zi asked: "..."

After copying the school rules and making up lessons, it was already nine o'clock in the evening when Shao Junling returned to the dormitory.

He found his mobile phone, downloaded the video app according to the method Xue Ziwen taught him, found the latest issue of "Idols Face to Face", and watched it with relish while hiding under the covers.

At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Yin Chang received a text message.

"A warm reminder to you, as of January 17, your mobile phone sub-card package ending in 1709 has used 998.12MB of data, and the remaining data is 25.88MB. The excess will be charged at 0.3 yuan/MB. Log in to the online business hall www …”

Yin Chang: "???"

He opened WeChat and sent Shao Junling a message: "Are you up so late and still playing with your phone?"

Shao Junling, who was far away in the Deyin student dormitory, had just downloaded and cached the high-definition version of Yin Chang's episode, and planned to take it out from time to time to savor it. After seeing the news, he was so frightened that he poked his head out to see if anyone was watching him, and he was afraid that his brother had installed some kind of surveillance in his mobile phone so that he could see his own state at any time, so he was so nervous that he was tied up.

After a while, the phone vibrated again.

Yin Chang: "Stop playing, go to bed early."

Shao Junling didn't dare to go back, he held his phone tremblingly and pretended to be asleep, but his mind was still full of his brother singing on the show, smiling while hugging a female fan... His mood was up and down, he fell asleep in a moment of happiness and entanglement .

A week later, Shao Junling took the final exam for the first time in his life. On the third day after the exam, he was about to start his winter vacation.

Yin Chang went to school that day and took Shao Junling's report card from Teacher Lin. When he saw the final grade, he couldn't believe it.

Shao Junling, 11-year-old Boys Primary One (A) Class

Chinese and Literature: B+

Mathematical Logic: A+

Natural Science: A+

Foreign language: C-

Sports: A+

Fine Arts: B+

Additional Items: A+

Remarks: Mathematical Olympiad for Primary School (Elementary)

Overall score: A-

Grade: Excellent

The student scoring method adopted by Deyin is very similar to that of foreign countries. It does not write specific scores, but only grades.

Teacher Lin explained from the side: "Shao Junling is very good at mathematics and science. He can get A+ with a score of 95 or above. He gets full marks in all exams. According to his math teacher, he seldom follows the teacher's rhythm in class. He was reading the book by himself, and he had his own way of thinking. The math teacher arranged for him to attend the Mathematics Olympiad class in the elementary school. One, if there is a chance next year, we will send him to participate in the competition."

Yin Chang glanced at Shao Junling in surprise...

Teacher Lin also said: "Except for English, his partial subjects are basically gone, especially Chinese. He has a good memory. Reading the text for an hour every morning and evening has greatly improved him. I suggest that if you have time during the winter vacation, you can let him Shao Junling is doing some English work outside of school... Ah, by the way, my brother came back from abroad, right? I can communicate with him in English more when I have time."

Yin Chang remembered the scene when Shao Junling called "Fiona" "Yang Na", and said "oh" helplessly.

"When his English grades improve, he can take information technology innovation courses next semester. His logical thinking ability is very good. If he develops in this direction, he may have a good development." Teacher Lin smiled after explaining, and said to Yin Chang, "Also, with Shao Junling's current grades and grades, we don't need to provide him with extra after-school tutoring from next semester. I heard from Junling that he wants to go to day school. Does brother know about this?"

Yin Chang: "...???"

On the side, Shao Junling raised his head and was looking at him expectantly.

Yin Chang knew that Shao Junling's grades would come up sooner or later, but he never expected that this day would come so soon...

The author has something to say: [Interlude]


The night Wang Chen discovered that honey had been poured into his shoes, he called his sister angrily after returning home.

"Sister! You don't care about Xue Ziwen! That little bastard ruined a pair of my shoes!"

Wang Xuan called his son over seriously: "Zi asked, what did you do to your uncle's shoes?"

Xue Zi asked: "???"


After "Idols Face to Face" was broadcast, Wang Chen's management team upgraded his character version from 2.0 to 3.0 based on fans' feedback, added settings such as "stupid" and "naturally stupid", and asked the marketing team to collect a lot of money. Wang Chen's emoticon package focuses on portraying "Wang Chen's style of obsession".

Wang Chen: "???"