The Poor Baby’s Manipulation Manual

Chapter 78: Friends' wives can't play (20)


The young man hid in the quilt and watched the man cry silently at first, but then burst into tears. He was even more frightened, and looked at Zhao He with horrified eyes, as if he would violently beat someone the next moment!

"Ah Ching!"

Almost the second Feng Xinyang pushed the door and entered, the young man who had been holding himself together and refused to cry out scrambled, got out of bed barefoot, and passed by Zhao He without even giving him a look.

Zhao He stared blankly at the young man who threw himself into Feng Xinyang's arms like a sucking swallow throwing himself into the forest, his voice was sobbing, full of grievances, "Ahe, where have you been... I, I woke up... I can't see you..."

Feng Xinyang didn't care that the real Zhao He was by his side. Seeing the young man crying all the time, he quickly comforted him: "I'm sorry Ah Qing, it's my fault, don't cry..."

Although the tears still fell down uncontrollably, the young man nodded with a sob and replied in a nasal voice: "Well! I won't cry..."

While talking, he carefully stuffed himself into the man's arms, looked at Zhao He standing there with a pale face in fear, and asked Feng Xinyang in a low voice, "Ah He, who is he..."

Zhao He originally thought that after the incident eight years ago, he would never give his heart to others, nor would he be hurt again, but the young man called his name, looked at him with strange eyes, and his love for him. Feng Xinyang relied on the little tricks...

The apex of Zhao He's heart was aching.

It didn't hurt very much, but it was like a thorn full of barbs, piercing into the most fragile tender flesh, and the slightest movement would cause endless pain.

How could it be so painful...

When Ah Qing was hurt by him, would it be so painful

He even wanted to rush up and tell Ah Qing that he was the real Zhao He, but in the end, Zhao He just carefully forced a smile, "I'm his friend."

His attitude was friendly enough, but the young man didn't intend to talk to him at all. He just huddled in Feng Xinyang's arms and didn't dare to raise his head. The man patted him on the back soothingly. I sneered in my heart.

Regret it? late!

Feng Xinyang slowly tightened his arms holding the young man, and suddenly heard the man in his arms murmuring in a trance, as if in a dream: "Ahe, where is the Gundam I gave you? It hasn't been finished yet..."

If He Qing suddenly remembered, he raised his head and looked at the man with clear eyes, "I just happen to be in the hospital right now and have nothing to do, so take it here and I'll continue to work hard."

Feng Xinyang's hand holding the young man froze slightly. Seeing that the young man couldn't move his hands, he didn't seem to notice. He glanced at Zhao He who was also frozen, smiled lightly and lowered his head to coax; Take it here, okay?"

The young man nodded obediently, rubbed his eyes and said softly, "Ahe, I'm sleepy..."

Being led by the man to the bed like a child and covered with a quilt, the young man closed his eyes, as if he had fallen into a peaceful sleep.

The two men seemed to be waiting for something, they didn't speak, and stayed in the ward in silence for more than half an hour before finally both of them went out.

[It's time to know.]He Qing stretched under the quilt, and said lazily: [Yan Xizhi will tell him.]

[What are you talking about.]

[Say our mission is about to be completed! ] He Qing shrank back under the blanket and yawned: [It's time for them to pay off their debts too.]

[The debt should indeed be repaid. ] The system agrees.

"Is that Gundam still there?" Feng Xinyang just asked this sentence, looked at Zhao He, who had been gloomy, and snorted, "How could it still be there? If you hate Ah Qing so much, it must have been destroyed at that time!"

Zhao He has been in a daze since just now, and he said in a shy voice: "Ah Qing bought that Gundam after saving a lot of money for a long time, and wanted to put it together secretly before giving it to me. I didn't make it right after a month of hard work, and I laughed at him, we were all thirty when we finished it, and later, after he left, I smashed it... "

"It was smashed into pieces and thrown into the trash can, never to be found again..."

His expression seemed to be crying but not crying, and he said in a hoarse voice almost squeezed out of his throat, "Ah Qing, I can't find it anymore..."

He always felt that it was Ah Qing who betrayed him, and he put everything he endured during that time on Ah Qing. He became withdrawn and indifferent. Playing with others would make him feel happy. He chose revenge without hesitation.

However, revenge came, revenge went, and in the end, it was still reported on myself...

"Okay! I've done everything, and I'll show it to someone! Now let's think about how to coax Ah Qing!" He was deeply jealous of Zhao He, wishing to replace him every minute and every second, but now, he had to rely on this person to help him stabilize Ah Qing.

"Go and bring Lin Wan." Zhao He slumped slightly tiredly, and he looked as if he had aged ten years, not his face, but his temperament. He closed his eyes and said in pain: "Eight years ago, she You must have done something to Ah Qing."

"If you want to restore Ah Qing's spirit, you must find out the reason for his fear."

And he was the reason why Lin Wan attacked Ah Qing.

Before Feng Xinyang went to look for it, Lin Wan had already been brought back by Yan Xizhi. The man with a long wound on his face was like a ghost, and pushed the dazed woman into the room. Lin Wan staggered and was in a panic She fell down in front of the two of them, she screamed, but when she raised her eyes, she found that the gloomy man was looking down at her, his eyes were full of indifference.

"Ahe!!" Lin Wan rushed up and hugged Zhao He's leg, "Ahe, save me! I'm infected with vn! What should I do when it happens! What should I do! I'm still young, I don't want to Die! Ah He! Ah He save me!"

Zhao He lowered his head, looked at the woman who was still his fiancée crying miserably, and slowly bent down, his magnetic and gloomy voice was like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, slipping into the woman's ear coldly, "You are young, Ah Qing Aren't you young?"

Lin Wan froze.

She looked at Zhao He in disbelief, "Ah, Ah He?"

Zhao He looked at her with hatred, "Lin Wan, what did you do to Ah Qing eight years ago?"

Yan Xizhi walked around from behind, his tone full of malice: "You'd better tell the truth, otherwise, what's waiting for you is not just vn."

Lin Wan's face was pale, and she found out in despair that the three men across from her looked at her with the same cold and disgusted eyes.

The woman lay limply on the ground, and the needle holes on her arms were clearly visible.

He Qing sat on the bedside and opened a book, [Every time I read the memory, I want to slap that woman hard.]

[You are so kind.]

[I'm talking about a red-hot iron slap, no, it's not enough, it's only fair that Lin Wan has to go through what he went through.]

Eight years ago, Lin Wan fell madly in love with Zhao He, but Zhao He was always inseparable from a boy named He Qing.

Lin Wan didn't directly announce that she wanted to pursue Zhao He, but let her father take her to Zhao's house. She started to approach Zhao He, but no matter how hard she tried, Zhao He only had He Qing in his eyes!

She didn't dare to reveal what she wanted, but she just pretended to be an ordinary friend, pretending to be cute in front of Zhao He, and adding obstacles to He Qing from time to time, allowing him to see countless imaginative scenes.

Until one day, something happened to Zhao He's family, and Lin Wan was overjoyed. She rushed forward and told Zhao He that her family could help him, but they might need to get married. To Lin Wan's surprise, Zhao He refused.

Just because of He Qing, he rejected her.

After she found out that He Qing's father had passed away, she took advantage of Zhao He's family affairs and ignored him, so she took him to an abandoned classroom. She couldn't beat him, otherwise he would leave scars and might be bitten back. In the end, Lin Wan thought of a good idea.

He Qing took off all his clothes and took a picture of him begging for mercy.

As long as he has those photos and his mother who has heart disease and can't stand the stimulation, He Qing will definitely obey.

However, even Lin Wan herself didn't expect that among the friends she brought that day, there was actually one who liked He Qing. In the end, if He Qing hadn't resisted fiercely, that person might have succeeded, and this also made her Lin Wan had an idea.

What's the use of just taking pictures!

While making a video, she instructed the few people brought to hold down the boy's limbs and pose him in various mouth positions. The boys and girls found it exciting and fun, and kept laughing. From time to time, there was one who was almost kicked Obscenely touched by his deadly friend, they threw his clothes out the door and walked away.

From then on, He Qing disappeared from the campus, and in exchange was Zhao He, who became Lin Wan's fiancé and whose personality changed drastically.

Eight years later, Lin Wan returned to China. Eight years later, she was only a fiancée, and she felt that her status was in jeopardy. When she was anxious, she suddenly discovered that He Qing, who was driven away by him, had actually appeared beside Zhao He.

Almost immediately, she made a plan to kidnap him. In order to confirm whether Zhao He was with He Qing, she notified Zhao He. In the end, to Lin Wan's satisfaction, her fiancé did not come. So the idea of killing people directly turned into injecting vn.

She has seen many addicted people and knows what those people look like during seizures. If He Qing is injected, the ugly posture of seizures will be seen by Ah He...

Lin Wan herself didn't expect that the spirit of the young man who was forced to spend the night had long since collapsed. In addition, his hands were injured. When the vn broke out, before he could meet Zhao He, he had already fallen into the lake. In the middle, the moment he fell into the water, he was still conscious and knew clearly that he should struggle and go ashore, but the VN attack caused him severe pain all over his body, and he couldn't even lift his arms. Finally, after a string of bubbles floated on the lake, Return to calm.

In the last scene, he was covered by the dirty water plants on the water surface, his eyes were wide open, and he was dying. Just above, Zhao He, Feng Xinyang, Yan Xizhi, the three were talking and laughing, discussing the next goal, from Walk across the bridge.

This is the life of doctor He Qing.

After closing the book, He Qing quietly counted the time, but he never waited for Zhao He's last reminder.

[All right.]The young man pursed his lips slightly, showing a healing smile, [We, Ahe, seem to want to stimulate a little more.]