The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 11


"Hi Captain."

"Hello, Team Zhuo."

"Good morning Captain."

One and a half hours before the museum opened, Zhuo Yi arrived at the museum on time and clocked in for work.

The museum is on duty in shifts. During the morning shift, many team members were so sleepy that they yawned. It seemed that they must have stayed up late to play games last night.

When Zhuo Yi's Hades-like face appeared in front of everyone, no matter if they were yawning, chatting, or deserting, they all stood up straight, for fear that Zhuo Yi's face would be caught by Zhuo Yan and punished to clean the toilet.

Captain Zhuo is really scary

The members of the Museum Guard are all retired soldiers. Young people in their twenties are most likely to cause trouble when they get together, but with Zhuo Yi around, they dare not even speak loudly. I was so afraid that my legs trembled.

The players gossip in private.

This one said: "I heard that Team Zhuo used to be from the Special Forces. He can catch seals in the water and beat tigers ashore."

The one said: "I heard that the Zhuo team can be promoted, but he was injured and had to retire early."

Someone else said: "Team Zhuo once defeated ten Maozi with bare hands and drank all their vodka. The scar on his face was scratched by the bear raised by Maozi."

These gossips spread wildly, but no one dared to poke in front of the person involved and take the initiative to ask for evidence.

There is no way that the scar on Zhuo Yi's face is too scary, who would dare to touch him and ask such a thing.

Zhuo Yi didn't care how the team members secretly talked about him. His only duty now was to protect the safety of the museum. The museum receives too many tourists every day, and there are endless things to deal with every day. The last time Hua Zhaoye broke into the museum, it was just a trivial matter, and some people dared to drink and smash the glass of the exhibition hall during the day Woolen cloth.

The opening hours of the museum are from 9 am to 6 pm. After get off work, Zhuo Yi can't leave directly, but has to wait until 8 pm to change shift with the next guard.

When he was about to get off work, a guard suddenly found him.

"Captain, a distinguished guest is looking for you." The guard had a weird expression and winked, as if he was constipated after eating too much dinner.

Zhuo Yi has worked in the museum for so many years, and there are very few customers who can find him. He asked, "Where are the guests?"

Guard: "It's in the back garden." After the report, it stands to reason that the guard should leave, but he couldn't help it, and asked a lot, "Captain, why don't you ask who is looking for you?"

Zhuo Yi raised his eyebrows: "Don't ask, I know who it is."

With that said, he turned and walked towards the garden behind the museum.

The guard who delivered the message was left alone in a mess in the wind. Did he read it wrong? He must have read it wrong. Did Zhuo Yan Wang laugh just now

Zhuo Yi did know who the visiting guest was.

He walked out of the back door of the museum and walked towards the quiet garden along the stone-paved path.

There is still a sunset glow in the sky, and the rest of the glow is scattered, dyeing the blue sky with layers of color. And under the rosy cloud, there is a figure gentler than Xia Ying, standing there Tingting.

"Captain Zhuo, we meet again."

It was Cheng Xingfei.

She wore a pair of light-colored T-shirts and trousers today. It was simple and comfortable. It was obviously an outfit that could be seen everywhere, but it had a special charm when worn on her.

Her long hair was scattered on her shoulders, she lightly raised her arms and rolled her hair behind her ears, then raised her eyes to look at Zhuo Yi: "Captain Zhuo, I'm here to find you, you don't look surprised at all"

Zhuo Yi's face was as deep as water, and there was no emotion on his face: "I'm surprised who said that I'm not surprised. I'm surprised that Miss Cheng is so calm that she didn't come to me until a week later."

It had been a full week since he met Hua Zhao in the alley last time. He thought that Cheng Xingfei and her manager would come to him for a "talk" as quickly as possible, but he didn't expect to wait until now.

It is estimated that this week, they have investigated his information to the bottom.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yi's eyes darkened: "Miss Cheng, as I said last time, I don't like to go around in circles. If you mobilize people to come to me, you can't just come to chat with me, right? good."

"" Cheng Xingfei wasn't angry at all. In the entertainment circle, I'm used to people who have to turn eight corners in a sentence. A straightforward personality like Zhuo Yi's is really tempered with her. "Then I'll just say it straight. Zhao's origin is a secret, and I don't want to hear rumors about her on any occasion."

Zhuo Yi raised his eyebrows.

Cheng Xingfei is actually not short, she is 1.68 meters tall, and she is much taller than 1.7 meters tall after wearing high heels. But Zhuo Yi was really too tall. His height of close to two meters made him look like a beast. When he looked down at her, it was like a giant dragon listening to a princess.

"Let me keep this secret, what price can you offer?" Zhuo Yi said slowly, "A huge sum of money that will allow me to live the rest of my life without worry."

"It's not money." Cheng Xingfei shook his head, "I will provide you with a job."


"Be my bodyguard." Cheng Xingfei spoke quickly, and said the solution that he had already thought up, "I will provide you with a salary that is enough to satisfy you. There are not many things to do and leisure. You just need to be responsible and follow me. It's good to be around."

This is the safest solution after she has thought about it in many ways. It is true that she can give Zhuo Yi a million in one go and buy him to shut up, but the money exchange will definitely leave a book record. Talking nonsense about the transfer records will only make Cheng Xingfei more passive.

So after much deliberation, she decided to recruit Zhuo Yi to her side. She is an entertainer, so it's normal to hire a bodyguard, and no one would say anything. Bodyguards for celebrities are different from bodyguards for politicians. Bodyguards for politicians really tie their heads to their waistbands and go all out with guns and live ammunition. The main job of celebrity bodyguards is to help artists block crazy fans. The job is easy and there is basically nothing to do.

She was equivalent to spending money to keep him under her nose, buying him to shut up, and buying herself to feel at ease.

She believed that if Zhuo Yi was smart enough, he would not refuse the job

Sure enough, after she made this proposal, Zhuo Yi's expression loosened a bit.

Zhuo Yi sighed: "I didn't expect you to bother so much about Princess Hua Zhao."

I don't know about that savage princess, how much Cheng Xingfei has worried about her.

Cheng Xingfei smiled: "Since I brought her home, I must be responsible for her."

She raised her eyes and looked at Zhuo Yi: "As long as you nod your head, what Captain Zhuo thinks, my agent at the museum will take care of it."

Zhuo Yi: "Wait a minute, I have one more request."

Cheng Xingfei's heart skipped a beat, worried that he would make some unreasonable demands: "Say it."

Zhuo Yi: "Although I am a private bodyguard, I require a formal labor contract, and I cannot sign a labor contract."

Cheng Xingfei: ""

Zhuo Yi: "The museum here provides me with regular five social insurance and one housing fund, and you must also provide it."

Cheng Xingfei: ""

Zhuo Yi: "How can you use this kind of eyes to see that I can only buy a house after five years of social security in Beijing. My social security cannot be cut off. If I cut off the down payment I saved, I won't be able to use it."

Cheng Xingfei: ""

What about the ruthless King Zhuo Yan who promised to go up the mountain to fight brown bears and go down to the water to catch seals

With Mrs. P playing around, Zhuo Yi quickly completed the resignation procedures at the museum.

The speed was too fast, so fast that Zhuo Yi's small team members didn't even react.

What's the matter? Zhuo Yanwang did a good job in the museum with an iron rice bowl, why did he suddenly resign

The museum is a public institution. The salary of the guards is not low, and the treatment is very good. The five insurances and one housing fund are in full, and food and housing are included. For demobilized soldiers, how many people are envious of being able to secure a hole in the Huaguo History Museum

How can Team Zhuo just leave

A well-informed person secretly shared gossip: "Do you know that a few days ago, that female star came to the museum to look for Team Zhuo? Of course, which female celebrity you ask is Cheng Xingfei? I heard from the director that Cheng Xingfei is very satisfied with Team Zhuo. He dug to be his own bodyguard? Will we be able to see the captain on TV in the future? Will he be able to meet many celebrities?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Zhuo Yi with red eyes.

It seems that Zhuo Yanwang is not going to be a bodyguard for a celebrity, but to debut as a celebrity.

Before Zhuo Yi left, he invited everyone in the team to have a big meal. The team members at the table were all drunk, and boldly tugged on the captain's sleeve to tell him to "Don't forget the riches and honors", how can they still look like ordinary quails.

Zhuo Yi hadn't even touched a drop of alcohol, and when the others were drunk, he just sat quietly by the side, with a cigarette between his fingertips, smoking it one after another.

When the quarrel was over and the show was over, Zhuo Yi took his wallet and went to pay the bill.

A clever little team member came up and said in a low voice: "Captain, captain, everyone said that they asked you to treat guests as a joke, and they didn't really intend to ask you to pay."

Dozens of young men in the team let go of drinking and eating meat, and there was a long list of bills. Zhuo Yi could pay for this money by himself. Everyone agreed in advance that the AA system would cost more than 100 yuan per person. afford it.

Who would have thought that Zhuo Yi directly pressed his wallet on the cash register, with a cigarette in his mouth, and said, "Okay, it's not easy for you bunch of brats to save some wives. I'll pay for it, don't worry about saving money for brother , do you know how much money I make a month when I become a bodyguard?"

Zhuo Yi compared a number.

The little team members were dumbfounded.

Zhuo Yi was calm and breezy.

Team member: With this money, let alone being a bodyguard for a female star, even if it is a bodyguard for the whole family of a female star.

The team member was really right, Cheng Xingfei hired Zhuo Yi with the intention of making him a bodyguard for his family.

On Zhuo Yi's first day on the job, he went to Fengyin Entertainment to sign the contract. He carefully read the terms of the five social insurances and one housing fund, and he was about to officially start working.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Xingfei took him home and gave him a difficult job

"Zhuo Yi, this is Hua Zhao, your duty is to protect her." Cheng Xingfei bit the word "protect" very hard.

It is said to be protection, but it is actually guarding in disguise. The little princess in the province didn't agree with each other, and went to the house again.

Ever since Hua Zhao ran away from home last time, Cheng Xingfei has never found a suitable opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with her. Fortunately, Hua Zhao has become a lot more honest recently, obediently staying at home and listening to Li An's class every day, and playing games with his ipad when he is not in class.

Cheng Xingfei felt that it would be easy for the child to suffer from problems if he was kept alone at home for a long time, so he simply sent Zhuo Yi over. Moreover, some modern common sense problems cannot be taught only through the Internet. Zhuo Yi can be a guest teacher and teach Hua Zhao modern common sense.

Who would have thought that both Zhuo Yi and Hua Zhao were not satisfied with this decision.

As soon as Hua Zhao saw Zhuo Yi, his hair exploded, and with a quick step, he ran behind Cheng Xingfei, shrunk himself to a small size, and at the same time took Cheng Xingfei's arm, and said aggrievedly: "Don't, don't, he, he He's so fierce, look at him, he's still staring at me."

Hua Zhao was suspicious, and leaned into Cheng Xingfei's ear and said, "This trickster knows my secret, so he must want to harm me."

She said bad things about people and didn't know how to avoid them, but Zhuo Yi overheard her.

Facing her unreasonable accusation, Zhuo Yi did not get angry, but asked to have a private talk with Cheng Xingfei.

So Cheng Xingfei could only leave Hua Zhao in the house temporarily, and went to the living room with Zhuo Yi to talk about things alone.

Zhuo Yi cut to the chase: "Miss Cheng, I remember that the contract says that I am here to be a bodyguard, not a nanny."

Cheng Xingfei: "" She was a little embarrassed, so she could only say, "You are also a bodyguard now, but I don't focus on business activities recently, and I don't need bodyguards much, so I temporarily transferred you to Hua Zhao's side."

She didn't expect that Hua Zhao and Zhuo Yi had only met once, and they would be so hostile, so she could only patiently persuade: "I know, Hua Zhao's character is a bit difficult to deal with, but"

Zhuo Yi interrupted her: "I didn't say no."

Cheng Xingfei: "Then what do you mean?"

Zhuo Yi: "I mean a salary increase."

Cheng Xingfei: "" She was about to laugh angrily, "Captain Zhuo, I remember that I paid you a very high salary, which is enough for me to hire ten nannies to take care of her."

Zhuo Yi was unmoved, and said flatly: "Serving the princess, of course you can; serving the princess' sickness, that's another price."

Cheng Xingfei: ""


It turned out that what Zhuo Yi wanted was not salary, but mental damage compensation.