The Poisonous Peasant Concubine Cure The World

Chapter 285: Xiao Linger hurry up and go to bed (1)


"Little Prince." A woman in Tsing Yi was waiting for Helian Fanjian to order.

"Go to Xiong'er Mountain!" Helian Fanzhin couldn't let go. He knew exactly what he did all this for!

At the same time, Qiu Qingfeng also received the news. However, he also received a secret letter from Master Lingqing, which meant that Sheng Qi was dead. Because on the cliff of Xiong'er Mountain, many broken steps with blood stains were found, it was confirmed that it was Sheng Qi's clothing.

"Impossible! How could he be willing to die while still carrying Ling'er?!" Qiu Qingfeng didn't believe it either, his first reaction also wanted to go to Xiong Erfeng. However, Master Lingqing pointed out that Helian Fanzhin will definitely go to Xiong Erfeng. At this moment, if the Ming army can go outside the city of Luozhou to help the Qi army attack Ke Luozhou, it will surely allow Da Ming to get more points in this battle. Interests.

This is a dilemma, because although Qiu Qingfeng ascended the throne, it basically eliminated the opposition from the court. But like the chaos today, if he can't take advantage of the situation, he can only be annihilated. And his inaction, the new emperor, will inevitably be questioned. This is unbearable for him at present.

"Ling'er—" Qiu Qingfeng pinched the letter, he also wanted to go to Xiong Erfeng. But even if he goes, he is not even capable of Helian Fanjian at the moment.

But the heart can't let go after all, but if you can't let it go, you have to let it go! He must attack Los Angeles first!

In the city of Kyoto, Emperor Feng Yuan also received the letter.

"Jumping off the cliff! How could it be!" Emperor Feng Yuan didn't believe it at all, but all the reports were so real!

However, when Emperor Feng Yuan was startled and uncertain, an encrypted secret message was sent to the palace again.

After reading this secret report, Emperor Feng Yuan's heart suddenly stabilized.

Because at the moment when Emperor Feng Yuan received the secret report, Sheng Qi had already taken Yunling to Luozhou! Under the circumstances that no one could think of, I arrived in Los Angeles early!

"What a great king!" Emperor Feng Yuan burned the secret report immediately after reading it, but he was amazed at the arrangement with Sheng Qi. Receiving the enemy, indulging in unclear news about his own life and death, instead he went to the battlefield to organize a sneak attack! How can it be overwhelming

"Not only did he calculate the little prince Helian and Emperor Shun, he also lured Jiuqu Mountain out, but also made a deadly counterattack. This series of calculations makes it so handy, worthy of the power minister who has controlled the great god for so many years." Feng Yuan said these words. , The secret report has also been burned to ashes...

But Sheng Qi, who arrived in Luozhou at that time, found a serious problem-many soldiers did not die in battle, but suddenly a serious illness for no reason, vomiting and diarrhea, they died within three or two days!

At first, military doctors thought that the enemy had poisoned the water, but after inspection, they did not find that the water was poisonous. After careful examination, the soldier who became ill did not appear to have signs of poisoning.

But the condition was extremely ferocious, and a majestic soldier could be tortured into a haggard and emaciated form within three or two days, and he would soon die! But the disease can be contagious, and more and more soldiers are infected with this disease!

When Sheng Qi arrived, Sha Qing, the chief general of the Luozhou Army and his direct line general, immediately reported this phenomenon! The military doctors in Luozhou City were helpless, seeing that at least thousands of soldiers fell ill each day. If this continues, there is no need for the enemy to attack the city.

Sheng Qi has experienced countless wars and encountered this situation. At that time, their handling method was to evacuate! Leave the sick soldiers behind, and evacuate the rest! This is the only way!

However, Luozhou is an important city, once it loses the city of Kyoto, it will be dangerous!

"It's the plague!" Yun Ling concluded upon hearing that, this kind of infection speed, this kind of symptom is definitely a plague!

"Can it be cured?" Sheng Qi is most concerned about this issue.

Yun Ling's small face was solemn, and his voice became strict: "Isolate the sick officers immediately and move them to a place away from the rest. People who have been in contact with them are all observed separately. Once infected, they are sent to the isolation room immediately. open."

"This—" In a hurry, Sha Qing still didn't know who Yun Ling was.

"My princess, do everything as the princess said." Sheng Qi ordered without any doubt.

Sha Qing was a little surprised, but he would naturally obey Sheng Qi's instructions, but this terrible and weird condition could be cured by the charming princess in front of him? !

But soon Sha Qing knew that his suspicion was completely unnecessary, because Yun Ling did have a set!

Although in this era, Yun Ling could not quickly wipe out the plague, but her performance was hundreds of times better than those helpless military doctors!

"What kind of disease is this?" Sheng Qi didn't understand, but as the coach, he must understand the condition of his soldiers.

Yun Ling originally guessed that this was cholera under Sha Qing's explanation. However, because she did not have time to investigate the specific symptoms, she did not make any assertions.

At this moment, after showing the patient and leaving the isolation area, Yun Ling completely took off his gloves and face towel and said: "It's cholera. This is an acute diarrhea disease. It is mainly caused by eating unclean fresh food, which usually occurs in Summer. But at the moment the battle is pressing, and the food stocked is expected to deteriorate due to the warmth of spring, causing eating problems."

"It's just that the diarrhea is so serious?" Sheng Qi felt that this was not ordinary diarrhea.

Yun Ling nodded and said solemnly, "This is not ordinary diarrhea. If it is not well controlled. Not to mention your 200,000 elite soldiers in Luozhou, plus the 200,000 frontiers with support, even a grand prosperity is possible. Few survived because of this disease."

Although Sha Qing, who followed him, knew that the illness was serious, he still felt that Yun Ling was alarmist. However, Sheng Qi did not think so, because Yunling's handling of these matters was very rigorous.

"First of all, we have to clean up. We must clean up and down the barracks. All water and food must be clean. Never eat bad things." Yunling will start from the source and will control the deployment of the disease step by step. Explain carefully.

While Sheng Qi listened carefully, he asked Sha Qing to follow the orders.

"Do you think it is appropriate to mobilize soldiers to counter the sneak attack?" Sheng Qi asked Yunling seriously after dealing with the epidemic situation.

And this attitude of Sheng Qi made Sha Qing only feel stunned and weird. After all, Yun Ling is only a young girl, and at best a doctor with good medical skills. In addition to this kind of major event, it is difficult for them to give advice, not to mention such a non-war. Maiden.

"According to General Sha, these sick soldiers are members of the Fourth Army in Luozhou. There is no such situation in the other three military camps, so the isolation measures have been taken. The soldiers of the remaining three armed forces should be fine, so they can On the battlefield. As for the frontier army, because the military system is not as strict as the Luozhou army, there are often mixed situations, so it needs to be observed for the time being."

Yun Ling's explanation made Sha Qing realize that he was definitely underestimating people. He did not emphasize which army the sick people came from, but the young princess summarized and analyzed it through his words.