The Price of Marriage: Mysterious Husband Good Physical Strength

Chapter 115: A figure that shouldn't appear


I clearly saw that Duan Chengxuan was standing on the grass not far away from us, squinting at us, his mouth almost closed into a line.

Compared to his usual appearance, my current state is what worries me the most. I don't know if Duan Chengxuan has heard what Duan Qiao and I have just said.

Otherwise, it would really become a bloody existence!

People who have always wanted to trip Duanqiao, can't they really let people get through the difficulties now

But I still wanted to show a calm look, so I took a step forward and asked Duan Chengxuan if everything had been dealt with.

Hearing the serious things I asked about, Duan Chengxuan's usual joking manner, now he has also cleaned up a bit.

He told me that the doctor's helicopter could land immediately, but Zeng Sicheng's condition still cannot be underestimated. Except for some dirty parts on his body, there are not many problems at all, but he is still in a coma.

In fact, when I talked about Zeng Sicheng’s things, my heart was not at ease. In any case, when Duan Qiao did that thing, he still thought of me in his heart. If he didn’t take my thoughts too seriously, I believe he would not. Will do something like this.

Therefore, I immediately shifted the topic, and started asking him if the things on the island could continue to be used, and I was most concerned about IP video production, if I could continue it well.

But the answer is obviously ambiguous.

Everyone knows in their hearts how important Zeng Sicheng is. If something happens to her, I am afraid that this IP project will be a trivial matter.

"You should worry about serious things, what about Zeng Sicheng, that is her own good fortune!"

Duan Qiao, who was always by the side, suddenly made a sound, and his body was still stuck in the middle of my Duan Chengxuan, consciously separating the two of us.

Seeing Duan Qiao who returned to normal in an instant, not only Duan Chengxuan was a little bit dumbfounded, but even I didn't know what to say, and found it very funny.

Immediately afterwards, Duan Chengxuan also left without knowing the current affairs, and was busy preparing for the follow-up work.

I don't know why, looking at Duan Chengxuan's busy figure, I don't know why I feel warm in my heart.

However, there is nothing to say in the busy schedule. It is the most important thing to leave early.

When we can sit safely in the office, the fear in me will not disappear for a long time.

After returning to City A, Zeng Sicheng's father used almost the best medical treatment, but he still couldn't change her state. He lay in the hospital all day, not knowing when he was headed.

After a long period of recovery, I still haven't been able to let go of Zeng Sicheng's affairs, and can only look forward to her awakening every day.

I followed this incident and successfully returned to work in the company, far away from the old witch at home.

It's just that the thing I discovered earlier came to an end because of panic.

In the early morning of a new day, the sun shines on my desk, reflecting signs of life.

While I was fiddling with the green plants on the table, there was mixed news from the hospital.

In the morning, Zeng Sicheng woke up from the ward and clamored to see Duan Qiao.

The father who loves his daughter has no choice but to throw away his old face and personally visit Duan Qiao to go there.

As the chief secretary, I naturally have to go with me. I don’t know what it will be like in a while!

Seeing Duan Qiao's helpless face in the car, there is no other way except to hold his palm tightly.

The moment I got off the bus, I heard Zeng Sicheng's father gently leaning in Duan Qiao's ear and said that he was a baby girl like Zeng Sicheng again. I hope Duan Qiao can think about it.

Everyone with a discerning eye knows what this means. As early as when my Duan Qiao was together, Zeng Sicheng led his father to provoke him.

It's just that with their strength at the time, Duan Qiao couldn't help it at all.

If it weren't for Feng Shui's turn, we might not have reached such a situation. Looking at the forbearing Duan Qiao, I was also helpless, so I could only follow behind.

However, at the moment of entering the door, I don't know why, I always feel that someone is following behind me. The familiar feeling is really unacceptable.

But when I turned around, there was no shadow. Only a car that looked familiar was parked far away when the inpatient department entered.

There is no time to think about anything, just leave.

"long time no see!"

Almost the moment I entered the door, a familiar face appeared in front of me in an instant.

And what he said was not sure for whom, anyway, it was ambiguous.

The appearance of Lin Changfeng is undoubtedly a devastating threat to Duan Qiao's mood.

Just as I thought, when Duan Qian's eyes fell on the opponent, the blue veins on his forehead and arms had already exploded a lot.

Seeing that the matter was about to reach an irreparable state, Zeng Sicheng's father hurriedly maintained the development in it.

Introduce to us that Lin Changfeng is an important partner of their family and also the main copyright owner of IP. Like us, I also came to see Zeng Sicheng.

Everyone will still be on business in the future, and there is no need to do any indifferent fights, so I quietly held Duan Qiao's hand from below to stabilize his emotions.

Under my constant comfort, Duan Qiao was finally able to sit with Lin Changfeng.

Looking at Zeng Sicheng, who was ill and weak, the guilt in my heart became stronger. I didn't even know what I should do. I only knew that Duan Qiao could not exist.

Suddenly, Duan Qiao stood up from his position, moved closer to Zeng Sicheng, and asked her how she was now and if she was uncomfortable.

Seeing Duan Qiao caring about him so much, Zeng Sicheng was naturally full of joy, with a rare smile on his face.

But at the same time it also brought us a lot of problems, saying that I have something to say to Duan Qiao.

No way, under the leadership of her loving daughter's ardent father, everyone walked out happily, leaving plenty of space for the two of them to get along with each other alone.

Coupled with the fact that Zeng Sicheng's father was busy dealing with other things, I naturally came to Lin Changfeng's side.

"How is your life now? Are you comfortable when you are not with me?"

I don't know where Lin Changfeng's self-confidence came from, and he started to provoke Duan Qiao's existence as soon as he came up.

Fortunately, my character is relatively firm, so I resolutely left a blank eye, and turned around to leave.

But the moment he left, Lin Changfeng released another big move, leaving my last attention.

"Don't you wonder how Zeng Sicheng became like this?"