The Poisonous Peasant Concubine Cure The World

Chapter 367: A warm night outside, a family of three (2)


"Did you think about the matter about Princess Sui?" Sheng Qi didn't tell Yun Ling about this matter. Originally, she shouldn't have interfered in this matter. But she still couldn't help but speak, if she really liked it, it would be a good thing. If it is for other purposes, she doesn't want the marriage to be completed hastily.

"Yeah." Sheng Fanhua nodded.

Yun Ling nodded when he heard the words: "Princess Sui is a simple and good girl. If you marry a wife, you should be kind to others. Speaking of which I haven't seen her for a while, did you go back?"

"Yes. Originally, I had to wait for the full moon wine, but when my father fell ill, she went back first." Sheng Fanhua explained.

Yunling Weining Indigo Naturalis: Sleepy

"Well, when the marriage is decided, I will visit Daming later." Sheng Fanhua said his plans, and the two chatted for a while.

When the dinner is set, the two people will go to the table together. During the banquet, Sheng Qi and King Chong had arrived first, and the little guy who was being held saw Yun Ling and immediately shouted "Ah" loudly.

"Baby." Yun Ling stretched out his hand and hugged the little guy into his arms. The latter patted his palm in satisfaction, his round and bright eyes blinked, and he couldn't help but smile "KaKa".

"Sister-in-law, really can't close relatives get married?" Sheng Fanhua couldn't help asking Yun Ling when he looked at the little guy so hiring.

"Hahaha—this is a real way to buy it for you. Although I also think that you and Princess Sui’s child must be very beautiful, I also want to find a good-looking daughter-in-law for Yun'er, but if the blood relatives are too close, the children will be There is a high possibility of deformity or dementia." Yun Ling explained with a smile while holding his son.

Sheng Fanhua was depressed, and Wang Chong couldn't laugh or cry with his old face.

"If your son grows up soon, and then gets married and has a daughter, my son won't mind gnawing on the tender grass." Yun Ling couldn't help but joking when he saw the manners of the father and son in front of him.

However, after Yun Ling had finished speaking, Sheng Qi's black eyes, who was sitting next to her, fluttered with light, apparently very sensitive to the three words "chewing tender grass". Because he gnawed Yunling this tender grass...

Sheng Fanhua was a little dumbfounded: "You can marry your son's daughter? What's the truth, Huangsao, you won't be fooling me."

"Of course not. Three generations of close relatives are not close relatives." Yun Ling did not elaborate, but Sheng Fanhua knew that Sheng Qi's true identity was actually his uncle Tai Huang. In this way, his son's son was indeed a close relative of Sheng Yun in addition to the three generations. .

"Xiaobi, take Yun'er down and let the princess have a meal." Sheng Qi was afraid that the little guy would disturb Yunling's meal, and ordered Xiaobi to take the child away.

"I haven't embraced the heat yet." Yun Ling protested, and she only held it for a while.

"Hey, the guests are watching." Sheng Qi would regard King Chong and Sheng Fanhua as guests.

Xiao Bi took the opportunity to step forward: "Wang Hao, I'm afraid I'm hungry too, so I just let the nurse breastfeed her."

"No, I just fed him a cup of porridge." Sheng Qi said.

Yun Ling was surprised: "You can drink porridge so young, don't choke him."

"Boil it a little bit." Sheng Qi didn't care.

Yun Ling hugged his son and didn't let go: "Since I'm not hungry, I'm okay with holding him."

Listening to this tone, Sheng Qi noticed that his little wife was angry. He glanced at the little guy who was playing with Yunling's earrings, and then at Xiaobi who was stiffened there, and he twitched his mouth with some headaches.

"Ling'er is good, this king is wrong." Sheng Qi lowered his voice and said in Yun Ling's ear. Anyway, no matter what happened, the little wife must be his fault if he is angry, so it is right to apologize first.

Sheng Yun, who was held by Yun Ling, looked at the old man who had always been unsmiling, and blinked his big bright eyes in an incredible way: Dad is apologizing? To please mother

"Yun'er is full anyway, what's wrong with sitting together?" Yun Ling didn't care about feeding the porridge with Sheng Qi. She could feel Sheng Yun's closeness, and she was really reluctant to let go after she was full for a while.

"Okay, it's up to you." Sheng Qi was defeated and let Liuyu start to arrange dishes.

The words and deeds of the couple fell in the eyes of King Chong and Sheng Fanhua. Although they couldn't hear the words clearly, they were clearly meant by Sheng Qi following Yunling. They couldn't help but sigh in their hearts when they looked at them: Who would have thought that King Li, who was inexhaustible, was actually a wife slave...

During the dinner, Yunling's dishes were all made by Sheng Qibu, and Sheng Yun went to his arms as he ate. Because the little guy is very energetic, sometimes pointing to the brightly colored dishes on the table and yelling "Ah", so the meal is very lively.

King Chong regarded Sheng Yun as a grandson. Although the little guy was young, he could understand what the adults said. He liked it very much. I don’t know how many times I’ve interacted with the little guy with a meal, and the prosperous intervening...

When he returned to Prince Chong's mansion, he said on the carriage: "Do you really want to marry Princess Sui?"

Sheng Fanhua asked in a daze, "Don't you want to hug your grandson? Why, don't you want it?"

King Chong did not fight back as he did in the past, but sighed: "If you can really let go of that little girl, you don't have to be so anxious to get married. Although this marriage is beneficial to the two countries, it is a matter of getting married. You can't do it with sex in your life."

Sheng Fanhua didn't know what King Chong meant. Zuo Suisui's identity was the younger sister of the new Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and he would definitely be enrolled as a princess when he returned. If it is married, even if the new emperor is not as friendly as Qiu Qingfeng, the relationship between the two dynasties will continue to be harmonious because of Zuo Suisui.

"Oh, the old guy is afraid that when the time comes, we will quarrel, so will you be angry with you?" Sheng Fanhua knew in his heart, still not forgiving.

"Bastard boy!" Wang Chong really wanted to kick the prosperous kick, blowing his beard and staring with anger.

"Hahaha—" Sheng Fanhua stretched out his hand and patted King Chong's shoulder, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Although for Zuo Suisui, Sheng Huahua did not have that throbbing. But he knew that if he wanted to marry a wife, the person he would marry was Zuo Suisui. Moreover, looking at Wang Chong's gray hair, his heart was slightly sour.

When he became the ember of Helian, King Chong worked hard to maintain his body's vitality. Although it seems tough now, Sheng Fuhua knows that Wang Chong is old, and sometimes his hands are shaking with chopsticks...

He hoped to let King Chong hug his grandson earlier, so that King Chong's mansion would be more alive, and King Chong would smile more.

Old guy, he must live a hundred years old.

Besides, in Prince Li's mansion, the little guy was tired of playing, and was hugged by the nurse to rest.

"Ling'er." Sheng Qi embraced his young wife and breathed in the sweet fragrance.

"That was medicated diet. Yun'er had insufficient weather at first, which was not good for martial arts." Sheng Qi confessed. He didn't say before that he just didn't want Yun Ling to worry about it.

"Lack of qi?" Yun Ling knew that Sheng Qi must have done this for a reason, but she was distressed that the child was too young, and she was afraid that she would not be able to digest it after eating the porridge so early. But it seemed that she was too worried, and her son did not show symptoms of food stagnation.