The Prince Regent’s Violent Medical Consort

Chapter 10: I want revenge


Zi'an did not return to the mansion until midnight in the evening. The gate was closed and there was no doorman on duty. She sat on the stone steps and slowly fell backwards.

She had no strength left in her body. She was hungry, tired, and in pain, and she was almost falling apart.

She didn't have the strength to knock on the door again, and she knew that it wouldn't open.

Lying on the stone steps, she felt a cold touch on her back. She looked up at the starry sky. The stars were so beautiful.

The vast universe can accommodate so many things, but it cannot accommodate a life that is trying hard to survive.

"Second Miss, the eldest lady has returned and is outside. Do you want her to open the door?" the doorman asked in a low voice.

Xia Wan'er smiled coldly, "What are you talking about? Go to bed. You don't need to be on duty tonight."

The doorman knew that the eldest lady's situation was hopeless, and besides, he had not had much status in the past. As a servant, he only needed to read the faces of those in power.

"Yes, Second Miss!" the doorman responded.

Xia Wan'er laughed grimly and said to the maid beside her, "Let's go and let her sleep outside for a night."

"Miss, are you afraid of being seen tomorrow?"

"What are you afraid of? Everyone knows about today's farce. Our mansion can afford to lose this person, but she can't." After Xia Wan'er finished speaking, she walked away.

Zi'an was lying on the ground. After hearing what was said inside, she no longer had the energy to be angry or feel humiliated. She just wanted to lie down and take a deep breath.

This revenge will be taken sooner or later, so she is not in a hurry.

Thirst is the most important thing. The feeling of thirst is more unbearable than pain and tiredness.

She endured it, constantly thinking about the future.

Everything was as she expected when she entered the palace today. Prince Liang had an epileptic seizure and she didn't need to do anything, which made her feel blessed by God. However, she didn't expect that an arranged marriage would turn the situation around.

The King of Liang did not actually have a major epileptic seizure today, but a minor one before a major one. This means that in the next two or three days, he will have another seizure, and this time it will be particularly severe.

The purpose of letting the imperial physician use needles was to inform the empress that she knew acupuncture and could treat Prince Liang. In that way, when Prince Liang had another attack, the empress would order her to enter the palace.

As long as she is of use to the Queen, her life can be saved.

But now a regent has emerged and disrupted her entire plan.

If the Prime Minister wants to kill her, the Queen can save her, but if the Regent wants to kill her, who can save her? Moreover, judging from the atmosphere between the Queen and the Regent, the Regent must also hate the King of Liang. If she cures the King of Liang, will the Regent still keep her

Many days of planning were ruined in an instant.

She was tired, but she couldn't collapse. She couldn't collapse until the last moment.

Just when she was feeling tired, she heard the door open quietly, and then heard a "scratching" sound on the ground. She turned her head and saw a bowl of water and two steamed buns on the ground.

She was stunned and looked up suddenly, only to see the door closing quickly and the only thing she could see was the doorman's dodging figure.

Zi'an shed tears several times today, but whether in front of the guests or the Queen, his tears seemed fake, just to add to the effect.

However, looking at the bowl of water and the two white steamed buns, she sat up, curled up her body, and cried silently.

The doorman didn't know that his compassion would save his life and even change his entire life.

He actually planned not to work in the Prime Minister's Mansion anymore, but he had no choice but to do as his predecessors taught him and only curry favor with those in power.

Just wait, and when the two-year period of selling yourself is up, you can leave.

Zi'an drank the water, ate the steamed bun, and then put the bowl back at the door.

After eating and drinking, and resting for a while, my body finally regained some strength.

She left the mansion and went to the back door on the right.

Looking at the high wall, she took a deep breath, climbed up, and flipped over and fell down.

There was no one patrolling the backyard, especially since this was the Xiazhiyuan area, where she and her mother lived and no one would come.

On the high building opposite the prime minister's residence, a man was watching her every move with a stern expression.

Standing on the highest platform, you can overlook everything in the prime minister's mansion.

"Your Majesty, this Xia Zian seems to have some basic skills in martial arts."

The regent's eyes were stern, "Ni Rong, go investigate Xia Zian immediately to see if she has learned medical skills before."

"Medical skills? That's not surprising. Madam Xia already knows the art of medicine."

The Regent thought of Madam Xia Yuan's previous fame. Some people said that she was the most intelligent and beautiful woman since the founding of the country. She was proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, had extraordinary talent, and was also proficient in medicine, divination and astrology. She was a woman with a very clever mind. Ironically, Prime Minister Xia called Madam Xia "Mrs. Linglong" and praised her for her clever mind.

Prime Minister Xia has said this in front of others more than once.

"Yes, Madam Xia knows medicine." The Regent was thoughtful. The night wind blew, lifting his sleeves. His icy face gradually warmed up. "So, is he really sure that he can cure Axin?"

"Your Highness, this is probably impossible. The imperial physician said that acupuncture is too dangerous and even he is not proficient in it. Even if she knows medical skills, how can she treat His Royal Highness the Prince of Liang?" Ni Rong said.

Regent Murong Jie remained silent, but he had other plans in mind.

Ni Rong looked at his expression and asked tentatively, "My Lord, today the Queen said she would grant you a marriage. Do you really agree to marry this Xia Zian?"

"The Queen Mother has the right to grant a marriage for me." Murong Jie's expression suddenly turned cold and he said something ambiguous.

Ni Rong said softly: "If the prince doesn't like it, why don't I..."

He made a gesture, and his eyes suddenly became cold.

Murong Jie hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's wait and see until the decree comes down."

He would not marry Xia Zian, not because of her bad reputation, but...

Zi'an returned to Xiazhi Garden. Madam Xia had not yet gone to bed. Hearing the noise, she hurriedly ordered the maid Xiaosun to go out and open the door.

When Xiaosun saw Zi'an's face covered in blood, tears immediately came to her eyes, but she forced herself to hold them back and helped him into the house.

Mrs. Xia was also very distressed when she saw Zi'an like this, but she was used to forbearing and did not cry on the spot. However, tears welled up in her eyes and she gently hugged Zi'an, "I'm sorry, mother has implicated you."

Zi'an gently pushed her away, looked at her swollen face, and asked in a cold voice, "What's going on?"

Mrs. Xia turned away unnaturally and said, "It's okay."

Xiaosun couldn't hold back any longer and cried, "Miss, after you entered the palace, the old lady sent Cuiyu to slap the lady in the face, and she didn't stop until her mouth and nose bled."

Zi'an was filled with murderous intent and said coldly, "I won't let that old thing go."

Mrs. Xia didn't care about herself and asked Xiaosun to get hot water for Zi'an to take a bath.

Then, she cleaned Zi'an's wounds. Seeing that several of Zi'an's fingers were covered in blood, she finally couldn't help but shed two tears.

She didn't ask about Zi'an's situation in the palace today. Looking at her injuries, she knew what kind of treatment she had suffered in the palace.

Zi'an looked at her and said softly, "Mother, I'm fine. Prince Liang had an epileptic seizure and I saved him. I also told the Queen that acupuncture can save Prince Liang."

"Acupuncture?" Madam Xia frowned. "Are you really confident?"

"Don't worry, mother. I'm sure of it." Zi'an said confidently.

"You are sure," Madam Xia sat beside her, "but will the Queen let you take the risk of treating Prince Liang?"

(End of this chapter)