The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 46: studio and piano


After making such a decision, the two started their actions according to the plan.

Not long after the first car left the hotel, Lu Lingjuan received a report from the bodyguard that an unknown car was following him. After they left for about half an hour, Yin Chang and Lu Lingjuan, who had changed their clothes, went downstairs and got in the newly booked car.

"Huh... It's like shooting a spy movie!" Lu Lingjuan said nervously.

They were not in a hurry to go to the house, but let the driver go around the city first.

Yin Chang thought of the place where he lived when he was a child, and with a thought, he asked the driver to drive to the vicinity of the Lotus Apartment at the bend in Qingcheng.

"I lived here before I went to Los Angeles." Yin Chang said to Lu Lingjuan.

After more than ten years, things have changed there. Although it is still called "Lotus Apartment", neither the green landscape nor the street lights and fountains are the same as in memory.

"How old were you when you went abroad?" Lu Lingjuan asked.

"Four years old, or five years old?" Yin Chang couldn't remember clearly, anyway, it was at that stage.

He didn't know why Yin Dong sent him abroad at that time. After he learned how to surf the Internet and searched Yin Dong's resume on the Internet, he learned that Yin Dong was famous for the literary film "Time" that year. Won the title of Best Newcomer at the Hong Kong Film Golden Pine Awards.

Twenty-seven years old, he became famous late, but this name also made Yin Dong quickly enter the public's field of vision, and lost his peaceful life.

Yin Dong sent him abroad to protect him.

"Then did you speak Chinese before you left?" Lu Lingjuan asked curiously, "You speak Chinese very well."

"Yes, Fiona can speak Chinese, English and Cantonese. When I get along with her, I usually speak Chinese. And when I get there, my father also specially hires a Chinese teacher for me."

"No wonder, so to speak, that nanny has been by your side since childhood." Lu Lingjuan said thoughtfully.

"Yeah." Yang Na has been there since Yin Chang became conscious. Thinking back now, when Yin Dong answered his doubts about "mother" when he was a child, he was convinced of Yin Dong's statement just because Fiona was also by his side.

After confirming that no one was following them, the two asked the driver to drive to the quiet road around the island.

That place is an ancient villa area, and the place is remote, there are few people around, and there is no security.

By the time the house was found, it was almost dark.

Yin Chang didn't find the key to this house when he cleaned Yin Dong's study room. Now that he got to the place, he had to ask Lu Lingjuan to call the police to unlock and change the key for them by verifying the identity of the head of the household.

Fortunately, the policeman who came was a middle-aged man who didn't know Yin Chang, so he opened the door for them in a businesslike manner and left.

When the two entered the house, they saw that there were dust cloths everywhere, and the old carpet was dusty, and when they stepped on it, a cloud of dust was thrown up.

Lu Lingjuan wrinkled her nose and waved her hand. Yin Chang walked in front of her and lifted some of the cloth, and saw that there were some old-fashioned furniture underneath, but he couldn't remember whether they had used them in the Lotus Apartment before. .

There was nothing to excavate in the living room. Yin Chang pushed open the door of one of the rooms, and saw a crib and sofa bed inside, as well as baby walkers, baby seats and other items for infants and young children—this is a baby room.

His heart was beating heavily... Have you ever lived here

There was another room next to the baby room. Yin Chang pushed the door and entered, stunned.

In the eyes... It is a studio.

There were a few easels, drawing boards, and plaster statues in the corner, and a lot of painting tools such as brushes and paints were placed on a row of shelves along the wall, but they were already covered with thick dust.

The strange thing is that there is not a single "serious work" in this studio. There is a stack of yellowed and warped drawing paper on the floor, but they are all abstract graffiti. .

Yin Chang flipped through a few photos, but couldn't see the signature, so he took a few photos with his mobile phone.

The window of this studio is facing the small garden attached to the villa. Weeds have grown outside the window due to neglect.

Yin Chang saw a stone sculpture in the corner of the garden. It looked a bit like a traditional stone lion, but it didn't look exactly like it. He didn't know what kind of animal it was, and it was almost covered by grass.

"It's really been a long time since no one came here..." After all, Lu Lingjuan is a girl, and now the sky outside is gloomy. Seeing Yin Chang's dignified expression tossing and turning in this house that has not been occupied for a long time, he panicked a little.

"There are only two rooms downstairs. Do you have any impression of these things?" She couldn't help but want to talk to Yin Chang.

"No..." Yin Chang said and walked upstairs.

Lu Lingjuan hurriedly followed: "We have to hurry up, it gets dark early in winter, the house probably has a power outage, and the lights won't even turn on."

Yin Chang gave a low "hmm" and pushed open the door of a room upstairs.

This room is the master bedroom. There is a large double bed in the middle of the room. There are two pillows and a double quilt neatly placed on the bed. It may be that the windows and doors are closed, and there is not much dust in this room. But also because there was no ventilation for a long time, there was a musty smell inside.

Yin Chang opened the closet, and saw that there were still several men's clothes hanging inside, as well as a few scarves, and a pair of leather boots—it hasn't been damaged after so many years, and the clothes seem to be of good quality—they probably belonged to Yin Dong.

But the cabinet and writing desk by the bed were cleaned up very cleanly. Yin Chang opened the drawer, only to see a few pens, some old coins, and a small medicine bottle.

He glanced at the label on it. It was in professional terms or in English. He couldn't understand it, so he casually put the medicine into his pocket.

Apart from these, there is nothing else. There are no photos or notes that might appear in the movie.

Yin Chang left the bedroom and opened the door of the last room. This room was even more empty. There was an old piano in it, and there was a small round table beside it with a gramophone on it, all covered with dust.

Yin Chang walked over and lifted the piano cover, a little puzzled, in his impression, Yin Dong didn't know how to play the piano...

He stretched out his finger and pressed a key, making a "dong" sound, and a memory fragment flashed in his mind instantly.

It was when he was eight years old, and he traveled to Vienna with Yin Dong. They passed by a musical instrument store. He was very interested in the musical instruments in it, so Yin Dong took him in for a stroll.

- "Dad, the sound of the piano is so nice, I want to learn the piano!"

— "Xiao Chang, playing the piano is very difficult, and if you play for a long time, your fingers will hurt. Boys should not learn any musical instruments... Daddy will take you to learn how to ride a horse?"

Yin Chang withdrew his hand as if he had been burned, and withdrew his thoughts.

What Yin Dong said at the time completely dispelled his idea of learning piano.

But here, there is a piano.

Whose piano is this

It wasn't until the room was so dark that he couldn't see anything that Yin Chang went downstairs in a daze.

Lu Lingjuan followed him and asked: "That studio, and that piano, could it be your mother's?"

Yin Chang shook his head and said, "Here... there is no mother."

"Why?" Lu Lingjuan didn't understand why Yin Chang was so sure.

"Didn't you notice?" Yin Chang smiled wryly, "There is nothing in this house that belongs to women."

"It seems to be..." Lu Lingjuan realized later.

There is no dressing table, no women's clothes, and no traces of women's lives...

"Go back." Yin Chang looked around, wondering if he had strayed into someone else's house. This house had nothing to do with him at all.

"Hmm..." The car was still waiting outside, Lu Lingjuan closed the doors and windows for her, and walked out with Yin Chang.

Seeing Yin Chang's disappointed look, Lu Lingjuan couldn't help comforting him and said, "Although we didn't find anything related to your mother, we didn't find out that your father lied to you, right? Maybe it's just like what your father said, Your mother just died of illness. Maybe Yin Dong once lent this house to a friend, and the things in it belonged to his friend."

"Maybe." Yin Chang sat in the car, thinking of Yang Na's reaction that day, he also felt that he was overly sensitive.

Yang Na has been with him for so many years, and now that Yin Dong is dead, why does she have to hide it from him

Maybe, this is a place to store sundries, Yang Na said that she wanted to go back to Hong Kong City because of a coincidence...

Yin Chang rested his face wearily with his hands for a while, remembered the small medicine bottle he had just found in the house, took it out of his pocket, and checked the label on the Internet with his mobile phone.

An online translator explained that it was amitriptyline, an antidepressant drug.

Yin Chang frowned slightly.

That night, they did not stay overnight in Hong Kong City, and bought air tickets overnight to fly back to Haicheng.

When Yin Chang got home, it was already twelve o'clock at night. Yang Na didn't know that he was back tonight and was already asleep, and Yin Chang didn't intend to disturb her.

After entering the bedroom, Yin Chang glanced in the direction of the study, and Shao Junling had already fallen asleep. He put his handbag aside and went to the bathroom in the dark to wash his face and brush his teeth. After washing, he went to bed lightly and was about to sleep when he heard Shao Junling's voice at the end of the bed: "Brother..."

The guy woke up at some point, and stood there silently, looking at him sleepily.

"... Did it bother you?" Yin Chang looked at him speechlessly, his movements were already very light.

At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed about the inconvenience of not being separated.

Seeing that Shao Junling was wearing thin clothes, Yin Chang was about to tell him to go back to sleep, when he saw him crawling up from the end of the bed and slipped into his bed.

Yin Chang: "???"

No, did I tell you to come up? ?

Shao Junling wriggled up under the quilt, poked his head out from the other side of the quilt, looked at Yin Chang up close, and murmured, "You're back."

Yin Chang: "..."

The little guy still had sleepiness on his face, yawned, and fell asleep next to him.

Yin Chang weakly lowered his stiff hands...

That's all.

Originally, his mind was still full of the matter of the house in Hong Kong City, but after being disturbed by Shao Junling, he no longer even thought about melancholy.

Early the next morning, Yang Na saw that Shao Junling hadn't come out for breakfast yet, so she couldn't help knocking on his door.

It turned out that the door was ajar - Yin Chang didn't close the door when he entered last night in order not to disturb Shao Junling.

Yang Na opened the door and went in, sharply seeing the luggage on the floor... Yin Chang is back

Looking at the big bed again, I saw two heads, one big and one small, exposed under the quilt, and the two brothers were sleeping soundly huddled together.

Yang Na smiled knowingly, quietly retreated from inside without making a sound.

When Yin Chang and Shao Junling got up, she hurriedly greeted them for breakfast: "It's almost ten o'clock, and my stomach is going to sleep badly. I'd rather eat something before resting... Xiao Chang, what time did you come back last night? I Didn't hear anything."

Yin Chang took a sip of the hot porridge and said, "Middle of the night..."

Yang Na didn't watch entertainment news, and rarely watched TV, so she didn't know that Yin Chang went to Hong Kong City.

Yin Chang saw that Yang Na's face was calm, and he didn't find any suspicious clues in that house, so he was embarrassed to ask any more. After all, he was the one who lied to Yang Na first, and if he pursued it carefully, it would mean that he didn't trust Yang Na before, and the two of them would get along awkwardly afterwards.

The matter of the house is over.

Yin Chang will resume work in a few days. According to Lu Lingjuan, because the endorsement photos he took for BG became popular again, Yao Manhuai's announcements for him are almost scheduled for the end of this year.

"There is also an invitation to a parent-child variety show. The plan has already been sent. Mr. Yao told you to take a look at it in the next two days. The schedule is set for summer vacation." Lu Lingjuan reported the work arrangement to him on the phone.

"Parent-child variety show?" Yin Chang immediately thought of the female producer he met on the TV station two months ago.

"Yes, but I glanced at it, and it seems that you and Shao Junling are invited to participate together." Lu Lingjuan said.

Yin Chang frowned: "Is she already committed?"

Lu Lingjuan said: "Uh, it should be, but I'm not sure if it's already finalized, I'll ask her later."

"Yeah." Yin Chang suppressed the urge to call Yao Manhuai, pressed the phone and put it aside.



Poor brother, it feels like everyone in the world is hiding from him.

Dad kept it from him. The younger brother kept it from him. The nanny also kept it from him.

But it's okay... At least he still has his brother to sleep with him.

Shao Junling: Will I still get out of my brother's bed? ( ̄︶ ̄)