The President Mistook Him For A Canary!

Chapter 70


After watching Zhuo Shu and Ying Tongchen go in and out together for several days, the KW employees have been able to face them without changing their faces, and even set up a group to eat melons.

[The boss was in a meeting just now, and Mr. Ying made a lot of excuses to walk around outside the meeting room, secretly watching the situation in the meeting room, secretly observing.jpg]

[It's so cute woo woo woo, Mr. Ying is not as cold as he looks on the surface! He also joined our social animal tea party yesterday and complained about the boss with us.]

[Mr. Zhuo has been eating at the company these days, and of course, Mr. Ying is with him. The two have been sitting in the corner.]

[I worked the last night of overtime last night, and when I left, Mr. Ying was still doing adult night activities with Mr. Zhuo!]

[Fuck, tell me what the office night event is!]

[The melon seed bench in the front row is ready, please be sure to stimulate.]

[Hey, you have changed colors! Of course this night activity is overtime, otherwise what else could it be?]

[I don’t know if it’s because I see Renji, I always feel that the aura between the two of them is too compatible, like a two-person magnetic field, the kind that is electrified when they look at each other, and can’t tolerate others to disturb it at all. .]

[Friend, you are not alone!]

Ying Tongchen sits in the office and looks at the studio's marketing plan. This is a major problem for him. How to tap resources to maintain customers and marketing is also a knowledge.

But this is precisely the special strength.

He got up and walked to Zhuo Shu, pointed to one of the details and asked, "Do you think there is a problem here?"

Zhuo Shu looked at him seriously for a while, then gave him an incredible look: "Yes, my intuition is very sharp."

Ying Tongchen asked again: "Will it be better if I delete this?"

Zhuo Shu pondered for a moment, and said, "You don't need to delete it, there is another way to turn waste into treasure."


Zhuo Shu suddenly raised the document to cover his head, pointed to his left cheek, and gave an ambiguous look in his eyes: "Want to know?"

Ying Tongchen bent down and looked down at his left face.

When Zhuo Shu was secretly proud, the other party grabbed his face off guard, and the face blocked by the folder instantly deformed.

"Mr. Zhuo, someone is here... I'm sorry for disturbing you." Mi Shu just walked to the door and saw that the faces of the two were blocked by the documents. Step, get ready to say goodbye.

"Wait." Zhuo Shu immediately stopped her and was reborn from the devil's claws.

He threw down the document with a blank face, and while there were outsiders, he wanted revenge for both business and personal reasons, so he severely criticized Ying Tongchen: "I can't understand such a thing, it seems that I have to teach it well. You are gone, wait for me in the lounge and see how I clean up you."

Mi Shu immediately understood: "Okay, I'll go prepare daily necessities right away."

Ying Tongchen: "..."

Mi Shu quickly fled the scene and closed the doors and windows intimately.

Ying Tongchen picked up the document and smashed it on Zhuoshu's head.

Zhuoshu showed a painful and happy smile, and told him the solution little by little on the bed.

He found that this method is really good!

While Ying Tongchen is cooperating extraordinarily, he is also a little bit ruthless, and the occasional gnashing of teeth is really exciting. Hope is soaring.

I just like the way you don't like me and I want to be fucked.

Zhuo Shu: (*^▽^*)

At dinner time, the two went directly to the dining hall.

As soon as I sat down on the seat, I found something unusual around me.

The whole cafeteria, the seats in the middle are spacious, bright and convenient, but it is empty today.

Instead, there were people sitting in the corners all around, the food on the plate was almost wiped out, and the conversation was a few degrees higher than usual, but after listening carefully, I found that they seemed to be speaking birdsong.

“%… Y&#@¥”

Ying Tongchen: "..."

Zhuo Shu always felt that there were countless lines of sight behind him. When he looked back, he saw that they were talking loudly with others, and the volume was higher.

“%… Y&#@!”

"Let's eat quickly." Ying Tongchen had just finished speaking, when he found that the conversation around him suddenly became much quieter, so he tentatively said, "I'll stay tonight..."

The entire dining hall was suddenly quiet.

All pricked up their ears.

"Stay here to help you supervise their overtime work." Ying Tongchen wrote lightly.

"Okay, let's see who added the last night tonight. It must be because the efficiency is not high enough to add so late. Then I have to think about whether I can let her get promoted." Zhuo Shu said seriously.

The crowd dispersed and ran back to work overtime without looking back.

Ying Tongchen turned his head to look at their backs, looked at Zhuo Shu for a moment, and laughed at the same time.

Zhuo Shu found out that Ying Tongchen would go to the tea room to chat with the employees one day. He sneaked Mi Shu into the office and asked, "What are they talking about every day?"

Mi Shu glanced in the direction of the pantry, and vaguely heard several female colleagues calling Mr. Ying, followed by a series of laughter.

She glanced at the boss's gloomy look again, and said, "They are talking to Mr. Ying about you."

"Talk about me?" Zhuo Shu was stunned for a while, then raised his chin subconsciously, "What did we talk about?"

Mi Shu continued to fudge: "They praised you for being swift and resolute, being decisive in your actions, being decisive and capable, and reaching maturity with practice, with more success than failure—" She suddenly stopped.

Zhuo Shu: "?"

Mi Shu hurriedly changed her words: "Oh, I made a mistake in my statement. They didn't say it if success is not enough." It was your boyfriend who said it.

Zhuo Shu's complexion improved, and his face was stern again: "They are not right."

Mi Shu was startled and asked with a guilty conscience, "What's wrong?"

"They didn't say that I was suave." Zhuo Shu sighed to himself, "Could it be that my handsome appearance has been completely overshadowed by my talent?"

Mi Shu: …

You wake up!

No matter how handsome a capitalist has been in front of him for a long time, he is just a walking money machine! Don't get emotional!

Zhuosang asked expectantly, "What about Tongchen, what did he say?"

"He thinks his colleagues are right!" Mi Shu continued to make up the story without blushing and heartbeat. "He also said that you are the most perfect man he has ever seen. The only flaw is that you have no flaws."

"Well." Zhuo Shu waved his hand calmly, "Go back to work."

Mi Shu said her goodbye gracefully, and as soon as she walked out the door, she heard the sound of tap dancing in the room.


Before long, the secretariat staff received a secret work assignment.

Several people look at me and I look at you, all showing a look of daze and disgust.

"Have you seen the notice? Do you want us to praise Mr. Zhuo every day?"

"You have to take care of both inside and outside, and praise both beauty and talent?"

"Does this task count as a KPI?"

Only Mi Shu was able to break through the world, and said with no desire and no desire: "Just do it, don't guess the boss's mind, you can't understand it even if you guess."

Although she could guess with the hair of her hair what the boss intended, she couldn't say.

She is only a baby in her twenties, why should she endure so much!

So, for the next two days, Ying Tongchen always heard rainbow farts from all directions.

When he walked to the tea room, everyone in the social animal tea party was already sitting on one side, ready to go.

Ying Tongchen took the water, sat down on the other side, and the Tucao Conference started now.

An employee opposite said: "I can work overtime again tonight! Happy!"

"?" Ying Tongchen saw her showing a very unwilling smile, and asked curiously, "Are you happy working overtime?"

"Of course I'm happy." The employee smirked, "Gossip is precious, and life is more expensive. If it's because of overtime, both can be thrown away. I love work, and work makes me happy. ."

Ying Tongchen: "?"

According to the procedure, isn't it time to insult the boss at this point? Go to the wrong channel, isn't this our Tucao conference

Another continued: "Thank you, Mr. Zhuo, for giving us the opportunity to work overtime. I can't repay this great kindness. Even if I'm a ghost, I won't forget him!"

Listening to the weird, Ying Tongchen said, "So do you hate him?"

The last person firmly said: "We don't hate Mr. Zhuo at all, Mr. Zhuo is my guiding light!" The lamp leading to Huangquan Road, "Maybe you think this will be cruel, but some people will call it love, strictness Love!"

Others echoed: "Toughlove."

Ying Tongchen: ... how come you still sing.

Ying Tongchen and Zhuo Shu went to the cafeteria for dinner. Halfway through the meal, several employees passed by with plates of leftovers and said to their table, "Mr. Zhuo, what a coincidence, are you here to eat in person?"

"As expected of our President Zhuo, we must lead by example in everything! You can do whatever you want, and you will be the first to work overtime until dawn."

"Mr. Zhuo's beauty today has also arrived! He is so handsome and radiant that he almost blinded my unseen eyes."

"I'm not bragging, I've never seen a man more handsome than Mr. Zhuo."

Zhuo Shu was blown away by this rainbow fart, especially in front of Ying Tongchen, his heart was full of excitement, his face was even more serious, and he said solemnly: "Although there is no one more handsome than me, Mr. Ying always Can you equalize with me?"

Employees: "Yes, Mr. Ying is also great!"

Ying Tongchen: "..."

Ying Tongchen suddenly felt that he could graduate early on this study trip.

With the annual holiday approaching, Ying Tongchen got up early in the morning, and the old man had already prepared breakfast outside.

Due to the purchase of shares in Lu Zongcai and Gao Dao, the new house that had just moved in was taken out as a mortgage. Then there is no need to arrange the house properly, simply come to the old man's house to borrow it, and still be able to eat.

After breakfast, he hurried to Zhuoshu's company.

But on the way, I received a temporary call from Lu Zongcai, and quickly returned to Yanyu Studio to go through the share transfer procedures with the two of them.

We had a meal together at noon, and then went back to the studio to continue working for a while before sending the two to the car.

Lu Zongcai smiled and said, "Secretary and Amy are very familiar with our work and business. If you are unfamiliar, you can contact them. When we develop abroad, we will come to you to cooperate."

"Okay, this day won't be far away." Ying Tongchen smiled, "Go slowly, I wish you a Happy New Year in advance."

After watching the car leave, he turned around and wanted to go back to the studio, but saw a desolate and lonely figure in the front right.

A girl in the class.

After a while, I saw the girl squatting down on the side of the road, her shoulders shaking slightly.

Ying Tongchen strode up in front of her and said, "Wu Ming, why are you here?"

Wu Ming raised his head, his eyes were red, and there were two lines of tears hanging on his face.

Seeing that it was Ying Tongchen, he burst out crying, hugging his leg and crying: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooo, teacher Ying, my parents went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, I heard them secretly say divorce last night, woohoo Woohoo I don't want them to divorce."

This matter touched the blind spot of Ying Tongchen, after all, he himself was very happy that his parents divorced.

Just when he was silent, he found that the passers-by around him looked at him wrong.

He looked down at the postures of the two of them. The female student hugged her leg and cried, crying like a pig, but she didn't make any movement, like a scumbag who deceived the girl...

"Don't cry yet." Ying Tongchen reassured and handed over a few tissues, "Do you want to find them?"

"Look." Wu Ming wiped his tears with a paper and blew his nose, and crushed the ants at his feet. "I want to ask, why are you secretly hiding from me, do you look down on me?"

In the evening, Zhuo Shu, who had held several meetings, returned to the office and found that Ying Tongchen's desk had not moved at all, and asked Mi Shu, "Tongchen went to the tea room again?"

"No, Mr. Ying didn't come to the company for a day." Mi Shu said.

"Didn't come?" Zhuo Shu paused, took out his mobile phone and glanced at the news, and there was nothing unread, so he took the initiative to call the other party.

After ringing several times, the other side picked it up in a hurry: "What's the matter?"

Zhuo Shu asked, "Where are you?"

"I'm at the Civil Affairs Bureau." After Ying Tongchen finished speaking, he saw Wu Ming rushing in to look for someone, and hurriedly followed, "Don't say anything, I'll go first."

beep —

Zhuoshu's mobile phone fell to the ground with a "pop".

Mi Shu's eyes widened silently. Looking at the boss who looked gloomy after answering the phone, a terrible guess suddenly appeared in his mind - Mr. Ying finally put a cuckold on Mr. Zhuo? !

So exciting, I love it!

Mi Shu made a sound of eating melons: "Mr. Zhuo, what's the matter with you?"

Say something unhappy to make everyone happy.

Zhuo Shu was stunned for a long time before he bent down to pick up the phone, and turned around to look at her stiffly.

I don't know what to think, but the calm eyes suddenly ignited two clusters of small flames.

Civil Affairs Bureau...

Ying Tongchen is actually in the Civil Affairs Bureau...

Didn't show up in the company all day, actually spent a day in the Civil Affairs Bureau

What does this mean

Zhuo Shu walked back and forth in the same place, sighing up to the sky for a while, and secretly clenching his fists for a while.

"Boss..." Mi Shu was so frightened, "be sober, don't race away, you can't beat the ants."

Zhuo Shu suddenly turned around and pointed in her direction: "I understand, I understand everything."

"What do you understand?"

Zhuo Shu firmly said: "He is implying me - he wants me to accompany him to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Mi Shu asked weakly, "Really?"

Then her boyfriend often said that he wanted to see the Terracotta Warriors. Do you want her to become a famous attraction with him in the future

It's over, her partner also likes to watch tomb robbers and Shaolin Temple!

"It must be so, you still don't understand the minds of men, especially for people like Tongchen who always like to hide their emotions, you can't take the problem too simple. When it comes to the Civil Affairs Bureau at this time, there must be something special. hint." Zhuo Shu said.

Mi Shu: No! I just don't understand your straight gay mind!

"Since I already know what he really thinks, naturally I can't let him down." Zhuo Shu took a deep breath, looked at the sunset outside the window, and said solemnly, "So, I have decided, I want to marry."