The Prince Regent’s Violent Medical Consort

Chapter 94: Yuan meets Prince An


Prime Minister Xia recalled that her original personality was so quiet and she didn't like to talk. Only when she talked about her work would her eyes light up.

So, he asked, "Have you been painting recently? Do you have any works for me to enjoy?"

Yuan curled her lips lightly, "I haven't painted for a long time, and I don't have any works for you to appreciate."

"That's such a pity." Prime Minister Xia looked at her and said absentmindedly.

Yuan said nothing, holding a cup of tea in her hand. Her white fingertips touched the edge of the cup and she was trembling slightly.

Prime Minister Xia also saw it, but he thought that she was trembling slightly because she was so happy about his sudden visit.

Little did people know that Yuan was actually using all his strength to control his hatred for his daughter's murder.

Prime Minister Xia felt that Yuan must still have feelings for him, so he said, "By the way, you and Prince An were old acquaintances. It has been a long time since you last visited him. Do you miss this old friend?"

Yuan raised her eyes and looked at him steadily, "Hmm?"

Prime Minister Xia waved his hand and said with a smile, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not doubting anything. Prince An and I were once good friends, but I had a little unpleasantness with him a few days ago, and I couldn't bring myself to apologize to him. I thought, if you are willing, why don't you go to Prince An's mansion and apologize to him on my behalf."

Yuan nodded: "Okay!"

Prime Minister Xia couldn't believe his ears. He looked at Yuan and said, "You didn't hear it clearly, did you?"

"The Prime Minister asked me to apologize to Prince An for your recklessness a few days ago." Yuan repeated in a very calm tone.

"You're willing to go?"


Prime Minister Xia prepared a lot of arguments to persuade her to go, because according to his previous understanding of her, she was a very stubborn person and rarely apologized to others.

He mobilized her to meet Prince An because he needed to win over Prince An. Now that the Empress Dowager was in hiding, the Grand Tutor had sent someone to pass on a message, saying that he wanted to win the support of other royal family members for the Crown Prince. Therefore, he used Yuan as bait to win over Prince An.

In the royal family, in addition to Prince An, there are several other princes who respect Yuan very much. As long as Yuan can take the first step, the rest of the things will be much simpler.

However, he did not expect that Yuan would agree so quickly.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable. Although he hoped that Yuan would agree, she should not agree so quickly. She should act very reluctantly and unwillingly, because Prince An was someone who had liked her before and still liked her now. If the two of them met, it would cause gossip. She should raise this point to him carefully and ask him not to suspect that she had ulterior motives.

"I will not go with you to see Prince An. Are you really willing to go?" Prime Minister Xia did not give up and asked again.

Yuan looked at him and thought his question was a little strange, so she looked at him and asked, "Can I not go because of the prime minister's order?"

Prime Minister Xia could not find any fault with this answer. He stared at Yuan in a daze. Her face was calm and there was no light in her eyes, as if she was saying something very ordinary.

He thought for a moment and asked tentatively, "Are you unwilling? If you are unwilling, you can refuse."

Yuan didn't even think about it and said directly: "Okay, then I refuse. I don't want to go out."

She hasn't been out for a long time and has lost interest in the outside world.

Prime Minister Xia was startled again, then waved his hand, "Forget it, you should go. After all, I can't bring myself to apologize to him, and he is very stubborn and arrogant. If you go, he will at least consider your face and not bother with me."

Yuan sat still, "Okay, I'll go then."

Prime Minister Xia pulled his chair closer, looked at her, and said softly, "When you see him, tell him that you admire the prince."

Yuan shook her head, "I don't admire the prince."

Prime Minister Xia frowned and said, "No one cares whether you appreciate it or not. I just want you to say this in front of him."

Yuan raised her chin slightly, "If you insist, I will tell you."

Prime Minister Xia smiled and said, "Okay, then when is a convenient time for you to go? I will arrange for someone to take you there, and I will let Xia Quan accompany you."

"Right now." Yuan said calmly.

Prime Minister Xia stood up immediately. This was exactly what he wanted, because the situation was now urgent and they had to buy time to prevent Prince Nan Huai from returning and causing trouble again.

"I have ordered someone to prepare the carriage, and you should also dress up." After Prime Minister Xia said this, he turned and left.

Yuan looked at his back and stood up as well.

Nanny Yang came over and asked, "Madam, are you really going?"

"Yes." Yuan replied, went into the inner room, sat in front of the dressing table, and looked at her lifeless face in the mirror.

"I think that Madam should not go." Nanny Yang was very disappointed with Yuan. Couldn't she understand what Prime Minister Xia meant

Could it be that she was just like those women, harboring delusions, thinking that Prime Minister Xia would come back and reconcile with her? If so, she was totally wrong, and it would ruin the eldest lady's plans.

Yuan picked up the comb and combed her hair in front of the mirror. Then, she said, "Throw away everything the Prime Minister brought over just now."

Nanny Yang was startled, and looking at her face that suddenly became very cold, she immediately understood that she wanted to see Prince An, not because of Prime Minister Xia's order, but because she wanted to see Prince An.

Very good, Prince An is indeed a very good backer. Now that the Regent is dead, the eldest lady should also have a backer.

I think this was Yuan's plan for her daughter.

Nanny Yang stepped forward and took the comb, "Let this servant serve the Madam."


"How would you like to dress, Madam?" asked Nanny Yang.

"Just don't look too rude." Yuan said.

Nanny Yang was the one who served the Empress, so her deft hands were beyond doubt. In just a moment, she had a dignified and elegant look. A Baibao Ruyi hairpin was inserted diagonally on her fallen horse bun, and she wore jade earrings of the same color. The red coral bracelet made her wrists look particularly white.

As always, she wore blue clothes. When Nanny Yang opened her closet, she found that her clothes were mostly blue and white. Recalling that every time she saw Prince An, in addition to wearing court robes, he also wore mostly blue and white clothes.

There were people in the Qing Dynasty, but they were unable to marry, which is somewhat regrettable.

Xia Quan personally drove the carriage to take Yuan to Prince An's Palace, but on the way, Yuan said, "You should go to the Prince Regent's Palace. The prince is probably in the Prince Regent's Palace now."

Xia Quan thought she had other plans, and said calmly, "Madam, the Prime Minister only ordered me to take you to Prince An's mansion."

Yuan let down the curtain and said nothing more.

When we arrived at Prince An's Palace, we were told that Prince An was now in the Regent's Palace.

Xia Quan glanced at Yuan and found her face strangely calm. He remembered the Prime Minister's instructions before he left, that he must keep a close eye on Yuan and be present to listen when she talked to Prince An.

Xia Quan believed that the Prime Minister must have known that Yuan would play tricks, so he became a little more arrogant towards Yuan. "It seems that Madam knows the whereabouts of the prince very well."

(End of this chapter)