The President is Being Shameless Again

Chapter 100: 100 When Yan Ningbai heard this, his eyes widened (first update, 5000


100 When Yan Ningbai heard this, his eyes widened (first update, 5000+)

Mr. Yan laughed angrily. With her intelligence, she still had the nerve to despise him.

"You are afraid that people will be suspicious now. You have forgotten that our grandson is also going to bring someone for a formal visit. Then she will know that you lied to her." Mr. Yan curled his lips and said.

"Oh, I forgot about this, what should I do?" Old Mrs. Yan clapped her legs, worried. "I just thought about testing Lin Chu in advance. I, I had reservations about her attitude at the time, so I didn't think much about it. But after getting along with her, I think this child is really good. What do you think about her? Will you be angry that I lied to her?"

As soon as Mr. Yan opened his mouth to say a few words, the doorbell rang.

Sister-in-law Chen went to open the door. After a while, she heard Sister-in-law Chen's voice coming in, "Master Sun."

Mrs. Yan was feeling guilty, so she was shocked when she heard this. I almost wanted to hide behind the curtain.

Mr. Yan clicked his tongue and said, "Look at your potential."

When Yan Beicheng walked in, the coldness from outside came with him. Looking at her grandson standing tall and tall in front of her, Mrs. Yan said guiltily: "Why didn't you say anything when you came here?"

Old Mrs. Yan did not dare to confess to Yan Beicheng that she went to test Lin Chu. Yan Beicheng felt happy when he saw Old Mrs. Yan's guilty look, and did not expose it. He said calmly: "I was on a business trip before, wasn't it? ? I just came back at midnight yesterday. I saved up some work and went to the company to solve it today. After working overtime, I thought about coming back and having lunch. I also brought back some specialties from Chengdu, so I brought them back together. ”

Yan Beicheng said as he put three large paper bags on the coffee table.

"In addition, didn't I say that I would bring Lin Chu back? I haven't discussed the time with her yet, but my plan is during the Spring Festival holiday, when everyone will be free, and I don't think she will object, so I will go with her first. You two elders, please tell me. I think grandma is also very curious about Lin Chu’s affairs, especially her relationship with the Lin family. So I didn’t go to Lin Chu and came directly to talk to you first.”

Mrs. Yan couldn't care less about her guilty conscience. She was just curious about what was going on between Lin Chu and the Lin family.

Yan Beicheng glanced at the two elders sitting opposite him. They all had their ears pricked up and looked energetic.

Mrs. Chen made a pot of tea and poured it for the three of them. The cups that Lin Chu had left here had been taken away before Yan Beicheng arrived.

"Before talking about her relationship with the Lin family, I want to tell you something. I still remember when my father had an accident, I was 15 years old. I was very depressed at the time, and it was Lin Chu who helped me out. She was 6 years old at that time. , I was after school at that time and didn’t want to go home. I was wandering around casually, just wanting to find a quiet place to hide where no one of you could find. As a result, I climbed over a wall and accidentally entered the orphanage where she was. I saw her when I jumped off the wall. During those days, she was always making me happy. Sometimes the jokes she told were very childish, but I knew she just wanted to make me laugh." Yan Beicheng said this, his face became softer and softer , a smile of memory appeared unknowingly.

"I remember that we were all worried about you during those days. You didn't speak much, you had no energy at all, and you were out of your mind all day long. We were all worried about you at the time, but after a while, you became I recovered, and it turned out to be because of Lin Chu." Mrs. Yan sighed, "I never expected that you two would have such a fate when you were so young. What's even more rare is that after so many years, you can still meet again. meet."

Yan Beicheng nodded and smiled after thinking about it, "She was adopted by the Lin family when she was seven years old. I went to find her, but she was no longer there. At that time, I didn't know who the family who adopted her was. Until a while ago, I saw I saw her with the Lin family in the newspaper. The newspaper said that the Lin family adopted Lin Chu from Cixin Orphanage when she was seven years old. I immediately thought of the little girl back then. Looking at her face again, It seems that I can still vaguely see the round face with a little baby fat from back then. So I immediately had someone check it out."

"The Lin family has been adopting Lin Chu over the years to create their own image of charity and build up Lin Mao's reputation. But in fact, the Lin family has never treated Lin Chu well. The Lin family adopted Lin Chu, but it was because Lin Zhenghe was injured and unconscious, and Mr. Lin The wife was superstitious, so she adopted Lin Chu. Just when Lin Chu came to the Lin family, Lin Zhenghe woke up. Lin Chu was a young girl at that time, and what she wanted most was a home and a father who loved her. Mom, we have a happy family living together."

"She is a little child, only one year older than Ning Bai. When she first arrived in a new family, she was very nervous, fearing that the family would not like her. It can be seen that when she saw Lin Zhenghe, she still mustered up the courage She called her dad, wanting to be liked by the Lin family and want to integrate into that family. Who knew that as soon as she called out, she was slapped by Su Changxin, saying that she was not qualified to be their daughter or to call them parents. The Lin family pitied her. We raise her, but in fact she is still an orphan without a father and mother. Let her not forget her identity, but she is just receiving charity from the Lin family."

"That's too much!" Mrs. Yan was furious, especially when she thought of Yan Ningbai, she felt particularly uncomfortable.

At that time, Lin Chu was the same age as Yan Ningbai, but Yan Ningbai didn't accept any grievance at home, but Lin Chu, at the same age, had to be treated like that.

"At that time, Lin Chu was only 7 years old. Su Changxin was able to do that. You can also imagine how Lin Chu lived in the future. The older she got, the less polite the Lin family was to her. Lin Yuwen felt that it was very unfair that Lin Chu, a person who had nothing to do with the Lin family, should be given the title of the second lady of the Lin family. Things that originally belonged to her completely had to be given to Lin Chu, even if it was just some fur. He was not happy, so he often bullied Lin Chu. Lin Zhenghe and Su Changxin would naturally not care. Even Mrs. Lin, who was said to be good to Lin Chu, turned to her own granddaughter and only pretended to comfort Lin Chu afterwards. "

"Not all of what I could find out about the past happened. But from what I found out, Su Changxin usually hit or scolded Lin Chu. She beat Lin Chu so many times that she fell ill. One time It was still winter, and it was snowing outside. Su Changxin drove Lin Chu into the yard because of Lin Yuwen's injustice. There was heating in the house, and Lin Chu was wearing only socks and slippers, standing in the snow, outside. Most of the night, I had frostbite on my feet and a fever when I entered the house.”

"Old Mrs. Lin was afraid, so she took her to the hospital. Usually when Su Changxin beat her, Old Mrs. Lin would just watch from the side, pretending to persuade her, or persuade Lin Chu to apologize. But that was not Lin Chu's fault at all. , Children are sometimes very stubborn. As long as they are right, they will never apologize, even if they suffer a big loss. Sometimes, Mrs. Lin simply pretends not to be at home. After Su Changxin finishes the beating, she will comfort Lin Chu and give her Apply medicine on her and take her to the hospital when she is sick.”

"Later, when Lin Chu grew up, he knew how to avoid these things, so he didn't suffer any more. After going to college, he met Cheng Ziming, and they were together. Cheng Ziming was older than her, and he graduated before her, and they met after graduation. After he fell in love with Lin Yuwen, he pursued Lin Yuwen without telling Lin Chu. Later, when he was with Lin Yuwen, he had not broken up with Lin Chu. Lin Chu lived on campus and didn’t know anything about the outside world. Moreover, he was busy working part-time to earn tuition and living expenses, leaving nothing for him. The money I saved was given to the orphanage, and from time to time I would go to Cheng's house to buy something for Cheng Ziming's parents." Yan Beicheng felt bad when he talked about this.

In the past, Lin Chu's good intentions had gone to waste, and he was still so kind to other men. It was strange that he felt comfortable.

"Cheng Ziming's parents knew about it, but they didn't tell Lin Chu. They knew that Lin Chu was not easy for himself, but they still accepted the gifts that Lin Chu didn't come back to bring with peace of mind. Lin Yuwen also brought Cheng Ziming home many times, until After they were officially engaged, Lin Chu knew that Cheng Ziming had betrayed her a long time ago. But Lin Yuwen and Cheng Ziming didn't know how to give it up and show off to Lin Chu. But in fact, they were just such a scumbag. Lin Chu felt that there was really nothing to be reluctant to part with. Although she felt uncomfortable at first, she later looked away and had no other emotions except boredom towards Cheng Ziming. But Lin Yuwen and Cheng Ziming didn't believe it and were unwilling to let go. They kept pestering her. "

Yan Beicheng took a sip of tea and said, "Generally, that's what happened. You two elders can also go and verify it yourself. Anyway, in my opinion, with the Lin family's behavior, if Lin Chu can be good to them Weird."

"Hey, I just think-" Old Mrs. Yan wanted to say, but she felt that Lin Chuneng was so obsessed with the orphanage. If the Lin family was really good to her, how could she be at odds with the Lin family.

But then she remembered that Yan Beicheng didn't know about her visit to Lin Chu. Mrs. Yan quickly stopped talking, her eyes wandering, and she pretended not to say anything.

Yan Beicheng's lips twitched and he pretended not to hear.

"Since she is a nice girl, let's bring her back as soon as possible." Mr. Yan said calmly and calmly, but he couldn't help but move his buttocks forward, and looked at her with bright eyes. Looking at Yan Beicheng, he seemed to hope that Yan Beicheng would go and bring Lin Chu here immediately.

Yan Beicheng's eyes were filled with smiles, and his long, well-boned fingers were stroking the small purple clay teacup. The strong fragrance of tea climbed up the air and drifted into his nose. Through the pale heat, Yan Beicheng's low-mellow voice could be heard. She seemed to have become lazy, "The Chinese New Year is not going to be next week. There are many people coming to pay New Year greetings on the first day of the new year. I will discuss it with her and come as early as possible after the second day of the new year."

Old Mrs. Yan moved forward and smacked her lips, "Oh, I said... why don't we bring her here when it's thirty? Does she still want to go back to Lin's house to celebrate the New Year? Those who celebrate the New Year should be happy, who can She went to the Lin family to look for bad luck, which made her feel uncomfortable during the New Year. Besides, didn’t the Lin family treat her as a member of the family? "

"I asked her. When she turns 30, she wants to go to the orphanage to accompany the old director. All the teachers in the orphanage have to go home to celebrate the New Year. The old director's home is the orphanage, and there are no other relatives around her. On New Year's Eve, only the old dean and the children were left, and Lin Chu was worried. Every New Year's Eve, he would go back to spend New Year's Eve with the old dean and the children," Yan Beicheng said.

The two elders nodded to express their understanding and agreed to Yan Beicheng's arrangement.

Lin Chu took Yan Ningbai to the orphanage together, thinking that since they were almost the same age, they could play together.

After introducing Yan Ningbai to the children, Mo Jinxi saw that Lin Chu and Yan Ningbai seemed to have a good relationship, and immediately felt a sense of crisis. When I heard Yan Ningbai's name, I immediately thought of Yan Beicheng.

"Chuchu, who is he?" Mo Jinxi took the opportunity to hold Lin Chu's other hand.

When Yan Ningbai heard this, her eyes widened and she looked at the boy with red lips and white teeth. How could he call his eldest nephew and wife so dear

"You... you shouldn't call her that! It's rude!" Yan Ningbai glared at Mo Jinxi with her belly raised, and rolled her eyes, "At least, at least call her Sister Chuchu."

"Jinxi, he is-" Lin Chu was about to introduce him, but the relationship was really difficult to explain.

As a result, Lin Chu didn't say anything. Next to her, Yan Ningbai had already straightened up her chubby body proudly, "I'm her uncle!"

Lin Chu: “…”

"You, you're rude!" Mo Jinxi puffed up his cheeks and said angrily.

"What's so rude? We are of the same generation. My eldest nephew's wife is going to marry my eldest nephew, so I will be her uncle!" Yan Ningbai puffed out her little chest even harder.

"Chu Chu will not marry your eldest nephew. She wants to marry me!" Mo Jinxi said anxiously.

Yan Ning rolled her eyes and said, "This is my eldest nephew's wife. If you want to marry my eldest nephew's wife, you have to call me uncle."

Yan Ningbai raised her eyebrows proudly, "Come on, call Uncle Sheng first to listen."

Mo Jinxi didn't react for a moment, and felt that it was a bit unfair to have to call this fat guy uncle if he was with Chu Chu!

After a while, Mo Jinxi came back to his senses and said, "No, I won't call you uncle until I marry your eldest nephew. If I don't marry your eldest nephew, it has nothing to do with you." , I don’t need to call you uncle!”

The old dean came out carrying the bag with a smile, interrupting the quarrel between the two little guys, "Okay, okay, are you hungry? Come on, let's go eat, ah!"

The little guys danced happily and walked out, chirping all the way, very happy.

"This time it was a kind-hearted old lady who knew that you were very well-behaved, so she specially took money to treat you to food." Lin Chu said.

When the children heard this, they were so grateful that they all offered to make a card by themselves and send it to the old lady without even mentioning it.

Lin Chu gave the old dean the address.

The old dean was just average about these, and couldn't eat anything special. He thought the pizza tasted weird, but seeing that the children liked it, he ate a lot of it without realizing it.

Finally, everyone walked out of the restaurant with their stomachs full. Because the children are young, and besides, there are only two of her and the old dean now. The old dean is old and can’t care too much. He is afraid that the children will get separated, so he doesn’t dare to hang out outside much, so he goes back. Orphanage, give children haircuts at a barber shop near the orphanage.

Mo Jinxi touched her bangs, which had grown so long that they covered her eyebrows, and said to the barber, "Cut it shorter, just like this."

Mo Jinxi made gestures.

"Isn't that a haircut?" the barber said with a smile. Seeing how cute Mo Jinxi looked, he liked it very much. "How can children get such a haircut nowadays? Besides, it's winter, and the hair is too short and gets blown by the wind. It’s also cold.”

Lin Chu also thought Mo Jinxi's original hairstyle was quite cute, like a small watermelon head, with soft, slightly brown hair.

"If your hair is short, you won't need to have a haircut for a long time." Mo Jinxi glanced at Lin Chu secretly and immediately looked away, "Chuchu, Chuchu works very hard."

The old dean told him that Chuchu would be responsible for his future tuition fees and other expenses.

He knew that Chuchu rented a house outside and worked hard. Although he didn't know how much money Chuchu earned, he rarely saw Chuchu buy anything for himself, so he was even less willing to spend more of Chuchu's money. She saves as much as she can.

He is also a man. When he grows up and can make money, he will raise Chuchu.

Lin Chu felt sorry for his sensibleness and said: "Isn't it usually the old dean who gives you haircuts? We don't go out for haircuts often. It's the Chinese New Year, and we Jinxi are so good-looking, and we need a handsome haircut. Celebrate the New Year in a spirited way. Besides, you kids don’t need to spend much to get a haircut, so don’t worry.”

Mo Jinxi took it seriously and agreed, then told the barber, "Then... Uncle, please make me look more handsome!"

The barber suppressed his laughter and agreed.