The phoenix is ​​screaming for nine days, my lord, don't mess around

Chapter 12: into the palace


Fenghuang didn't want to be the first person to break the situation, so he closed his eyes and wanted to squint for a while.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yanjing opened his eyes abruptly at this moment, "It's getting late, get up, I have to enter the palace later."

When helping Yang Yanjing put on the clothes, Fenghuang kept hinting to himself, I just treat him as my younger brother, I just treat him as my younger brother, I just treat him as my younger brother.

Yang Yanjing looked at the woman with her half-closed eyes mumbling something, and smiled slightly.

When Yinhuan was helping Fenghuang comb her hair, a maid came in to report that Xinlian, Li's personal maid, wanted to see her.

"What's the matter?" Phoenix asked casually.

"Princess, this maidservant is Xinlian, the personal maid of Concubine Li's. Today, she said she was not feeling well. She wanted to hold on to get up, but she collapsed in the middle, so she won't come to pay her respects to Concubine Wang."

I just taught this side concubine Li a little lesson yesterday, so why not pretend to be a master today? Although Fenghuang has no sense of hierarchy, if he is not severely punished, he will be looked down upon by these servants, and his life in the mansion will be difficult in the future.

Fenghuang brushed the hair that was in front of her eyes, "Order that no one should approach Concubine Li's yard to disturb her. Since she is so seriously ill, please rest well."

When Xinlian heard it, isn't this restricting the freedom of the empress in disguise? Immediately blurted out, "Your Majesty is just having a headache, why bother Your Majesty Wang Fei to make such a fuss."

"Just now you said you won't be able to get up after falling down, but now you're saying it's just a headache, a bold servant, do you really think I'm a master who allows others to deceive you? Come and punish her to kneel in the yard for two hours, and she's not allowed to eat today!"

"Princess, you can't do this... don't."

Xinlian was dragged out by two guards.

"Look at her, kneel for a long time before letting her go."


When Yang Yanjing came over to have breakfast with Fenghuang, she glanced at Xinlian, said nothing, and drank porridge with Fenghuang calmly, and occasionally brought her vegetables, which made Xinlian startled and angry.

Doesn't the prince dislike this woman? Why is he treating her so well now! Xinlian thought angrily. The resentment in the eyes made people sigh, as there is a slave like a master.

After everything was ready, Yang Yanjing and Fenghuang got into the carriage and headed for the palace.

Today, Fenghuang wore a low-key lavender palace dress. It was the first time she entered the palace, she just wanted to ask for peace honestly, and she didn't want to fight for anything in the palace.

Yang Yanjing even wore a low-key snow-white double-breasted narrow-sleeve gown, a sapphire blue belt, and snow-white boots.

Together, the two formed a picture of a fairy couple. He was full of praise from Yinhuan and Yinxiang, and was watched by the servants in the mansion with "lewd" eyes all the way out of the palace.

When it was almost time to arrive, Yang Yanjing helped Fenghuang tidy up his clothes, "Don't be nervous, just do as I tell you."

Then they got out of the car and walked into the palace.

This is an overhead dynasty, but the palace is still very beautiful. The houses are decorated with carved beams and painted buildings, and even the eaves have a resplendent feeling.

And when walking on the empty and quiet avenue in the palace, Fenghuang had another illusion, is there really someone living in such a big palace

Yang Yanjing is going to the emperor's bedroom to pay his respects, while Fenghuang is going to the imperial concubine's bedroom.

In this generation of emperors, the empress died young, and the more powerful concubines in the harem were mainly the imperial concubine, concubine Shu, and concubine De. The imperial concubine had four princes, and concubine De had five princes. There are seven or eight princes. And the empress's passing caused the emperor to be very sad, and he refused to reestablish the empress for so many years, so now the imperial concubine is in charge of the empress's seal, acting as an agent for various affairs in the harem.

What Fenghuang is going to now is the Lingxiang Palace of the imperial concubine.

When entering the imperial concubine's room, Fenghuang looked around, there were only a few concubines in the room, not a bunch of noisy women waiting for her as she thought.

Fortunately, with three women on one street, she can handle even a group of women.

As soon as he entered the room, someone immediately said, "Here she is, she really is a stunning beauty."

The imperial concubine smiled and said, "Phoenix is here. We have been waiting early in the morning. We can't wait to see what kind of person the girl of Feng's family is."

The imperial concubine is a graceful and luxurious woman with a noble and kind temperament. She looks in her thirties, very young, and because she is well maintained, she looks only in her twenties. She is also very approachable and approachable when speaking to Fenghuang, without putting on airs.

"Phoenix pays respects to the imperial concubine."

"Let me introduce you, this is your mother concubine Shu, and this is De concubine."

"Phoenix pays respects to Concubine Mu and Concubine De."

When entering the palace for the first time, you still have to follow the rules, but you can't let these concubines pick out the thorns from the very beginning.

"Well, he looks like a pretty good kid, Lao Qi is lucky." Concubine De said calmly.

"That is, where will our daughter-in-law go?" Concubine Shu's tone could not help showing off.

"Hahaha, it's really ridiculous. I don't know who tried to shirk it at the beginning, and wanted Lao Wu to have this marriage." Concubine De sneered.

"Concubine De, I want to make this marriage. It's because I am a concubine, a weak woman, and I can't make any contribution to the emperor. I can only solve problems for the emperor in this respect, unlike some people... Now, Lao Qi not only got a good wife, but also did her best for the emperor, don't you think so?" Concubine Shu's move was beautiful.

Fenghuang had already sat down, quietly drinking tea occasionally, knocking sunflower seeds, watching several concubines who were already mothers bickering, presumably they often fought like this in the palace.

If it were someone else, hearing that she was being pushed around like a ball, she would definitely want to find a crack in the ground and go down, but Phoenix is not, as long as she has a clear heart, what is she afraid of

Concubine De's face turned pale when she heard that, her fifth prince was older than the other princes, but after Fenghuang's reputation was damaged, she remarried the young lady of Feng's family, isn't this embarrassing the emperor