The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 50: decided to participate


The little guy was crying with tears all over his face, and Yin Chang's hand was wet, and Yin Chang took the towel again, and washed his face and wiped his nose in front of the mirror.

Shao Junling was evasive, as if he felt that breaking down and crying in front of Yin Chang was particularly embarrassing.

"You still know you're embarrassed?" Yin Chang couldn't laugh or cry.

Shao Junling stared at Yin Chang in the mirror, trying to pretend to be fierce but couldn't, after all, he just cried a lot just now. At this moment, his eyes are red, his nose is red, as pitiful as a rabbit. So he could only poke his mouth tangled up there to express his resentment and dissatisfaction.

Yin Chang has never seen him have such a rich expression, and he almost laughed angrily: "So wronged? What happened to me..."

After wiping Shao Junling's nose again, Yin Chang threw the towel on the table and asked him, "Do you still want to talk to me?"

Shao Junling looked at him, his eyes were full of emotions, as if he had countless things to say to him, but he refused to speak out of face.

Yin Chang looked at him seriously for two seconds, then simply hugged him up.

Shao Junling: "!!!"

Ever since Shao Junling cried, Yin Chang either squatted or bent over, and this posture was tiring after a long time.

He hugged Shao Junling to his bed and put it down, calmly said: "If you still want to talk, just say it well, don't play your temper, don't cry anymore."

Yin Chang didn't want to spoil him all the time, for fear that spoiling this kid would cause problems.

"If you don't want to talk about it," Yin Chang pointed in the direction of the study, "go to bed today."

What he meant was obvious, if Shao Junling wanted to communicate with him properly, he had to give in first, and if he didn't want to communicate, he had to get out.

Shao Junling tightly grasped the quilt under her body with both hands. She must have been forced to do nothing, so she choked out a word: "I want to..."

Yin Chang calmly said: "Okay, tell me first, why am I ignoring you?"

Shao Junling pursed his mouth and complained, "You haven't talked to me for a long time."

Yin Chang choked: "Aren't I busy... I come back every day, and you are already asleep. When you get up in the morning, you are in a hurry to go to school, and I am in a hurry to go to work. It's normal not to be able to talk." It's because I'm so tired that I want to sleep when I get home, and I don't have the energy to deal with other things.

"Besides, you didn't take the initiative to tell me anything. We had three chapters before, what did I say about the second one?" Yin Chang frowned and looked at him, "I said, you have to learn to communicate with me. Where are you? If you're not happy, just tell me directly... I know you have a good memory, haven't you forgotten?"

Seeing the little guy's shoulders slumped in frustration, Yin Chang knew he remembered, so he continued to explain: "I didn't mean to lose my temper with you, I took a day off after a long day, and I came home early today to talk to you, ask I asked how you were doing recently, but when I saw you, you had that attitude, do you think I can be in a good mood?"

Shao Junling opened his mouth, speechless, and looked at Yin Chang with those eyes wet from crying. At this moment, the hostility in him had completely disappeared, leaving only a full dependence, as if he still had a little guilt.

Yin Chang is a person who prefers softness to toughness. He saw that Shao Junling had been convinced by him, so he stopped taking advantage of the situation to attack him. Moreover, he was a little tired after being tossed by Shao Junling.

Yin Chang got on the bed, asked Shao Junling to lie down beside him, and lay on his side with his head propped up, looking at him.

Shao Junling huddled beside him, and he was much more obedient now.

Not only is it cute, but it also rubs against it like a puppy.

Yin Chang laughed, for such a long time, only this kid has the ability to make him feel so ups and downs.

He rubbed the other person's head and asked, "Is there anything else you want to tell me?" If there were other conflicts, he also wanted to resolve them before going to bed.

After a while, Shao Junling's voice came from under the blanket: "Brother..."

"Huh?" Yin Chang had just relaxed, and was already a little drowsy at this time.

He saw Shao Junling raised his head slightly, and asked, "Can you, don't be so busy?"

Yin Chang was taken aback, and subconsciously blurted out: "I want to work."

Shao Junling asked again: "Can I work less?"

Yin Chang was dumbfounded, and many of his own feelings for Yin Dong surged in his mind...

He also wanted to say to Yin Dong countless times: Dad, can you stop being so busy.

Dad, can you spend more time with me

... But until Yin Dong left completely, he couldn't say it.

Because he has been suppressing himself and trying to understand his father, but this premature sensibility seems to have become his heart disease, leaving a huge hole in his body that cannot be filled.

Just like in that song: "Yesterday I was ignorant and fearless, today I have no solution and no hope."

The regrets of the past can no longer be made up for now.

"The years are ruthless, and the dreams are ruthless."

The reality is cruel and merciless, and the only moment of peace can be enjoyed in sleep.

Yin Chang looked at Shao Junling's small face, as if he saw himself a long time ago through him.

... This kid... Could it be that he is also complaining that he doesn't have enough time to accompany him

Yin Chang was inexplicably sad, and he tried to explain to Shao Junling: "Jun Ling, the nature of this job, brother... is that it will be very busy, and once it starts, it will be difficult to stop. Because this is not my job alone, but many, many jobs. Human work…”

Yin Chang thought of Ye Zheng writing songs for him all night, the production team that was busy day and night to release a single for him, and Lu Lingjuan who had dark circles all day long... Sometimes he can go home and sleep, but there are still many people in the world. Work overtime and stay up late for him.

It's not that he doesn't want to rest, but that the pace of this era is too fast, and the pressure of competition forces everyone to pull him up and run forward together.

Unless, he quit completely.

But it seems that this is not realistic at present. He is not the kind of person who will give up lightly. Since he chose this path at the beginning, he will stick to it and see.

And over the past year, Yin Chang has also experienced the pressure of being the core of a team through being a star. Everyone around him is very professional and hardworking, so he can't tolerate self-willedness.

It must be the same with Yin Dong back then, the greater the fame, the greater the responsibility...

Yin Chang recalled what Yao Manhuai said before when he persuaded him and Shao Junling to go on a parent-child show - "He will see a lot of behind-the-scenes staff, experience the environment you usually live in, and meet some friends of the same age on the show..."

Yin Chang's brain became hot, and he asked Shao Junling: "Do you still remember the aunt we met on the TV station on the New Year's party? She wanted to invite us to go together during the summer vacation..."

He was only halfway through when Shao Junling looked at him expectantly.

"Participate in a program..." After Yin Chang finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that Xue Ziwen and Wang Chen were also invited to the parent-child program, and Xue Ziwen and Shao Junling were classmates. "Do you know about this?" He asked suspiciously.

Sure enough, Shao Junling gave an "um" without denying it, then lowered his eyes and muttered, "I thought you didn't want to take me there."

Yin Chang was stunned: "Why... you say that?"

Shao Junling leaned into Yin Chang's arms, and said hesitantly: "Because, Xue Ziwen's little uncle said that you and I are not blood brothers, and we have a bad relationship, so you won't take me there."

Yin Chang did have concerns about not wanting to bring Shao Junling to the show, but it was a bit depressing to hear this from someone else.

He narrowed his eyes... Could this little guy be angry with him for a reason

"Then do you want to come with me?" He asked Shao Junling.

Shao Junling raised his head immediately: "Yes!"

Yin Chang's question was also impulsive, but he didn't expect Shao Junling to answer so simply.

He coughed lightly, and quickly told Shao Junling about the negative impact he had already thought about: "But if you go, when the show is broadcast, someone will point at you behind and are father's... illegitimate child... like that , may always be around you in the future... Is it okay?"

Shao Junling said without hesitation, "It's okay."

Yin Chang said again: "If you just want to hang out with me, I can set aside a period of time every year to take you out for fun, just like the last time we went to Switzerland, there is no need to be on TV."

Shao Junling said anxiously: "No, I'm going to that show."

Yin Chang didn't understand why Shao Junling was so obsessed with this show, he could only think that Xue Ziwen might have said something to him that made him yearn for it.

Yin Chang sighed helplessly, his heart was already loose.

"But if we are on the show as brothers, in case something goes wrong...for example, something like this happened tonight..." Yin Chang raised his eyebrows, motioning for him to express his opinion, for example, "I will behave well ” or “I will be obedient” to reassure myself.

Shao Junling frowned slightly, thought carefully for a moment, then raised his head and said, "I'll let you."

Yin Chang: ""

After he finished expressing his position, as if the matter had been settled, he grabbed the quilt and lay down obediently to prepare for sleep. He even licked his lips and said contentedly, "Let's go together."

Yin Chang: "..."

Early the next morning, Yin Chang frowned and called Yao Manhuai, telling her that he and Shao Junling had decided to accept the invitation to the parent-child variety show.

Yao Manhuai seemed not surprised by this result, and said calmly: "Okay, I'll reply to Mr. Xu, she should be very happy. You took the time to come over these two days and sign the contract. For Shao Junling, I am the guardian, so I will Come and sign for me."

Yin Chang: "...OK."

After confirming this matter, Yin Chang's announcements in July and August will be re-planned, because the parent-child program will go to six filming locations selected by the program group. Starting from the beginning of July, they will go out once every ten days, and each time they go out for three to three days. For four days, it lasted until the end of August.

During this period, it was difficult for Yin Chang to accept other collaborations except for occasional fashion photos when he came back.

Not long after signing the contract, the producer surnamed Xu added Yin Chang's WeChat, and after a few pleasantries, he was pulled into a group. In the group, there was a contact person and screenwriter who were in charge of connecting with him and Shao Junling. , director and cameraman, everyone warmly welcomed him and Shao Junling in the group.

Afterwards, the screenwriter sent him more program information, and the program team began to confirm with Yin Chang the schedule in mid-May, asking him to take Shao Junling to record the program's theme song.

Since the schedule and location of each pair of guests are different, the theme song is recorded separately. Each group is responsible for singing one or two lines and the climax of the chorus, and then everyone's singing will be combined later.

On May 10th, I plan to send the score of the theme song to Yin Chang in advance, so that he can get familiar with it first, and I also suggest that he can teach Shao Junling at home first if he has time.

Yin Chang has already released singles, so it is not a problem to consciously sing a song. Although I don't know how well Shao Junling sings, but I think that I can read out just one or two lines of lyrics, so I don't feel too much pressure.

However, when he got the lyrics and read them, he was immediately dumbfounded.

… WTF!

This is called him... how can he sing!

That night, when Yin Chang saw Shao Junling, he couldn't help but feel dizzy.

He thought to himself that it would be better not to practice, and then go directly to the recording studio to learn and record, and it will be an embarrassing day.

As a result, after dinner, Yin Chang received a message from Wang Chen: "You and your brother are also going to participate in that superstar life?"

Yin Chang: "Yes."

Wang Chen: "Hehe."

Yin Chang was staring at that "hehe" guessing what Wang Chen meant, when the call from the program team came right after.

The other side asked: "Yin Chang, you and Wang Chen know each other, right?"

"know… "

"I just heard from Wang Chen's artist contact that Xue Ziwen and Shao Junling are classmates."

"... yes." Yin Chang had an inexplicable bad feeling in his heart.

"Since that's the case, we want to arrange for you two pairs of guests to record songs together. It just so happens that the two groups of guests are from the same city, and we just confirmed with Wang Chen that he has a schedule in mid-May, and you all know each other. It will be more interesting to record together, do you think it is convenient for you?"

Yin Chang asked Shao Junling in a roundabout way, and when he hung up the phone, he saw that Wang Chen had sent him another message just now.

Wang Chen: "It's time to record songs together~ [smile]"

Yin Chang: "..." Can he still say it's inconvenient

In the evening, Shao Junling went to take English tuition. When he came back from class, Yin Chang called him into the room: "Come here, practice singing."

Shao Junling: "???"

Yin Chang has already uploaded the lyrics and music to the ipad so that he can watch it with Shao Junling.

I saw that the program team had marked the part for him and Shao Junling to sing on the score.

Yin Chang pointed to those shameful lyrics, and pretended to be calm: "Let's read it together first."

Shao Junling sat beside him obediently, said "Oh", and read: "Brother, hug me, hold me high." But there was no ups and downs in his tone.

Yin Chang: "..."

Yin Chang: "Arguing and bickering, every day..."

The next set of lyrics is not sung but read.

Yin Chang started first: "Hurry up, hurry up, I will take you to dig out the bird's nest."

... dig out the bird's nest? He has never dug out any bird's nest since he was a child... He will not take Shao Junling to dig out any bird's nest at this age...

Shao Junling stared at the lyrics and said nervously: "Wait, wait, I haven't put on my pants yet!"

Yin Chang: "..."

Yin Chang: "You can't stop in the middle of the sentence that you haven't put on your pants, and you have to read 'wait, wait, wait' together..."

Shao Junling's cheeks were slightly flushed, and he repeated this sentence three or four times before he could read the sentence smoothly.

Then the next group.

Yin Chang: "Don't quarrel, don't quarrel, it makes me so irritable."

Shao Junling: "Don't worry about it, don't worry about it, I don't want to, just listen to your nagging..."

Yin Chang had a headache and said: "There is no place where there is no comma in the middle, you can't stop, connect them, do it again, there must be a sense of rhythm..."

After reciting this group, we finally reached the most powerful chorus part.

Yin Chang cleared his throat, pointed to the slash and said, "Here, you say 'brother', and I say 'brother'."

Shao Junling nodded.

Yin Chang: "Come on, let's start—la la la~~ You are my dearest brother..."

Shao Junling: "La la la~~ You are... my dearest brother..."

Yin Chang: "La la la~~ I want to grow old together with you in this life..."

Shao Junling: "La la la~~ In this life... I want to be with you... blind date... love each other... grow old together..."

Yin Chang: "..."

Shao Junling: "..."

The two looked at each other, and Yin Chang looked away first in embarrassment... He has already begun to regret agreeing to participate in this program!

Shao Junling whispered to him from the side: "Brother... are you still practicing?"

Yin Chang stood up and said, "No more practice, you have recited those few lyrics smoothly, and when the time comes, there will be a special teacher to teach you how to sing."

Shao Junling: "Oh..."

On the weekend, Yin Chang took Shao Junling to the song recording location designated by the program group.

Wang Chen and Xue Ziwen arrived one step ahead of them. It is said that they had already practiced their songs at home, so they went directly to the recording studio.

Wang Chen was originally a singer and dancer, but Xue Ziwen let it go, the two cooperated quite tacitly, and there were laughter from time to time.

The staff nearby said with a smile: "Their nephew and uncle are also like brothers, and they have a very good relationship."

Yin Chang stood outside and watched silently for a while, feeling in his heart, this is true family affection, different from their seemingly incompatible brothers...



Shao Junling: When I am on TV, many, many people will know that I am my brother's brother, and my brother is my own brother, so that my brother will never abandon me again. (* ̄︶ ̄)

The two read the lyrics together.

Yin Chang: So embarrassing...

Shao Junling (secretly clenching his fist): Exciting.