The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 48: Parent-child variety show


Regarding the parent-child variety show, Lu Lingjuan also gave Yin Chang an answer, saying that it has not been officially finalized.

As soon as Yin Chang breathed a sigh of relief, Lu Lingjuan said, "But I heard what Mr. Yao said, and it seems that he really wants you to bring Shao Junling to participate. She said that she will talk to you in person when you go to the company after your leave. "

Yin Chang: "..."

Yin Chang had seen Yao Manhuai's eloquence before. Hearing what Lu Lingjuan said, he felt the pressure again in an instant.

A few days later, after the 15-day vacation, Yin Chang met Yao Manhuai in the general manager's office of New Star Entertainment.

Yao Manhuai got up and gave him a hug, Yin Chang also said "Happy New Year" to Yao Manhuai very politely.

"Sit," Yao Manhuai pointed to the sofa next to her, and got straight to the point, "I just talked to Xiao Lu about your work arrangements for the next six months, has she told you everything?"

"Well, as I said, it's the parent-child variety show..." Yin Chang didn't beat around the bush, and said directly, "I don't want to participate."

"Why?" Yao Manhuai calmly poured a cup of tea for each of them, sat down in front of him, and said, "The big-name variety show on the first-line satellite TV is a rare resource."

If this kind of opportunity falls to Bai Xiaozhi and Jia Siqi, they will not be too happy.

But Yin Chang is not them, he stood at the peak of traffic as soon as he appeared. When he first joined the circle, he might be a little ignorant and would accept Yao Manhuai's arrangement without any hesitation, but after more than half a year, he has already begun to have his own thoughts and experiences about the circle.

For him now, whether the resource is good or not is not the most important thing, the premise must be that he feels he can accept it.

"Shao Junling's identity is too controversial, I don't want to bring him on the show..." Before coming, Yin Chang had already thought about how to refuse this matter, "Besides, he is still in school, and being exposed will affect his current life. Life."

But compared to the latter point, Yin Chang is most worried about the former point.

In order to quell the public opinion about the illegitimate child, Yao Manhuai asked the media to publish the proof of his relationship with Shao Junling, misleading the public into believing that Shao Junling was not Yin Dong's illegitimate child, and safeguarding Yin Dong's reputation.

But in fact, Shao Junling is Yin Dong's son, and the paternity test hidden in the study cabinet is the best evidence.

Even if there is no evidence, a discerning person can judge Shao Junling's appearance in his heart, just like Yang Na, Wang Xuan, and those people who met on the TV station at the New Year's party looked at Shao Junling's eyes...

On the contrary, he, the only son who was disclosed to the public by Yin Dong, was really adopted.

This kind of guilty conscience of turning right and wrong makes Yin Chang afraid of facing the scrutiny of the audience... But this is his selfishness, and he doesn't want to show it in front of Yao Manhuai.

Yin Chang said again: "Besides, my relationship with Shao Junling is not as good as it seems from the outside world..."

Regarding the concerns in this regard, it is necessary to mention Yao Manhuai's previous actions. After learning that Yin Chang had decided to leave part of Yin Dong's property to Shao Junling, Yao Manhuai bought a series of press releases, exaggerating the matter, and portraying Yin Chang as a peerless good brother who doesn't care about gain or loss...

But Yin Chang felt that it was what Shao Junling deserved, and besides, he hadn't even had the chance to practice this idea.

Under Yao Manhuai's packaging, Yin Chang felt that he had become a perfect person.

But in his heart, he is still an ordinary person, he has all the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of ordinary people, and also has the willfulness and fragility that ordinary people should have-he will despair and mourn for Yin Dong's death, will look at himself for his life experience, and will His mentality was out of balance because of the nanny's partiality, and he was also furious because of Shao Junling's rebelliousness...

When he thought of being on a variety show, he had to wear a mask to disguise himself, and he had to play a perfect brother in front of Shao Junling, so he resisted very much.

Yao Manhuai heard him say a few things, raised her eyes and asked, "What else?"

"... That's all." Yin Chang was fully prepared, no matter what reason Yao Manhuai used to persuade him to participate, he would not accept it.

But unexpectedly, Yao Manhuai smiled, looked at him tenderly and said, "Xiao Chang, have you been under too much pressure recently?"

Yin Chang: "..."

Yao Manhuai put down his glass and sighed: "This opportunity is very good, I think it's a pity to give up. But if you don't want to participate, then don't participate. With your current state, you don't have to worry about resources."

Yin Chang didn't realize it for a while... Yao Manhuai agreed now

Yao Manhuai: "However, I also have some thoughts on what you said. If you want to listen, just listen to a few words. If you think what I said is wrong, don't take it too seriously."

Yin Chang knew that he didn't have to bring Shao Junling on the show, so he was not as nervous as when he first came in.

He took a sip of water from the teacup in front of him, and said, "Tell me." He also wanted to hear Yao Manhuai's unique insights.

Seeing Yin Chang relax, Yao Manhuai slowly said: "What you just said is not good for you and Shao Junling. But have you ever thought about the benefits that being on this show can bring to you? Let me talk about you first, Xiao Chang, you are different from those stars who need extra personality. I have been emphasizing that you are a very attractive person. I believe that I see people with eyes. Not only me, Lu Lingjuan also feels the same as me. She Should I have told you? On this kind of reality show, you don’t have to try hard to please the audience, as long as you show your true self, the audience will involuntarily like you and bring you a steady stream of popularity... "

Yin Chang frowned, maybe because his popularity came too fast and too easily, he didn't feel moved at all.

Yao Manhuai continued: "As for Shao Junling, have you ever asked him if he wants to participate in this program?"

Yin Chang said: "He is still a child, what does he know?"

Yao Manhuai smiled faintly: "He doesn't understand, but I think children also have the right to express their own ideas. Think about it, if a few years earlier, Yin Dong would not have left you abroad alone, but would have asked you every time you went out to work. I ask you, would you like to go with him, although it may make you suffer and suffer, what would you think?"

Yin Chang: "..." If Yin Dong is willing to take him with him, he will probably fly to the sky with joy. Don't talk about suffering, being exposed and being discussed, as long as he can be with his father, he doesn't care.

Yao Manhuai said again: "I think Shao Junling will be very happy that you asked him about his wishes. You are his only relative now. Being on the show with you will not only give him more opportunities to get along with you, but also let him Get exercise. He will see a lot of behind-the-scenes staff, experience the environment you usually live in, and meet some friends of the same age on the show. Not only him, but you can also learn from other brothers and sisters how to be better Get along with Shao Junling."

Yin Chang: "..."

"Also, do you know how much money you and Shao Junling can get for participating in this variety show?" Yao Manhuai paused, and gave him another blow, "Xingyao TV offered you and Shao Junling 15 million yuan , It is completely based on the status of a first-line variety show star... I know, you may say that you don’t care about money, Yin Dong has left you a lot of property, and you have made a lot of money in the past half a year. But what about Shao Junling? He and you His background is completely different. You can ask him, give him five million, and let him record programs with you during the summer vacation, would he be willing to... "

Yin Chang: "...!!!"

Thinking of the neat stack of ten yuan under Shao Junling's pillow, Yin Chang yelled "No!" in his heart, this kid will definitely agree immediately!

Yao Manhuai took a sip of water, and continued: "Let's talk about the controversy you mentioned just now. I don't deny that Shao Junling's current identity is indeed more controversial than yours. However, he is also your father's son. Yin Dong's identity and fame are destined to Letting you encounter all kinds of criticism is something that Shao Junling should have faced... If you protect him like this, will those disputes disappear? No, they still exist, but they have not been exposed. Facing disputes, avoiding forever There is no way, the best way is to face it. The audience has no evidence, what can they do to you? Everyone will yearn for a beautiful relationship, as long as you stand respectfully in front of everyone, and have a blind date frankly If you fall in love, the audience will feel positive energy, they will pay more attention to you, and those rumors about your life experience will be suppressed a little bit, and will no longer become a mainstream topic."

Yin Chang: "..."

Yao Manhuai: "And I think that children need some setback education. They can hear both good and bad things, and they have to learn to accept them with a peaceful mind. Your father used to protect you like a flower in a greenhouse, and I will A bit disapproving. If he could have brought you out earlier, you would have understood his job better, you would have known what he was facing every day, and your relationship... might have been better."

At this point, Yin Chang was speechless.

Before he came, he still felt that he had a good reason and was righteous, but now that he heard Yao Manhuai's words, he felt convinced and powerless...

Yao Manhuai smiled: "Okay, I've finished what I have to say. Xu Zong, the producer of Xingyao TV, has a little personal relationship with me. I took this variety show for you before, and I can trust her ability and personality. Pin, knowing that you brothers are on her show, word of mouth must be developing for the better. But I won’t make the decision for you, you can go back and think about it yourself. If you still don’t want to go, I will help you find an excuse to go back That's right."

"Hmm..." Yin Chang left Yao Manhuai's office dejectedly like a defeated little fox.

Yao Manhuai looked at Yin Chang's leaving back and sighed helplessly.

Before her eyes, the scene of Shao Junling running away from home, when Yin Chang found him and hugged him under the street lamp appeared...

That warm feeling, the power to capture people's hearts, was something she had never felt before after watching so many parent-child shows.

In the past half a year, she has also more or less known Yin Chang's devotion to Shao Junling. If these two brothers appear together, they definitely have the potential to explode... Then why does the child have so little confidence in herself

The backlog of announcements during the spring break made Yin Chang busy for more than ten days after returning to work. He went out at 7 o'clock in the morning every morning and didn't get home until midnight.

It was rare for him to go home one day earlier this day. When he was approaching the gate of the community, he happened to see the pick-up car in front of him that was the family driver he had hired. The driver put Shao Junling at the gate of the community, and the little guy got out of the car. Instead of running and jumping like usual, he limped and limped.

Yin Chang frowned, and then remembered that Shao Junling had already started to participate in the trial training of the Taekwondo Hall.

After parking the car and going upstairs, Yin Chang saw Shao Junling sitting in front of the dining table, holding a big bowl and "sizzling" and gobbling it, his head almost buried in the noodle bowl.

"Huh? You came back so early today!" Yang Na said happily when she saw him, "Jun Ling has just arrived, do you want some noodles, and I'll cook you a bowl too?"

"No, I've already eaten." Yin Chang ate at the hotel with his partner. He put down his car keys, walked to the dining table, and sat down facing Shao Junling.

The little guy looked up at him listlessly, with a big mouthful of noodles stuffed in his mouth, and his little face was flushed red.

"Eat slowly..." Yin Chang was amused by his hard-working appearance, and couldn't help asking him, "Is it fun to learn Taekwondo?"

After finally swallowing the noodles, Shao Junling said lazily, "It's not fun."

Yin Chang had a half-smile but not a smile: "Is that still acceptable?"

Shao Junling took a sip of the noodle soup and remained silent.

Yin Chang couldn't bear it: "Don't learn if you can't stand it."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Shao Junling put the noodle bowl on the table angrily, glared at him and said, "I must learn!"

Yin Chang: "..."

The author has something to say: [Interlude]

Yin Chang (distressed): Stop learning.

Shao Junling: In order to grow taller, no matter how hard or tiring you have to learn! o( ̄ヘ ̄o)