The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 15: (one more)


uc News: Airport pick-up fans are too crazy, Cheng Xingfei fell down the stairs and fell into a coma

Gossip Forum: Damn, have you paid attention to Cheng Xingfei’s injury? Two ambulances newhot arrived at the scene

Hot post on Douban: Conspiracy theory, I just watched a video shot at the scene, and it is obvious that the selfie stick was aimed at Cheng Xingfei's head

Weibo netizen: It’s a bad show, but she just fell down the stairs and fell into a coma. The female star is too expensive

Zhihu Gaozan: How do you view Cheng Xingfei’s injury at the airport? Should the country introduce corresponding policies to guide fans’ behavior correctly

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Many people are already lying in bed, just surfing the Internet before going to bed, who would have thought that such a breaking news would make them sleepless

There were too many fans who were there to pick up the airport. Many people posted the video of the airport pick-up on the Internet, from various angles and different distances. Soon these videos triggered a second explosion.

A fan who was the closest, clearly took pictures of the accident.

At first, the camera shakes, and the owner of the phone can be heard screaming excitedly in the background noise. The camera has been following Cheng Xingfei, but unfortunately the bodyguard behind her is too tall, and often the camera is on the suit of the bodyguard in black.

The accident happened in an instant. A long selfie stick stretched out and hit Cheng Xingfei's brow bone directly. The sound of "boom" was so clear that it could be heard even through the lens, which is enough to prove that How much it will hurt. Cheng Xingfei was obviously stunned, her feet went limp, and her body tilted to one side, but there was a tall staircase next to her, and she just fell down in full view of everyone.

The accident happened so fast that no one could hold her in time except her bodyguards.

The bodyguard flew over and used his body as a cushion to help her absorb the impact, but it had little effect. In the end, Cheng Xingfei was still injured and passed out.

The video after that was too messy.

There are crowds running around in a hurry, brokers with livid faces, airport staff rushing over, and ambulances flashing red

Two ambulances came to the scene, and the agent signaled the bodyguard to go to the other one, but the bodyguard insisted on picking up Cheng Xingfei and boarded the same car as if he didn't hear it.

Her hand fell softly from his embrace, the fingertips were bloodless

The reporters and paparazzi who heard the news followed the ambulance to the hospital like a group of annoying flies.

The hospital security kept the paparazzi out of the door, but some people still tried their best to take advantage of the loopholes and sneak in to make "big news".

More and more reporters rushed over. They didn't even sleep, staring at pairs of red eyes, waving pens and papers and stationed outside the hospital.

Even if you can't interview Cheng Xingfei's manager, you can interview the doctors and nurses in the hospital. How is Cheng Xingfei doing? Whichever media can dig out her condition first will get more traffic.

The next morning, Cheng Xingfei woke up from the coma, and quickly fell back into a deep sleep.

At noon the next day, someone interviewed an anonymous nurse at the hospital. It was said that Cheng Xingfei's injuries were not serious, but because of knocking his head, the concussion was serious.

In the evening of the next day, a nurse said that Cheng Xingfei couldn't eat anything now, and would vomit whenever he ate, and couldn't get up from the bed because of the sequelae of the concussion.

On the morning of the third day, Cheng Xingfei posted a video on his Weibo account. This video was recorded for her by her agent. She was lying on the hospital bed, trying to smile in front of the camera, comforting fans and telling everyone not to worry. At the same time, she also thanked the friends who came to visit and the artists she worked with when she was injured, but she still needs to rest and cannot meet in person to thank her.

On the afternoon of the third day, Cheng Xingfei was discharged from the hospital.

She was wearing a wide dress, and when the wind blew, she was so light that she wanted to float away with the wind.

She was wearing a big hat, gauze covering her forehead, and her head was bowed from beginning to end, looking very bad.

The bodyguard was nowhere to be seen, only her manager, Ms. P, followed her every step of the way and accompanied her out of the hospital.

Seeing Cheng Xingfei walking out of the hospital gate, the paparazzi who had been resting under the shade of the trees, like dogs smelling meat, immediately jumped up and chased after him with long guns and short cannons.

"Xingfei Xingfei look here"

"Miss Cheng, how is your injury? Do you have anything to tell your fans?"

"Cheng Xingfei, it is said on the Internet that the person who hit you with a selfie stick is your black fan, will you hold him accountable?"

To these noisy voices, Cheng Xingfei didn't even give him a look.

The nanny's car was parked at the entrance of the hospital. Ms. P escorted her into the car, then turned to face the media.

Ms. P: "Thank you very much for your attention from the media colleagues. This incident was just an accident. Xingfei does not intend to hold anyone accountable, but we hope to use this incident as a wake-up call for everyone: Appropriate star chasing , Chasing stars rationally, we have never supported any offline pick-up and drop-off activities for fans. Large-scale gatherings can easily lead to safety accidents. This time, it was because a scalper leaked Xingfei’s flight number that the accident happened. Xingfei is not in good health and needs to rest, I am sorry that I cannot accept interviews with you."

After leaving this passage behind, Miss P turned around and got into the car, quickly closed the door, and blocked the paparazzi from the car window.

The nanny car drove out of the hospital slowly, and the media reporters exchanged views with each other.

"Are you chasing the car?"

"Stop chasing her. Just now her manager said that Cheng Xingfei won't accept interviews. What's the point of chasing her now? Are you chasing her?"

"Let's chase, my colleague has already gone to call a car. I squatted here for two days, but I haven't written any manuscripts. The editor-in-chief insists on tearing me up. Let's take two photos while chasing the car later to deal with the matter."

"Since Cheng Xingfei is injured, her future work must be postponed."

"It's okay to talk about other things, but she is the main coffee mentor at the starting line of actors. I heard that the investor named her name after her. It's impossible for her not to attend."

"The actor's starting line is not going to be recorded the day after tomorrow"

"That's right, and have you heard the news that a guest guest will be airborne on this show, making it mysterious. The program team released the news that it is not unusual for a legendary actor and actor to be a legend, but it is rare for a legend."

The nanny car drove out of the hospital, and most of the media reporters left where they were, but a small half of the media did not give up. They drove behind and insisted on taking a few more photos and making up a few more stories.

Fortunately, the nanny car is covered with anti-peep protection film, which is enough to protect the passengers.

Inside the car, "Cheng Xingfei" turned his head to look at the media behind him, his face full of impatience: "This group of people is really annoying, just ask, if you have any questions, they buzz like a swarm of flies."

She took off the hat on her head and tore off the gauze wrapped around her forehead. Her skin was smooth without any scars.

Miss P who was seated next to her sighed: "Thank you for today. Hua Zhao, without you, it would not be easy for Xingfei to leave the hospital smoothly."

It turns out that the "Cheng Xingfei" who appeared in front of the media just now is not the real deity, but the princess pretending to be Cheng Xingfei

Ever since Cheng Xingfei was injured, the media did everything they could to find out about her. Some paparazzi even bribed the hospital's account and sneaked through Xingfei's ward just to get first-hand information.

The doctor said that Cheng Xingfei had a concussion and needed to rest in bed. But being annoyed by these flies, how can I rest

In order to distract the media reporters, Hua Zhao volunteered to sing the oboe, and acted in this big drama of Li Daitao stiff with sister P.

Anyway, she and Cheng Xingfei look exactly the same, as long as she doesn't speak, even if the reporter puts the camera in front of her, they won't be able to tell the difference.

When Sister P accompanied Hua Zhao to "discharge with a high profile", the real Cheng Xingfei had already quietly left through the back door accompanied by Zhuo Yi, and should have arrived home by now.

Hua Zhao waved his hand nonchalantly: "Thank you so much, I'm very happy to help Xingfei, but can't I really get out of the car and beat them up? These paparazzi are really annoying, I feel like they want Xingfei fall harder"

Sister P hurriedly grabbed her back: "Okay, my little ancestor Xingfei suffered a concussion yesterday, and today he beat the paparazzi with one-on-ten. How do you think the media will write about the fall, and he has shown kung fu."

Hua Zhao sticks out her tongue, and doesn't mention the beating anymore.

The driver turned around several times on the road, finally got rid of those annoying reporters, and then drove the car towards Cheng Xingfei's house.

As soon as he entered the house, Hua Zhao threw off his shoes, didn't even bother to put on slippers, and rushed into the bedroom with bare feet.

In the bedroom, the fragrance of medicine is lingering.

Cheng Xingfei lay wearily on the big bed, his lips were bloodless. A piece of her forehead hair was cut off, and a wound about five centimeters long lingered there, which still looked shocking after it was stitched up.

The hair around the wound was stained with blood, but the wound could not be washed with water, so Zhuo Yi brought a small basin of warm water, dipped a cloth in the water, and carefully wiped the blood on her hair.

"Xingfei" Hua Zhao was in a panic, like an anxious cat, he flew to Cheng Xingfei's bed and held her hand, "Xingfei Xingfei Xingfei"

She screamed aloud, but she couldn't tell how ugly she was, her eyes turned red first.

The little princess was spoiled and spoiled, and her oily skin has never been scratched since she was a child. Now that she sees her best friend suffering such a serious injury, her heart aches to the point of tears.

She wanted to reach out and touch the wound on Cheng Xingfei's forehead, but she was afraid of hurting her, so she withdrew her hand hastily.

"Are you in pain?" Hua Zhao said softly, "Let me show you."

"It doesn't hurt anymore, but I'm still a little dizzy." Cheng Xingfei gestured a small distance with his fingers, expressing that he wasn't too uncomfortable. Then he turned to tease her, "I, who was hurt, haven't shed tears yet, but you dropped the golden beans first."

The little princess snorted her eyes with the back of her hand, and they were indeed shiny and moist.

She turned the gun, looked at Zhuo Yi next to her angrily, and fired loudly: "Zhuo Yi, I sent you to protect Xing Fei, this is how you protect me, I will punish you from the nine clans, believe it or not?"

Zhuo Yi was silent: ""

He didn't defend himself, but the movement of wiping the blood with his hand became more and more gentle.

Cheng Xingfei hurriedly explained: "This matter has nothing to do with Zhuo Yi. It happened so suddenly that he didn't expect it. Besides, he also injured his arm in order to protect me."

Only then did Hua Zhao realize that Zhuo Yi's shoulder was covered with a thick bandage, which must have been sprained when he stretched out his hand to hold onto the railing.

Hua Zhao pouted, and decided not to punish his nine clans for the sake of his loyalty to protect the lord.

Cheng Xingfei still needed to rest, she only chatted with Hua Zhao for a while, and then she fell into a daze.

Cheng Xingfei slept the whole afternoon as soon as he fell asleep, woke up at night and drank half a bowl of vegetable and egg porridge, but he vomited up after a while.

Ms. P hurriedly called the hospital. The doctor said that the sequelae of the concussion would be dizziness and vomiting, so she had to rest and wait for recovery.

As for how long you need to rest

Well, it all depends on the individual's physique. Some patients can be alive and kicking in two days, and some patients may lie in bed for half a month and still have sequelae.

Even with his illness, Cheng Xingfei's first thought was still work: "Miss P, I won't be able to continue my work for a while, please help me contact the media and partners, and apologize to them."

It's just that some jobs can be pushed, but some jobs can't be pushed.

Miss P frowned: "Other jobs are easy to talk about, but the actor's starting line is a big problem."

Hua Zhao asked curiously: "Is it so hard to be an actor at the starting line of an actor, and there is still a race?"

She thought the actor's starting line was a competitive sports variety show.

"No, this is a variety show that competes in acting skills." Sister P patiently explained to her, "All the contestants participating in the show are students in the acting department of various universities, and the instructors are famous in the entertainment circle for their acting skills powerful actors and big-name directors."

Now similar variety shows are emerging in the market one after another, and the instructors are all big names with bright stars.

As soon as the lineup of mentors was announced at the starting line of actors, it sparked extensive discussions among the audience, because Cheng Xingfei was the one standing in the c position on the poster

Although Cheng Xingfei has gained a lot of attention with Princess Hua Zhao and her acting skills have been well received, but she is only twenty years old after all, how can she be ranked first among the three mentors hired by the show

In fact, this is a tripartite contract made by the program group, the commercial sponsor, and Cheng Xingfei's agency.

Cheng Xingfei endorsed the advertiser's product, and the advertiser invested in this program, and this program chose Cheng Xingfei as c mentor

The combination of the three is indispensable.

The day after tomorrow, this program will usher in the first recording session. As the chief instructor, Cheng Xingfei must not be absent

However, with Cheng Xingfei's current physical condition, it is difficult for her to even walk, how could she stay in the stuffy studio for a whole day

However, the TV station can't let Cheng Xingfei postpone the schedule of the entire program just for Cheng Xingfei alone.

Miss P frowned, very embarrassed.

Cheng Xingfei had a guilty expression on his face, blaming himself endlessly.

Although Zhuo Yi didn't speak, he obviously disapproved of Cheng Xingfei's going to record the show.

Hua Zhao looked at this and then that, blinked, and suddenly said, "What's the trouble? Isn't it just recording a variety show? I'll go instead of Xingfei, isn't that all right?"