The Poor Baby’s Manipulation Manual

Chapter 51: President Dad x Poor Little White Rabbit (End)


He Qing jumped off the building, with endless despair, jumped from the roof, no matter how smart his eyes were in life, he could never open them again.

His body was covered with a white cloth, blood splashed everywhere under his body, Lin Chi's eyes widened in disbelief, and he slowly walked forward, his trembling hands lifted the white cloth, the boy closed his eyes tightly, half of his face was covered in blood, bloody Together, their faces are totally different, but Lin Chi still recognizes at a glance that this is He Qing, his lover.

"Ah...Qing..." His eyes blurred, and these two words came out of his throat, "Ahqing..." His hands trembled horribly, and he placed He Qing's blood-stained face on half of He Qing's face, which was devastated Forced to force out a smile, Lin Chi gently wiped the boy's cold and unwarmed cheeks with his hands: "You can't see again... your face is dirty..."

Lin Chi seemed to be crying but not crying, holding He Qing who was lying softly in his arms with shaking hands, coaxing the young man with a gentle voice: "I'll help you clean it up...don't be afraid..."

"Don't be afraid... Ah Qing, don't be afraid..."

"I will protect you, no one can hurt you..."

"I will never leave you alone again, Ah Qing... Ah Qing, open your eyes... yes, you can't see, then touch my face, touch it!"

Lincheng's driver was at a loss, and looked at the man standing there, "Mr. Lin, Mr. Chi..."

The next moment, his pupils suddenly dilated: "Lin? President Lin?!"

The man was still standing straight, but he was covering his chest with his hands, and a smear of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. The driver was so frightened that he couldn't feel well, and hurriedly tried to help him: "Mr. Lin, what's wrong with you, Mr. Lin?"

Lin Cheng shook off the driver's hand that wanted to help him, and covered his chest with his right hand, his face was pale, his steps were slow, but he still firmly walked towards He Qing who was held in Lin Chi's arms.

How could this be Ah Qing? That night, didn't Ah Qing say that he wanted to go to university, become a teacher in the future, and wanted to teach children to study hard? He also said that when they are old, they can adopt a child. He will work very hard to teach the children to be kind and let them grow up happily...

How could it be like this, lying on the ground with no breath

Although he knew that He Qing regarded himself as Lin Chi that night, but Lin Cheng has always regarded those as their future, Ah Qing will be admitted to university with peace of mind, he will become a teacher, they buy a house, it doesn't need to be big, Ah Qing likes the warmth of a family, so they will adopt a few children, and when the time comes, they will call him father, Ah Qing's father...

Ah Qing likes the countryside very much, they can go to the countryside for a day every month...

At night, they can hug each other and watch Ah Qing's favorite stars...

Obviously, obviously, he has successfully separated the two of them, Ah Qing also agreed to live with him, and promised to give him a chance!

No matter how slow he was, the man finally walked to He Qing's side. He just glanced at the half face that was beyond recognition, and Lin Cheng stopped his steps, his eyes fixed on the young man's face.

Yes... Ah Qing...

How could it be Ah Qing...

A warm little house... maybe a naughty or well-behaved child... the two hug each other and watch the stars...

Those pictures are all shattered little by little...

There was a fishy sweetness in his throat, Lin Cheng ignored the driver's hand that wanted to support him, endured the pain that spread from the bottom of his heart, walked forward with a white face, kicked Lin Chi away, and gently hugged the young man, the young man's body Still soft, as usual, only a little colder, Lin Cheng carefully put He Qing's hands hanging on both sides under his clothes, so as not to let him get cold.

"Ah Qing, I'll take you home."

Lin Chi, who was kicked away by gravity, sat on the ground in a daze, still muttering: "Impossible... Impossible..."

[En...] He Qing was in a state of soul, looked at the man with a bleak back, and then at Lin Chi on the ground, and fell into a tangle: [One is holding my corpse, the other is the mission target, which one should I follow?]

The system aperture that is also separated from the body: [It is recommended that the host follow the mission target to Linchi.]

[good!]He Qing nodded, and floated behind Lincheng: [We follow the corpse.]


Lin Cheng gently hugged the young man's body, gently wiped the blood off his face, "Ah Qing, don't be afraid, I will cure you."

He looked at the person in his arms with extremely gentle eyes, and coaxed in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, if you don't make it in time for the college entrance examination, it's the same when we take the exam next year, and I will accompany you."

"I don't know, Ah Qing. I have had good grades since I was a child. I will teach you when the time comes, okay?"

Naturally, the boy would not answer.

There was a moment of silence in the car, and Lin Cheng squeezed out a smile again: "Don't be angry, I was wrong last time, I was not good, I will change it, forgive me, okay?"

The blood on He Qing's face was gradually wiped dry, and his face was calm, as if very peaceful.

Lin Cheng looked at him, kissed him, and his lips met, accompanied by bitter tears, he murmured: "I will change, I will change... I know I was wrong, you don't like me, I will change everything Drop it, okay?"

"You like Linchi... I won't tear you apart anymore... Open your eyes, okay?"

"Ah Ching... Ah Ching..."

Looking at Lin Cheng who was crying bitterly while hugging the young man's body, He Qing, who was floating in the car, suddenly had an urge to get into this body again, of course, he woke up after only a second of urge~

Lin Cheng hugged the boy in his arms in a daze: "Someone hurt you, someone hurt you... I will find out! I want them to pay the price!"

The last sentence was extremely cold.


Soon after He Qing jumped off the building, Lin Cheng was told exactly what happened on the day he jumped off the building. He never knew that in the place where Lin Chi was, the boy had such a miserable life.

Caressing the clean and elastic soft cheeks, Lin Cheng's words were full of chills: "Ah Qing, even if he is treated like this, do you still like him?"

He put his face close to the boy's cold forehead, and said in a gentle voice, "He made you sick, shall we punish him?"

"If Ah Qing doesn't speak, I'll take it as your agreement..."

Lin Chi heard that recording.

"It's just a game, how could I like a man!" With such an impatient, disgusting tone... Lin Chi hugged his head tightly, he knew how sensitive Ah Qing was, not to mention that in order to please Sun Yumeng, he even deliberately snubbed him.

After being bullied by Sun Yumeng, what would Ah Qing think when he heard his words

In the surveillance, the thin figure of the young man appeared in front of the bulletin board, and then left. People pointed at his back, and he went upstairs... Lin Chi looked at the next surveillance, He Qing followed the stairs to the top floor, He stopped at the entrance of the rooftop, took out his mobile phone, pressed it a few times, and then put the mobile phone to his ear.

Lin Chi looked at the boy on the screen and slapped him once, twice, three times...

Finally, he pushed open the door of the roof and never appeared again.

Lin Chi's eyes were bloodshot, he turned back to watch the young man make a phone call as if he was masturbating himself, and watched it over and over again, who was he calling? At that time, Ah Qing must have been very scared and lonely! If he calls himself, he will definitely comfort Ah Qing, Ah Qing will not jump off!

His expression suddenly froze, Lin Chi shook his hands, took out his mobile phone, and opened the intercepted call: Ah Qing, 3 times...

Heart ached, Linchi shrank into a ball in pain, tears streaming down his face, "Ah Qing...Ah Qing..."

It turns out that the last redemption you thought of was me...

[Ding! Linchi favorability: 100, the task is completed, please choose, 1, leave the world, 2, watch the follow-up progress.]

He Qing thought of putting his body on the bed and sleeping next to Lin Cheng, and shuddered: [What's there to watch, let's go, by the way, you are not allowed to steal points! If I catch you again, I will sue you!]

[Oh, then don't go, you want points.]



Lin Chi accepted Lin Shi, but what was waiting for him was an empty shell with heavy debts, so he went to Lin Cheng and said that he wanted to marry Sun Yumeng, Lin Cheng looked at him coldly and agreed.

So, no matter how unwilling, Sun Yumeng married Linchi, who was already a poor man. Linchi's life was very hard. He had to work day and night every day, but the money he owed was that he had worked non-stop for several lifetimes. It's not worth it, he was discriminated against, insulted, and spit on his face countless times, he had poverty, disease, and even his once handsome face was wiped away because of the hardships of life.

Lin Chi's life is not as good as the rats in the underground ditch, but he still survived tenaciously. Everyone knows that Lin Cheng is rich, but as his son, he will end his life in pain and poverty.

Sun Yumeng is naturally dissatisfied with Linchi like this, what she likes is the handsome and handsome fiancé who will inherit the Lin family, not the current person who is silent every day and doesn't know what to think.

But her father was unwilling to take her home. All her classmates and friends in the past knew that Mr. Lin hated her and avoided her like the plague. Sun Yumeng had never suffered, and she was unwilling to suffer. She could afford to buy a bunch of brand-name clothes casually before, so she became someone else's mistress.

Lin Chi didn't care about her. Although they became husband and wife, Lin Chi never slept in the same bed with her. He just wanted to use his depraved swamp-like life to imprison this woman who also contributed to He Qing's death. trapped.

Sun Yumeng died of gossip.

"It's disgusting, she's actually a mistress!"

"Really? Then let's stay away from her quickly, so as not to infect us with any dirty diseases!"

"Look, that person is a mistress, breaking up other people's families, mistress! You can't see the light!"

She hanged herself by the door with a brand-name belt in the low rented house. When Lin Chi came back to see her, she ate and slept as usual, until the corpse rotted and gave off a stench, and the neighbors complained, and he cremated the person.

When Sun Yumeng died for more than a year, Linchi was carrying a heavy object from a high altitude and fell down.

At the last second of his life, Lin Chi thought, Ah Qing, have you forgiven me

Knowing that Lin Chi died, He Qing was staring at his corpse in a daze, Lin Cheng insisted that he was just sick, so he froze the body, and has been tossing about how to 'cure' He Qing for more than ten years.

He Qing watched one doctor after another recommend Lincheng to see a psychiatrist, and then watched Lincheng start looking for his soul. Taoist priests, monks, scientists, everything he could find, he searched all over.

Lin Cheng had gray hair all night, so many years later, his face has wrinkles, and his silver hair, because of the long-time frowning, the deep marks between his brows make him look very difficult to provoke, He Qing still looks like a teenager, smiling Sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at him: "Hey! Old man Cheng Cheng!"

Lin Cheng couldn't hear it, he was still carefully taking notes, researching how to capture the soul of a person, He Qing saw that he had been tossing about for more than ten years, but he didn't want to leave anymore, this person's persistence was simply overwhelming. People are amazed.

When the system coldly reminded that the target mission was dead and could retreat, He Qing was really reluctant to part with him. He stood up, walked to Lin Cheng's side, and slid his lips across the man's cheek, "This is a gift, thank you for liking me."

The boy's figure completely disappeared into the air, and Lin Chengxin was suddenly emptied. He clutched his chest, feeling that he had lost something.

The door was suddenly opened, and a blond man in a white coat with messy hair rushed in: "Pro! I found it! I found out how to connect to the spirit world!"

The author has something to say:

Tired enough to vomit blood, writing about pain in claws, kissing, hugging and holding high~

When my friend Gua read the last chapter, she thought it was very unreasonable as an accountant: the shares held by minors can only be held by trusts or guardians.

Me: Chichi is not a minor! He is an adult!

Jiyougua: Do you know what giving away 30% of the equity means to a big company

Me: ... I don't know

Jiyougua: It means that the signature of all shareholders is required, and a certificate must be issued. What about your certificate and signature

Me: ...but isn't that how it's done in TV dramas

Jiyougua: Hehe, do you know why the evil mother-in-law in TV dramas always throws checks to the heroine

Me: Probably...she was burning too much money

Jiyougua: Because if the signature or seal is folded, it cannot be replaced.

Me: (Stunned.gif) So the evil mother-in-law is so scheming!

Jiyougua: Also, do you know how much tax you have to pay for transferring shares? A big company like Lin's needs to pay at least #¥%% of the money, have you paid it

Me: ... handed in ... right? No! wrong! etc! Isn't what I wrote a brainless and cool article

Jiyougua: It's a brainless text that abuses finances. He feels sorry for the finances of the head office. He is not far from being arrested!

Well, I'm going to hit her!