The Poor Baby’s Manipulation Manual

Chapter 95: Poor little wife (7)


Feng Jinhua first ate so many spicy dishes in the afternoon, and then drank a lot of wine. The stomach that He Qing had carefully adjusted for five years still couldn't resist. The piercing pain seemed to be born from the bone marrow. Stomach, fell on the cold floor, eyes gradually red.

There was no light in the living room, the door was closed, Feng Jinhua fell to the ground, as if he was the only one left in the whole world, silent and silent.

He knew that he should get up to take medicine at this moment, but his body seemed to be out of control, he just lay so stiff in the distance, the floor under his body was absorbing the man's heat little by little, soon, Feng Jinhua's body temperature dropped down.

He didn't know how long he had been lying there, and when his head started to feel dizzy, he seemed to see a familiar gentle figure approaching, accompanied by worried and caring voices.

"Jin Hua, why did you drink so much again, doesn't your stomach hurt?"

"The doctor said that you can't drink like this anymore. Now that the company has grown in size, you don't have to fight like this anymore. Hurry up and drink the hangover soup, or your stomach will definitely hurt."

The dim yellow warm light seemed to be on. Feng Jinhua was lying on the floor, seeing the impatient self taking the hangover soup and drinking it with a frown. In front of the gentle man who cared about him, he said bluntly He said, "What do you know, it's all entertainment, everyone else is drinking, can I not drink!"

The gentle man's face was stunned, his eyes showed a bit of sadness, he restrained his expression, lowered his head, and said softly, "Be hungry, I'll get you a meal."

With that said, he turned and went into the kitchen, his back was full of loneliness.

No, you can't say that!

Feng Jinhua lay on the floor, looking at his impatient face, shouting frantically in his heart.

Why do you say that! Why should Ah Qing be sad!

You clearly know that it's not that Ah Qing doesn't understand everything, this company was created by their hard work together!

Ah Qing clearly knew that as long as he didn't want to drink, he didn't have to drink it.

How sad it must have been for him to hear this!

Feng Jinhua was like an outsider, seeing that he was about to leave after dinner regardless of his lover's persuasion, and as the door slammed shut, the lights dimmed again.

The man fell to the ground in a daze, his bloodshot eyes full of remorse.

So, has he always treated Ah Qing like this

Ah Qing, have you always put up with him like this

The memories that had been deliberately concealed emerged in my mind little by little.

He blamed Ah Qing for not being as energetic as before, but he forgot that it was his former self who disliked him for being too out of touch.

He said he hated that Ah Qing always made him hangover soup, but forgot that it was because of his stomach problem.

He disliked that there would never be any spicy food on the dinner table, and thought that a lover who didn't cook spicy food for him was unfounded and worried, but he completely forgot that Ah Qing used to like spicy food so much, even to the point where he couldn't enjoy spicy food.

But for the past five years, there have always been bland dishes on the table. He Qing obviously could eat it, but he insisted on eating the bland dishes for five years.

He was angry because Ah Qing's weak body was not satisfied, but when the two were together, Ah Qing's body was still in good condition, able to run and jump, but his body really started to break down because he said he wanted to start a company.

Ah Qing's body was exhausted and sick for him!

All this is because of him...

And he not only didn't cherish him, but also disliked him and blamed him, but he forgot that Ah Qing, who was so hot and unhappy, a little out of touch, always happy, became what he is now for whom.

In the darkness, with his stomach hurting more and more, Feng Jinhua was awake like never before. He smiled wryly, tears wet the floor under his body.

Ah Qing, I regret it now.

I know I'm wrong...

Please come back, please...

In the increasingly severe pain, Feng Jinhua gradually lost consciousness, but before he fell unconscious, he stretched out his hand weakly, grabbed a few times in the void, and then hung down heavily.

[Ding! Feng Jinhua's favorability: 95, please keep up the good work of the host, okay!]

On the white hospital bed, He Qing's face was so pale that it was almost transparent. When he heard the system's voice, he blinked and showed a weak smile, as if thinking of something happy.

[He's not feeling well right now?]

He Qing didn't mind if he didn't get a systematic answer, since he could guess it anyway.

How can a man who has been well taken care of by himself be fine

Yes, he is rich, but the money cannot buy sincere concern. For example, Chu Chen beside him is different from He Qing. In order to please Feng Jinhua, he will not resist all his requests.

He would never stop Feng Jinhua from eating or drinking. As for whether Feng Jinhua would feel uncomfortable after eating or drinking, he would never pay attention.

At most, I can squeeze a few more tears and pretend to be concerned, but no matter how many, it will be gone.

For Feng Jinhua, who had enjoyed meticulous care for five years, it was like falling from the clouds to the ground. Now, are you starting to regret it

Regret why you treat your lover who loves you wholeheartedly like that, regret why you didn't cherish it well, unfortunately, it's too late.

In the original world, He Qing did not accept Le Yuan's help, but after finding out that his lover was cheating, he still chose to divorce.

Feng Jinhua failed to persuade her to stay, her self-esteem was frustrated, she let go of her harsh words, and once she divorced He Qing who didn't agree with her, she would marry Chu Chen.

Chu Chen thought he got what he wanted, but when he learned that half of the company's shares belonged to He Qing, he became murderous.

He Qing's death was miserable, and there was no dignity at all. After his death, Feng Jinhua only belatedly discovered his love for his lover, but what's the use

Everyone is dead, no matter how sad he is, it is impossible for him to come back to life.

The corners of his lips curled up slightly, a small smile appeared on his pale face, he slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

A few hours later, the door of the ward was gently pushed open. Afraid of disturbing He Qing, Le Yuan stepped in lightly and walked in cautiously. When he saw the gentle man with his eyes closed and his face white on the bed, his breath stagnated. His eyes panicked almost immediately.

Almost shaking his hands, he landed between He Qing's breaths. After feeling the weak but still existing breath, the man breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully sat on the side of the bed.

Looking at the peaceful sleeping face of the person on the bed, his eyes were full of sadness. In just a few days, Ah Qing had lost so much weight, and his complexion was getting worse and worse. He obviously found the best Doctor, but the result is still like this...

This is the second time he felt powerless. The first time was when he wanted to pursue Ah Qing but was taken abroad when he was young. Now, he has a lot of net worth and countless money, but he is very concerned about Ah Qing's illness. There is nothing to do, but to watch the person I love slowly weaken.

Although Le Yuan didn't make a sound, the gentle man who was sensitive and weak in his illness still noticed his existence. He slowly opened his eyes, at first he was confused for a moment, and then he woke up.

"What time is it?" he asked.

Le Yuan helped him up carefully, and said softly, "It's only afternoon, it's still early, are you hungry?"

He Qing shook his head with a pale face, stared blankly at the sky outside, and suddenly asked him, "Tell me, does Jin Hua miss me?"

Looking at He Qing who was suffering from the pain, and thinking of the news he just learned, the man who was standing upright clenched his hands slightly.

He knew how much Ah Qing loved that man, even though he was not worthy of love, Coke knew that if Ah Qing found out about Feng Jinhua's hospitalization, he would definitely feel distressed, and maybe he would go back...

But how could he be allowed to leave

Feng Jinhua is not worthy of Ah Qing's liking at all, he will only make Ah Qing even more sad and sad!

Le Yuan had a natural expression on his face, but his eyes were always on the gentle man, and his magnetic voice sounded low and deep, "He is now preparing to marry Chu Chen."

He Qing's eyes fixed on looking out of the window, his whole body seemed to be frozen. After a while, under the worried gaze of the man, he said in a barely audible voice, "Get married..."

There is no anger as Le Yuan imagined, nor is there a broken heart, there is only peace.

He turned his head to look at the man, and said in a weak voice, "Le Yuan, can you make an appointment with him for me?"

Le Yuan's blue eyes darkened, "Do you still want to see him?"

"No..." He Qing shook his head in a trance, showing a bleak wry smile, "He definitely doesn't want to see me now, I just want to get a divorce."

"If he wants to marry Chu Chen, he has to divorce me first, doesn't he?"

The man loosened his fist slowly, and the expression on his face that seemed natural but secretly tightened slightly relaxed, and he replied, "I'll make an appointment for you."

"Ah Qing, don't think too much. I'll take you abroad when the disease is cured."

"Don't you like to travel? We can walk around and go wherever we want, okay?"

Walk around and have a look...

The gentle man showed a happy smile, he raised his eyes and met Le Yuan's gaze, those gentle eyes were full of a faint smile.


His life is not long, and it is time to take a look around...

After Feng Jinhua received the notice from Le Yuan, despite the doctor's dissuasion, he endured the pain all the way and drove back home. After rummaging through boxes and cabinets, he finally found what he wanted.

He hugged these things like he was holding a baby, his face was full of crazy joy.

With them, Ah Qing will definitely come back to him!

Most definitely!