The phoenix is ​​screaming for nine days, my lord, don't mess around

Chapter 22: Back door 2


Although Feng Renxian is a great general with a large army in his hands, he has never been interested in the gangs in the court. But at the moment, the Fifth Prince, Eighth Prince, and Third Prince who stand in line are all objects of courtiers' support and fawning.

As for the seventh prince, Yang Yanjing, he was not favored by the emperor and his own mother-in-law since he was a child, and the courtiers certainly didn't want to see him anymore.

Therefore, the Seventh Prince's side will always be deserted.

It happened that Feng Renxian was such a master who didn't need to curry favor with others and stand in line. The military power in his hands and the importance attached to him by the emperor would only make others come to curry favor with him.

Feng Renxian didn't like to join forces with others, and tried his best to do all kinds of things, so he chose the seventh prince.

Now it seems that he chose the right person, this seventh prince is gentle and refined, considerate and caring for Huang, he is very pleased.


"Huang'er, you can get married now, and you will live in harmony with the prince in the future, you know? I like your husband and wife." Feng Renxian smiled.

"Yes, Dad." The corner of Fenghuang's mouth twitched.

"Hey, it looks like my lord and concubine have a very good relationship!" someone suddenly interrupted.

Fenghuang didn't even need to look to know that it was that old woman from the Wang family.

"Do you still need to bring it out again? Everyone in the mansion has seen that the prince is very kind to me, gentle and considerate, why can't you tell that your heart is like a black lantern?"

After Fenghuang finished speaking, the hall was suddenly silent.

"Mother's question is correct. Didn't Huang just leave the brothel last month..." Feng Niyan hurriedly stopped the car in the middle of speaking, covering her mouth in surprise, as if she accidentally slipped her mouth, With a look of panic, "Sister, sister didn't do it on purpose..."

This Feng Niyan, seeing Fenghuang and Yang Yanjing so affectionate, hated her so much, how could that vixen get so much love! This is different from what she imagined!

Feng Niyan thought that Fenghuang had entered the brothel, and Yang Yanjing definitely didn't want to see her, so Fengqing went back in a disheveled manner, depending on Yang Yanjing's face and actions in everything she did and said.

The people in the hall couldn't help but speculate that the eldest lady had been in a brothel and treated her so well, why

"First of all, although my princess has gone in, what does it matter? It's like a person fell into the mud, it looks dirty, but its essence is still the same after washing it."

"Secondly, my prince is the most different. He doesn't care about your past and origin, he only cares about your personal character and character. I love my husband and I love this place."

The hall suddenly became lively, because everyone started talking again. I didn't expect their prince to be such a noble person. It was a blessing that the second lady met him.

After saying these words, Feng Niyan was speechless, and his heart burst into flames.

But on the surface, he had to smile and say, "So, my sister really envies my sister for finding such a good husband."

After speaking, he sat down and quickly exchanged a look with Wang Shi.

It's tea time.

According to the rules of the Daqing Dynasty, before the newlyweds return home to offer tea, they need to bow three times and knock nine times before they can offer tea.

Yang Yanjing let Fenghuang come first.

She felt a little sad when she thought that Feng Renxian was the one who gave her the most family feeling since she traveled here, and that she would rarely stay here with her from now on.

Feng Feng took the hot tea from a servant at the side and passed it to Feng Renxian.

"Father, you drink tea."

"Hey, good, good, my good daughter has grown up." Feng Renxian smiled from ear to ear, took the tea, took a few sips, and then put the teacup on the table beside him.

Suddenly, the face of the man beside him turned pale.

Fenghuang stared at his back strangely, but couldn't see any clues.

Three or four seconds later, she saw it, and everyone else saw it too.

Yang Yanjing's straight back was trembling, he was trembling.

But surprisingly, he immediately regained his composure.

However, the good times didn't last long, and he started to have seizures again.

Fenghuang knew that he had a cough.

A tickle rose in his throat.

Fenghuang knew that he was trying his best to suppress this feeling, his hands tightly grabbed the robes on both sides, his knuckles began to turn white.

This was only a matter of three or four seconds, Feng Renxian had already seen it: "My lord, are you alright?"

"My lord, it's okay...cough cough!" After Yang Yanjing answered Feng Renxian, he finally couldn't help breaking his kung fu. Then the cough came like a flood.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough!" Yang Yanjing was still kneeling on the cold ground.

Everyone in the hall whispered again.

Yang Yanjing's cough did not intend to stop, but tended to intensify, Junyi's face was frighteningly pale.

"My lord! Don't force it, or I'll help you in to rest." Fenghuang said anxiously.

"No, nothing, cough cough!"

Yang Yanjing insisted while coughing, bent down again, and kowtowed.

Everyone could only see that his slender and straight back was constantly shaking, and at the same time he was coughing loudly.

I heard that the Seventh Prince has been weak and sick since he was a child, and if he is not careful, he will fall into a serious illness, especially this cough, which is even more serious and has never recovered for many years.

Because of this disease, he was not favored by the emperor or even his mother-in-law since he was a child. The royal family is very taboo about this kind of superstition, thinking that being with sick people will bring them unlucky things.

When everyone saw him today, they immediately understood why the Emperor Lao Tzu didn't like this son, who would like a person who would have a cough anytime, anywhere

Therefore, regarding his marriage, the emperor didn't care whether his daughter-in-law had been in a brothel or whether her reputation was corrupt, it had no effect on him.

Everyone sighed, the Seventh Prince is outstanding both in appearance and character, if he can be reused, he will have a bright future. But because of a disease, he was buried.

Everyone couldn't help but sympathize with the prince.

"Cough, cough! Cough cough! Cough!" Not only did the cough not ease, but it became more and more serious.

In the hall, everyone looked worried, but Feng Niyan and Wang had contemptuous expressions on their faces. Fenghuang, what good is it for the Seventh Prince to treat you well, if he is not just a tuberculosis.

Follow him and you will never be rich and famous.

Phoenix's face was full of anxiety.

Yang Yanjing coughed intermittently, but his body movements became slower and slower. People couldn't help but sweat for him.

"Father, why don't I help the lord go in and rest, it doesn't matter if you can make prostrations and tea offerings, what matters is your heart."

"Cough cough! It's okay, cough, cough, I can do it." Yang Yanjing popped out a few words from between his teeth.

There are not many people who are so filial and respectful to their elders. Everyone's favorability towards Yang Yanjing has risen to another level.

After much difficulty, Yang Yanjing finished kneeling and worshiping, and struggled to stand up. Seeing this, Fenghuang quickly stepped forward to help him up.

Halfway through the stand, Yang Yanjing's knees were sore and he almost knelt down again, but luckily Fenghuang supported him and he was fine.

At this time, he had already coughed so much that his face was pink, and beads of sweat appeared on his head, and he was a little embarrassed.

The servant quickly handed over a cup of tea, Yang Yanjing took it, tried to suppress the cough, and with the support of Fenghuang, raised the teacup to Feng Renxian, "Father-in-law, drink tea."

Feng Renxian hurriedly took it over and took a few sips.

alright! Fenghuang heaved a sigh of relief and finally made it.

It was only at this time that she looked at Yang Yanjing with admiration. She never thought that he would be so persistent when he was usually cold and serious.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" There was a clapping sound in the hall.

It's Feng Niyan.

"What you have done is really touching, but I heard that the prince's illness is not a one-day event, so what should I do? How can the prince take care of my sister?"

Fenghuang wished he could step forward and strangle her neck, telling her to shut up.

"Sister, I am happy to take care of the prince. This is what a princess should do, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble, Huang'er, hurry up and help the prince to rest in the room. I have already ordered someone to clean up the guest room. You two will live there these few days."

"My lord, we will talk again when we have time. You should rest well."

This is the end of the newlyweds returning home to offer tea. Feng Renxian asked everyone to leave, and told Fenghuang to take good care of the prince.

"Cough cough! Cough cough, cough..." Although Yang Yanjing's situation has not changed, it has not eased either.

Yinhuan and Yinxiang rushed in at this time, watching Yang Yanjing coughing anxiously.

"Yinxiang, have you brought the prince's medicine?"

"Back to the princess, bring it."

"Go to the kitchen to decoct the medicine immediately, and buy some candied fruit by the way. Yinhuan, you go and help Yinxiang. You two must be careful, and don't leave the place where the medicine is decocted without authorization."

Yin Xiang understood in his heart, "Yes! The servant will do it now."

After speaking, she ran out immediately, and Yinhuan yelled at the back to tell him to wait for her.

Feng Renxian just wanted to send someone to take Yang Yanjing back to the room, but Fenghuang insisted on coming by himself, so those people went to help move Fenghuang and Yang Yanjing's luggage to the guest room.

Almost all of Yang Yanjing's weight was on Fenghuang's body. But she didn't feel anything, she even hugged Yang Yanjing.

"My lord, be careful, walk slowly, lean on me, it's more comfortable this way."

Fenghuang led him through the corridor and the side hall, and then through a small garden, until he arrived at the courtyard full of guest rooms.

However, when he was about to reach the courtyard, he could clearly hear a conversation between two people coming from the next corner.