The Poisonous Peasant Concubine Cure The World

Chapter 142: Cut by law!


"Li Shangshu, this prince asks you. More than three months ago, you were ordered by Jinyun to kill a guard named Xiaobao?" Sheng Jing has never been so humiliated, and he has been doing nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with being often ridiculed by Sheng Qi. But after he had vented his hole cards to Yunxi, the latter's layout made him intolerable!

And Sheng Jing knows very well that if he doesn't clarify the matter, and doesn't take advantage of this to say frankly about his health, the farce will not end so soon. So although this is not a good time, Shengjing decided to take a quick move.

"This—" Li Lianhai was suddenly pulled over. At this moment, when he was asked about the matter, he didn't know how to answer, so he couldn't help but look at Yunxi.

Seeing this, Sheng Jing sneered: "Why did Jin Yunhou suddenly grant Yunling to King Li? Why did he do these things to ruin the prince's reputation at this time?"

"It's just because he replaced the guard named Xiaobao more than three months ago, and the process of going to and his wife Laifu was not smooth, and he was killed by the wrong hand. And these evidences fell into the hands of King Li, so he couldn't Don't obey. Now that King Li is in danger, he wants to destroy his prince in this way before he can push more things on his prince!" Sheng Jing's expression was cold, as if angry.

A crowd was dumbfounded at hearing the words, and there was such a twists and turns and weird things!

"His Royal Highness promised the minister this morning that as long as major things can be accomplished, Xianger will be accepted as the prince's side concubine, but what are you doing now? If you dislike Xianger, you don't have to accept it like this!" Yun Xi suddenly responded sharply! When the scandal was exploded, he knew that Sheng Jing was going to kill him! But he doesn't want to die!

"As everyone knows, I have never participated in the battle between the royal family in Jinyunhou, but why did I become like this this time?" Yunxi asked, and replied, "I have entered the barracks since Yunxi. He has done a lot of military merits for my dynasty so far. The minister asked himself if he never had any bad habits, but more than three months ago, how many people from my Yun family were captured into the clan’s mansion? At that time, the minister entered the palace and returned. On the occasion of the palace, he was attacked by someone on the palace road, and when he woke up, he faced a shameful shame!"

"I wonder if everyone in this room can take it calmly when faced with such a thing? Benhou hides it, fearing that King Li will tell the matter, but there is a problem? But above this palace, why would Benhou be attacked? Who has the ability to lay out these suspicious formations on the palace road. There is no evidence for this time, and everyone can be said to be nonsense. But if not, why did this time have all kinds of actions after this time? And this morning, His Royal Highness wants to explain this time. He mobilized the gray-clothed warlock to force the minister to hand over Ling'er, and explained that as long as he cooperated, he would help to marry Xiang'er."

Yunxi’s words were a bitter card. He knew that he had no evidence, so he had to move people emotionally, so he asked, "Under such circumstances, how should everyone behave in this situation? ?"

"This is not only a courtier, but also a father. Naturally, Ling'er, who has already been promised, should not be allowed to serve others. Therefore, he can only deceive His Royal Highness, find someone to become Ling'er, and send it to Xianger. The prince suddenly rises up strongly. Although Xianger is injured, she will never die for no reason. I want to ask if the prince is dissatisfied, why didn't the prince speak to the minister in person, the child is innocent after all!"

Seeing this, Mrs. Yun kowped her head, and she rubbed the beads as she stood up and said, "I beg your Royal Highness to let go of my Yun family."

Seeing this, Li Yuying also fell to the ground: "Xiang'er is dead, so why bother to push each other."

The crowd could not help but look weird when they heard the words, because Yun Xi's words were very logical. Normally, he shouldn't sit down for those things. At that time, something abnormal must be a monster, even if the situation is not as miserable as Yunxi himself said, it is definitely not much better!

Then, is the prince in front of him, is it really so insidious and contemptible? And can you really mobilize the Grey Warlock? So that night, it was true that King Li was assassinated by the Grey Warlock in the secret rumors? As a result, in this battle, it seems that the crown prince has the upper hand. In this way, the prince was very tolerant before, but this scheming city mansion is unfathomable!

"You waited for the prince to like this girl like Yunling to bait, and then used his weird venomous means to set up the game. It is said that the prince is aggressive." After hearing these words, Sheng Jing smiled and couldn't help standing. He stood up and looked at a group of officials of the clear stream: "The prince invited himself to Jiuqu Mountain, originally to avoid this disaster. It is only because my illness is rare to be cured, and I no longer want to lose my life in this Kyoto city. The case is clear. Understand, if this prince is not wicked, how would he spoil a woman in such a place? And he hasn't stopped in the Qing's house?"

A crowd of people also felt reasonable when they heard what they said. As a prince of a dynasty, it seems that they are not such stupid and obscene people at this moment. How can they do such unreasonable things? Many people who couldn't turn the corner before, suddenly realized it at the moment. Then it means that Jinyun Hou really set up a situation to ruin the prince's reputation!

"Waiting for Jinyun! You deceived this prince and treated my royal family as a monkey. At this moment, you have a lot of tongues. But if you don't have this hobby, it is not your concubine but the setting of the game. Why do you have this actor? Is it also forced?" Sheng Jing walked in front of Master Qiyun and asked sharply: "This prince asks you, is this Jinyun waiting your benefactor?"

"Yes, and Master Hou's hobbies are different from those of ordinary people. Master Hou is happy to play and pick him, rather than play and pick him." When Master Qiyun said this, everyone was stunned!

Liang Xingshen's complexion is very ugly. In his opinion, Yun Xi's deeds are simply insulting to the extreme! Such people are still princes of a dynasty,

Yun Xi didn't want the thoughtful Qiyun of the past, but today he even exploded his even more unbearable side in his difficult time. Because many people know that people who like to be played by others are mostly weak people. And as a dignified jinyun waiter, he actually likes to be played by others. It is important to know that playing with a man and being played by a man are two completely different concepts. The former is to conquer more people, while the latter is completely incompetent!

"Jin Yunhou! You despise the emperor's power and slander my royal family many times. You should be cut according to my Dasheng law! This prince has not been cut, and the case is still vigorously decided! Come here—" Sheng Jing looked at the pale Yunxi, I just feel refreshed! To play him as a monkey, and again and again to force an ugly woman like Yun Xiang to him, to use his charming heart for the little beauty again and again, it is simply unforgivable!

Li Yuying was frightened when she heard that, she inadvertently looked up and saw Sheng Jing's gloomy eyes, she only felt a chill in her back! Fortunately, I didn't say anything that would offend this person, otherwise the end would never be good!

May I ask if the prince really just recovered? I'm afraid not necessarily! So suppose he has been pretending, then how can he keep a low profile! And what is the difference between such a person and a pack of wolves lurking to hunt prey

Mrs. Yun paled when she heard the words, and before she immediately took out the copy in her sleeve, Yun Ling reminded her of the iron voucher book that she had brought with her!