The Poisonous Peasant Concubine Cure The World

Chapter 93: The edict of the first emperor, the king of Li is in trouble (1)


"I'll answer!" Yun Ling only waited for Sheng Qi's words to fall, and she slapped the prepared starter on the table to answer.

Everyone looked at her with strange gazes when they heard it. This problem came out and it was not easy to solve. The Yun family eldest lady just said she wanted to answer. Isn't this a nonsense

Sheng Qi was also a little surprised, but Yun Ling didn't surprise him once or twice, so he continued: "Please tell me."

Yun Ling slowly took a breath, what was so nervous about answering the question, he thought that Zhou Shizi's speed was so fast that her heart was hanging in the air.

When everyone saw that she didn't answer immediately, they couldn't help feeling a little funny. It seems that this Miss Yun family grabbed the question, but she couldn't answer it. Among them, Princess Huayu was the happiest, and she hoped that she didn't know what was good or bad, and the people who had been against her repeatedly made a fool of herself.

I didn't want Yun Ling to speak, and he was very logical: "There are two ways."

"Oh? Let's just listen." Sheng Qi came to the interest. It is rare for ordinary people to think of one way, but this little man can think of two ways

But he didn't know that Yun Ling was a high school student. He had studied hard for nine years before going to university, and he didn't know how many ancient classic battles he had learned for the exam. And this question already has a hint-the master is resourceful but timid!

"As mentioned by Lord Li, the opponent's commander is resourceful but timid and suspicious. According to the art of war, when dealing with this kind of commander, you can win with suspicious soldiers. Fighting power is victorious." Yun Ling first analyzed.

"How to show the enemy to be strong? What should I do if I am suspicious of soldiers." Sheng Qi knew that Yunling was not ignorant of military skills. At this moment, the generals who had marched and fought were very interested in waiting. She continued.

"The first method: In the first step, all the current elites of our army are camped close to the city, while the rest will cut branches and create smoke and dust a little far away in front of the city, forming the illusion that our army has elite troops coming. Our military commander stood in an eye-catching place close to the city and made instructions to his subordinates, and gestured toward the city, making the enemy generals think that our army was about to attack the city. Step 2: At night, our army lit torches, torches. Make it into that kind of "cross shape", so that you can ignite three heads, one end is held by your hand, creating the illusion that our army is under pressure. The third step: fifty to sixty people ambush on the edge of the city, every time the night falls, there are three to five times. They beat the gongs and drums, shouting and feigning attacks. Under this situation, the enemy has to be exhausted and must abandon the city and flee within three days." Yun Ling's words are logically clear and explain clearly.

"What about the second method?" The person who asked this question was Zhou Guogong. He couldn't believe that a girl like Yun Ling could analyze the war so thoroughly, and the way to deal with the enemy was even more wonderful!

"The first two steps remain the same. The third step can capture an enemy soldier. Then our generals led the prisoner back to the camp. During the period, we pretended to talk about the battle. The content of the discussion was roughly: the enemy's strength is nothing, our army's strength It is several times that of them. Tonight, he can attack the city and take the torch as a signal to take down the city in one fell swoop. Then he figured out a way to make the captive escape through the'excessive hardships', and he went back and naturally reported the suspicious coach. In the evening, When our army burst into flames and shouted, the enemy army in the city would inevitably flee in fright, but they would surrender soldiers without a fight." The example that Sheng Qi cited was actually a classic case that often occurred when the Three Kingdoms and Chu Han competed. The famous generals of these two periods gave Yunling a good answer.

"Okay!" Zhou Guogong came from a border army, and he has experienced countless battlefields in his life, and he has faced this situation several times. And Yunling's solution method is indeed the most effective way to retreat from the enemy! If this is a person who has been on the battlefield, it would be nothing, but it can be explained by a charming lady. This is a rare thing.

Sheng Qi listened to Yun Ling's details, his dark eyes narrowed slightly. When Yun Ling finished speaking, his nighthawk-like eyes also showed appreciation.

Whether it was an analysis of the enemy's army or the arrangement of our army, Yun Ling's answers were very careful and appropriate. And his problem came from actual combat, but most of Dasheng's existing military books only had the method of arranging troops, and only a few fine books had combat examples, and the explanations were not detailed. So how did she know these two methods

"Lord Li, I don't know whether the minister's answer is undoubted." Yun Ling asked the chief examiner.

Sheng Qi nodded: "Feasible."

Yun Ling laughed at the words, and couldn't help but compare his fingers in a triumphant gesture. And her answer has also attracted the attention of many people. Among them, his father Yunxi paid the most attention. He never knew that this daughter had such a bottom line in the art of war. He couldn't help thinking of his deceased wife Qi Suyun, but his eyes sank because of this, and the eyes that fell on Yun Ling had a vague hatred...

At that time, Sheng Qi had already asked the second question: "The two countries were fighting and facing the water, and the plank road above the water was completely destroyed. The water flowing near the water is fast and the cliffs on the edge are dangerous. How to break this deadlock?"

"I answer!" The voices of Yun Ling and Zhou Shizi were almost in unison. But the latter is slightly faster, so this question was answered by Zhou Shizi.

When Zhou Shizi did the last question, she didn't expect Yun Ling to answer so quickly, so she caught the opportunity. So this time he was quick to start, but this question was also difficult.

Linshui is actually the junction of Dasheng and Southern Shu, and the two countries mostly communicate through the plank road built above the water. Sheng Qi’s problem is to suppose that the plank road above is destroyed, but the two countries are going to war, but because the plank road is destroyed, they can only dryly face each other on both sides of Linjiang. How can this deadlock be broken

"The minister thought it should be rushed to repair the plank road, and once our army builds the plank road, the Southern Shu Army will certainly not sit and wait. After the construction is completed, our army can invade Shu land." Zhou Shizi replied concisely.

"It's not bad, the plank road is built, the cable bridge is built secretly, so if you send troops to attack their unpreparedness, it is victorious." Yunxi judged.

A group of generals and generals discussed it, and indeed they all felt that this method was good. But Sheng Qi looked at Yun Ling and asked, "Do you have a better way?"

Everyone was also a little curious about what they said, and said that this seemed to be against the rules. But this game was decided by Sheng Qi, and everyone couldn't say much.

"If so, can I count as winning after I answer it?" Yun Ling didn't want to do useless work.

"Let's talk about it." Sheng Qi told Yun Ling unclearly. The latter was a little unhappy, but it was not easy to refute his face.

"Zhou Shizi's method is really good, but building a pontoon over the river will inevitably lead to a mobilization. If the generals of the southern Shu army are mediocre, this method is triumphant. But if he also guards against this, I am afraid that he will fall into it again. Deadlock." Yun Ling first analyzed.

"The battle situation is unpredictable. This is just a hypothetical question, and I will wait to answer it. If there is a change on the battlefield, it will naturally change again." Zhou Shizi said clearly.