The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 1


The historical drama Princess Huazhao came to a successful conclusion, and the ratings of the finale broke 2 in double network and 3 in single network

Princess Huazhao's tear-jerking cut collection, the fierce red dress is shining brightly

This year's well-deserved topical work, the behind-the-scenes footage of the phenomenal drama Princess Huazhao is here, and the director & producer reveals the fun facts about the filming

"Xing Fei, the live broadcast is about to start in five minutes, you adjust your status, the fans are waiting for you."

In the break room, the agent directed the photography team to adjust the camera and lighting, and at the same time asked the makeup assistant to help the artist re-arrange the makeup and hair.

Cheng Xingfei sat gracefully on the sofa, and on the coffee table in front of her was the script of the live broadcast, which she had already memorized by heart.

She looked up at her manager, and nodded lightly: "Miss P, don't worry, we have gone through the script several times, and I won't lose the chain."

Cheng Xingfei debuted as a ten-year-old child star, and this year happens to be his tenth year. She grew up under the eyes of the audience. She has good acting skills and a humble personality. She is the most popular among the audience in this generation of Xiaohua.

Last year, Cheng Xingfei's contract with his former company expired, so he jumped to this "Fengyin Entertainment". The boss of this brokerage company is Miss P, one of the best female brokers in the circle. The contract that Miss P gave her is quite satisfactory, but there is a special preferential treatment: Cheng Xingfei can have "one vote to decide", that is to say, if a drama company wants to Let her take it, if she doesn't want to take it, then she can refuse; if a drama company is not optimistic about it, but she likes it, she can take it.

And Cheng Xingfei took advantage of this "one-vote right" to receive the drama Princess Hua Zhao.

You must know that this kind of historical drama is the most difficult to film. If there is any mistake, historians will scold you bloody.

In history, Princess Huazhao has mixed reputation and reputation. She was savage by nature, and relying on the emperor's favor, she did countless absurd things, which aroused the people's complaints; but it was this savage and willful princess who confused the enemy with a red dress when the Xiongnu went south and destroyed the country and slaughtered the city. Army, and finally won the chance to escape for tens of thousands of people in the capital.

In the end, Princess Hua Zhao jumped off the city wall and committed suicide before the iron hoof of the Hun general.

This character is complex and contradictory, with both the arrogance of a princess and the tragedy of a hero. Her life was only twenty years short. She was unmarried and left no heirs. There were only a few thin pages and a few strokes in the history books, and a portrait in red unearthed in the tomb.

The woman in the portrait is bright and charming, her smile is as bright as the sun, and she is 70% similar to Cheng Xingfei

Therefore, after the director got the script, he immediately sent it to Fengyin Entertainment.

Miss P does not agree with Cheng Xingfei's acceptance of this project.

Yu Gong, the shooting cycle of historical dramas is long, and the post-production cycle is longer. It is easy to make mistakes. A drama has been suppressed for several years, and the artist's time cannot afford to be delayed. Moreover, although this story is named after a character, it is essentially a historical drama. It cuts in from a female perspective and tells the rise and fall of a dynasty in the past twenty years. For such a drama, if the ratings are not satisfactory, the audience will not say that the director and screenwriter are bad, but that Cheng Xingfei is too bad.

How should I put it, the people in this circle more or less believe in ghosts and gods, otherwise, they wouldn't have to respect the pig's head every time they turned on the machine. Cheng Xingfei looks so similar to Princess Huazhao thousands of years ago, if she is "shame" after taking over the filming of this drama

But after Cheng Xingfei finished reading the script, he was determined to accept this drama.

She really liked the script. She doesn't want to be an ordinary traffic actor, she wants to improve her acting skills, so she naturally wants to take such a contrasting and difficult role. Princess Hua Zhao is exactly what she needs

In the end, Cheng Xingfei joined the group in a low-key manner, and with "zero exposure" for nearly ten months, he won today's top ratings

Princess Hua Zhao exploded and it was a huge explosion

Before the broadcast, no one was optimistic about such a historical drama with no emotional lines and telling the rise and fall of a dynasty from a female perspective. Even her fans complained in private about why the company accepted such a boring work for her.

But when this show was broadcast, the combination of the highly restored service, the beautiful scenes, the right plot rhythm, and Cheng Xingfei's superb acting skills made the ratings continue to rise and became a well-deserved topic masterpiece

Whether it's the streets and alleys, or Weibo Douyin, discussions about this drama are everywhere. Anyone who hasn't seen this show is totally out of date

The producer of Princess Hua Zhao struck while the iron was hot, and arranged an online live broadcast the day after the finale aired, allowing Cheng Xingfei to chat with the audience about Princess Hua Zhao.

Cheng Xingfei readily agreed.

As soon as the live broadcast room was opened, tens of thousands of viewers flooded in instantly. A few minutes later, the number of online users exceeded 100,000, and half an hour after the broadcast started, it was approaching one million

On the public screen, countless viewers showed tearful expressions, even if they were stuck and disconnected, they had to rush back firmly.

"It's so sad. After watching the finale yesterday, I didn't sleep well all night. My dream was full of the scene of Hua Zhao jumping off the city wall. When I woke up in the morning, I found tears streaming down the pillow. qaq"

"Today, I was in a daze. When I was at work, I suddenly cried in front of the computer screen, which shocked my colleagues."

"When I was watching dramas before, I had to watch the reruns again the next day, but in the end the finale tortured me to death. Hua Zhao, who was so cute in 5555, died so decisively in the end. After watching it again, I dare not repeat it. read"

"The role of Princess Hua Zhao really makes me love and hate. Sometimes I think she is an older child, and sometimes I think she is a little angel. Xing Fei played it so well."

This drama has earned a lot of word of mouth, and countless praises have swept across the public screen like a tide, expressing the audience's approval of Cheng Xingfei in every word.

Seeing these comments, Cheng Xingfei's eyes were also a little moist.

She is full of affection for this role, and recalls every bit of the filming, which is still vivid until now.

In front of the live broadcast camera, Cheng Xingfei was slightly lost in thought. The audience was keenly aware of something, and even the speed of refreshing the barrage slowed down a lot.

Woohoo, as expected, a fairy is a fairy, even in a daze is so pretty

Cheng Xingfei blinked lightly, the watery pupils shone brightly, and looked up at the camera.

After a long while, she opened her lips slightly and said softly: "Thank you fans for your support. You like Hua Zhao, and I like her very much. I can only wonder what kind of strange woman Princess Hua Zhao was in history. I imagined it from the few fragments passed down in the history books. I like her, like her ostentation, her willfulness, and even more like her courage to sacrifice herself to delay the enemy when the country is ruined and her family is destroyed."

"In the last scene before the finale, I was wearing a red dance suit and jumped off the tower. This scene was shot with an interior green screen. I was hanging a wire, and the film crew laid a thick cushion underneath. My agent People and assistants are watching me behind the camera to make sure I am 100% safe.

But the moment I jumped off, I was thinking, when Princess Huazhao jumped off the city wall, how did she feel? Would anyone be worried about her safety?"

"She is only twenty years old, the same age as I am now. But she chose to die for her country, to show her ambition by dying."

"I am very honored to be able to play such a vivid role. I wonder if my acting skills can travel through the millennium to comfort her spirit in heaven."

"It is recorded in historical materials that after the princess died in the country, the people spontaneously searched for her remains, but they couldn't find them anywhere, so they had to build a tomb for her. Sometimes I think, maybe Princess Huazhao didn't die. , she kept her name incognito, gave up her identity as a princess, and became an ordinary person; maybe" Cheng Xingfei paused, and joked, "According to the routine of the dog blood novel, she jumped off the city wall and crossed it."

She smiled, the corners of her lips raised, completely amused by her own imagination.

As a young girl, she would also read time-travel novels in her spare time to refresh her mood, and she would also support time-travel dramas filmed by her friends in the circle. Naturally, she is no stranger to the concept of wearing the past through the present.

"If possible, I hope she can be born in the same era as me."

"I think we're going to be good friends."

"Ah Choo"

In the drizzle, on the side of the Fifth Ring Road in the middle of the night, a beautiful figure hovered.

Judging from the back, it should be a tall girl. But the strange thing is that she is not wearing jeans and a T-shirt, but a whole set of red "ancient clothes".

If you get closer, you will find that this suit of clothes on her body is beautifully embroidered, with gold silk embroidered all over the skirt and cuffs, with a calm atmosphere and exquisite conception. Look at her head, neck, and hands wearing a set of jewels. Even if the street lights are dim, those jewels faintly reflect a gorgeous reflection.

Because it was very late, there was hardly a pedestrian on the road. In the night, the high-rise buildings in the distance are like steel giants, casting countless layers of huge shadows on the ground.

Occasionally, there would be a car speeding past the girl. Whenever this happened, the girl would stop and hurried to avoid it, as if seeing a car for the first time in her life.

Suddenly, a taxi with an "empty car" sign approached and stopped beside her.

The girl stopped in her tracks, looking at the taxi warily.

The driver rolled down the window. He was a middle-aged man in his fifties. He has a Chinese character face, looks simple and honest.

"Little girl, you are walking alone on the side of the road at night. Did you get lost or ran away from home after arguing with your family?"

The girl doesn't speak, she looks very beautiful, the kind of beauty that makes people unforgettable. A pair of round almond eyes were curiously looking at the taxi in front of him, and then quickly moved away.

The taxi driver asked again: "Little girl, girl, can you hear me?"

This time, the girl finally spoke: "Of course I can hear you, who are you and where are you, please report quickly."

The taxi driver's expression instantly became indescribable.

"Little girl, have you watched too many Gongdou dramas?" The driver was enthusiastic and chattered to himself, "I think you are only twenty years old, you are wearing this, this is called Hanfu, right? You are about the same age as my daughter, and she also likes to wear this kind of long-sleeved ancient costume. She went to college in other places and hasn't been home for a long time. If you go to the city, I will take you all the way without your money."


Driver: "Okay, it's rainy and cold enough, you can come up."

Even though the driver had shown so much kindness, the girl still stopped where she was, without moving.

Driver: "I'm a regular taxi, don't worry, I won't steal your money. You see, I have a camera here, it's very safe. I just want to see that you are as old as my daughter, and you look like that female star she likes." Pretty similar."

"" After a while, the girl finally said, "How do I get on this car?"


Forget it, the driver had no choice but to get out of the car and opened the rear door for this young girl who seemed to be out of her mind. The girl frowned and looked at the narrow rear seat, and finally straightened out her skirt and barely sat in.

The driver started the car, and in the drizzle night, the taxi passed through the rain curtain and set foot on the way home.

Because it was driving late at night, the driver was afraid of being sleepy, so he chatted with girls all the way. But the girl didn't know whether it was a brain problem or she had watched too many costume dramas. Her tone of voice was very strange, and her words and sentences were like ancient people's.

Moreover, many questions were answered irrelevantly, and the driver really couldn't figure out what Martian language the young people were talking about.

The driver chatted awkwardly for a while before remembering to ask the girl where she was going.

Who would have thought, the girl said in a confident tone: "You still have to send Bengong to see the emperor."


Girl: "As long as you deliver it, I will reward you a lot"

Driver: "" Why on earth would he send such a girl with a mental illness home in a moment of kindness

The driver said angrily: "Okay, okay, see your father, right?"

As soon as he turned the steering wheel, the car turned into another road.

Destination History Museum.

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