The Prince Regent’s Violent Medical Consort

Chapter 88: Clear distinction


Su Qing arrived before Xiao Tuo went out.

Xiao Tuo asked: "Have they all been laid out?"

"Don't worry, we have set up an ambush nearby. Once someone searches the area, we'll know about it five miles away." Su Qing said.

"That's good. I'll go out and buy something. You stay here and watch." Xiao Tuo said as he was about to go and lead the horse.

Su Qing hurriedly stopped him, "General, you should at least disguise yourself. You are attracting attention when you go in and out of the city."

"That's right!" Xiao Tuo went into the inner room, changed into a set of coarse cloth clothes, and stuck on a fake beard. This was where they used to relax, cultivate land, grow vegetables, go fishing and cook. This group of old men were rough and had no other hobbies, only these pastoral pleasures, so all the farmer's things were in the house.

By midnight, Murong Jie's body temperature continued to rise.

Zi'an gave him some medicine and then used a burning knife to wipe his body to cool him down.

Shaodaozi is the strongest liquor, about 60 degrees. Medical alcohol is 75 degrees. Although Shaodaozi is not as ideal as alcohol for wound disinfection, it is still acceptable for physical cooling.

The three of them had been guarding the bed the whole time. Zi'an was busy running around like an iron man and didn't need to sleep.

Old lime has been used in medicine in our country for a long time to disinfect, astringe, regenerate tissue and stop bleeding, but it must be used properly. Zi'an can use this simple medical theory with ease.

She ground old lime into powder, fried it, and added alum and borneol to use it for anti-inflammatory and astringent effects.

Seeing the seriousness of the situation, Su Qing asked, "Why not acupuncture?"

He always believed that acupuncture was a very advanced medical technique and that any disease could be treated through acupuncture.

After Zi'an treated the wound, he said, "In a high fever, there are only fever-reducing and anti-inflammatory drugs. Oral anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are not that effective. Acupuncture is not that effective."

In the second half of the night, Murong Jie started talking nonsense. He said a lot, but all Zian could hear was "Why is it always like this? Why?"

Because of the high fever, his face was particularly red. Zi'an kept comforting him in his ear. Su Qing brought in the medicine, but he couldn't drink it.

Zi'an touched his body temperature and it was probably around 40 degrees.

The temperature must be lowered immediately.

However, he was injured and could not soak in hot water to cool down, the medicine could not be injected, and rubbing his body with a burning knife did not work. Zi'an was extremely anxious.

Seeing her like this, Su Qing couldn't help but ask again: "Can I give you acupuncture?"

In the midst of the chaos, Zi'an took out the golden needle technique and forced himself to calm down and watch.

She only read the simplified Chinese part at the back, which contained some modern medical theories, all of which she was familiar with. The words floating before her eyes one by one seemed to be of no use.

The techniques of Jinzhen therapy are also explained in great detail in the simplified version. Zi'an was simply amazed by Jinzhen therapy's understanding and analysis of acupuncture points.

If this book were published in modern times, it would be a treasure of traditional Chinese medicine.

Of course, it is even more so here, especially in this era when traditional Chinese medicine is so backward.

Zi'an closed the Golden Needle Technique and stood up suddenly. "No acupuncture, continue to cool down physically. I will boil a new fever-reducing prescription and increase the dosage. No matter what, you have to pour it in. After that, pour hot water."

Xiao Tuo followed Zi'an's instructions and put a wet towel on his forehead, changing the towel constantly. There was well water in the yard, and the well water was icy cold, which was very effective.

The three of them got busy, trying their best to control his body temperature.

Although Xiao Tuo and Su Qing did not understand medical knowledge, they knew that if the high fever did not subside, it would be very dangerous. Therefore, no matter what Zi'an told them to do, they did it and did it very well.

Since the medicine couldn't be poured in, Zi'an held it in his mouth and gently inserted it into his mouth and through the gaps between his teeth. This was because forcibly prying open his teeth would cause him to have an unconscious resistance reaction.

After an hour, the body temperature finally slowly dropped.

Hearing that their body temperature had dropped, Su Qing and Xiao Tuo both breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that they were really exhausted, Zi An said, "The situation is more stable now. You should go to sleep first. We still have work to do tomorrow."

Xiao Tuo said: "No, you should go to sleep. I will stay here."

Xiao Tuo saw that she was really tired. He hadn't seen her have a peaceful moment in the past few days.

Zi'an shook his head, "No, I have to take another look. We can't waste time with three of us. You guys go to sleep first. After an hour, someone else will take over from me, and so on. Then the three of us can rest."

"Okay then." Xiao Tuo and Su Qing went out, and as they walked they arranged who would take over Zi'an's shift in an hour.

After the two of them went out, Zi'an checked his body temperature again and found that it was indeed slowly dropping, and his hair was slightly wet, probably because he was sweating.

It’s good to be able to sweat, and the metabolism is restored.

Zi'an let out a long sigh of relief, sat on the edge of the bed, and looked at Murong Jie's handsome face.

There was some fresh stubble on his face, which did not make him look sloppy, but rather gave him a masculine air.

She twisted a towel and wiped his face, hoping to make him feel better as his fever had subsided. Although, he did not wake up.

After wiping his face, I used a burning knife to wipe his body again. There were many scars on his body, alternating between new and old, mottled and hideous. It was impossible to imagine what kind of life he had lived.

There are also many scars on her body, but most of them are whip marks and some small wounds. These scars will fade with time.

He is afraid that won’t happen, it will follow him for the rest of his life.

He couldn't help but run his fingers over the scars and sighed quietly, "Perhaps, we all just want to live a good life. Such a request may seem easy to obtain to others, but we have to spend our whole lives chasing it."

This is true in modern times and it is also true here.

A hoarse, low voice with a hint of laziness and fatigue sounded above her, "But we are all still alive, right? This has disappointed many people."

Zi'an was stunned, and quickly withdrew his hand, raised his head and looked at him awkwardly, "Awake?"

"She woke up before you gave her the medicine, but she couldn't open her eyes." Murong Jie looked at her with deep eyes.

Zi'an was a little embarrassed, "You have a high fever and I can't pry your mouth open, so I can only feed you medicine this way."

"No need to explain, you are a doctor." Murong Jie looked around, "Where is Xiao Tuo?"

"Let him go to sleep. He is very tired. He will replace me later." Zi'an put the towel back into the basin, which was filled with strong liquor.

The aroma of wine wafts faintly into the air.

Murong Jie took a deep breath and said, "Give me one."

Zi'an groaned and said seriously, "No, you can't drink even a drop of alcohol until your injury is healed."

"Just a small sip!" He missed the choking feeling in his throat.

"No!" Zi'an moved the basin farther away, "I'll give you some when you're better."

"I don't need to ask you for help when I am well."

Zi'an was stunned for a moment. Yes, after he recovered, he would be the high and mighty Regent, and she would still be the unfavored daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The two are clearly distinguished!

(End of this chapter)