The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 28


A hostage change requires several steps

The first step, Hua Zhao walked over.

In the second step, the pregnant woman comes down from the railing.

In the third step, the two exchange.

Under the watchful eyes of all the onlookers, the pregnant woman tremblingly climbed down from the railing. She was already a month old, and she had endured such mental torture. She was already at the end of her strength. on the ground.

Hua Zhao quickly supported her: "Sister, you are heavy, be careful."

The pregnant woman was drenched in sweat, her lips were trembling, she held Hua Zhao's wrist tightly, and kept saying sorry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my old Hu and me." She couldn't express her words, and tears were about to fall.

But what she can apologize for is not the one who made the mistake.

"Taking care of yourself is the most important thing." Hua Zhao smiled at her reassuringly.

"Stop talking nonsense, both of you!" Lao Hu yelled impatiently, interrupting their conversation, he forcefully pulled his wife up from the ground, and pushed her out again, "Come on, Go and wait for me to get the money, I will take you and my baby back to my hometown, build a three-story building, and eat delicious food and drink spicy food every day.”

But he didn't want to think about it, he forced people to jump off a building and tied a bomb in public, how could he really get the money and leave in a big way

Hua Zhao has never seen anyone more stupid than him.

The nearly collapsed pregnant woman was helped away by other female staff members. The ambulance had not arrived yet, and her condition did not look good.

Hua Zhao faced the crazy old Hu alone, and Lao Hu thought that he would see fear, fear, and regret from that pretty face, but unexpectedly, Hua Zhao showed extraordinarily calm.

The girl Tingting stood opposite him, her gaze swept over the knife in his right hand and the lighter in his left. She has seen something like a lighter before, it is more than a hundred times easier to use than flint and steel, as long as the mechanism is lightly pressed, even a three-year-old child can easily attract flames.

She suddenly said: "You have to be careful, if you accidentally fire, the earth cannon on your body will blow you up before you get the money."

Lao Hu licked his lips: "It's okay, even if I die, I will be buried with a beautiful female star like you, even if I meet Lord Yan, I will be proud. Maybe tomorrow's newspaper headlines will be the two of us. I can't sleep so beautifully while I'm alive." A woman, it’s not a loss to marry a ghost after death.”

It's fucking disgusting.

When these words spread to the ears of the surrounding people, the expressions of Sullen Xiu and Zhuo Yi instantly became extremely ugly.

Shen Yuxiu was completely disgusted by the other party's brazen words. He hadn't fought with anyone for a long time, but now, he was eager to use his fists to teach the other party an unforgettable lesson.

But Zhuo Yi's starting point was completely different - he was worried that Her Royal Highness would not be able to leave a whole body for the other party.

In ancient times, what was the crime of offending the emperor’s relatives? Cutting the capital at the Meridian Gate was a minor crime.

This is a society ruled by law, I hope Her Royal Highness will be more rational, and never send the other party back to the west

Although Lao Hu talked cheaply, he didn't relax his vigilance just because he saw a beautiful woman. He held a lighter in his left hand and pointed it at the cannon letter on his body, which could be lit at any time; Hua Zhao.

The customers in the shopping mall have all been evacuated, and the fire alarm rushed to the inflatable cushions in the patio on the second basement floor to prevent the tragedy from happening. The police also came in a hurry with negotiators, but when they reached the second floor, they were confused by the scene in front of them.

What's the matter? When they received the alarm, they said that the kidnappers threatened their pregnant wife to jump off the building. How could the hostage become a popular female star

As soon as the police appeared, Lao Hu's mood became obviously more agitated. He kept yelling and cursing, pouring out swear words like a man-shaped manure sprayer: "You guys are really fucking liars, and you actually fucking called the police and said yes!" Give me money, I want money"

The manager of the shopping mall was sweating profusely: "Old Hu, don't get excited, the police comrades are here to understand the situation, we have already taken the money, you calm down, you"

But how can a lunatic listen to persuasion

He had nowhere to go, he frantically waved the knife in his hand, and rushed towards Hua Zhao with the sinister intention of dragging people into the water even if he couldn't escape

"You forced me to do this," he yelled, stabbing Hua Zhao's body with a knife, "Princess, you and I will die together."


"don't want"


Everyone was screaming, they were worried that the sharp knife would stab the delicate flower—but Hua Zhao turned his head to the side and dodged the knife

Lao Hu lost his center of gravity, and his body couldn't stop rushing forward. The girl directly grabbed his wrist and twisted it hard. Lao Hu let out a cry of pain, and the knife fell out of his hand.

At the same time, the girl kicked up, and the slender and long heel of the high-heeled shoe hit Old Wu's legs accurately.


Old Hu didn't even have the strength to cry out in pain, severe pain came from his lower body, and the long heel was like an awl, he even suspected that he was directly crippled by this kick

After one kick, there's a second kick, a third kick

His eyes were wide open, the veins on his forehead twitched, and his eyes turned black. The next second, he knelt down on the ground with his hands covered, and his whole body bowed into a dead shrimp.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts

Lao Hu fell to the ground, twitching in pain, while the girl stood there with her arms crossed, looking down at him, and the high heels on her feet turned into the cruelest weapon in the world.

Hua Zhao sneered and said, "You actually forced your own wife to die, so don't be a man."

The originally noisy environment fell silent, and all the men present involuntarily gasped, as if feeling the sour pain.

Looking at the girl in front of them, they doubted whether the gentle and lovely female star they saw on TV was really her.

This personality contrast is too great, isn't it? Facing the attack of the knife-wielding gangster, he is not afraid of danger, and can accurately fight back. So, are there really two people on and off the stage

Among all the people present, only Shen Yuxiu and Zhuo Yi were the calmest.

Zhuo Yi had long been familiar with Hua Zhao's character, and it was not easy for that gangster to survive under her hands for three seconds.

As for Shen Yuxiu - he has been pointed at by her with a sword before, and he will never treat her as a weak and weak girl.

Seeing that a crisis was successfully dealt with, Hua Zhao clapped his hands and turned to leave triumphantly.

It would be a waste to give him an extra look for his defeated opponent.

However, the moment Hua Zhao just turned around, the gangster who was lying on the ground suddenly struggled to raise his head, his eyes were full of madness. Frustration, hatred, pain and all kinds of extreme emotions surged up, directly destroying his reason

He stared fiercely at Hua Zhao's back, holding the lighter tightly in his left hand, the flame burst out, instantly igniting the fuse tied to his body

Hua Zhao didn't know what happened behind her, she only noticed that the expressions of all the people in front of her turned very bad in an instant

She froze: "What happened?"

Before Hua Zhao could finish his sentence, Shen Yuxiu suddenly rushed towards her. He grabbed Hua Zhao's hand and pulled her towards him.

"He ignited the fuse." He looked serious, "Hurry up and find a place to hide."

Hua Zhao's whole body trembled, at this moment she couldn't care about the grievances between herself and Shen Yuxiu, she immediately ran up, but she forgot that she was still wearing high heels, she made a mistake in her busy schedule, sprained her foot, and fell directly to the side .

Shen Yuxiu reflexively grabbed her waist, hugged her into his arms, and then used himself as a shield to push her directly to a corner

Hua Zhao was caught off guard and slammed into the man's chest. There is a wall behind her, and the man's body in front of her. The space left for her is extremely narrow, so small that she can clearly smell the men's perfume on Sullen Xio's shirt. It was a transparent water vapor feeling, like sinking into a bottomless ocean.

She looked up subconsciously, just in time to break into his eyes, it was the first time she met those azure blue eyes at such a close distance.

She saw her own reflection in his eyes.

At this moment, Hua Zhao couldn't explain why, but she immediately lowered her head to avoid his gaze.

Time passed bit by bit.

One second, two seconds.

One point, two points.

Hua Zhao: ""

Shen Yuxiu: ""

Hua Zhao, who kept shrinking his neck and waiting for the explosion: "It didn't explode"

Shen Yuxiu, who has been protecting Hua Zhao in a wall-dong posture, said, "It seems not."

Hua Zhao carefully poked his head out from under the arm of Shen Yuxiu: "It's a squib."

Shen Yuxiu also looked back: "Indeed."

Hi, this is so embarrassing.

Hua Zhao immediately pushed Shen Yuxiu away, jumping aside as if frightened. Shen Yuxiu coughed twice, walked to another corner with a straight face.

I repeat, it's so, embarrassing, embarrassing,

Why on earth did she accept Shen Yuxiu's help

Over there, Zhuo Yi had already rushed to the assailant's side quickly, and took off his shoulders with two clicks.

Only then did the police react, they rushed forward, locked up the wailing gangster, and sent bomb disposal experts to carefully dismantle the soil bomb on him.

The expert took the row of soil bombs and carefully examined them: "The filling inside is damp and cannot be blown up."

Everyone: ""

The expert added: "Even if it can be blown up, its power is at best a second-hander."

Everyone: ""

Expert: "It's impossible to blow up people to death. If you're lucky, you can blow him up to a hemiplegia."

Everyone: ""

A farce started vigorously and ended embarrassingly. Fortunately, there were no accidents. The police escorted the suspect to leave. Before leaving, the policeman gave Zhuo Yi a thumbs up, praising him for his skillful movement of lifting people's shoulders.

The pregnant woman had already been taken away by the ambulance ahead of time. She had suffered so many things today, her tire was gasping, and she had to be sent to the hospital for surgery immediately. It was just pity that she and her child had to be with such a man.

Zhuo Yi walked up to Hua Zhao who was still in shock, and said in a serious tone: "Your Highness, the next time you encounter this kind of thing, don't think that just kicking him is enough. You must remember to remove his arms to save him Then fight back when you die."

Hua Zhao accepts the teachings with an open mind. She really lacks actual combat experience. She used to learn boxing from the instructors in the palace, and she only went to the point. No. After the first round, she will know, first remove the opponent's arms and legs, and see what else he can do

Sullen Xio who heard their conversation next to him: ""

Why did he suddenly feel a little cold

The incident has subsided, so there is no need to stay here any longer.

Shi Ge followed Shen Yuxiu every step of the way, and forcefully asked him to go home and rest.

Zhuo Yi said to Hua Zhao: "Princess, it's time to go back. Don't forget that there are still people waiting for you at home."

When Hua Zhao thought about going home, her scalp felt numb all of a sudden—she saw the pregnant woman being hijacked, so she rushed forward without even thinking about it. She caused such a big fight as Cheng Xingfei, so the hot searches must be going viral again.

After returning home, I will definitely face the double nagging of Xingfei and Miss P

Thinking of this, Hua Zhao's footsteps became extremely heavy.

She passed by Shen Yuxiu, and Shen Yuxiu suddenly called her: "Miss Cheng, why did your bodyguard call you a princess?"

He thought it was wrong before: Generally, bodyguards would use "boss", "brother x" and "sister x" to refer to the artists they protect. Why did the bodyguards around Cheng Xingfei call her the princess several times

Is it because she acted in a TV show

It was too strange.

It was only then that Zhuo Yi realized that he had been quick-mouthed for a while, and actually called Hua Zhao the princess in front of outsiders.

However, Hua Zhao's psychological quality is strong, and after only a short moment of panic, he immediately found an excuse.

"What's wrong with calling me a princess? Am I so good-looking that I can't be called a princess?" Hua Zhaoli asked bluntly, "Besides, they still call you the movie king. Are you really the emperor?"

"" Shen Yuxiu was speechless when asked.

Could it be that he is really overwhelmed

The news that "Cheng Xingfei" risked himself in the shopping mall and replaced the hostage with himself spread throughout the Internet at the fastest speed.

Although the mall was later cleared and all customers were evacuated, the first half of the incident was still watched by countless pairs of eyes. Many people recorded the incident with their mobile phones and quickly posted it on the Internet.

Since its establishment, this shopping center has been advertised as "high-end" and "luxury", which discourages many ordinary customers. Such a bad incident happened in such a shopping mall, and even involved two well-known celebrities. With the combination of many factors, the hot search exploded again

"It seems that the honest people are in a hurry. The wages of ordinary security personnel are withheld. The capitalists are really black-hearted."

"It's too miserable for that pregnant woman to marry such a man, hurry up and get divorced."

"It's really not about Cheng Xingfei and Shen Yuxiu who are filming a movie, or the two of them are cooperating to hype why the recent hot searches are all about them. They really don't want to turn on the phone and it's about these two actors."

"Hype, I'll strap a bunch of bombs on you, and you mention the hype to me, can the keyboard man shut up?"

"My brother went to the vossoe flagship store to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony today. I really admire my brother's courage for being able to stand up for such a bad thing."

"I feel sorry for my family, Xingfei, which girl can have such courage, but I hope my sister will still put her own safety first."

After Hua Zhao returned home, she thought that a violent storm was coming.

Unexpectedly, there was no violent storm at all, only pear blossoms with rain.

Cheng Xingfei had tears in his eyes, when he saw Hua Zhao came home, he immediately went up to meet her, took her hand and looked around, for fear that she might break a little oily skin.

"Why are you so stupid?" Cheng Xingfei was in a hurry, "Even if you have superb martial arts skills, but that person has a bomb on him, you are not afraid of the bomb going off and hurting you."

Hua Zhao touched her nose guiltily, and said in a low voice, "I didn't think so much at the time." She raised her voice again, trying to cover up, "Besides, the police have already said that those soil bombs on his body are squibs. It's just two kicks"

"I'm not afraid of kicking twice." Cheng Xingfei was so angry that he kicked her calf while wearing slippers, "I'll give you two jios first, to see if you're afraid."

"Grandma, please forgive me"

Two young girls who looked exactly the same were chasing each other in the room, throwing pillows and flipping slippers, which felt like a cat-dog fight.

With Cheng Xingfei's physical strength, he definitely can't catch up with Hua Zhao.

But in order to make her vent her anger, Hua Zhao pretended to trip and fell on the sofa on purpose. Cheng Xingfei immediately rushed over and pressed her on the sofa with all four limbs, first tickling her, and then pinching the tender flesh on her cheeks Turn left and turn right, hold until it turns red before letting go.

Hua Zhao was in pain and itching, her cheeks were pinched and swollen, and her mouth leaked air when she spoke.

Hua Zhao looked at herself in the mirror aggrieved, and complained without tears: "Disfigured, disfigured, now disfigured"

Cheng Xingfei was so angry that he said harshly, "It's better if you disfigure your face. It's best to break your legs so that you can't go out every day at home, otherwise I will be scared to death by you, a little scumbag, sooner or later."

Hua Zhao hurriedly took her arm and said something nice, and then persuaded Cheng Xingfei to cry back. At the same time, she swore a poisonous oath, promising that she would "think twice" before "drawing out her sword to help" when encountering such "uneven roads" in the future, and absolutely put her own safety first.

Two days later, the president of the shopping mall personally called Cheng Xingfei to thank her for her enthusiastic performance in this incident, and at the same time hoped to invite her to be the image spokesperson of their shopping group in the entire Asian region.

This shopping group is jointly invested by Hong Kong Island and the capital. It has built a total of five shopping malls in China. The annual turnover of each store exceeds 10 billion. It plans to land in Japan, South Korea and Singapore next year.

As an important part of their promotional strategy, the mall's executives have been looking for a spokesperson. There are many people competing for the title of this spokesperson, not only well-known traffic stars, but also award-winning actor and actress, but the company's top management has yet to decide.

Until this accident happened, the senior management of the group noticed the brave performance of "Cheng Xingfei" in saving lives, and was very satisfied with her, hoping to deepen cooperation with her.

Cheng Xingfei got this job because of Hua Zhao's influence. Although the endorsement fee is not very high, it is very powerful for Cheng Xingfei's personal worth.

After signing the contract, Cheng Xingfei prepared a substantial gift for Hua Zhao in order to express his gratitude.

That night, Cheng Xingfei walked into Hua Zhao's room with a beautifully wrapped gift box.

Hua Zhao is watching a Korean drama. On the screen, Ouba is terminally ill. Before he dies, he just wants to see his lover again.

The heroine on the screen was crying with tears all over her face, while Hua Zhao off-screen was crying with tears all over her face.

Seeing Cheng Xingfei walk into the bedroom, Hua Zhao hurriedly paused the series, blew his nose hard, and then looked at Cheng Xingfei with a pair of red rabbit eyes.

Sometimes Cheng Xingfei thinks she's horribly naughty, and sometimes she thinks she's childish and cute.

Hua Zhao noticed the big box in Xingfei's hand at a glance. The box looked big and heavy, wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper and tied with a big bow.

She asked curiously: "Xingfei, what are you holding in your hand?"

Cheng Xingfei pulled up her nightgown and sat beside her bed: "This is a gift for you."

"Gift" Hua Zhao couldn't wait to take the box, turned it upside down, and it was quite heavy, "Why did you give me a gift?"

Cheng Xingfei: "To thank you, thanks to you, I can become the spokesperson of the shopping group. In the future, my advertisements will not only spread all over the streets of China, but even appear in Japan, Korea, and Singapore."

What a step forward for an artist.

She knew that if she continued to give Hua Zhao money, Hua Zhao would definitely not want it, so she prepared a great gift for her.

Hua Zhao is really happy for her good friend who has achieved such a great achievement in her career: "Hey, I said it a long time ago, the relationship between us doesn't need to be so clear."

"Then I took the gift back"

"Don't!" Hua Zhao hurriedly hugged the gift box tightly, "I've already given it away, so there's no one to take it back."

Cheng Xingfei suppressed a smile: "Then quickly take it apart and have a look - you absolutely like this set of presents."

"You're so sure." Hua Zhao didn't believe it. "I like a lot of things. If you only packed a few packs of snacks in such a heavy box, I'd be upset."

Cheng Xingfei: "Of course I won't fool you with snacks. In order to buy this gift, I went to the shopping mall to ask SA, and I said I forgot what I saw last time, and asked SA to show me from beginning to end again. "

As Cheng Xingfei continued, Hua Zhao's eyes widened until later, Hua Zhao's small face became "colorful".

Shaking her hands, she quickly opened the tightly wrapped gift box——

——In the gift box, there is a set of three-piece jewelry lying quietly, with gold wire threading, hollow inlays, and emeralds. The whole set of jewelry is under the lamp, exuding a temperament between elegance and nouveau riche.

Hua Zhao: ""

Cheng Xingfei said softly, "Sa said that you really like this set of 5,888,888 yuan jewelry. It just so happens that the endorsement fee is about the same as this one, so I bought it."

Hua Zhao: ""

Cheng Xingfei: "Why don't you talk, are you so happy?"

Hua Zhao turned her head stiffly, forcing out a smile, with tears in her eyes: "Xing Fei, thank you, I really like it so much."

She remembered reading a short story when she first learned simplified Chinese, which seemed to have the same plot as this one.

It's a gift from Peggy, no, it's a gift from Maggie.

Why don't she write a novel as well, and call it Hua Zhao's gift.