The Price of Marriage: Mysterious Husband Good Physical Strength

Chapter 82: Whose company?


My eyes were instantly attracted to the stage. Everyone wanted to see clearly who started speaking in front of Duan Qiao.

Duan Chengxuan!

Looking at the familiar figure on the stage, coupled with the sound that sounded a little familiar, I realized that it was Duan Chengxuan.

Looking at Duan Qiao standing next to me, the expression on his face also changed slightly.

No matter who it is, I don't think Duan Qiao will have such a reaction, but Duan Chengxuan's identity is really too sensitive.

Putting aside the relationship with Duan Qiao, even the name of the vice president sounds a bit surprised.

Because I know that Duan Qiao’s stepmother is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She wants her son to take the place of Duan Qiao and occupy the entire family business.

It was precisely this way that later Duan Qiao's father, forcibly forced Duan Chengxuan, a somewhat unlearned fellow, into the company managed by Duan Qiao.

"He... what's going on?"

Although I figured this out, I still feel that appearing abruptly on stage like this is not quite like Duan Chengxuan's style, much less like Duan Qiao's bottom line.

Duan Qiao, who was asked by my question, did not speak for a short time.

The weird atmosphere, mixed with unintelligible voices on stage, seemed to be trapped in a huge whirlpool, and I didn't even know what was going to happen.

"Thanks to Mr. Duan for his speech. I hope that our cooperation will be even smoother in the future. Next is the dinner time, everyone please!"

Before Duan Qiao could answer my question, Lin Changfeng, who was standing on the side, took Duan Chengxuan's microphone, and the brief speech came to an end.

When my gaze shifted to Duan Qiao again, he suddenly said to me, "Isn't it obvious? When my father came to pick up things at home at noon, I would put it down..."

While speaking, I saw the decline in Duan Qiao's eyes, and saw his unwillingness.

He really knew what Duan Qiao's father had come.

And... the father who had always intended to protect Duan Qiao before, now he started to lean towards the other side...

"Then... Then you just gave up like that?"

But I also knew that with Duan Qiao's temper and character, it was impossible to just admit defeat, so I still asked him unwillingly.

"I... do I have another choice?"

I have never seen Duan Qiao look so lonely.

After speaking, he immediately turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

From behind, it looks like a defeated wolf, against the light, against the flow of people...

As a woman from Duan Qiao, I naturally followed up with it, not to mention, my current identity is a casual "secretary".

Along the way, I almost trot. I don't know when Duan Qiao is going to go. I just followed patiently.

"Duanqiao, can you tell me clearly!"

Seeing Duan Qiao's evasion all the time, I felt uncomfortable in my heart, so I called him loudly, hoping to have a short stay.

Sure enough, hearing the sound from behind me, Duan Qiao, who was almost unable to keep up, finally stopped.

Carrying around, still leaving me behind.

"Duanqiao, don't escape, no matter what happens, I want to share with you!"

Accompanying is the most affectionate confession, I have understood since I was a child

The reason I got can finally come in handy now.

It should be the defense in my heart that was moved by my words, Duan Qiao was finally willing to talk to me about the ins and outs of what happened just now.

It turned out to be the same as I guessed.

In the beginning, Duan Qiao was taken back from abroad, relying on the foundation left by his father, coupled with the skills and talents he brought back, made Duan's film and television group become stronger and developed into a member of the entertainment giant.

Too strong, it will always arouse the jealousy of others.

No, Duan Qiao’s stepmother immediately became jealous, and brought her son back from abroad, no matter whether he had the materials or not, whether he was unlearned or not, she was directly placed in the company Duan Qiao had worked so hard to manage. in.

The purpose is to replace Duan Qiao and obtain the ultimate leadership.

"Now you finally understand why I have been standing there! When my father came, he left me to help Duan Chengxuan, so that I can inherit the family business and share it with me in the future."

Every word of Duan Qiao was said to my heart, which made me feel distressed.

Looking at the man in front of him, he seemed to have everything and he could call the wind and rain, but a dozen of them were sad, and only one of them knew.

"Then...what do you plan to do in the future?"

I was still unwilling to ask Duan Qiao, and I didn't believe it, he just gave in so easily.

The messy footsteps finally got up, Duan Qiao moved forward slowly, no longer rushing like before.

I followed and returned to the car together.

He then let go, and said to me: "Now I can only follow my father's arrangements, and the rest...only heaven will decide!"

Duan Qiao's remarks made me feel even more uncomfortable. I don't know how to restore the confidence of the man who stands upright in my heart.

Just when he wanted to say something, Duan Qiao immediately said again.

"I haven't been back to where your parents are for several days, how about I take you back to see? By the way, you can eat something!"

It turned out that Duan Qiao could also see that I had hardly eaten anything just now.

In such a stressful occasion, coupled with the busy people around Duan Qiao, there was nothing in his stomach except a few glasses of wine.


In the current state, no matter what Duan Qiao says, I will agree.

So our car quickly drove out of the parking lot, and ran away like my parents' house.

As if prepared in advance, Duan Qiao can always take out the keys of my house in his pocket.

As the key turned, the voices of parents came out.

"Why did you two come back at this time, there was no notice, there was nothing to eat at home..."

Seeing that it was Duan Qiao, the attitude of my parents suddenly became cramped, like I saw the teacher when I was a child, both loving and afraid.

"No, Duan Qiao, the two of us have already eaten a bit. Besides, isn't there still something to eat on the table?"

While I said that we had already eaten, I found the plates still on the table.

It seems that these old couples should have just eaten.

What I thought was a normal sentence fell into my parents' ears, and what a sin.

"How can Duan Qiao eat our leftovers

Let’s ask your dad to buy some food, I’ll be able to make it in a while! "

Regarding Duan Qiao's attitude, I can only say with envy, and with flattered small eyes, I don't know what to say at all.

At the critical moment, Duan Qiao came out again to decide the overall situation.

"Let's just eat something, we have indeed eaten some outside just now!"

After speaking, I just sat down in front of my dining table, looked at me with fascinating small eyes, and touched my thin lips.

"Yichu, go get the bowls and chopsticks!"

After finally getting the instructions, I immediately got into the familiar kitchen.

The familiar ones took out the bowls and chopsticks used by Duan Qiao and I, plus the rice in the pot, and we ate directly.

The talent on the table still has a warm feeling, and it is just edible.

So, in the surprised eyes of my parents, Duan Qiao and I ate happily.

Duan Qiao and I looked at each other and smiled, got up and left the dining table.

Only then did they discover that parents were still standing not far from us, looking at us embarrassedly, with cramped eyes, like children who did something wrong.

"Mom, why are you still standing here? Duan Qiao and I finally came back once, how nice to have a chat together!"

After I was full, I finally used the skills of the previous warm-up king, and smiled and pulled my parents to sit down.

"Yes, you don't need to be polite in the future. I remembered that Yichu and I hadn't come back for a long time, so I will come back and have a look first. No trouble or anything!"

After Duan Qiao was full, his mouth became a lot sweeter. Looking at the direction of my parents, an intoxicating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You two children! If you come back next time, we must tell you in advance. We will also make a lot of things, or we won't have enough to eat!"

Although my Duan Qiao has already said so, in my parents' hearts, there is still some regret. The focus of the entanglement is again on the problem just now.

With a smile on my face, I quietly felt the warmth from my family that I had never felt when I was a child.

"Uncle, is your health better?"

Duan Qiao looked at my parents in a cramped look, he should be a little embarrassed, so he immediately found a topic to open up the atmosphere, and at the same time care about my father's recovery after the operation.

Hearing the concern from Duan Qiao, the somewhat absent-minded dad just now resurrected with full blood and said to us with a smile.

"Well, it's better, now you can drink the same as before, it's not a problem at all!"

While speaking, he also amplified the tone of voice by several decibels to show us how much better I am.

Seeing that my parents are living well, I also smiled from the bottom of my heart.

And, now I am also connected.

The past events are almost over, so we can't remember them at all. The future life is the driving force for us to live.

So the unpleasant memories from the past are almost hidden in my mind.

Looking back at my parents and Duan Qiao next to me, I feel that I already have the world

Suddenly, Duan Qiao's words broke my mind.

"I have already thought about things with Yichu, and I just want to talk to you two elders when I come back this time!"

(End of this chapter)