The Price of Marriage: Mysterious Husband Good Physical Strength

Chapter 92: It's an escape from the clutches


Only in the morning, Duan Qiao's "elegant" stepmother appeared outside our bedroom.

Moreover, he also used that almost sharp voice to remind us deliberately.

It seems that what I just said with Duan Qiao, the woman outside probably heard it too!

The first thing that appeared in my mind turned out to be this.

"Okay, I'll be over."

Duan Qiao also raised his tone a little, and said to the people outside the door.

Duan Qiao, who was still around and at his disposal, now turned into a little prince who was going to "please an", I thought it was a bit ridiculous.

But I still have to respect the opinions of the elderly, so I also got up with Duan Qiao, sat on the corner of the bed, and watched Duan Qiao's dress secretly.

Duan Qiao's tall figure was reflected in the huge full-length mirror.

It made me look a bit stunned.

Under my constant gaze, Duan Qiao changed his clothes, sat down beside me, and said to me.

"You'd better go with me. After meeting them, you will go to work directly, otherwise you don't know when they will keep you!"

Also, from the situation last night, Duan Qiao’s parents didn’t treat me very well, but felt like a thorn in their eyes.

So, I nodded, changed my clothes as quickly as possible, and then left the room with the jingle sounds.

However... As soon as he opened the door, Duan Chengxuan's figure greeted him with the fastest speed.

"Brother, I hope you can have a good talk with your father in a while, and it's better to keep Yichu here!"

It was also an instant effort, and the color on Duan Qiao's face changed.

The confrontation between the two brothers started again, and I was even more embarrassed when I was in the middle.

Then Duan Qiao said to him: "Don't worry, Yichu is already your sister-in-law!"

The expression on his face became firm and decisive.

After simply handling the matter with Duan Chengxuan, Duan Qiao took me away directly and walked towards the end of the corridor.

In the dark place, it seems that, in any case, it is not as beautiful as the decoration inside, and I don't know what the aesthetics of the decoration of Duanqiao's family is.

I looked at Duan Qiao, stopped and said to him, I myself have to wait a while outside, and wait until her father has finished speaking to him alone before going in.

I always feel that things are not just that simple.

Even Duanqiao is an old fox for thousands of years, so his father can only be a big old fox.

At the beginning, Duan Qiao was still a little unwilling, afraid that I would wait at the door and something unexpected would happen.

But under my constant persistence, I finally agreed.

The heavy door was closed by Duan Qiao with his hands. Listening to the dull voice, I felt it in my heart instantly, a little uncomfortable.

Standing alone outside the door, listening to some strange noises in the corridor, I... felt a little hairy in my heart.

There are still too many ghost stories, and the weird things appeared in my mind in an instant.

I don't know how to deal with it.

"Meow meow meow…"

Similar to the sound in a horror movie, it suddenly appeared in the empty corridor.

What's the situation? How can such a voice appear in the ancestral home of Duan Qiao's family!

The cold sweat on his back came out disobediently.

But I still have to take hold of the little Jiujiu in my heart, and wait steadily at the door.

"Yichu, come to me!"

The voice of Duan Qiao's stepmother appeared behind me again and again.

I followed the sound and turned my head, and then realized that Duan Qiao's stepmother was carrying a small cat.

Dark eyes, staring at me gruntingly, and the light is not very good in the corridor, which makes people feel scared.

I just promised Duan Qiao to wait, but Duan Qiao's stepmother's face, I couldn't refute anything, so I nodded helplessly and followed away.

How could the attitude of the woman who faced us with swords and guns yesterday suddenly become so good

This is where I am helplessly curious.

Just as I was thinking, we arrived at Madam Shen Lanxin's room.

A full European style appeared before my eyes as the door opened.

At this time, I suddenly understood.

The reason why this building is decorated in European style is because of Duan Qiao's stepmother, that is, Shen Lanxin's favorite style.

Looking at Duan Qiao's father's degree of accommodation to Shen Lanxin, it is not difficult to guess that the days before Duan Qiao must have been difficult.

"How far is the matter between you and Duan Qiao?"

Suddenly, Shen Lanxin turned around, her eyes became much sharper, and she suddenly launched an "offensive" on me.

What do you mean by this? Could it be that Duan Qiao's father hasn't even told Shen Lanxin about me and Duan Qiao

Because when we first met last night, listening to what Duan Qiao's father said was all about the two of us, he already knew it.

I use the fastest reaction speed of my brain to reflect quickly.

"Auntie, Duan Qiao and I are still at the stage of getting along, and there is no plan for the future!"

If I thought there was no loophole, I said it from my mouth.

Without Duan Qiao's guard, I still can't grasp their family problems very well.

"That is to say, there is still a great possibility for you and our family Chengxuan!"

Shen Lanxin opened her eyebrows and smiled instantly, wondering if she was infected by something of ours, but she had such an idea.

He was originally a faceless person. After being re-educated by such a mother, he didn't even need to think about what Duan Chengxuan's level was.

I suddenly understood what kind of existence Duan Chengxuan's character was like.

As I struggled to think about how I should answer, a familiar voice came from outside the door, and it was also the voice of my savior.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of knocking on the door came in.

I rushed over at the fastest speed, and regardless of Shen Lanxin's strange gaze, I couldn't wait to open the door.

Sure enough, Duan Qiao appeared at the door.

"Yichu, why are you here? I just looked for you for a long time!"

Although Duan Qiao knew about the existence of Shen Lanxin in the house, Dang still did not hide his feelings for me.

**Nude show affection is such a situation.

But I was still very helpless. Looking at the opposite, I didn't know what to say. I could only use my eyes to signal the person outside, and I didn't know what to do with the things inside.

"By the way, my father said he wants to take you to see him, so let's go over now!"

Duan Qiao immediately understood what I meant, and after squeezing in a little bit from the door, he said deliberately.

Hearing the name of Duan Qiao's father, Shen Lanxin spared me from behind and completely opened the door.

With a change of expression on his face, he said to him, "It turned out to be Duan Qiao. I saw Yichu in the corridor just now, and I want to talk to him about family affairs. Since your father is looking for her, let's go first. Chat anytime!"

If the water doesn't leak, she whirls in Shen Lanxin's mouth, turning out all kinds of tricks.

After the greeting, I was taken by Duan Qiao and smoothly left the house that made me chill behind me.

"Finally came out, if I didn't come to save me, I'm afraid I would be eaten by the old witch!"

I quickly let go of the breath I had always held on my chest, and said to Duan Qiao.

In my opinion, Duan Qiao's father was just an excuse Duan Qiao brought me out, but then Duan Qiao didn't care about my intentions at all, and he still took me forward.

And still on the road, told me another shocking news.

What he said at the door of Shen Lanxin's room just now was true, and his father really wanted to see me.

If the cold hair on my back stood up in Shen Lanxin's bedroom just now, then I can only describe it as frightening.

Duan Qiao's father, in my heart, has always been a kind of magical existence, so magical that ordinary people can't desecrate it.

Looking at Duan Qiao's affirmative eyes, I can only bite the bullet and pass.

But fortunately, Shen Lanxin’s bedroom in Duan Qiao’s father’s study was far away, and there was nothing to be returned for a while, so on the way, Duan Qiao had been teaching me possible problems and prepared me psychologically.

It seems that I am not at all out of danger now.

The feeling of Longtan Tiger Cave has been lingering in my heart from the beginning when I went home with Duan Qiao.

I just hope that in the future, the lives of the two of us can live a good life!

Soon, the familiar door appeared in front of us again.

Duan Qiao gently pushed me forward and motioned me to go in first.

Due to inertia, the body was the first to hit the door, and they were easily knocked away by me...

Duan Qiao's father, who looked serious, was sitting at the tea table not far from the door.

If it weren't for the unusual look, I really thought it was just an old man of ordinary people.

"Duanqiao, you go out, I'll tell her again!"