The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 35


Hua Zhao became more and more courageous as she was frustrated. At first, "looking for a job" was just a means for her to relieve her loneliness. In modern society, we can no longer find our foothold

Regarding her decision, Cheng Xingfei naturally agreed with both hands and feet.

It is true that with Cheng Xingfei’s income, Hua Zhao can be raised for ten lifetimes, but now Hua Zhao is no longer the Princess Her Royal Highness who was confined to the harem. After she travels here, she has witnessed the prosperity of modern society. In this era, become a member of this grand scene.

Cheng Xingfei is rich and well-connected, and whenever Hua Zhao's little head has a whimsical idea, Cheng Xingfei tries his best to help her realize it.

It's just that Hua Zhao has been hit twice in succession, and now there is nothing in his little head, he just wants to escape back to Taoyuan Township temporarily, to soothe his wounded heart.

And Hua Zhao's Taoyuan Township is nothing else—it is a game.

That night, Hua Zhao logged into the game, intending to eat a handful of chickens in a single row to let off steam.

It was also a coincidence that as soon as she went online, she received an invitation to form a team from "Little Fairy Keke".

Hua Zhaoshou quickly agreed.

Little Fairy Keke: Sister Xingfei, long time no see, you too, s. too, why haven’t you two been online recently

Playboy: I am not Cheng Xingfei.

Ke Ke Little Fairy: Oh, you are the power leveling brother

Playboy: Playboy: Can't be a power leveling fairy

Ke Ke Little Fairy: You are a little fairy, you don't look like a fairy.

Ke Ke Little Fairy: Naughty

Hua Zhao: ""

If she hadn't known that "Little Fairy Ke Ke" was the young idol king she had met before, she would never have believed that a man would act like a baby online.

Both of them have good technical skills. They have played in duo a few times, and they have had a lot of fun.

They chatted aimlessly while playing games. Wang Yike is a singer and dancer. Recently, he is busy recording a new album. When he is happy playing games, he will hum a new song on the channel.

The two are similar in age and temperament, so naturally there are endless topics to talk about.

Hua Zhao thought, if she wants to find a job, does Wang Yike have any good suggestions

Ke Ke Little Fairy: Brother power leveling, do you want to find a job

Ke Ke Little Fairy: Don't you want to be a trainer

Playboy: Playing games is fun, but where is work interesting

Little Fairy Ke Ke: If you can say such a thing, you can tell that you have never worked.

Who would think that work is more interesting than play

Little Fairy Ke Ke: Then what kind of work do you want to do

Playboy: I wanted to be a game anchor before, but it didn’t improve for a while. Some viewers said that I used cheating, and I couldn’t help but confront him, so someone reported and blocked the live broadcast room.

Playboy: The Hunk Cries.jpg

Ke Ke Little Fairy:

Playboy: I think being an online writer makes a lot of money, so I tried to write a novel, but it turned out to be some nonsense. In the end, I had to let a meteorite fall from the sky and kill all the characters.

Playboy: The Hunk Cries Again.jpg Ke Ke Little Fairy:

Wang Yike thought, this power leveling brother is really a male classmate with a story.

Wang Yike is very warm-hearted, the two of them played so many games, in Wang Yike's heart they are considered friends. When a friend is in trouble, of course he has to take the initiative to help

Little Fairy Keke: Looking for a job, of course you can't just throw a hammer here and there.

Little Fairy Ke Ke: I still have to start with the things I am interested in and good at.

Little Fairy Keke: Look at me, I have loved dancing and singing since I was a child, so I signed up as a trainee when I was fourteen, and made my debut in an audition when I was seventeen.

Little Fairy Keke: What about you

Playboy: I do the same thing. I like to play games, so I will be a game anchor. I like to read novels, so I will write novels. This path does not work.

Ke Ke Little Fairy: If you fail twice, you say it won’t work. You didn’t get chicken twice, why didn’t you say you would never play games again

Little Fairy Ke Ke: You can’t just like these two things, open your mind, look at those Internet celebrities who like to dance, they teach people to dance live; those who like to dress up, share their daily collocation; like to eat Yes, then go to be a food broadcaster.

Little Fairy Keke: A lot of work is right under your nose, but you didn't notice it.

"I just didn't notice"

Hua Zhao looked at the words on the screen and muttered to himself.

A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her mind, she thanked Wang Yeke and hurriedly went offline.

Wang Yike was caught off guard by her sudden disappearance, and he was so angry that he yelled in the channel: "Damn, big brother, you will be offline as soon as you say, our two groups of jealous literature will be the fastest to send out the team!" Well, you are trying to trick me to death."

Hua Zhao didn't care what he was talking about.

After downloading the game, she hurried back to the bedroom, rummaged through the box, and finally found a beautifully crafted dark red square box deep in the closet.

She took a deep breath, and slowly opened the box—on the flannel, lay a luxurious jewelry suit worth nearly six million.

Under the warm light in the room, the beautiful jade in the middle of the necklace reflects a quiet light. In the eyes of laymen, this set of jewelry is synonymous with luxury and elegance, but in the eyes of Hua Zhao, who is used to seeing royal treasures, he can pick out seven or eight flaws.

Hua Zhao lived in rich clothes and fine food since she was a child, and received the influence of royal art since she was a child. She has seen the most exquisite jewelry craftsmanship in the world, and her existence is a walking royal jewelry textbook.

Hua Zhao took out the jewelry from the box and put it on her neck, ears, and wrists. She took a selfie in the mirror, and the girl in the mirror was beautiful and dignified.

Such a set of jewelry is priced at 5.88 million. Hua Zhao knew that the prices of these gems and precious metals were far below this figure.

For the 5.88 million miles, what percentage of the gemstone cost is the production cost, what percentage is the brand premium, what percentage is the design cost, and what percentage is it

In the Hua Dynasty, a poor jewelry craftsman would be beheaded, but a jewelry craftsman with superb aesthetics would be favored, and the nobles would never be stingy with rewards.

There was once a craftsman who was rewarded with a house in the capital for making a nobile "with a phoenix."

Thinking of this, Hua Zhao looked up at the house she and Cheng Xingfei lived in now.

She frowned and set a small goal.

Vessoe brand Huaguo headquarters.

Today is the quarterly departmental meeting of the marketing department. The long conference table is full of people, and the marketing director of Vessoe Huaguo is at the top.

On the big screen, a manager is explaining the sales situation of this quarter to the attendees.

"According to the data, since the official announcement that Shen Yingdi became the spokesperson, the overall sales in Huaguo District have increased significantly, especially Shen Yuxiu's same style of clothes, bags, and accessories have been in short supply."

"Of course, women's clothing, women's bags, and women's shoes are the fastest growing, and the growth rate far exceeds that of men's clothing."

"Besides that"

The people on the stage talked eloquently, but his words were quickly interrupted by the director.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment." The director frowned at the icon on the screen, tapped his finger on the table, and signaled the speaker to return the ppt to the previous page, "Why is there no growth rate in jewelry category sales in this data, also lowered”

As a blue blood luxury product, vossoe involves many categories, and clothes, shoes and bags are just one of them. Vossoe also has matching cosmetics and perfume brands, as well as various household products - from a silver brooch to a full set of silk bed sheets, providing customers with the best products in all directions.

In all categories, handbags and jewelry are always the ones that make the most money.

But now the data displayed on the ppt is not like this - the sales of women's bags are top notch, but jewelry is crawling slowly like a turtle

"Who can give me an explanation?" The director frowned and looked at the few employees at the table.

Under his gaze, someone finally stood up bravely.

"Director, it's like this." The employee braved up and said, "The jewelry designer of the brand was appointed at the beginning of the year. His design style is very suitable for the preferences of customers in European countries, but in the eyes of domestic customers, it seems too It’s more abstract and bolder.”

The director nodded and motioned for her to continue.

Employee: "I have done a customer portrait analysis before. The jewelry buyers of our brand are generally well-educated and aggressive professional women. The few jewelry products launched now cannot meet their needs, so the willingness to buy is not strong. .”

"So," the director raised his eyebrows, "You mean that the jewelry can't be sold because the design is too ugly and customers don't buy it."


The scalps of the employees below are about to explode——whether the director should be so honest

But there is one thing to say, the jewelry made by the new designer is really ugly. It feels like they are piling up elements, such as diamonds, platinum, and pearls. They are piled up crazy, and when worn on the body, they are really nouveau riche.

The director said: "I will report this matter to the headquarters. The aesthetics of European designers is unacceptable in China, and the higher authorities attach great importance to the Huaguo market, and will definitely appoint a new design director. The problem is that the appointment process will definitely be very long. The results won’t be until early next year. The last quarter of the year is left, are we going to sit back and watch jewelry sales keep dropping?”

As soon as the director's words came out, there was a buzz of discussion in the conference room.

The people who can sit here are the core personnel of the marketing department. With high wages, they naturally don't eat rice.

For brands like vossoe, discounts cannot save the decline in jewelry sales. Only new designs can arouse customers' willingness to buy.

Someone suggested: "How about holding a design competition to attract attention first?"

"This proposal is good. If the headquarters sends a design director who doesn't understand the domestic market next year, what should we do with Huaguo people's jewelry? Naturally, Huaguo people should design it themselves. Let's hold a jewelry design competition and recruit excellent designers."

"If this competition is only for the industry, then the attention is probably not high."

"Then expand the scope of participants. It is divided into two groups. One is the professional group, which can only be recommended by designers in the industry or colleges; Is anyone coming?"

Everyone started a brainstorming session, and after a while, the matter was almost settled. The secretary next to him was flying with his fingers, taking down the minutes of the meeting, and after the meeting was over, he would organize it into a file and send it to everyone in the marketing department.

Listening to everyone's discussion, the director nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, let's do it like this." The director made a final decision, "Don't forget that Shen Yuxiu is our spokesperson, and we can also get his name out by doing this event. Just say that Shen Yuxiu will be one of the judges of the new team. One, the award will be presented to the winners in person.”