The Price of Marriage: Mysterious Husband Good Physical Strength

Chapter 23: Serious status


marry? In my opinion, this is obviously still a long way off, but Duan Qiao was anxiously put on the agenda again and again.

When I was with Lin Changfeng, I was urged by my parents every day, thinking about how to marry early, and I simply forgot what it was like to be in love.

After being with Duan Qiao, this feeling was made up hundreds or thousands of times. After I really planned for myself, I felt that I really should fully understand each other and see if it is the person I want to spend my life with.

"After we get married, will we two come out again?" Duan Qiao's words were repeated again and again, just waiting for my final affirmative answer.

"Well, you are not allowed to fall back on the bill, did you hear me!" I smiled and agreed.

After many times of repeated considerations, I really want to understand that after setting aside the fright and tension that I received yesterday, it is Duan Qiao, a living person, that attracts me the most.

Although he will have all kinds of bad tempers, they are still within an acceptable range. What's more, there are people around you who can often quarrel with yourself and restrain yourself. Isn't it a bad idea

In this way, Duan Qiao and I thoroughly understood each other's feelings and returned to the hotel holding hands.

A week's time, just like this, under the surprises that Duan Qiao constantly created, passed quickly.

Early in the morning, Duan Qiao urged me to get up early. He also said in a beautiful name: Today is a good day, we have to rush back to register.

"I don't have an account book, what should I do?"

When I was leaving, I remembered that the plan that came out this time informed me that I was more anxious, and I didn't bring any documents to prove my identity. If it is said that the state-owned Duanqiao self-flying plane does not require an ID card, then Duanqiao can't control the place where the Civil Affairs Bureau registers for marriage

"Don't tell me that you don't need to have an account, because China's laws are still very strict!" I finally added anxiously.

Sure enough, the problem I raised this time made Duan Qiao feel a little embarrassed, and his pretty brows immediately wrinkled, showing a slightly exaggerated worry.

"Go to Xia Yichu's house and bring out her ID card and household registration book. No matter what method you use, I will see it before this afternoon!"

Duan Qiao once again used Doraemon's omnipotent pocket to summon Lucy, the omnipotent woman, to help solve the problem.

That tone is simply not undesirable, the command directly issued by the chief, I am afraid that it is not so tough, right? I thought secretly in my heart.

Duan Qiao put down the phone and immediately said to me: "Your ID card and other issues have been resolved. Now you have no reason to delay. You only need to pray that I won't punish you severely when I go back." His eyes were familiar. The light appeared again.

My little heart was frightened by Duan Qiao in this way. There was no problem at all, but it was a miracle.

The most terrifying thing is that I am becoming more and more curious about what kind of existence Lucy is that can go to heaven and earth to be omnipotent. From my house without knowing it

Finding something is already not easy, not to mention a series of things such as queuing for registration.

I swear, if **Xi is now in front of me, I will worship her.

But on second thoughts, I will encounter such a problem sooner or later anyway. Now that Lucy has a way to help me unwittingly take out a series of household registration and other things, why not do it. So I agreed.

"Well, as long as Lucy can get it, we can go right away."

Seeing Duan Qiao's inadvertently showing his hands dancing and dancing, there was a warm flow in his heart, and his hostility turned into softness. Isn't it a better choice!

I rushed to Duan Qiao's body and wanted to hug him from the bottom of my heart. I believe that with our joint efforts, life in the future will definitely be better.

Duan Qiao also responded warmly to my hug, put me tightly on his chest, and then said to me.

"Let's go, the plane outside is coming soon!"

I just woke up and didn't even have time to eat breakfast. It seems that Duan Qiao's idea of going back and registering today must be realized. He had to hold his mouth and follow him behind him to pack away the few clothes.

On the tarmac outside the hotel, a private jet suddenly appeared. The difference from the time we came was that the plane in front of us was larger, as if we were aware of the plane inside.

"Why, do you have to fly such a big plane to go back?"

After I walked in, I found out that the plane seemed to be bigger than the one I had seen before. I immediately began to question whether Duan Qiao could handle such a large plane.

But Duan Qiao gave me a blank look and said, "What I said to you last night, it seems that you really didn't hear it at all. I really shouldn't communicate with you when you are confused in the future."

The tone and actions are like I'm sorry for how much I have done.

But then again, who told him to talk to me when I was drowsy, and not being able to hear is not my problem. I immediately returned the blank eyes he gave me just now, by the way. I politely gave one away.

"I knew I couldn't hear you, so what did you tell me? I didn't blame you for disturbing my sleep, okay!" I spit out angrily, and quickly fled Duan Qiao's side, I am afraid there will be some revenge.

The driver who drove yesterday was standing there at the door of the plane. It was just another nightmare existence. He looked at me with a strange smile on his face. The white glove on his hand was placed on the door switch, controlling The state of the door.

"Can't you let me escape your surveillance for a while?"

I firmly believe that Duan Qiao is right behind me, and I just said it without looking back.

"When you are a little more honest, I naturally won't worry about your safety every day!"

Duan Qiao also lived up to expectations. From behind me, he flashed out like a ghost, complaining like a deep-wife woman.

"Let's go!" Before I could react, Duan Qiao immediately stood shoulder to shoulder with me, grabbed my arm, and strode to the position of the hatch.


Before I had time to react, Duan Qiao dragged me into the cabin.

The same style is maintained in the same state in all the properties of Duanqiao.

The tall cabin ceiling is full of wooden decorations. There should have been a lot of seating places, replaced by comfortable leather sofas, and the noble temperament and undoubtedly exposed.

"Duan Qiao, you haven't answered my question just now. Can you fly such a big plane back?"

I still feel that the plane is a bit too big compared to yesterday, and Duan Qiao has been by my side all the time, so I don't have the slightest intention of flying the plane.

At the moment when I questioned, the feeling of ups and downs came oncoming, and the plane was launched like this!

"Now I understand that I didn't drive it by myself! What I told you last night was, get up early in the morning and someone will take us back."

Seeing me at a loss, Duan Qiao was a little triumphant.

I came to understand that the driver I saw at the cabin door just now should be the one who flew the plane this time. It turns out that he is the legendary all-rounder in civil and military.

Noisy and yelling seems to be the way we two get along nowadays, seems to be good too!

The plane flies steadily above the clouds, and occasionally it will be all wrapped in. It feels like we are in a cotton candy. The soft and sweet atmosphere makes the feeling between us better.

"Duan Qiao, what do you do if the two of us get awkward again in the future?"

On the sofa, I buried my head in Duan Qiao's arms and asked him like a baby.

"No!" The two words emphasizing the tone were sent out from Duan Qiao's mouth.

I raised my head confusedly, looked at Duan Qiao's deep eyes, and asked him, "What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is that in the future, the two of us won't be awkward, how can we use the word again?" Duan Qiao looked at me confidently, his eyes calm and calm.

Life is full of unknowns. No one can be sure what will happen the next day. Duan Qiao’s certainty is almost useless in my opinion.

"Why are you so sure? I think with your temper, there will be quarrels in the future!"

I was more sure of my own thoughts, and looked at his eyes seriously, trying to find the flaws in it, or to make him guilty or something.

Duan Qiao looked at me with aggressive gaze, immediately blindfolded my eyes, and said to me: "Because, I will not quarrel with you from the beginning, I will take the possibility of quarreling from the beginning. Sex is minimized."

The kitten with a wild nature was regained in his arms by the owner once again, watching his fluffy tentacles being harvested completely, it was really a bit unwilling.

"Buzzing..." Duan Qiao's cell phone rang again untimely, and... it happened to be right on my chest...

Duan Qiao felt the strong vibration and immediately released me from his arms, saying that he had something to deal with.

I also sat back to my seat wittily, waiting for Duan Qiao to deal with things back.

"What is it that you can't handle it?" Duan Qiao roared out with a rare instability.

(End of this chapter)