The Poisonous Peasant Concubine Cure The World

Chapter 232: I am not dead, I will marry you when you grow up (5)


"Yes, my subordinates understand." Mei Ye didn't have the big mental obstacles that Yun Ling had to deal with. He always took Sheng Qi's life as the most important thing, so why should he care so much about the rest.

"Yeah. Changfeng, go and prepare some hot water for me." Yun Ling's face recovered slightly during the conversation, and his tone was relatively normal.

"Yes." Changfeng heard that there was an understanding medicine, and his eyes were full of joy at this time. He knew very well that Sheng Qi was almost tortured to death because of the strange poison in him. At least he had never seen such a weak Sheng Qi. Although the latter could still perform miracles time and time again, he knew that he was struggling with his life.

"Yeah." Yun Ling understood Chang Feng's mood, and she also hoped that Sheng Qi could be completely healthy. She didn't want to see him dying again, never wanted to see him again. This time it’s because there is a holy thing, and fortunately she has the holy thing, otherwise she really wouldn’t dare to think about it...

Then Changfeng sent hot water, and Yunling began to carefully clean up Sheng Qi's wounds. The pus on it must be cleaned before re-applying and dressing.

This is simply a torture, but for people like Sheng Qi who grew up on the tip of a knife, he never even made him hum.

"Girl Ling'er, the prince's injury is okay." Chang Feng changed a basin of pus, only to feel frightened.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhh, it should be fine, let him rest." Seeing Sheng Qi's pain, Yun Ling would be able to sleep, knowing that he must be exhausted.

Seeing this, Chang Feng stopped talking, and went out since he cleared his hands.

Yun Ling stretched out his hand to cover Sheng Qi's quilt, stretched out his hand to hold his palm and felt a little sleepy. But waiting for Mei Ye's return, she did not go back to the room to sleep, but slept beside Sheng Qi.

Nearly midnight, Mei Ye came to report.

When Yun Ling was awakened, she saw Mei Ye hurriedly checking Sheng Qi.

"What's the matter?" Yun Ling asked in a daze.

"The prince has a high fever." Mei Ye looked solemn, he knew what it meant for a seriously injured person to suddenly get fever so long after the injury. And most of the time, people are just like that.

"Let me see!" Yun Ling hurriedly stepped forward to check, and it turned out that the fever did not go away. After untie the wound and inspect it, it was found that the cleaned up wound was purulent again, and it was more serious than before! This is a serious bacterial infection, probably tetanus!

"How is the antidote?" Yun Ling asked urgently.

"No problem." Seeing that Yun Ling was also anxious, Mei Ye understood that the situation was really serious.

"Look, I'll go to the hospital room." Yun Ling hurried out the door and hurried to the hospital room.

Seeing Chang Feng hurriedly enter the room to investigate the situation, seeing that Sheng Qi's wound has worsened, Mei Ye's expression is very solemn, and he immediately asked: "You can go to the palace to get a doctor."

"Girl Ling'er is here, this—"

"There are so many people, you know the medical skills of Yuyu Liu." It's not that Changfeng doesn't believe in Yunling, but that Sheng Qi's condition is scary. He wants to find more people to help.

"Alright." Mei Ye agreed upon hearing what was reasonable, and Chang Feng immediately left the house to handle it.

At that time, Yun Ling returned from the hospital and asked Mei Ye to help her give Sheng Qi the antidote first.

"The subordinates first use internal force to help the prince speed up the evacuation of the medicine, and then try to heal the injury with internal force." Mei Ye suggested.

"Okay." Yun Ling nodded and gave way, letting Mei Ye go to bed to heal Sheng Qi. During the period, she gave the latter a test and only went to the hospital. She checked that two of the penicillins made before were successful. She hurriedly took out a copy, and she was not too flustered with this thing.

Yun Ling knows very well that as long as Sheng Qi is not allergic to penicillin, his worsening injuries and the spread of bacteria will be suppressed with just one shot! This is the biggest invention in the medical world-penicillin, the most powerful part of the so-called penicillin. It is the earliest antibiotic in humans and has a strong antibacterial effect. It has a good effect on wound healing. In the war years, penicillin represented life.

"No, the prince's body is too weak, and the poison is too deep to accept the antidote so quickly. The subordinates still can't achieve the effect, what should I do?" Mei Ye asked solemnly.

"Wait." Yun Ling wanted to wait for a day to see if Sheng Qi would be allergic to penicillin.

At that time, Chang Feng invited Doctor Liu Yu from the palace, and the latter was also at a loss for Sheng Qi's state.

"The prince is afraid that I can't wait." Doctor Liu Yu was very sure after the pulse was diagnosed.

Yunling has been motivating the holy artifacts for a year, but the latter has not recovered since the imperial mausoleum and his entourage!

"If this continues, the prince is afraid—" Mei Ye could perceive that Sheng Qi had difficulty breathing.

Chang Feng and Mo Ye were already standing by, and Sheng Qi's weakness caused all of them to feel painful!

"Impossible, the prince is the god of war, and the emperor star came to the world, how could it be—" Changfeng didn't believe it, but now this situation makes everyone on the verge of despair!

"Girl Ling'er—" Mo Ye looked at Yun Ling. If there is hope, it can only be with this girl. Because in her, they saw too many miracles.

"Wait." Yun Ling is not in a hurry, but if Sheng Qi's physique is allergic to penicillin, she will directly kill him if she gets the shot.

"I can't wait, what are you waiting for?" Changfeng didn't understand, this person is going to be gone, so what are you waiting for

"Wait, you don't understand, you have to wait." Yun Ling can't take risks because this is her lover!

"Girl Ling'er—" Chang Feng wanted to kneel and beg, but was blocked by Mo Ye, who knew that Yun Ling would not wait for no reason. She said she had to wait, there must be a reason.

"I wonder what Ms. Yun has to wait for?" Liu Yuyi couldn't figure it out, because Sheng Qi's current situation is very critical, and one carelessness is death.

"Have a long way, Miss Ling'er, come and see." Mei Ye stretched out Sheng Qi's pupils and let Yun Ling take a look. The latter saw that Sheng Qi's pupils had been dilated, and she knew that she really couldn't wait.

"But if he doesn't adapt to this medicine, he will die!" Yun Ling was panicked, his voice was crying.

"Ling'er girl, don't worry. If you don't save the situation of the prince, you will definitely die." Mo Ye said slowly.

"It's not the same." Yun Ling covered her face, she was afraid that the medicine she made would kill her beloved, so afraid...

"If the prince is awake, he will believe you, so he will definitely let you take the medicine." Mo Ye knelt down on one knee and carefully explained to Yun Ling who was lying on the edge of Sheng Qi's bed.

"But—" Yun Ling raised her eyes and looked at Mo Ye. She knew very well how much people who are allergic to penicillin would react, and she would definitely kill the weak Sheng Qi at this moment!

"No, but the prince believes you. The subordinates and others believe you too!" Mo Ye surely said.

"Mo Ye is right, the subordinates and others believe you, so you can start." Chang Feng felt the doorway, and knelt down to say.