The phoenix is ​​screaming for nine days, my lord, don't mess around

Chapter 86: old fox


Everyone at the table had their own concerns, but Yang Yanjing was most concerned about what Yang Yanming would do this time around.

This is Yang Yanxing's toast to this table, although he is 10,000 reluctant to this marriage in his heart, but he still smiles against his will to deal with the people at this table, especially Yang Yanming who came today. But Yang Yanxing, who has been drinking for three rounds, is a little tipsy, and this feeling can just anesthetize his fatigue.

At this time, Yang Yanxing picked up the wine glass, and said across the table: "Thank you, brothers and sisters, for coming." After Yang Yanxing finished speaking, he drank it down in one gulp. Everyone also responded politely, but from the corner of Yang Yanming's mouth, a smug smile quickly appeared, and the fourth princess Li Yanran who was beside him looked at Yang Yanxing with disdain at this time.

As for Fenghuang and Yang Yanjing, most of them were sympathetic, but at this time Fenghuang raised his glass, "Sixth brother, I toast you." Fenghuang also drank it down.

Yang Yanxing smiled knowingly, and said to Fenghuang: "The Seventh Princess is still as proud as ever." After he finished speaking, he drank the wine in his glass in one gulp. At this time, Yang Yanxing said: "Fourth brother, today's banquet in Haitianlou, but Boss Meng invited everyone out of his own pocket. Don't make a mistake, or you will say that the sixth brother, I, owed the debt and did not pay back. This is a crime." I can't take it anymore."

Yang Yanxing said this on purpose, let Yang Yanming listen carefully, it's not that he doesn't know what's going on, it's just that he has no evidence.

"The sixth brother seems to have drunk too much. This king has always cared the most about the affairs of the younger brothers. How could he make a mistake?" Yang Yanming remained calm.

Yang Yanxing couldn't stop laughing, "I see fourth brother, what you said is really a joke."

Although Yang Yanming was a little displeased, he just smiled lightly, and Yang Yanjing said: "Fourth brother, sixth brother, he must have been so happy that he got dizzy. Tell the fourth brother about such a joke, and I will apologize for him. Respect You have a cup."

Yang Yanming raised his wine glass, "Seventh brother, you are being too polite. How could this king care about his own brother?"

It was also interesting for Fenghuang to watch these three men bickering. There was something in the words, and it was no less than a struggle between women. Fenghuang was just standing aside, tasting delicious food, and had no intention of participating in the conversation between these men. It's just that Yang Yanming's eyes would stay on Fenghuang from time to time.

All of this was actually seen by Yang Yanxing. So Yang Yanjing was more vigilant about Yang Yanming's next move.

Such an absurd wedding ended hastily with the beating of gongs and drums. And just when everyone was about to leave, a shop waiter rushed into the hall and shouted in despair: "Boss Meng, Boss Meng, he died."

At this time, Yang Yanxing's guards rushed to Boss Meng's room immediately. There was no trace of a fight in the room. Boss Meng's mouth was bleeding with blood, and his face was in pain. It was conceivable that he must have been poisoned.

The wine that Boss Meng drank was precisely Yang Yanxing's excellent bamboo leaf green wine brought from the mansion, but how could Boss Meng get poisoned because of drinking.

At this time, Yang Yanjing's eyes naturally fell on Yang Yanming. "Seventh brother, what's your opinion?"

"I don't have any good opinions, I just feel that it's a pity that this morning was a happy event, but how come it turned into a funeral at night." Yang Yanjing said, but the doubts about Yang Yanming in his eyes were serious.

The government came and evacuated the people, but the biggest suspect at the moment was Yang Yanxing, who was also sober at the moment. She was standing in the crowd at a loss, but at this moment, there was a commoner with good intentions in the crowd, and suddenly shouted: "This incident must be caused by the Sixth Prince who wanted to kill people, it must be..."

The common people don't know the truth of the matter, but they only know that the sixth prince has always been domineering, so it is easy for others to say what they say. For a while, the common people became restless, shouting for the sixth prince to kill and pay for his life, "Six prince, you married Boss Meng!" My daughter, how could you do such a frenzied thing, it's too hateful."

For a moment, the people's saliva almost drowned Yang Yanxing, he bowed his head and did not say a word. At this moment, Boss Meng's daughter came out, yelling in despair, "Father, father..." The cry made people feel extremely pitiful.

When the common people saw Boss Meng's daughter, they were filled with righteous indignation, and they all demanded that the sixth prince pay for his life by murder.

The government finally invited these excited people away, but Fenghuang found something suspicious. At this time, Meng Yiqing was only sad for her father's death. Logically speaking, Yang Yanxing was the biggest suspect. Yiqing should have resentment and resentment towards Yang Yanxing, why is Meng Yiqing indifferent.

Fenghuang watched all this from a distance, but his heart was full of doubts. "Princess, I have also seen the clue." Yang Yanjing asked suddenly.

Fenghuang nodded, and then looked in Yang Yanming's direction. Fenghuang's intuition told himself that this incident must have something to do with Yang Yanming.

Only the fourth prince Yang Yanming and his wife, Yang Yanjing and Fenghuang were left at the scene, as well as Yang Yanxing who looked dazed.

At this time, Yang Yanxing was thinking a lot, thinking that his previous turmoil was in the past, but he never thought that Yang Yanming would not let it go. Although Yang Yanxing did not feel ashamed in his heart, but faced with such an inexplicable frame, he was extremely angry in his heart. He clenched his fists tightly and stood there motionless.

At this time, Yang Yangjing walked to Yang Yanxing's side, and said indifferently: "Sixth brother, I know that this matter was not done by you, so you don't need to think too much, just let everything take its course."

Yang Yanjing's short sentence gave Yang Yanxing a glimmer of hope in an instant. At least there are still people who believe him. Although Yang Yanxing has been in the palace for many years, although he has offended many people because of his rudeness and recklessness, But he has never had such a heart to harm others before, and now he has developed to take people's lives to frame himself. Such a situation made it difficult for Yang Yanxing to accept for a while, and that person was still his half-brother. elder brother.

Although they are half-brothers, Yang Yanxing still has mixed feelings in his heart for being so cruel.

But Yang Yanming did look indifferent, he just sat quietly at one end, without any expression or movement, as if this matter had nothing to do with him, but everyone present also knew that Yang Yanming's ability to disguise And resilience, are first-class and strong, so now it is Yang Yanxing who is upset and unable to sit still.

Of the few princes present, only Yang Yanming had the highest status. All the people in the government, Zi Ran, reported everything to Yang Yanming, "My lord, Boss Meng died of poisoning. The time of the boss' death was just half an hour ago."

"That's fine, how could Boss Meng be poisoned?" Yang Yanming said, "What kind of poison was it? Could Boss Meng's death be caused by excessive drinking?"

"No, my father's drinking capacity is far higher than this." Meng Yiqing said suddenly, but she looked at Yang Yanming's eyes, but she was not so friendly.

Yang Yanming pretended to be comforting and said: "It turns out to be Miss Meng, and I ask for your condolences."