The phoenix is ​​screaming for nine days, my lord, don't mess around

Chapter 10: A pair of people


Under Meng's supervision, Concubine Li couldn't do anything, she couldn't do anything, so she could only quickly send all the ledgers to the Phoenix Room.

But the movements of the assembled servants were much slower, procrastinating until Fenghuang was about to run out of breakfast and hadn't arrived yet.

snort! It seems that they need to know who is the master of this mansion.

Fenghuang wiped his mouth gracefully with a handkerchief, took Mengshi and Yinhuan and walked out.

At this time, a group of people had gathered in the yard, including the housekeeper. Fenghuang had called the butler and asked him to see how many people hadn't arrived yet.

The steward glanced roughly, and reported to Fenghuang, "I tell the princess, there are still a few places where some servants have not arrived, and they may still be on their way."

The housekeeper doesn't know much about this new princess, and he doesn't know what kind of person she is, but he hopes that this princess can restrain this woman, side concubine Li. I can't get used to her domineering in the mansion for a long time, but I can't do anything about it, and the prince doesn't want to take care of this matter, let him figure it out.


Fenghuang coughed, cleared his throat, and began to "speak". She raised her voice in view of the large crowd in the yard.

"Judging from the speed of your gathering today, I am very dissatisfied, very dissatisfied." Phoenix emphasized twice.

When everyone saw Wang Hao's face for the first time, they were all amazed that Wang Hao is an out-and-out beauty, even with a little... fairy air, elegant and refined.

With such a beautiful princess standing there talking, the noisy crowd seemed to be a little quieter. What happened next set alarm bells ringing in their hearts.

"From today onwards, each assembly needs to arrive at the time of half a stick of incense, and those who arrive late will be deducted one month's monthly fee. This is the first and second. If someone embezzles money in the government, you can report it. After the report is verified, the reporter Fifty taels of silver will be rewarded. Those who are reported will depend on the seriousness of the situation. Those who are less serious will be deducted three months. The third person found out and reported it and followed the same reward and punishment method.”

The crowd below exploded suddenly. The pressure is so great now, the rules set by the princess seem to have magical powers, but fifty taels is not a small amount, it is enough for ordinary people to spend two or three years.

Thinking of this, the hearts of the people became agitated again.

After they calmed down a bit, Fenghuang continued, "Thirdly, from today onwards, I will be in charge of all affairs in the mansion. Everyone will work together to do their jobs well. There are rewards, and the specific reward methods will be posted by the housekeeper in each courtyard today."

There are already many people below who are ready to move, this princess is so generous, if you work hard, you can make more money!

"Fourth, you can tell me if you have any good suggestions and opinions for the palace, and where there is room for improvement. If you are embarrassed to tell me in person, you can write it down on paper and hand it to me. Those who speak well will also be rewarded. "

"My lord! My lord!" Yin Xiang, Yang Yanjing's attendant, called Yang Yanjing loudly and ran into the house.

"My lord, my concubine just summoned all the servants and announced a lot of things in the yard." Yin Xiang repeated what Fenghuang had announced.

"Wow." A page of the book was turned, only to hear Yang Yanjing reply indifferently, "The concubine should be in charge of the internal affairs of the palace, let her go."

Yin Xiang thinks about it too, when Concubine Li was domineering in the mansion before, the prince didn't care, but now that the new concubine is here, she can finally manage the affairs of the mansion properly.

Before the prince turned a blind eye to the affairs of the mansion, it was because she belonged to the imperial concubine.

Now that Phoenix is here, the prince also doesn't care about it. He not only gave Fenghuang the rights, but also inherited the previous laissez-faire attitude. Concubine Li has nothing to say.

Looking at the sky, Yin Xiang suddenly felt that the prince is the mastermind behind the scenes...

The time to offer tea to the mistress will soon come.

Wearing a jujube-colored robe and a flying cloud bun, Fenghuang appeared in the main hall in a high-profile manner.

Yang Yanjing also appeared opposite her at the same time.

This is the first time Fenghuang saw the Seventh Prince Yang Yanjing. I didn't even get to see her on the wedding night.

Thin, he is really thin.

Pale, his face was so pale.

Good-looking, Fenghuang thinks, this is the first time she admits that a man can be so good-looking.

Narrow eyes, thin lips, and a high nose bridge combined into a sick, pale, and evil boy.

Fenghuang decided afterwards and called him the enchanting little fox.

Meeting Yang Yanjing head-on, Fenghuang stared at him for several seconds before recovering.

"Hi, my lord, good morning." Fenghuang almost blurted out, you are so beautiful. Thankfully it was closed in time.

Yang Yanjing nodded, "Princess Wang slept well last night."

The two greeted politely, entered the main hall and took the first seat.

Concubine Li and Concubine Yang are already waiting in the main hall. When Concubine Li saw the prince coming in, she immediately put on a charming and pitiful appearance, and looked at him with watery eyes.

But Yang Yanjing didn't look at her, talking to Fenghuang all the way.

Concubine Li's face turned green with anger.

The eyes of the other people in the hall were brightened. The prince and the princess are simply a perfect combination of talents and looks, a perfect combination of a golden boy and a beautiful girl!

Beautiful people and talented people are not romantic, they are really a pair of lovers.

The servants suddenly felt that the future of the palace was full of hope, and the prince and concubine were going to lead them to a new peak!

Soon, hot tea was served.

Fenghuang said, "Concubine Yang, come first."

For some reason, Fenghuang suddenly had the feeling that one person is above and all people are below.

Concubine Yang is a beautiful woman with low brows and obedient eyes, she obediently came over and offered tea to Fenghuang and Yang Yanjing respectively.

Now Concubine Li is already burning with jealousy, this Phoenix must have done it on purpose to embarrass herself in front of everyone. But she had to remain calm, looking at Yang Yanjing with pitiful and innocent eyes.

Yang Yanjing wasn't looking at her at all, but was drinking tea with his head down.

"The finale is all important, come on, Concubine Li." Fenghuang prefers to slap her in the face and then give her sweets. This feeling is very refreshing.

Side Concubine Li was taken aback, walked over slowly, picked up the hot tea, and handed it to Fenghuang, "Please drink tea, mistress."

But Phoenix didn't take it for a long time.

Concubine Li only felt that the hot cup noodles were almost blistering her skin, and she glanced at Fenghuang in surprise and fear. She can't throw the cup. If the tea ceremony fails, she will not be recognized by the head of the family.

"Through this incident, I hope you can remember this feeling, and it is best to keep this feeling for me forever."