The Poisonous Peasant Concubine Cure The World

Chapter 374: Fanwai and wind, adults and children (2)


The voice that belonged to Yun Ling, as clear as a oriole, said these words as the carriage moved away.

Princess Jincheng was stunned. She stretched out her hand and stroked her swollen lower abdomen: "Princess Li, it turns out that she is such a person. No wonder he likes it so much, no wonder he can't forget it."

"Child, do you remember this voice?" Princess Jincheng smiled helplessly. She shouldn't have come to Kyoto City, but she insisted on coming because of obsession.

"I'm sorry, because of my obsession, I let you die in vain." Princess Jincheng murmured, not doubting what Yun Ling said. If it wasn't for the latter who was already a mother, if it wasn't for her to be pregnant with the child, she might have died by this time.

Killing the fruit is determined, wise and clear. Obviously I looked so delicate, I looked at just a beautiful young woman, I looked at just a scheming woman, I looked at nothing surprising...

But ah, Princess Jincheng knew she was wrong.

"Sure enough, it's not because the waves are in your eyes." Princess Jincheng smiled bitterly and walked back to the post house step by step.

Forty-two days ago, in an ordinary small building in Daming, Qiu Qingfeng ended his life. Only Ouyang Mingnuan, who was not a princess, was by his side.

At that time, Ouyang Mingnuan had been pregnant for June, and she had always hoped that Qiu Qingfeng would wait until the child was born before leaving. But it was also clear that his body was exhausted, and it was painful to live, and it was only because of a thought.

Even so, Ouyang Mingnuan still hopes that Qiu Qingfeng can survive the birth of his child. Seeing the light in his eyes, although the body was like a frail, but still like the look of Qingfeng Baiyue, she thought he could hold on.

But forty-two days ago, the man suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then quietly closed his eyes.

After Ouyang Mingnuan returned to the palace, he knew that that day was the day of Yunling's production. Knowing this, Ouyang Mingnuan could not calm down—

Obviously she was pregnant with his child.

Obviously that woman didn't care about his life or death at all.

So she didn't hesitate to rush to Kyoto City, just to see Yunling at the full moon banquet. Originally, she thought she was still too late, and she wanted to bring Zuo Suisui to create opportunities. But it happened that Sheng Yun's full moon banquet was delayed, and she just caught up.

"It turned out to be like this." Ouyang Mingnuan returned to the post, did not let anyone light the lamp or cure the wound, but sat quietly in front of the window, watching the incomplete moon.

"Auntie—" Zuo Suisui slammed the door, followed by the sound of opening the door.

"Come here, palm the lamp!" Zuo Suisui ordered, and then hurried into the house carrying the skirt.

"Auntie!" Zuo Suisui's eyes widened when he saw the blood on Ouyang Mingnuan's shoulders: "Come on, doctor!"

Ouyang Mingnuan looked back at Zuo Suisui and saw the anxiety and worry on her face.

"Aunt, what's the matter with you?" Zuo Suisui had never seen such a desperate Ouyang Mingnuan.

"Nothing, um—" Ouyang Mingnuan opened his mouth, but felt a pain in his lower abdomen! The pain was very rapid and severe, making her face pale for a moment.

"Auntie!" Zuo Suisui saw this and knew that the problem was serious!

The Ming Palace doctor who was accompanying him soon arrived, and his face changed after the pulse was diagnosed.

"Doctor, what happened to Auntie?" Zuo Suisui was very anxious.

Ouyang Mingnuan's face was pale, and she obviously felt heat flowing out of her lower body, and her face became paler: "Sui Sui, go and ask Princess Li, hurry!"

"Aunt?" Zuo Suisui didn't understand.

"Princess Jincheng has a fetal breath, she is fierce!" At this time, Zuo Suisui understood the words of the imperial doctor.

"Okay! Aunt, bear with me, I will definitely ask Princess Li to come. Doctor, you must let Auntie hold on, and you must wait for me to come back!" After Zuo Suisui confessed, he stopped talking nonsense. Then he ran out of the house and ordered the carriage to go straight to the Palace of Li!

"Sui Sui?" Yun Ling was a little impatient when he heard the report. Thinking that it was the boring trick of Princess Jincheng, she thought that she was a smart person, but she did not expect that she was also a boring person.

"It seems to be anxious, so I knelt on my knees and it broke." Chang Ling replied.

"Huh? Let her in." Yun Ling was still soft-hearted.

At this time, Sheng Qi had just returned from the side room after letting the children go. He saw Yun Ling's irritable face, strode over to hold his little wife in his arms and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yun Ling briefly said, Sheng Qi pursed his lips lightly: "It may be that something really happened."

"Huh?" Yun Ling raised his eyebrows slightly.

Not long after, Chang Ling said that Zuo Suisui had brought it, and Yun Ling got up and went to the outer room, and Sheng Qi followed as an escort.

"Princess Li, please save Auntie!" Zuo Suisui knelt down and said without regard to etiquette when he saw Yun Ling.

"How do you say?" Yun Ling's tone was calm, because she knew that Sheng Qi definitely had a sense of measure.

"My aunt had a fetal gas, the doctor said it was terrible! My aunt's stomach hurts, and his face turned pale!" Although Zuo Suisui was panicked, his meaning was clear.

Yun Ling's eyes moved slightly: "Changling, let Meiye prepare something and come over immediately."

"Yes, Princess."

"Don't worry, I'll go and see with you." Yun Ling would know what Sheng Qi said. If she remembered correctly, it meant that the mission of Daming shouldn't have arrived so soon. If a pregnant woman doesn't talk about things and has to hurry on the road, there will naturally be a big problem.

"Thank you! Thank you—" Zuo Suisui did not expect Yun Ling to be so refreshing. After all, Princess Jincheng said sharply at the banquet.

"Let's go." Yun Ling wanted to wear the cloak that Sheng Qi put on her, but he was one step ahead of him.

"Yeah." Zuo Suisui stood up and was busy leading the way.

A group of people walked out quickly, and the carriage was quickly prepared. The post house is not too far away from Prince Li's mansion, so it doesn't take much time to rush over.

When Yun Ling was about to walk into the Ouyang Ming Nuan Sleeping Hall, he smelled blood.

"Ah—" Ouyang Mingnuan could hear the painful cry, giving Yun Ling some guesses.

"Sheng Qi, wait for me outside. Meiye, you come in with me. Suisui, prepare hot water." Yun Ling said.

Sheng Qi squeezed Yun Ling's palm lightly, and then let go: "Just do your best."

"Yeah." Yun Ling nodded, turned and walked into the sleeping hall.

As Yunling guessed, Ouyang Mingnuan was going to give birth prematurely, and the situation was very critical!

"Wang Concubine?" After Mei Ye diagnosed her pulse, she felt that she should have a C-section.

"No, the child is too young and may not survive a C-section." Yun Ling decided that because there is no advanced baby-care equipment in this era, the child who is less than a month old is directly removed from the uterus, the child is very likely to die.

"First stop the bleeding from the wound of the pregnant woman, feed honey and food." Yun Ling ordered, and then began to check the baby's fetal position.

"The fetal position is not bad." Yun Ling raised his eyes to look at Ouyang Mingnuan, and said every word: "I can't guarantee that the child is okay, but if you don't work hard, the child will definitely die."

"Help me! Have a baby!" Ouyang Mingnuan tightened the bedding, she knew that her arbitrary actions led to this result.

"I'm okay, try my best to hug the child. If I die, the child will be handed over to Master Zuo." Ouyang Mingnuan's words are very clear, if between the size of the choice, she asks Yun Ling to hold the child.