The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 72: No one is perfect


That night, Shao Junling took advantage of Yin Chang to take a bath, put on his Taoist uniform and rushed to the entrance of the village.

Xue Ziwen also slipped away from Wang Chen at the same time, and the two first met at an intersection.

In the corner of the screen, a cartoon animation of the photographer sneaking behind the cameraman on his shoulders appeared.

After a while, the twin brothers also came from a distance, and the four looked at each other from a distance, and walked under the tree together.

Shao Junling, who was wearing a white Taoist uniform, fluttered while walking, exuding infinite arrogance. They had never noticed that the unmanned aerial camera rotated 360 degrees above their heads to capture the scene of the meeting between the two parties. The background music... the rhythmic drums, erhu, pipa, and symphony of the sheng exaggerate the tense atmosphere of a big battle, especially when Shao Junling poses for a fight, the effect of the show is comparable to a martial arts blockbuster, which is simply amazing passionate.

— until Yin Chang appeared.

When Shao Junling was picked up by Yin Chang like a chicken, the domineering martial arts background music stopped abruptly, and a piece of funny music was played.

Afterwards, Yin Chang said a few words with the little fellows, and left Shao Junling with him.

During this part of the program, the voices of the guests were not recorded, because Shao Junling took off the radio on his body when changing clothes, and Yin Chang had just changed his clothes after taking a shower, so the audience did not know what they said.

But for the relevant plot, the program was broadcast in the form of one-on-one interviews with the parties.

The screen switched to the interview booth, and the first thing that appeared on the screen were Lang Chizhi and Guo Yiheng.

Staff member: "Xue Ziwen and Shao Junling are both younger than you, what if they can't beat you and get injured?"

Guo Yiheng immediately said: "We don't really want to fight, but want to compete with Shao Junling, because Xue Ziwen said that Shao Junling is very good at Taekwondo."

Lang Chizhi nodded: "Well, I won't really hit him, just for fun!"

Staff member: "Then you heard that Shao Junling is very good at Taekwondo, aren't you afraid?"

Lang Chizhi: "Not afraid."

Yin Chang appeared next.

Staff member: "Why did you go over there in such a hurry to stop it? Was it because you were afraid that Shao Junling would be injured by Lang Chizhi and the others?"

Yin Chang smiled and said, "No, I'm afraid he will get into trouble."

Staff: "How good is Shao Junling's Taekwondo?"

Yin Chang: "He just finished his green and blue belt exams in early July."

Staff: "What level is the green and blue belt? Is it great?"

Yin Chang thought about the process of fighting Shao Junling that night, and said objectively: "It's not bad, it feels like the level of basic self-defense."

This paragraph is correct in Yin Chang's memory, but then, a line of subtitles appeared in the center of the screen——

"In order to understand how powerful Shao Junling is, the staff went to the Gym where Shao Junling is located for an interview"

Yin Chang was taken aback when he saw this paragraph, which he didn't know.

He smiled wryly, this program group is also "dedicated", and just for this short episode, they even went to the gymnasium...

The staff found Shao Junling's coach and asked, "Is Shao Junling at a high level?"

Coach: "It's pretty good among my peers."

Staff member: "Then can he beat a child who is three years older than him?"

The coach chuckled: "In the gymnasium, someone who was four years older than him was beaten when he competed with him. This thing cannot be measured by age."

The staff then interviewed several children who had sparring experience with Shao Junling, and they all said that "Shao Junling is very good".

Of course, in order to protect Shao Junling's privacy, in this paragraph, the interviewed coaches and martial arts partners were all covered by cartoon head stickers, and the names of the martial arts hall were coded.

The screen cuts back to the temporary interview booth, and the next person to be interviewed is Shao Junling himself.

Staff: "After being forcibly taken away by my brother, what did you think?"

Shao Junling lowered his head and said with a straight face, "Not happy."

Staff: "Is brother angry?"

Shao Junling: "Yes."

The staff member paused and asked intentionally, "I heard... your brother beat you after he returned?"

Shao Junling raised his head and denied, "No, he didn't hit me, he asked me to hit him."

Staff: "Why did he ask you to beat him?"

"Because I'm unhappy, he said let me vent," Shao Junling lowered his head again, complaining in a low voice, "but I can't beat him."

The staff made a "poof" and asked with a smile, "Then are you happy after venting?"

"Well," Shao Junling said in a low voice while scratching the chair with his hands, "Brother came home and made me a small cake."

When he said this, Shao Junling's voice was soft, and later he added a little blush to his face, indicating that he had forgiven his brother.

Yin Chang forced Shao Junling to watch this episode with him on the sofa, just to let him remember it long.

But seeing the blush on himself in the later stage, Shao Junling was so ashamed that he couldn't stand it anymore, and struggled to escape.

Seeing this, Yin Chang not only showed no sympathy, but sat on the sofa laughing frantically.

Yang Na was making fruit tea for Yin Chang in the kitchen. Hearing the sound, she glanced out quietly, but couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

In the past half a year, every time she saw Yin Chang frowning and looking depressed, Yang Na felt distressed and didn't know how to persuade him.

But since the two brothers started filming that variety show, Yin Chang seems to be a lot more cheerful, especially when Yang Na came back last time, Yang Na felt that he was a different person... The child seems to have come out of the incident of his father's death, and he is willing to treat him The world opened up again.

She put the fruit tea in front of Yin Chang with a look of relief, and asked, "Why are you so happy?"

"Shao Junling did something stupid when he was recording the show." Yin Chang smiled and pointed to the TV, beckoning Yang Na to watch it together.

Xue Ziwen appeared next, and the host also interviewed him about dating.

Xue Ziwen babbled on and on, which was exactly the same as what he said when he and Wang Chen filed a complaint. Maybe he was too talkative. Later in the program, he resolutely fast-forwarded this section and used "I feel sorry for my melon... my Melon... my melon..." This text comment summarizes the core content of what he said.

In the WeChat group, the guests who watched the whole episode burst into laughter.

Qin Jingshan: "Shao Junling is really innocent to be involved in the grievances of picking melons... [Yun Bei]"

Huang Han: "The part where he was carried away by Yin Chang was really pitiful. [Laughs]"

Wang Chen: "I was expecting them to fight just now!"

Yin Chang: "Wang Chen, it seems that your nephew has a deep obsession with that melon."

Wang Chen: "..."

Lang Chizhi: "Hey, little brother, don't read it... Mom and Dad have criticized us! @薛子问[危地]"

Guo Yiheng: "Next time we meet, I will accompany you with three big watermelons! @薛子问[危地]"

After the second episode was broadcast, there was no time to ferment this time, and it aroused heated discussions across the Internet that night.

Sure enough, the part where the little guys tried to fight became the highlight of this episode. The video of Shao Junling appearing domineeringly in a Taoist uniform but being carried away by Yin Chang suddenly appeared on the Internet has been uploaded everywhere.

Controversies and criticisms, none of the problems that Yin Chang worried about at the beginning did not happen. Looking around, the comments are almost all "hahaha".

When a person is doing something seriously, but the result is ironic, the audience will forget to explore the problem of the event itself.

However, apart from this scene, there are also a few clips that Yin Chang did not expect became popular.

One is a photo of him and Huang Han wearing aprons cooking, and was praised by netizens as "a family god" and "having boyfriend power".

Another one is Wang Chen's reaction when Yin Chang met Wang Chen when receiving breakfast the third morning and asked him "Do you know about Xue Ziwen being bullied".

At that time, Wang Chen said, "Don't just break the melon, what else does he want", which was intercepted by interested netizens, and Xue Ziwen's "I love my melon" shown in the interview was put together.

This point is quite controversial. Some people compared Wang Chen and Yin Chang's attitudes towards their nephew and younger brother, and criticized Wang Chen for not caring enough about Xue Ziwen. When picking melons, he only cared about flirting with Qin Jingshan, which was annoying. He also didn't appease Xue Ziwen well, he was an incompetent uncle.

Wang Chen's public relations urgently guided the public opinion in the direction of "Wang Chen has a big heart", and slightly suppressed the controversy.

But the next day, a popular Weibo posted by an entertainment marketing account ignited Wang Chen's temper.

The blogger compared the images of Wang Chen and Yin Chang on the third morning - after two days of devastation by the program group, Yin Chang was still shining, looking like a male god, but Wang Chen was unkempt, like local villagers.

The bottom is full of netizens who read jokes, and the related discussions also caused Yin Chang's popularity to soar within a day.

After Wang Chen found out, he called his agent, and when he got through, he was bombarded: "What did you do? How did you let that kind of Weibo be posted! It even made it to the top of the list!"

The manager calmed him down and told him that he did this to divert the audience's attention, because the criticism against Wang Chen had become more and more serious last night, and seeing that they couldn't hold back, they quickly made some sacrifices.

That Weibo post was planned by Wang Chen's team.

Wang Chen was trembling with anger: "What? You planned this kind of ugly photos?"

The agent explained: "Calm down, this will allow some netizens who have dissent to find a place to vent their emotions, and stop chasing you for your attitude towards Xue Ziwen... Moreover, this is called retreating. We continue to raise Gao Yinchang is actually a kind of 'praise', which is not necessarily beneficial to his long-term development."

Wang Chen was taken aback when he heard this: "Go on."

Agent: "The audience has very high requirements for a perfect idol, but if you are just an ordinary person, it will be much better. For example, we put the photos of you and Yin Chang together for comparison, make it funny, sell it Miserable, let others know that you have worked very hard, and no one will chase after you and blame you for asking Xue Ziwen. Besides, neither brothers, sisters, nor uncles are 'parents', and you have no main obligation to educate Xue Ziwen. You don't have to take too much responsibility for this. But Yin Chang is different, he is Shao Junling's only relative, now his image is getting better and better, the more he is praised, the more tired he will be in the future."

Wang Chen: "You mean, if Yin Chang continues like this, the human design will collapse?"

Agent: "The personality does not necessarily collapse, we have to admit that he is a very charismatic idol. But no one can be a 'god' forever, let alone he is only nineteen years old. If his future strength is not worthy of his fame , sooner or later he will be dragged to death by his own fame."

Wang Chen hung up the phone, still thinking about it, but after thinking about it, he always felt that something was wrong.

After a long time, he was shocked—his agent's other analysis was correct, but what does it mean to say that he is an "ordinary person"!



Broker: You are an ordinary person.

Wang Chen:? ? ? I am obviously a fairy boy! !


The background music for Shao Junling wearing a taekwondo uniform. If you are interested, you can search Netease Music "Stealing Merit".