The Prince of the World

Chapter 160: It's actually her


"In the opinion of Deputy Palace Master Yi Ming, how should we deal with them?"

Yan Li asked Minghu with a smile but not a smile. As he spoke, his eyes glanced at Xuan Min, the other deputy palace master. The other person's expression was indifferent, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

"Although these three elders were promoted by Xuanyuan Wudi, this does not prove that they are in the same group as Xuanyuan Wudi. It is better to investigate first before making a decision, so as not to unjustly accuse a good person."

The three of them were already in despair during the day, but they never expected that Minghu would jump out to fight for their injustice. They suddenly saw hope again and shouted loudly:

"Palace Master Ming is right! We have not taken refuge in Xuanyuan Wudi. We are not convinced and want to see the Palace Master!"

"That's right! We want to see the palace master!"

"Little Yanli, you have gone too far to deceive others. We must report this to the palace master!"

Looking at the three people shouting, Ming Hu showed a proud smile, and looked at Yan Li provocatively. However, what made him uncomfortable was that Yan Li did not show any signs of panic, and his expression remained calm.

But at the next moment, Yan Li suddenly changed, full of murderous intent, "I wronged you? Humph, Xuanyuan Wudi colluded with outsiders, causing my master to be injured. Afterwards, he faked the order. You didn't collude with Xuanyuan Wudi. Why did he promote you as soon as he took office?" There are so many elders who chose the three of you, who can believe that there is nothing fishy in this!"

At this point, Yan Li turned his eyes to Minghu again, "And you, these three people are obviously accomplices, and you still speak for them, are you an accomplice?"

"Nonsense, how could I be an accomplice! No one here knows that Xuanyuan Wudi and I have conflicts!" Minghu sneered.

"Perhaps this is a bitter plot that you two co-acted? Or maybe you don't like me and want to sit in this position too!"

"I don't!"

"You have no reason to speak for those three people!"

"I just can't bear to see you acting hastily!"

"Acting hastily?" Yan Li smiled again, with a strange smile. "Minghu, let me ask you, can you guarantee that the three of them did not collude with Xuanyuan Wudi?"

"This...?" Minghu was speechless for a moment.

"Since you can't guarantee it, just shut up! Otherwise, don't blame me for punishing you for harboring Xuanyuan Wudi's comrades!"

"… you… !"

Minghu's face flushed. He didn't expect Yan Li's words to be so sharp and sharp, forcing him into a blind corner.

Yan Li glanced at Ming Hu disdainfully, "It seems you can't guarantee it! In that case! Put these three people in prison and interrogate them strictly, without making any mistakes!"

"take away!"

Yuan Changfeng waved his hand, and the law enforcement disciples stepped forward and escorted the three people away in Baiwei.

"In order to carry out a task assigned to me by Master, I will be away for a period of time. When I am no longer here, Lin Jingyun will exercise the power of the palace master, with elders Yuan Changfeng and Yin Changkong assisting me! Do you have any objections? !”

… …

After the elders' meeting, Yuan Changfeng personally led the law enforcement disciples to capture Xuanyuan Wudi's gang members, while Yan Li started a conspiracy with Lin Jingyun.

Returning to the courtyard of the elite disciples, Yan Li was quite worried and felt more and more pressed for time. He learned from Lin Jingyun that the Holy Sect would take action in a year.

The Holy Sect, which has been recuperating for thousands of years, is powerful and has many masters. With one move, it took over one-tenth of the territory of Dayun Kingdom with lightning speed.

Then began a battle that lasted for ten years.

Although Dayun Kingdom won the victory in the end, its vitality was severely damaged. In the end, the loophole was taken advantage of by the Qin Kingdom and Zhou Dynasty. The two countries' coalition forces intended to annex Dayun Kingdom.

Fortunately, the whole country resisted to the death and barely blocked the two countries' attacks. However, in the end they had to cede territory and pay compensation, and the national power was greatly reduced.

Yan Li has decided that after finding the Ice Fox this time, he will return to the imperial capital and kill the rebellion of the Holy Sect in his womb.

"Uncle Wu!"

"My subordinate is here!"

"I will return to the imperial capital in a while, and I order you to take the guards at the foot of the mountain to return first!"


… …

On the second day, Yan Li and Uncle Wu set out to leave the Great Wilderness Palace at the same time, but they went in opposite directions.

The Xuan Bing Han Territory is not within the territory of Dayun Kingdom, but in the Great Zhou Kingdom. In the secret realm of Tianxu, the prince Yu Wenkai of the Great Zhou Kingdom died in his hands.

Although no one except Yu Xiaoxiao knew about it, the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty would definitely investigate the cause of his death, and they might not be suspicious of him in the end. Therefore, it was still quite dangerous to go to the Xuanbing Cold Territory.

Thinking of this, the appearance of the girl Yu Xiaoxiao flashed through his mind. Back in the secret territory of Tianxu, this girl had been with him day and night, but she developed feelings for him, but he did not accept it. Yanli didn't even know about this. What was he thinking at the beginning, he didn't want the beautiful woman who came to his door.

I wonder if I will have a chance to meet her this time when I go to the Xuan Bing Cold Territory.

After bidding farewell to Uncle Wu and others, Yan Li rose into the sky, flew through the air, and headed towards the Xuan Bing Cold Territory.

A few days later.

He had already entered the territory of the Great Zhou Kingdom, found a small town, bought some makeup products, painted the skin on his face dark, and even put a wisp of beard on his mouth.

After dressing up like this, a young boy turned into a dark-skinned young man.

According to the map, the Xuanbing Cold Territory is located in the extreme north of the Tianhuang Continent, and at the same time, it is also in the Northern Plains Province of the Great Zhou Empire.

The Beiyuan Province is vast and sparsely populated, especially in areas close to the Black Ice Region. It is rare to see a village for hundreds of miles.

At Yan Li's flying speed, it would take about five days to reach Beiyuan Province.

Five days later, he transformed into a black man and appeared in Ice City, the capital city of Beiyuan Province.

After traveling for more than ten days in a row, Yan Li felt extremely tired even with his cultivation level, so he planned to rest in Ice City for one night and set off for the Xuanbing Cold Territory tomorrow.

But after entering the Ice City, he found that everyone was talking about one thing, that is, Gongsun Yuyan, the daughter of the city lord Gongsun Tianlang, would hold a martial arts contest tomorrow to recruit a bride. Warriors under the age of thirty were eligible to participate.

Those who enter the top ten will get a high-grade magic weapon. In the end, these ten people will compete with Duan Yuyan, and the one who can defeat her may become her husband.

Yan Li found it quite interesting when he heard it. After all, in his previous life on earth, there were scenes of martial arts contests and marriage competitions in novels and TV series. This was the first time in reality, so he decided to go and experience it tomorrow.

I found an inn and booked a room. I went to the lobby, found a seat by the window and ordered food and drinks. As I started eating and drinking, some people's comments came to my ears.

"I heard that Miss Gongsun is as beautiful as a flower, she is like a fairy descending from heaven!"

"Bragging, have you seen it?"

"This is not bragging. Yesterday on the street, Miss Gongsun's sedan passed me by. A gust of wind happened to roll up the curtain of the sedan. Unfortunately, I happened to see her true face. She was so beautiful. I swear, I, Mr. Huang I have never seen such a beautiful woman!"

"Have you really seen Miss Gongsun?" A clear voice sounded.

"That's still a lie!" The man who just said he had met Gongsun Yuyan said, patting his chest and looking extremely proud.

Yan Li was slightly startled, because that crisp voice felt quite familiar to him. He turned around and saw that he couldn't help but look surprised, "It's actually her!"