The Poor Baby’s Manipulation Manual

Chapter 24: Poor young master (4)


"What on earth are you trying to do!" Downstairs, Mo Chuyu looked at the young man bitterly, his eyes full of vigilance and vigilance.

The gentle young man smiled gently, "Chu Yu, what do you mean by that, of course I want to be with Ah Qing."

Mo Chuyu sneered, her clear face was full of disdain, "Lu Linguan, don't pretend to be with me here, we grew up together, Ah Qing simply couldn't see it, but I could see it clearly, you are plotting something wrong, since childhood Since childhood, you have been intentionally making Ah Qing like you, putting on a gentle face to hang him, and now you stand up just after Uncle Lu’s accident, and if you say that you are not a weasel giving chicken New Year greetings, only ghosts will believe it!"

The girl in front of her was so angry that her face turned red, but Lu Linguan still smiled softly, and said in an unhurried voice, "Then go tell Ah Qing."

The expression on Mo Chuyu's face froze.

The young man smiled politely, and his smile was full of chances of winning, "You know, the person Ah Qing trusts more than you is me. If you tell him, it will only make him alienate you, won't you?"

"Chu Yu, if there is nothing else, I will go back first, Ah Qing is still waiting for me."

Mo Chuyu stared stiffly at the gentle young man turning around and walking back, and suddenly shouted, "You know that Ah Qing trusts you, and you know how sad he will be if you do something wrong to him, right? !"

Lu Linguan's footsteps only paused for a second, and he continued to walk upstairs. With a gentle smile on his lips, he went upstairs all the way, looking at the boy who was waiting anxiously at the stairs, he stretched out his arms, tightly Hugged him tightly.

"Ah Qing..." The elegant and magnetic voice whispered softly in the boy's ear, "You will always like me, right?"

"Yeah!" The boy replied without thinking, "I will always like Lin Guan!"

"Okay, I will always like Ah Qing..." Lu Linguan slightly raised his eyebrows towards the girl who went upstairs to He Qing, looked at her ugly expression, and smiled slightly.

Zheng Chenke returned home exhausted, only to find that the room was dimly lit, and a boy who was much smaller than the average boy was lying curled up on the sofa, half covered with a blanket, and the soft sofa sank, sinking his whole body. It's inside, as if inside an eggshell.

The man was stunned, wondering why he didn't go upstairs to sleep, but he walked over cautiously, and when he got closer, he found that the young man's slender and fragile ankles were exposed, and his feet that had not been tired since birth Without socks, he was just exposed outside the blanket. Thinking of the boy's physique that is afraid of the cold, Zheng Chenke frowned, stretched out his hand and pulled the blanket carefully, covering those white and tender bare feet.

"Hmm..." Even though he was careful enough, the boy on the sofa muttered something uneasy, the man's hands froze in the air, and he carefully retracted them only after he saw him fall back into a peaceful sleep.

The housekeeper happened to come out with his clothes in hand, and when he saw Zheng Chenke standing by the sofa, he bowed slightly, "Young Master Zheng, you are back..."

Before Zheng Chenke could tell him to keep his voice down, the old man's respectful voice rang out clearly. Almost immediately, the boy lying on the sofa slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the man standing beside him with a little confusion.

His eyes are big, with curled eyelashes, and pupils are black and bright like a child's. It reminds Zheng Chenke of a Persian cat he raised when he was a child. It also has such big eyes, round and very flattering, but later his parents An accident happened, he moved into He's house, and He Qing had a severe allergy to cat hair. The cat was given away, and he was sad for a few days.

It may be that He Qing is too well-behaved these days, or it may be because he remembered the cat he once raised, Zheng Chenke's eyes softened, he looked down at the boy, and naturally stroked his messy hair, "Why don't you sleep in the room? "

The young man looked at him with his eyes open. He just woke up and was a little confused. It took him a long time to realize what the man was asking. He blinked and answered slowly, "I want to wait for you to come back."

Zheng Chenke was taken aback, and some warmth rose in his heart, "Okay, I'm back, let's go upstairs to sleep."

"Zheng Chenke!" Seeing that he was about to leave, the young man who was still stuck on the sofa stretched out his hand and grabbed his sleeve. Seeing the man turning his head in doubt, He Qing gritted his teeth uneasy, and said in a low voice, "Father's When will the shares be transferred to me?"

As he asked this sentence, the atmosphere that had just softened instantly stiffened.

Feeling the cold gaze falling on him, the young man shuddered, not even daring to raise his head, but in the strange silence, he said in a trembling voice, "That share should have been given to me in the first place, you, you should give me back… "

The man's eyes were cold, and he asked him in a cold voice, "Who taught you these words!"

He himself is a living hell king. In the past, He Qing could rely on his father to not be afraid of him, but now that he has lost his support, the boy himself is scared, but when he thinks of Lin Guan, he insists on refusing to tell the truth, a dead duck He raised his head stiffly, obviously trembling with fear, but he still insisted on retorting, "No one taught me! It should have been! That share, you were going to give it to me!"

"Uncle He signed an agreement before the accident. Once something happens to him, I will be the agent of the shares until your nineteenth birthday, but the profits will still be yours. Do you understand?" Zheng Chenke wanted to make a good sound He explained angrily, but for some reason, the words he uttered were cold as if he was threatening something, and he knew something was wrong as soon as he uttered it, so he went to see He Qing, and sure enough, he saw that the corners of the young master's eyes were already red.

Seeing the young man in front of him with red eyes, looking at his pitiful appearance whether he wanted to cry or not, Zheng Chenke coughed, trying not to speak so stiffly, "Uncle is only in a temporary coma, he will wake up, and I am only temporarily holding these shares. Agent, when you turn nineteen, I will still give it to you, understand?"

His consolation only made the aggrieved boy even more aggrieved. His eyes were red just now, but now tears started to fall freely. His rosy lips were puckered, and he choked up in a small voice of aggrieved , "Why, wait until I'm nineteen..."

Lin Guan has said that he can handle the equity independently now!

"Also, there's Dad..." Speaking of loving his father, the young master He Qing couldn't stop crying. Tears kept flowing down like beads that had fallen off a thread, and the whole body was crying. , "Don't lie to me, I know, Dad can't wake up, I heard what the doctor told you, he said Dad is brain dead, unless there is a miracle, otherwise, otherwise, he will never wake up!"

"Dad just had an accident, you lied to me, coaxed me... Later, you will drive me out and let me die outside..."

"What nonsense!" The man who was just helplessly listening to the boy's cry changed his face when he heard the last sentence, and looked at him sullenly, "Who taught you these words!"

The young man who was already full of suffocation raised his head under his breath, and threw the tea cup on the table on the ground fiercely. The tea cup was torn apart. He raised his head arrogantly and announced loudly, "I'm not a child! Why do you think I'm not a child when I say it?" Someone else taught it! You... hiccup!"

The menacing words were interrupted by a hiccup, and even He Qing, who was playing the young master's temper, was stunned. His long eyelashes were wet from crying, and the innocent face was slightly raised at this moment. It was obviously an innocent face, but Inexplicably tempting people, Zheng Chenke didn't have time to feel stunned by his own thoughts, when he saw the boy who was stunned for a few seconds stretch out his slender fingers, intending to restore the correct style of painting, he pointed at Zheng Chenke bitterly, "You... hiccup !"

Another hiccup.

Facing the bewildered young master, Zheng Chenke laughed unkindly, He Qing blushed quickly with his laughter, held his breath, and stared at him in shame and angrily, this time it was I didn't dare to speak anymore, for fear of another hiccup.

"Okay, don't think about it, go upstairs and go to sleep."

Staring at him with bulging eyes for a long time, the boy reluctantly squeezed out a dry expression: "Oh."

He got off the sofa, but there was a 'hiss' as soon as he got off the ground, and he retracted his foot in shock. The place where he stepped on was the fragment of the teacup he just broke. Yin Hong, Zheng Chenke's pupils constricted suddenly, and before he could think about anything, he had already taken a step forward. He half-kneeled on the ground, carefully holding the boy's ankle, "It's cut."

"It hurts..." The tears that the young master had just stopped began to fall again. He looked at the redness on his feet, and at the same time he began to faint from the pain. !"

Zheng Chenke was taken aback, and quickly stretched out his broad and slender hand to cover the boy's eyes, and he dodged it in disgust, "You touched your feet! Dirty!"

Didn't you touch his feet? where is dirty

The man reacted, and stretched out his hand to cover the bleeding cut on his foot. He looked at the feet that he could hold tightly with one hand. The toes were round, and the pink nails were of a healthy color. The soles of the feet, which seldom walked, were so tender and slippery that it was unbelievable that Zheng Chenke suddenly realized that He Qing grew up with a lot of pets and pets, and every minute and every centimeter was carefully cared for.

He began to worry a little, whether he could take good care of the young master during the absence of Uncle He.

[Ding! Zheng Chenke favorability: 50]

[It's so nice...] The boy shrank deep in the sofa, tightly closed his eyes, [So, why did this body end up with no bones left in the original world?]

[Does the host need a reminder service? The system will remind the host at any time, just give me points.]

[The focus is still on Lu Linguan, what kind of person does Lu Linguan... like...]

[One thousand points, tell the host.]

[But this body... hiss! The threshold for enduring pain is so low... How did you raise it, such a delicate body that would break at the touch of a finger...]

[As long as 999, free from pain, one world is valid, you are worth having, do you want a bottle for the host?]

He Qing closed his eyes, and the fragile ankle was held in the hands of the man. He hugged a pillow tightly, biting his lips and refused to make a sound, but every time Zheng Chenke rubbed the wound with the medicine, his whole body sunk in the sofa I almost trembled, and wanted to retract my feet uncontrollably, but because of the man's confinement, I could only endure the pain.

[Not coming! I want to save points! I won't give it to you!]

When the medicine was finished, both Zheng Chenke who applied the medicine and him breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the young man with wet eyes and a fragile face, the man sighed and wrapped him up with a gentleness that he had never felt before. The gauze was put on, and when it was finally done, the boy was already sneezed several times from the cold, and his eyes were even more tearful.

"Zheng Chenke, I'm cold and want to go upstairs to sleep."

Nodding, the man stood up and reached out to help him, "Go, I'll help you."

"No! My feet hurt and I can't walk." The young master who was treated with care began to tremble again, but his eyes were wet from the pain, making him look extremely pitiful. He curled up on the sofa and asked in a low voice, " You carry me on your back."

The man stared at the boy in silence for a moment, finally, he turned around, "Come up."

He Qing carefully supported his body and frowned after pressing his hands on his broad back a few times, "Forget it, the back is too ugly, you should hug me."

Zheng Chenke turned around to look at him, "If you can't come up, if you don't come up, I'm leaving."

In the end, the young master He Qing pursed his lips, climbed onto the man's back with a look of reluctance, and was carried upstairs by him. In the process of going upstairs quietly, Zheng Chenke felt the heat in his ears, and felt A delicate voice whispered, "I find that you are not so annoying anymore."

The man really wanted to say when he was annoying, but the sleepiness in the boy's tone made him silent in the end, and he carried the young master to his room in silence all the way, and put him safely on the bed.

The young man was sleeping soundly on the bed, his thick long eyelashes cast shadows under the light, Zheng Chenke realized that he was very good-looking, when he opened his eyes he was arrogant and bad-tempered, he lost his temper unreasonably, but when he closed his eyes , when An Ning was fast asleep, she was cute and adorable like a doll in a shop window.

Gently tapping the boy's dimples, the man carefully tucked him in the quilt before he was about to leave, but the sleeping boy suddenly called out in his sleep, "Zheng Chenke!"

Zheng Chenke paused, turned to look at him, but saw the young man with his eyes closed and said in a vague voice, "My shares..."

There was a trace of disappointment in the man's eyes that he didn't understand, and he turned off the light and walked out of the room.

The young master caught a cold the next day.

The boy with a blocked nose and who could only breathe through his mouth sat on the bed holding toilet paper, and blamed him confidently, "It's all your fault!"

"If it wasn't for waiting for you to get off work, I wouldn't catch a cold!"

There was really nothing to complain about this reason, Zheng Chenke ignored it, he just touched the boy's hot head with a dark face, then looked at his still wrapped feet, his gaze sank.

"Housekeeper, has the doctor called yet?"

"I have already called, and I will arrive soon. You can go to the company, and the young master will be taken care of by me."

The young man who was still groaning immediately turned his head nervously after hearing these words. He looked at the man and wanted to ask him to stay, but what he said was: "You are not allowed to go! You are the one who made me catch a cold, please don't let me go!" Go to work, do you hear me!"

The man who was going to stay frowned imperceptibly, and looked at the housekeeper, "Then I will trouble you."

"Zheng Chenke!"

Watching the man in suit and leather shoes walk away, the eyes of the young man who was still arrogant just now gradually turned red. He looked at the direction where Zheng Chenke disappeared with aggrieved eyes, and his heart sank again because of what happened last night. .

"What's the big deal, isn't it just going to work in the company! It's like this every day, after me, I want to..."

Halfway through the speech, the boy suddenly stopped, how could he forget it! His shares!

The housekeeper watched He Qing grow up, and he knew his hard-spoken and soft-hearted temperament. Just as he was about to say a few words, there was a knock on the door, "Master, Master Lu is here to see you."


"Ah Qing..." Lu Linguan looked at the pale young man lying on the bed with distressed expression, "What's wrong with you? Didn't you feel fine yesterday?"

The young man who had been screaming for pain before saw someone he liked, no matter how much it hurt, he smiled on his face. He hugged the young man's arm happily, "It's okay, I accidentally stepped on the teacup."

Lu Linguan felt the young man's dependence, but his heart sank, "Did Zheng Chenke do something to you, otherwise, how could you step on the teacup!"


He Qing waved his hand, looking heartless, "I was not careful." He said, then remembered something, "Lin Guan, I think Zheng Chenke is pretty good to me, what you said before, maybe It's too much to worry about."

"Although he is cold and boring, my father treats him so well, he can't possibly harm me, right?"

After finally convincing the young man, he changed his mind in just one night. The smile on Lu Linguan's face remained the same, still gentle, "I hope so too, but Ah Qing, I heard a rumor recently..."

He hung his feet, and under the energetic and curious eyes of the young man, he said slowly, "Zheng Chenke's parents, it seems that something happened because of you."

The boy's face turned pale instantly.

"because I?"