The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 10


Cheng Xingfei and Sister P searched the night markets and bar streets within a five-kilometer radius, fearing that Hua Zhao would get into trouble.

It's a pity that they were unlucky and couldn't find Hua Zhao's whereabouts.

Seeing that the time had already passed three o'clock, and the whole city was gradually falling into sleep, Cheng Xingfei's mood became more and more heavy.

Just then, they received an unexpected call.

The call was made to Ms. P's mobile phone, which was an unfamiliar number. After Ms. P picked it up, her face changed several times. First it was surprise, then joy, and then it became unspeakably weird.

After she hung up the phone, Cheng Xingfei couldn't wait to ask, "It's Hua Zhao's message."

"That's right." Sister P nodded, "You can't even guess who called. Zhuo Yi is the captain of the guard that I saw at the museum that day. He took a break today and met Hua Zhao in the alley next to the night market. .”

Cheng Xingfei had a deep impression on him, not only because of the unforgettable scar on his face, but also because of his rash attack on her when they first met.

no wait

Cheng Xingfei suddenly realized a problem: "Sister, what exactly did Zhuo Yi say on the phone just now?"

Miss P frowned: "He contacted me and said that he found the person who broke into the museum at night before, and asked us if we were interested in going to have a look. If we were not interested, he would turn her over to the police station."

Cheng Xingfei: ""

She smiled wryly.

When they met for the first time, she thought Zhuo Yi was a reckless man with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, but now she finds that this guy is shrewd.

The real reckless guy sent Hua Zhao to the police station as soon as he caught her. How could it be possible to call them openly

It seems that he has already guessed, it should be said that he has already determined that Hua Zhao and Cheng Xingfei have a relationship, and it is a very deep relationship.

The car hurried to the entrance of the alley, Cheng Xingfei didn't care about the muddy path under his feet, and walked quickly towards the depths of the alley. Miss P followed her closely.

After turning the last corner, the figure who had worried them all night appeared in front of them.

Under the street lamp, Hua Zhao sat on an upside-down cardboard box, with his hands hugging his knees, staggering from sleepiness, nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

As for Zhuo Yi who contacted them by phone, he was hiding in the shadows that the street lights couldn't reach, with a half-burned cigarette between his fingers, the cigarette butt flickered on and off, and the expression on his face couldn't be seen clearly.

What's happening here

Cheng Xingfei spoke first: "Captain Zhuo."

Zhuo Yi's thoughts were interrupted by her.

He pressed the cigarette butt against the wall, threw it on the ground, and crushed his feet again. He was astonishingly tall, and when he stepped out of the shadows, it seemed like a formidable mountain was pressing towards Cheng Xingfei.

Hua Zhao, who was dozing off with her head propped up, woke up suddenly. She quickly jumped up from the cardboard box and looked at Cheng Xingfei nervously, just like a child who dared not face her parents after making a mistake.

Hua Zhao said slowly, "You are here."

Cheng Xingfei looked at Zhuo Yi, then at her, and asked, "What's going on?"

Hua Zhao hurriedly recounted what happened.

She wanted to express herself, her natural tone was exaggerated, and she boasted: first she showed off how sharp she was, so she could find out that the two gangsters were trying to "pick up corpses"; A bastard took it down; but then something happened and the police were called in. When she fled hastily, she threw herself into a trap and ran into Zhuo Yi's hands.

After finishing speaking, she blinked her eyes and asked Cheng Xingfei, "How is it? Is this palace serious?"

She ran away from home at night without leaving a note. Cheng Xingfei was angry and worried at the same time. He forced his feverish body to rummage through the ground. Mingming Cheng Xingfei should reprimand her severely, but seeing her shining eyes begging for praise, his heart suddenly softened. The original annoyance All become invisible.

Forget it, the child did something wrong, let's educate him slowly when he goes home.

Cheng Xingfei is most concerned about her body: "You got into a fight, did you get hurt?"

Hua Zhao raised his chin: "That kind of thing, I can beat ten of them by one."

Cheng Xingfei: ""

That's right, Hua Zhao was able to escape from the guards of the museum before, and escape from the twenty-eighth floor by flying over the walls.

The only problem was that Hua Zhao's appearance was seen by those two gangsters.

Ms. P said: "The police will not believe them with just one word of mouth. Even if the media gets wind of it and asks me, I will pick you all up."

After talking about the sexual harassment, it's time for the main event.

Cheng Xingfei grabbed Hua Zhao's wrist, pulled her behind him, protected her like an old hen protecting a chick, then raised her head and looked directly at the taciturn man.

Because it was a rest period, Zhuo Yi did not wear a guard uniform. He lived near here, and he went downstairs to buy supper in the middle of the night, but he didn't expect to run into a good show. He was dressed very casually, with baggy jeans and a hurdling vest that was washed loose, and his exposed arms were tight and well-defined.

It's not an illusion that he looks aggressive.

"Captain Zhuo," Cheng Xingfei said calmly, "My younger sister is young and ignorant, she ran away from home and caused troubles everywhere, which makes you laugh."

"Your sister." Zhuo Yi said in a low voice, "The well-known actress Cheng Xingfei has a twin sister. Which media would let you go. If you had a younger sister, everyone would have been fired a long time ago."

Cheng Xingfei had already prepared a set of excuses: "My parents divorced when I was very young, and my mother took my younger sister to go abroad. We haven't seen each other for many years."

This statement is half true and half false. It is true that Cheng Xingfei's parents divorced since she was a child, and it is also true that her mother went abroad, but her mother remarried long ago and gave birth to a mixed-race baby.

Cheng Xingfei has never publicized his family affairs in the media, and now he uses this as an excuse to fool Zhuo Yi.

Who would have thought that Zhuo Yi would not be fooled at all.

Zhuo Yi: "You said that your sister just came back from abroad, so let her speak English."

Cheng Xingfei tugged at the corner of Hua Zhao's clothes, and gave her a wink. It's time to test Hua Zhao's performance in this week's cultural class.

Hua Zhao: ""

Hua Zhao panicked, what kind of magical development is this? How can papers be handed out suddenly without prior notice? What twenty-six letters has she learned this week and she hasn't memorized them yet.

Hua Zhao could only bite the bullet and force it.

First she memorized the alphabet.

Then he began to show off his dialogue ability: "Hello, yes, there is rice, three grams of oil, and An Deyou loves rice, spit."

Powerful, directly engaged in a question and answer.

Zhuo Yi said blankly: "Your sister's English is really crooked and good."

Cheng Xingfei: ""

Miss P who was standing aside couldn't bear to listen to the plastic English, so she turned her head in embarrassment.

Cheng Xingfei was still trying to find an excuse for her: "She went to a local Chinese school, and her English is not good."

Zhuo Yi: "Oh, which Chinese school still teaches climbing over walls and climbing museums in the middle of the night to cry for funerals?"

Cheng Xingfei was speechless.

Zhuo Yi raised his eyebrows, and looked up and down the two identical little faces in front of him. It's really interesting, they obviously have the same facial features and the same face shape, but there are clear and obvious differences between these two people. Especially those almond eyes, one pair full of curiosity and the other full of vigilance.

Zhuo Yi was most afraid of trouble and didn't want to go around with them, so he said directly: "Miss Cheng, you don't have to make up lies for me, I can probably guess her identity as Princess Huazhao, right? Princess Huazhao from a thousand years ago?"


Without giving them any buffer, he easily exposed Hua Zhao's identity.

At this moment, Cheng Xingfei felt like a magician who came on stage hastily, before he was skilled in the rehearsal, the sharp audience turned over his cards.

Hua Zhao was so frightened that she shrunk into a quail. She even suspected that Zhuo Yi had arranged the "seeing the injustice on the road" this time. Could there be a group of people lying in ambush in the dark of the alley, ready to rush up at any time? send her for autopsy

Miss P was also shocked. This kind of time travel usually only appears in novels or film and television dramas. It took a long time for her to accept Hua Zhao's identity. How did Zhuo Yi see it

Zhuo Yi firmly called Po Huazhao's identity, and under such calm, indifferent, but insightful eyes, they couldn't even deny it.

Everyone was silent.

Zhuo Yi took out another cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and the smoke was lingering.

He sneered: "Okay, don't make a fuss. I have been working night shift in the museum for a long time, let alone the princess who cheated on the corpse thousands of years ago. I have seen weirder things than this."

On the way home, the car was silent.

Hua Zhao sat on the back seat with a guilty conscience, keeping his eyes on his nose, his nose and his heart, and remained motionless.

She knew she was wrong, she ran out of the house without saying a word tonight, and inexplicably exposed her identity in front of Zhuo Yi, she was really weak

Miss P glanced at her and cleared her throat: "Cough, cough, Your Royal Highness, because he was afraid that you would be too lonely by himself, Xingfei took the last flight back from Yangcheng, but when he entered the house, he found that you had come from Yangcheng. Slip out of the twenty-eighth floor, Xingfei is sick, so you have nothing to say."

Sister P: "Reminder, three words, the first is right, and the third is from."

It was just a matter of pasting the correct answer on Hua Zhao's face.

Hua Zhao: ""

The little princess has never said an apology in her life. These three simple words hovered in her chest for a long time, but there seemed to be something stuck in her throat, and she couldn't speak out.

Sister P: "Or five English letters, starting with s and ending with y."

Hua Zhao still couldn't speak.

Sister P: "You can also use Japanese, Simi, by the way, you haven't studied Japanese yet."

Seeing this, Cheng Xingfei shook her head slightly to Sister P, signaling her not to push Hua Zhao too hard.

Miss P rolled her eyes and won the world's No. 1 Rolling Eyes Contest champion: "Oh, dare I become a villain." I really don't know what's going on with Cheng Xingfei, who is only twenty years old, why does he want to be a mother to others so much

Hua Zhao was so ashamed that she excused herself in a low voice: "I didn't run away from home today for no reason, and I didn't expect to be so unlucky that I ran into Zhuo Yi's hands."

But after thinking about it, either it will fall into Zhuo Yi's hands, or he will be arrested by the police. How can it be a set of propositions

"Zhuo Yi is indeed a problem." Cheng Xingfei frowned slightly. Because of her illness, her face was flushed abnormally, which made her eyes shine amazingly. "I'm afraid that Zhuo Yi will reveal Hua Zhao's existence." Get out, let's find a way to bring him into our camp."

As for the specific method, we need to study it carefully.

Taking money to keep your mouth shut is the worst of the worst.

The car moved forward in the night.

There was a faint whiteness in the sky, and the morning light emerged from the horizon, dispelling the darkness of the night.

The three of them didn't sleep all night, they were all exhausted.

After walking into the house, Hua Zhao realized how embarrassed she was. She wandered around the night market tonight and taught two gangsters a lesson. Her body was covered in ashes and blood. She felt like she just walked out of a trash can Rolled out in a circle.

Cheng Xingfei prepared a change of clothes for her and asked her to take a shower first.

Holding the soft and fragrant pajamas in Hua Zhao's arms, looking at Cheng Xingfei's tired eyes, he felt guilty wave after wave in his heart.

She didn't dare to say anything more, she lowered her head and rushed into the bathroom immediately.

The bathroom door closed with a swish, and a second before it closed tightly, a soft word floated out of the door.

"Xing Fei, I'm sorry to trouble you today."

Cheng Xingfei was taken aback for a moment, looking at the blurry figure inside through the frosted glass door of the bathroom, she smiled slightly.

"Idiot, I never blamed you."